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饼粕作为小桐子生物柴油生产过程中产生的最大宗副产物,能否有效利用对小桐子生物柴油产业的发展具有极其重要的作用.小桐子饼含有丰富的营养物质,将其发酵制成有机肥是人们最常采用的方法.通过对小桐子饼发酵生产有机肥的现状、技术路线和经济价值进行深入分析,认为小桐子饼发酵生产有机肥是一条环保、经济适用的利用小桐子饼的技术路线,对...  相似文献   

The utilization of organic liquid fertilizer PAL-1 as the culture medium of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris was investigated for the purpose of biodiesel production. Cell growth and lipid accumulation in PAL-1 were evaluated and compared with those in the artificial medium BG-11. Cells showed mixotrophic growth when utilizing the organic liquid fertilizer PAL-1. The rates of cell growth (0.143 d-1) and N consumption (14.9 mg/L/d) in PAL-1 were almost the same as those in BG-11, under the presence of 2% CO2-enriched aeration and light irradiation. Lipid synthesis was triggered in PAL-1 on day 4, when nitrogen was completely consumed, and the lipid content reached up to 48% thereafter. Lipid productivity could be enhanced using repeated-batch cultivation in which cells were exposed to N limitation repeatedly, and thus lipid synthesis was induced while maintaining a sufficiently high cell density.  相似文献   

Biodiesel (fatty acids alkyl esters) is a promising alternative fuel to replace petroleum-based diesel that is obtained from renewable sources such as vegetable oil, animal fat and waste cooking oil. Vegetable oils are more suitable source for biodiesel production compared to animal fats and waste cooking since they are renewable in nature. However, there is a concern that biodiesel production from vegetable oil would disturb the food market. Oil from Jatropha curcas is an acceptable choice for biodiesel production because it is non-edible and can be easily grown in a harsh environment. Moreover, alkyl esters of jatropha oil meet the standard of biodiesel in many countries. Thus, the present paper provides a review on the transesterification methods for biodiesel production using jatropha oil as feedstock.  相似文献   

能源短缺和环境污染是目前人类社会所面临的巨大挑战, 而生物柴油的应用和推广正是现阶段解决能源替代问题的较佳手段。现今国外生物柴油产业发展十分迅速, 产量逐年增长, 而我国的生物柴油产业才刚刚起步。本文介绍了极具潜力的5种木本油料植物麻疯树(Jatropha curcas)、光皮树(Cornus wilsoniana)、文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia)、黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)和欧李(Cerasus humilis)和1种野生草本油料植物海篷子(Salicornia bigelivii), 进而提出运用转基因技术提高燃料油植物种子含油量的优势, 归纳总结了生产生物柴油的4种不同工艺。最后建议政府应对燃料油植物种植和生产加工产业实施补贴和免税等扶植政策。本文对我国生物质能源产业的发展提供了有价值的实施策略, 具有重要的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

研究开发燃料油植物生产生物柴油的几个策略   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
能源短缺和环境污染是目前人类社会所面临的巨大挑战,而生物柴油的应用和推广正是现阶段解决能源替代问题的较佳手段。现今国外生物柴油产业发展十分迅速,产量逐年增长,而我国的生物柴油产业才刚刚起步。本文介绍了极具潜力的5种木本油料植物麻疯树(Jatropha curcas)、光皮树(Cornus wilsoniana)、文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia)、黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)和欧李(Cerasus humilis)和1种野生草本油料植物海篷子(Salicornia bigelivii),进而提出运用转基因技术提高燃料油植物种子含油量的优势,归纳总结了生产生物柴油的4种不同工艺。最后建议政府应对燃料油植物种植和生产加工产业实施补贴和免税等扶植政策。本文对我国生物质能源产业的发展提供了有价值的实施策略,具有重要的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

