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T cell hybridomas reactive with the acetylcholine receptor and its subunits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A panel of thirty cloned rat-mouse T cell hybridomas was prepared by fusion of acetylcholine receptor (AChR)-reactive rat T cells with the mouse thymoma BW5147. The T cell hybrids were demonstrated to be AChR reactive by their ability to secrete IL 2 in response to either AChR itself or by purified AChR subunits (alpha,beta,gamma, or delta). Various patterns of AChR subunit reactivity were observed, suggesting a predominant recognition of the alpha subunit, and also a considerable cross-reactivity from one subunit to another.  相似文献   

J Kappler  R Kubo  K Haskins  J White  P Marrack 《Cell》1983,34(3):727-737
The receptors for antigen plus a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene product on a T cell hybridoma specific for ovalbumin plus a Class II MHC product were compared with those on another T cell hybridoma, specific for a Class I MHC product. In each case receptor material was identified by a clone-specific monoclonal antibody. The two receptors proved to have very similar gross structures, being 70-85 kd proteins, and reducing to an acidic alpha-chain and a slightly basic beta-chain, each 40-43 kd. The charge of both the acidic and basic polypeptides varied between the two receptors studied, showing that variable amino acid sequences occur in both chains.  相似文献   

Homomeric P2X3 receptors are present in sensory ganglia and participate in pain perception. Amino acid (AA) residues were replaced in the four supposed nucleotide binding segments (NBSs) of the human (h) P2X3 receptor by alanine, and these mutants were expressed in HEK293 cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes. Patch clamp and two-electrode voltage clamp measurements as well as the Ca(2+) imaging technique were used to compare the concentration-response curves of the selective P2X1,3 agonist α,β-methylene ATP obtained at the wild-type P2X3 receptor and its NBS mutants. Within these NBSs, certain Gly (Gly-66), Lys (Lys-63, Lys-176, Lys-284, Lys-299), Asn (Asn-177, Asn-279), Arg (Arg-281, Arg-295), and Thr (Thr-172) residues were of great importance for a full agonist response. However, the replacement of further AAs in the NBSs by Ala also appeared to modify the amplitude of the current and/or [Ca(2+)](i) responses, although sometimes to a minor degree. The agonist potency decrease was additive after the simultaneous replacement of two adjacent AAs by Ala (K65A/G66A, F171A/T172A, N279A/F280A, F280A/R281A) but was not altered after Ala substitution of two non-adjacent AAs within the same NBS (F171A/N177A). SDS-PAGE in the Cy5 cell surface-labeled form demonstrated that the mutants appeared at the cell surface in oocytes. Thus, groups of AAs organized in NBSs rather than individual amino acids appear to be responsible for agonist binding at the hP2X3 receptor. These NBSs are located at the interface of the three subunits forming a functional receptor.  相似文献   

The third complementarity-determining regions (CDR3s) of antibodies and T cell receptors (TCRs) have been shown to play a major role in antigen binding and specificity. Consistent with this notion, we demonstrated previously that high-affinity, peptide-specific TCRs could be generated in vitro by mutations in the CDR3alpha region of the 2C TCR. In contrast, it has been argued that CDR1 and CDR2 are involved to a greater extent than CDR3s in the process of MHC restriction, due to their engagement of MHC helices. Based on this premise, we initiated the present study to explore whether higher affinity TCRs generated through mutations in these CDRs or other regions would lead to significant reductions in peptide specificity (i.e. the result of greater binding energy gained through interactions with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) helices). Yeast-display technology and flow sorting were used to select high-affinity TCRs from libraries of CDR mutants or random mutants. High-affinity TCRs with mutations in the first residue of the Valpha, CDR1, CDR2, or CDR3 were isolated. Unexpectedly, every TCR mutant, including those in CDR1 and CDR2, retained remarkable peptide specificity. Molecular modeling of various mutants suggested that such exquisite specificity may be due to: (1) enhanced electrostatic interactions with key peptide or MHC residues; or (2) stabilization of CDRs in specific conformations. The results indicate that the TCR is positioned so that virtually every CDR can contribute to the antigen-specificity of a T cell. The conserved diagonal docking of TCRs could thus orient each CDR loop to sense the peptide directly or indirectly through peptide-induced effects on the MHC.  相似文献   

Activated T cells and their naive precursors display different functional avidities for peptide/MHC, but are thought to have identical antigenic repertoires. We show that, following activation with a cognate mimotope (NRP), diabetogenic CD8(+) T cells expressing a single TCR (8.3) respond vigorously to numerous peptide analogs of NRP that were unable to elicit any responses from naive 8.3-CD8(+) T cells, even at high concentrations. The NRP-reactive, in vivo activated CD8(+) cells arising in pancreatic islets of nonobese diabetic mice are similarly promiscuous for peptide/MHC, and paradoxically this promiscuity expands as the aviditiy of the T cell population for NRP/MHC increases with age. Thus, activation and avidity maturation of T lymphocyte populations can lead to dramatic expansions in the range of peptides that elicit functional T cell responses.  相似文献   