Environmental concerns and depletion of fossil fuels along with government policies have led to the search for alternative fuels from various renewable and sustainable feedstocks. This review provides a critical overview of the chemical composition of common commercial plant oils, i.e., palm oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, castor oil, WCO, and CTO and their recent trends toward potential biofuel production. Plant oils with a high energy content are primarily composed of triglycerides (generally >?95%), accompanied by diglycerides, monoglycerides, and free fatty acids. The heat content of plant oils is close to 90% for diesel fuels. The oxygen content is the most important difference in chemical composition between fossil oils and plant oils. Triglycerides can even be used directly in diesel engines. However, their high viscosity, low volatility, and poor cold flow properties can lead to engine problems. These problems require that plant oils need to be upgraded if they are to be used as a fuel in conventional diesel engines. Biodiesel, biooil, and renewable diesel are the three major biofuels obtained from plant oils. The main constraint associated with the production of biodiesel is the cost and sustainability of the feedstock. The renewable diesel obtained from crude tall oil is more sustainable than biofuels obtained from other feedstocks. The fuel properties of renewable diesel are similar to those of fossil fuels with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In this review, the chemical composition of common commercial plant oils, i.e., palm oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, castor oil, and tall oil, are presented. Both their major and minor components are discussed. Their compositions and fuel properties are compared to both fossil fuels and biofuels.  相似文献   

用GC-MS分析不同采收和贮存时期的麻疯树种子油的脂肪酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将采收于青果期、黄果期、黑果期及储存1a、2a的麻疯树种子提油,测定其理化性质,并利用GC-MS分析这5个不同时期的种子所提取的麻疯树种子油成分。结果表明:5个油样的水分、酸值、出油率有较大差异,主要化学成分、碘值、皂化值差异不大。青果的出油率为13.13%,水分为0.66%,酸值为69.21,不饱和脂肪酸含量最低。新采成熟果实的出油率为54.64%,水分为0.36%,酸值为1.51,不饱和脂肪酸含量也相对较高。因此,新采的成熟果实较为适合作生物柴油的原料。  相似文献   

小球藻生产生物柴油的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金城 《微生物学通报》2010,37(8):1258-1258
<正>生物柴油是一种以动植物油脂为原料制备、可替代化石柴油的绿色新能源。然而,以动植物油脂为原料的生物柴油其原料成本占总生产成本的75%左右,并且消耗大量可食用的植物油脂;以餐饮废弃油脂为原料虽然可有效降低生产成本,但原料来源有限,难以满足大规模生产的需要,且产品的质量难以保证。微藻是一类单细胞藻类,其在特定的条件下可大量积累油脂,而且藻油具有与一般植物油脂类似的脂肪酸结构,因此被认为是一种具有巨大潜力的新型生物柴油油脂原料[1]。  相似文献   

Fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is a facile method for producing high yields of liquid fuel intermediates. However, because most fast pyrolysis oils are highly oxygenated, acidic, and unstable, identification of feedstocks that produce higher quality pyrolysis liquids is desirable. Therefore, the effect of feedstock protein content was studied by performing fast pyrolysis experiments on biomass with varying protein content. The feedstocks ranged from low-protein content, ??5% up to feedstocks with >40 wt.% protein content. Protein content was not a major factor in the yield of pyrolysis oil or the distribution of biomass carbon into the pyrolysis products. However, elevated levels of protein did cause a deoxygenation effect in the pyrolysis process with more of the oxygen rejected from the biomass as water. The deoxygenation caused the pyrolysis oil from the higher protein containing biomass to have higher energy content. Furthermore, the concentration of basic nitrogen groups caused the pyrolysis oil from the higher protein biomass to shift to a more neutral pH and lower total acid number than has been measured typically for lignocelluloic biomass pyrolysis oils. Some of the pyrolysis oils, particularly those from the mustard seed family presscakes exhibited better thermal stability than low-protein pyrolysis oils.  相似文献   

按树是我国南方地区常见的常绿树种,我们经过较长时间的调研和资料整理,认为桉树类的枝叶油与柴油的理化性质十分接近,是非常好的内燃机燃料油的代用品。而且,蒸馏按树油与绿化荒山、培育用材林矛盾不大,建设按树油基地不仅可以解决燃料油的短缺,也可培植用材林,带动地方经济的发展,增加农民收入,是一举多得的事业。  相似文献   

研究了不同因素对制备固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶的影响及固定化酶的酶学性质,并初步探讨了利用该固定化酶制备生物柴油的工艺。以海藻酸钠明胶为复合载体,采用包埋法制备固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶,考察了载酶量、颗粒直径等因子对固定化效果的影响,并用制备的固定化酶进行了酶促酯交换合成生物柴油的工艺研究,考察了反应条件如酶量、反应温度、甲醇流加方式、醇油比等因素对甲酯得率的影响。试验结果表明,制备固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶的最优条件为:每克载体给酶量为300 IU,选用6号注射器针头(内径为0.5 mm);通过酯交换,催化大豆油合成生物柴油的最佳反应工艺参数为:固定化酶25%,醇油比4:1,含水量6%,反应温度40℃;此条件下反应35 h后,甲酯的最高得率可达82%。  相似文献   

A technique to produce biodiesel from crude Jatropha curcas seed oil (CJCO) having high free fatty acids (15%FFA) has been developed. The high FFA level of JCJO was reduced to less than 1% by a two-step pretreatment process. The first step was carried out with 0.60 w/w methanol-to-oil ratio in the presence of 1% w/w H(2)SO(4) as an acid catalyst in 1-h reaction at 50 degrees C. After the reaction, the mixture was allowed to settle for 2h and the methanol-water mixture separated at the top layer was removed. The second step was transesterified using 0.24 w/w methanol to oil and 1.4% w/w NaOH to oil as alkaline catalyst to produce biodiesel at 65 degrees C. The final yield for methyl esters of fatty acids was achieved ca. 90% in 2 h.  相似文献   

随着全球能源需求量的不断上升和日益加剧的环境压力,固定化脂肪酶在可持续生物柴油合成中的应用受到广泛关注。纳米材料,包括纳米粒子(磁性和非磁性)、碳纳米管和纳米静电纺丝,具有比表面积大、结构稳定、易于功能化修饰等优势,是固定化脂肪酶领域的重要载体之一。综述了纳米材料作为载体在脂肪酶固定化中的应用,重点介绍这类生物催化剂在生物柴油合成中的最新进展,并对纳米材料固定化脂肪酶发展前景进行展望,旨在为固定化脂肪酶的研究和工业化应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

反胶束体系中脂肪酶催化合成生物柴油   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用了实验室自制的Candida sp.99-125脂肪酶, 研究了其在丁二酸二酯磺酸钠(AOT)反胶束体系中, 催化大豆色拉油合成生物柴油的新方法。考察了溶剂极性、AOT浓度、W0(水与表面活性剂质量比)、缓冲溶液pH值、温度等因素对脂肪酶催化合成生物柴油的影响。研究结果表明: AOT/异辛烷反胶束体系为Candida sp.99-125脂肪酶催化提供了较为合适的微环境, 在W0为11, 表面活性剂浓度为50 mmol/L, 温度为40℃, 缓冲液pH值为7的AOT/异辛烷反胶束体系中, 醇油摩尔比为3∶1, 摇床转速为180 r/min, 采用12h3次流加1 mol当量的甲醇, 单批最高酯转化率可以达到90%。  相似文献   

目前生物柴油因其环保和可再生利用资源的特性备受关注。多数生物柴油是通过甲醇和碱催化食用油得到的,而大量非食用油也可以制备生物柴油。本文报道用高含游离酸脂肪油快速高效低成本制备成其单酯的二步法工艺。先用1% H2SO4以少于1.5%量对甲醇和云南特产香果树(Lindera communis)籽的粗原料油以10∶1摩尔比组成的混合液酸催化酯化游离脂肪酸;之后再对醇和得到的油脂产品按摩尔比15∶1的混合液碱催化转化为单甲酯和甘油。本方法是一个直接甲脂化制备生物柴油的工艺简洁、降低成本的新技术。文中还讨论了该工艺影响转化效率的主要因素,如摩尔比,催化量,温度,反应时间和酸度。香果树生物柴油不重蒸,而其生物柴油的主要特性,如粘度、热值、比重、闪点、冷滤点等与生物柴油标准的匹配度,也做了报道,研究结果将为香果树生物柴油以非重蒸油料制备生物柴油产品,作为潜在的柴油燃料替代产品提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Marine microalgae have emerged as important feedstock for liquid biofuel production. The identification of lipid-rich native microalgal species with high growth rate and optimal fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties is the most challenging step in microalgae-based biodiesel production. In this study, attempts have been made to bio-prospect the biodiesel production potential of marine and brackish water microalgal isolates from the west coast of India. A total of 14 microalgal species were isolated, identified using specific molecular markers and based on the lipid content; seven species with total lipid content above 20% of dry cell weight were selected for assessing biodiesel production potential in terms of lipid and biomass productivities, nile red fluorescence, fatty acid profile and biodiesel properties. On comparative analysis, the diatoms were proven to be promising based on the overall desirable properties for biodiesel production. The most potential strain Navicula phyllepta MACC8 with a total lipid content of 26.54 % of dry weight of biomass, the highest growth rate (0.58 day?1) and lipid and biomass productivities of 114 and 431 mgL?1 day?1, respectively, was rich in fatty acids mainly of C16:0, C16:1 and C18:0 in the neutral lipid fraction, the most favoured fatty acids for ideal biodiesel properties. The biodiesel properties met the requirements of fuel quality standards based on empirical estimation. The marine diatoms hold a great promise as feedstock for large-scale biodiesel production along with valuable by-products in a biorefinery perspective, after augmenting lipid and biomass production through biochemical and genetic engineering approaches.  相似文献   