Activation of Ag-specific T cell hybridomas with a high density of immobilized anti-CD3 antibody resulted in not only secretion of IL-2 but also cell death of up to 60 to 80% in selected hybridomas after 14 h. Similar results were obtained with V beta 8+ T cell hybridomas stimulated with cross-linked F23.1 antibody. In these activated hybridomas, we found that DNA was fragmented into 180- to 200-bp multiples. DNA fragmentation was not observed when T cells were maintained after killing with anti-Thy-1 plus C or with heat treatment at 45 degrees C, nor when T cells were incubated with fixed anti-CD4 antibody. Furthermore, fragmentation was detectable at 6 h after incubation when almost all of the cells were still viable as evaluated by trypan blue dye exclusion test. Cell death was prevented by addition of EGTA, cycloheximide, actinomycin D, and zinc, suggesting that the induction of cell death requires Ca2+ influx, newly synthesized protein(s), and involvement of endonuclease.  相似文献   

Chen H  He X  Wang Z  Wu D  Zhang H  Xu C  He H  Cui L  Ba D  He W 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2008,283(18):12528-12537
Human T lymphocytes, bearing T cell receptor (TCR) gammadelta, play an important role in anti-tumor/microbe immune responses. However, few tumor antigens recognized by TCRgammadelta have been defined so far. To investigate antigenic epitopes/proteins recognized by gammadeltaT cells, we have established a new immunobiochemical strategy that uses complementarity-determining region 3 of TCR delta chain (CDR3delta) peptide-mediated epitope/protein-binding assays. CDR3delta peptides synthesized using the CDR3 region in TCR Vdelta2 chain were validated for their binding specificity to target cells or tissues. These CDR3delta peptides were then employed as probes to pan putative epitopes in a 12-mer random peptide phage-displayed library and to identify putative protein ligands within tumor protein extracts by affinity chromatography and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analysis. As a result, we have identified nine peptides and two proteins for TCRgammadelta, including human mutS homolog 2 (hMSH2) and heat shock protein (HSP) 60. All nine tested epitope peptides not only bind to gammadeltaT cells but also functionally activate gammadeltaT cells in vitro. Identification of HSP60 confirms the validity of this method as HSP60 is an identified ligand for TCRgammadelta. We show that hMSH2 is expressed on the surface of SKOV3 tumor cells, and cytotoxicity of Vdelta2 gammadeltaT cells to SKOV3 cells was blocked by anti-hMSH2 antibody, suggesting that hMSH2 may be a new ligand for TCRgammadelta. Taken together, our findings provide a novel immunobiochemical strategy to identify epitopes/proteins recognized by gammadeltaT cells.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptors (Ors) convert chemical signals--the binding of odors and pheromones--to electrical signals through the depolarization of olfactory sensory neurons. Vertebrates Ors are G-protein-coupled receptors, stimulated by odors to produce intracellular second messengers that gate ion channels. Insect Ors are a heteromultimeric complex of unknown stoichiometry of two seven transmembrane domain proteins with no sequence similarity to and the opposite membrane topology of G-protein-coupled receptors. The functional insect Or comprises an odor- or pheromone-specific Or subunit and the Orco co-receptor, which is highly conserved in all insect species. The insect Or-Orco complex has been proposed to function as a novel type of ligand-gated nonselective cation channel possibly modulated by G-proteins. However, the Or-Orco proteins lack homology to any known family of ion channel and lack known functional domains. Therefore, the mechanisms by which odors activate the Or-Orco complex and how ions permeate this complex remain unknown. To begin to address the relationship between Or-Orco structure and function, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of all 83 conserved Glu, Asp, or Tyr residues in the silkmoth BmOr-1-Orco pheromone receptor complex and measured functional properties of mutant channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. 13 of 83 mutations in BmOr-1 and BmOrco altered the reversal potential and rectification index of the BmOr-1-Orco complex. Three of the 13 amino acids (D299 and E356 in BmOr-1 and Y464 in BmOrco) altered both current-voltage relationships and K(+) selectivity. We introduced the homologous Orco Y464 residue into Drosophila Orco in vivo, and observed variable effects on spontaneous and evoked action potentials in olfactory neurons that depended on the particular Or-Orco complex examined. Our results provide evidence that a subset of conserved Glu, Asp and Tyr residues in both subunits are essential for channel activity of the heteromeric insect Or-Orco complex.  相似文献   