Toxic waste generated by Jatropha seed cake after utilization of biodiesel on one hand has stimulated the need to develop new technologies to treat the waste and on the other, forced us to reevaluate the efficient utilization of its nutritive potential for production of various high-value compounds and its conversion to non-toxic forms which could be used as animal feed stock. In this study, Jatropha seed cake was used for production of cellulases by new isolate of Thermoascus aurantiacus under solid-state fermentation. The interaction of nitrogen source concentration, moisture ratio, initial pH of the medium and inoculum size was investigated and modelled using response surface methodology (RSM) using Box-Behnken Design (BBD). Under optimized conditions endo-β-1,4-glucanase, β-glucosidase and filter paper activities were found to be 124.44, 28.86, 4.87?U/g of substrate, respectively. Characterization of endo-β-1,4-glucanase, β-glucosidase was done after partial purification by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by desalting. The endo-β-1,4-glucanase and β-glucosidase showed maximum activity at 70?°C and pH 4. Saccharification studies performed with different lignocellulosic substrates showed that sugar cane bagasse was most susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis. The study suggests that Jatropha seed cake can be used as a viable nutrient source for cellulase production without any pretreatment under solid-state fermentation by T. aurantiacus.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic growth of thraustochytrids has potential in coproducing biodiesel for transportation, as well as producing a feedstock for omega-3 long-chain (≥C20) polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA), especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) for use in nutraceuticals. In this study, we compared eight new endemic Australian thraustochytrid strains from the genera Aurantiochytrium, Schizochytrium, Thraustochytrium, and Ulkenia for the synthesis of exopolysaccharide (EPS), in addition to biodiesel and LC-PUFA. Aurantiochytrium sp. strains readily utilized glucose for biomass production, and increasing glucose from 2 to 4 % w/v of the culture medium resulted in increased biomass yield by an average factor of 1.7. Ulkenia sp. strain TC 010 and Thraustochytrium sp. strain TC 033 did not utilize glucose, while Schizochytrium sp. strain TC 002 utilized less than half the glucose available by day 14, and Thraustochytrium sp. strain TC 004 utilized glucose at 4 % w/v but not 2 % w/v of the culture suggesting a threshold requirement between these values. Across all strains, increasing glucose from 2 to 4 % w/v of the culture medium resulted in increased total fatty acid methyl ester content by an average factor of 1.9. Despite an increasing literature demonstrating the capacity of thraustochytrids for DHA synthesis, the production of EPS from these organisms is not well documented. A broad range of EPS yields was observed. The maximum yield of EPS was observed for Schizochytrium sp. strain TC 002 (299 mg/L). High biomass-producing strains that also have high lipid and high EPS yield may be better candidates for commercial production of biofuels and other coproducts.  相似文献   

超声波辅助下脂肪酶催化高酸值废油脂制备生物柴油   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了超声波辅助条件下脂肪酶催化高酸值废油脂转化为生物柴油的反应。来源于Aspergillus oryzae和Candida antarctica的固定化脂肪酶,在超声波辅助下,对高酸值废油脂转化为生物柴油具有高的催化活性。以来自于C.antarctica的固定化脂肪酶Novozym435为催化剂,以酸价为157mg KOH/g的高酸值废油脂为原料在超声波辅助下与丙醇反应,在脂肪酶用量为油质量的8%、初始醇油摩尔比为3∶1、反应温度控制在40~45℃、超声波频率和功率分别采用28kHz和100W的条件下,反应50min转化率达到94.86%。在此条件下,不同碳原子数(C1~C5)的直链和支链醇均有较高的转化率,在短链醇的选择上具有宽广的适应性。超声波还减少了反应产物和反应体系中其他黏性杂质在固定化脂肪酶表面的吸附,回收的Novozym435相较单纯机械搅拌条件下回收的外观干净、分散良好无结块现象、易于洗涤和再次利用,具有良好的操作稳定性。  相似文献   

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