Spleen cells obtained from Lewis rats were cultured with 4 micrograms/ml Con A for 96 hr, and activated cells were fused with BW5147 mouse T lymphoma cells. Seven clones obtained by fusion expressed rat IL 2R. The expression of rat IL 2R on those hybrid cells could be up-regulated by IL 2 itself, ATL-derived factor, and TPA and CA++ ionophore. Those IL 2R could be down-regulated by murine MoAb ART-18 that detects rat IL 2R. All hybrid clones produced IL 2 constitutively. IL 2 produced by hybrid cells bound to its receptor and promoted the proliferation of hybrid cells in some clones. Incubation of cells with exogenous IL 2 resulted in the proliferation of hybrid cells, whereas the proliferation of some clones was inhibited by exogenous IL 2, indicating that IL 2 had bifunctional properties on cell growth. Rat IL 2R from 6H2-F9 hybrid cells was studied by both one- and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE with ART-18. The IL 2R derived from 6H2-F9 cells had 72,000 to 77,000 and 40,000 to 48,000 m.w. major components under nonreducing conditions, and had 50,000 to 56,000 m.w. major and 35,000 to 38,000 m.w. minor components under reducing conditions. The 110,000 m.w. component, the third component of IL 2R, was constantly observed in 6H2-F9 hybrid cells.  相似文献   

Clonally distributed (clonotypic) antigen receptors on human T lymphocytes (alpha and beta chains) are associated with three invariable T3 polypeptide chains (T3 gamma, delta and epsilon), together forming the T3/T cell receptor complex. Monoclonal antibodies prepared against the two 20-kd T3 polypeptide chains demonstrated that T3-delta and T3-epsilon are distinct polypeptide chains. Only one monoclonal antibody (anti-T3-delta chain) reacted with the T cell surface as judged by indirect immunofluorescence, and by its mitogenicity for quiescent peripheral blood lymphocytes. Immunohistological staining and immunoprecipitation experiments showed that both the T3-delta and T3-epsilon chains are T cell-specific. As seen with the anti-alpha/beta chain reagent WT-31, anti-T3-delta chain monoclonal antibodies stained medullary thymocytes more intensely than cortical thymocytes, whereas the difference between the staining of cortical and medullary thymocytes was generally not apparent with anti-T3-epsilon chain antibodies. Because of this specificity and their ability to react with both the denatured and the native forms of each polypeptide chain, these new monoclonal reagents will be useful tools in studies of the biosynthesis and cell surface expression of the T3/T cell receptor complex during normal and malignant thymic differentiation.  相似文献   

Kalinina OV  Gelfand MS 《Proteins》2006,64(4):1001-1009
Isocitrate and isopropylmalalte dehydrogenases are homologous enzymes important for the cell metabolism. They oxidize their substrates using NAD or NADP as cofactors. Thus, they have two specificities, towards the substrate and the cofactor, appearing in three combinations. Although many three-dimensional (3D) structures are resolved, identification of amino acids determining these specificities remains a challenge. We present computational identification and analysis of specificity-determining positions (SDPs). Besides many experimentally proven SDPs, we predict new SDPs, for example, four substrate-specific positions (103Leu, 105Thr, 337Ala, and 341Thr in IDH from E. coli) that contact the cofactor and may play a role in the recognition process.  相似文献   

Gamma/delta T cells might play an important role in autoimmune conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In the present study, we characterized the T cell receptor (TCR)-delta repertoire by complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) spectratyping in the inflamed and noninflamed mucosa and in the peripheral blood of subjects with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In contrast to previously published data about alpha/beta T cells, we rarely found oligoclonal expansions of gamma/delta T cells specific only for the inflamed mucosa. The same dominant gamma/delta T cell expansions were also present in the noninflamed colon. Furthermore, the peripheral gamma/delta TCR repertoire was oligoclonal but clearly distinct from that in the inflamed intestine. Thus our results do not support a role for antigen-specific gamma/delta T cells in IBD, and dominant gamma/delta T cells of the peripheral blood are not likely to be derived from the inflamed gut. However, in several patients, the TCR-delta-repertoire was highly diversified, whereas in others we observed a loss of dominant gamma/delta T cell clones when inflamed and noninflamed mucosa were compared. In conclusion, those changes indicate that gamma/delta T cells might play an important role in a subset of patients with IBD.  相似文献   

Hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL)-specific T cell clones derived from the C57BL/6 strain were found to be about 100-fold more sensitive to the closely related ring-necked pheasant lysozyme (REL) in a dose-dependent proliferation assay. This apparent heteroclicity of REL was independent of the fine specificity of the clones. However, when stimulations by corresponding cyanogen bromide-cleaved peptides (L2H and L2R) known to contain the determinants recognized by all of the clones were compared, the preference for REL was lost. Conversely, an HEL-specific, I-Ad-restricted clone that did not respond to REL responded equally well to L2H and to L2R. Because the HEL/REL reactivity differences involved only the T cells and antigen-presenting cells (APC), and were correlated with differential sensitivity to the lysosomotropic drug chloroquine, it appears that the reactivity differences relate to the manner in which lysozymes are processed by the APC. Thus, conclusions about T cell "clonal specificity," usually attributed to differences in recognition of the determinant regions, may in some cases reflect differential antigen handling that depends on sites on the molecule distant from the determinant.  相似文献   

崔治中  秦爱建 《生命科学》2000,12(4):155-156
所有蛋白质抗原表位既有其相对保守的氨基酸序列作为与相应MHC分子相结合的“锚点”,也有与特定溶细胞性T细胞(CTL)上的TCR要子或抗体他子特异性结合的特异性氨基酸序列。对前者,分子免疫学已积累了相当多的资料,但对后者尚少有报道。我 立克病病毒的9个不同毒株对2个单抗的反应性及其38kD磷蛋白基因的分析,确定了决定两个相叠的不同抗原表们特异性的氨基酸组成。  相似文献   

The mammalian alpha/beta T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire plays a pivotal role in adaptive immunity by recognizing short, processed, peptide antigens bound in the context of a highly diverse family of cell-surface major histocompatibility complexes (pMHCs). Despite the extensive TCR-MHC interaction surface, peptide-independent cross-reactivity of native TCRs is generally avoided through cell-mediated selection of molecules with low inherent affinity for MHC. Here we show that, contrary to expectations, the germ line-encoded complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of human TCRs, namely the CDR2s, which appear to contact only the MHC surface and not the bound peptide, can be engineered to yield soluble low nanomolar affinity ligands that retain a surprisingly high degree of specificity for the cognate pMHC target. Structural investigation of one such CDR2 mutant implicates shape complementarity of the mutant CDR2 contact interfaces as being a key determinant of the increased affinity. Our results suggest that manipulation of germ line CDR2 loops may provide a useful route to the production of high-affinity TCRs with therapeutic and diagnostic potential.  相似文献   

In view of the recently determined three-dimensional structures of complexes formed by the T cell receptor for antigen (TCR), the processed peptide and the MHC class I molecule, it is expected that the combined configuration formed by the third complementarity determining regions (CDR3) of TCR alpha and beta chains will be very restricted in size and shape due to the limited length variations of the processed peptides. Thus, the combined TCR alpha and beta chain CDR3 lengths should have a fairly narrow distribution. This feature can be due to the selective association of long alpha chain CDR3 with short beta chain CDR3 and vice versa or due to random assortment of alpha and beta chain CDR3 of even narrower length distribution. Based on existing translated amino acid sequence data, it has been found that the latter mechanism is responsible.  相似文献   

The type 1 sigma receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes showed binding abilities for the sigma-1 ligands, [3H](+)pentazocine and [3H]NE-100, with similar kinetic properties as observed in native tissue membranes. Amino acid substitutions (Ser99Ala, Tyr103Phe and di-Leu105,106di-Ala) in the transmembrane domain did not alter the expression levels of the type 1 sigma receptor as determined by immunoblot analysis using an anti-type 1 sigma receptor antiserum. By contrast, ligand binding was significantly suppressed by the substitutions. These findings provide evidence that the transmembrane domain of the type 1 sigma receptor plays a critical role in ligand binding of this receptor.  相似文献   

We have studied the relationship between MHC-restricted, Ag-specific recognition and TCR structure in a panel of seven Th-hybridomas specific for the foreign protein Ag, hen egg-white lysozyme, and the I-Ak class II MHC molecule. The fine specificity of these Th cells had been determined previously by their reactivity to a panel of APC lines bearing mutant I-Ak molecules and to proteolytic fragments of HEL. TCR gene segment composition was determined by cDNA cloning and DNA sequencing. A heterogeneous, yet repetitive usage of gene segments was observed within the panel. The same V alpha C10-J alpha MD13 rearrangement was used in three of the hybridomas, two with identical Ag and MHC-restriction fine specificities. The prevalent usage of the V beta 14 gene segment and members of J beta 2 cluster was noted. Inasmuch as gene segment usage did not correlate with MHC-restriction or Ag fine specificity alone, these results favor an interactive Ag model of T-cell recognition, in which Ag and MHC are recognized as a bimolecular complex.  相似文献   

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