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Samples of larval and juvenile fishes were collected at two depths weekly during spring and summer 1983 near the mouths of backwater areas in Pool 13 of the Upper Mississippi River. The study was conducted to determine the relative value of these habitats as nursery areas for fishes present and to note any interactions that might occur between the backwaters which are being rapidly lost to siltation, and the main channel. The larvae and juveniles collected represented 13 families divided into 27 lower taxa. Cyprinidae, Clupeidae, and Sciaenidae made up 90% of the total catch. Both larvae and juveniles were more abundant near the surface than near the bottom. Densities differed greatly among the three backwater areas studied. Larval fishes were grouped on the basis of their relative abundance in the backwaters or main channel. Overall, more larvae were captured in the backwaters than in main-channel habitats, indicating that backwaters were more productive. In the main channel, densities were greater downstream from the mouths of the backwaters than upstream-possibly indicating that (1) larval fish drifted out of the backwater areas, (2) water rich in nutrients or zooplankton that flowed into the main channel created productive downstream sites that were used as nursery areas, or (3) adult fishes selected downstream sites as spawning areas. Juvenile forms were more abundant in the backwater areas then in the main-channel habitats, some bottom-dwelling fishes excepted. The backwater areas were judged to be important nursery areas for larval and juvenile fishes, and seemed to benefit downstream main-channel sites. Any loss of these habitats would be detrimental to the Mississippi River as a whole.  相似文献   

Since its escapement into the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) and rapid expansion in the late 1900's, the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, has become a major component of the river fishery. Mean annual harvest value for this species was $270000 between 1953 and 1977. Recent evidence suggests that common carp may not be as abundant in the river as they have been in the past. We summarized historical commerical information on common carp in the UMR to put its current harvest levels in perspective. A major factor responsible for recent low annual harvests has been PCB contamination of the river in the Lake Pepin area. Market and biological factors probably have also contributed to declining harvests. To help explain why common carp populations in the UMR may be declining, we reviewed literature pertaining to the ecology of the species, particularly that from the river, its tributaries, or midwestern lakes. We included information on how common carp are controlled by environmental factors, and how they interact with other biota. Most aspects of carp ecology in the UMR and other areas are similar. Exceptions relate primarily to their response to annual water level regimes of the river. We postulate that population declines and absent year classes in the UMR may be related to poor recruitment during high- or variable-water years.  相似文献   

A study of the phytoplankton community dynamics in Navigation Pool No. 7 of the Upper Mississippi River was conducted from May through October, 1982. The objectives of this study were to estimate total standing crops, determine the taxonomic composition and examine the seasonal succession of the phytoplankton community. Four sampling sites were established: two in Lake Onalaska, a large backwater lake on the Wisconsin side of the main channel; one in the main channel near Dakota, Minnesota; and one in the main channel just upstream from Lock and Dam No. 7.The phytoplankton communities at all sampling sites were dominated by diatoms except during July and August when a bloom of blue-green algae was observed. The dominant diatoms from May through mid-July were Melosira italica, Stephanodiscus niagarae, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Stephanodiscus astrea, and Synedra ulna. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa were the most prevalent blue-green algae during the mid-summer bloom. The diatoms Melosira italica and Melosira granulata were dominant in September and October. Lesser amounts of green algae, cryptomonads and euglenoids were also observed at various times of the sampling period.Total standing crops based on cell volume were usually greatest at the Lock and Dam No. 7 site. The maximum standing crop (10.4 mm3 1–1) was observed at the Lock and Dam No. 7 site on 4 September; the minimum standing crop (0.4 mm3 1–1) was observed at the eastern Lake Onalaska site on the same date. Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica remained at high levels throughout the study period and did not appear to limit phytoplankton standing crops.  相似文献   

The northern section of the Upper Mississippi River supports a diverse macrobenthic assemblage. Distribution of this benthic fauna, benthic community structure, and factors which influences which influence both of these phenomena in these upper pools are reviewed. Dumping of heavy loads of municipal and industrial wastes from the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area has severely stressed the benthic community. Once abundant, pollution-sensitive mayflies, Hexagenia bilineata and H. limbata, are noticeably absent, replaced by pollution-tolerant oligochaetes and midges (notably Chironomus). Harmful effects of this pollution are not restricted to the area immediately downstream from the Twin Cities. In Lake Pepin, the Hexagenia population has suffered a drastic decline. The benthic community is characterized by low species diversity and a dominant, pollution-tolerant Chironomus plumosus — Oligochaeta — Sphaeriidae — Hirudinea community complex. Farther south, effects of the high organic load which originates approximately 226 km upstream are ameliorated. Inundation of large, diverse land areas contributes to the great ecological diversity in Pools No. 7 and No. 8. In Navigation Pool No. 7, benthic standing crops in the backwater pool areas (biomass range: 2.08–26.96 g m–2) exceed those in the main channel (biomass range: 0.05–1.02 g m–2). Greater numbers of burrowing mayflies and mollusks were found in the pool areas. Of 131 taxa collected from 1976–1977 in Lake Onalaska, which occupies most of Pool No. 7, eight dominant groups — Oligochaeta, Hirudinea, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Gastropoda, and Pelecypoda — accounted for 90–93% of the macroinvertebrates. In Pool No. 8, over half of the 144 benthic taxa collected during the summer of 1975 were insect nymphs and larvae. Oligochaetes were by far the most ubiquitous and dominant macroinvertebrates. Habitat preferences of particular benthic forms reflected distributional relationships between macroinvertebrates and physical-chemical conditions. Benthic production, in terms of total wet weight m–2 and macroinvertebrate density in each study area, was generally greater in the more eutrophic areas. However, fewer taxa were supported in these areas. These taxa were generally pollution-tolerant organisms, such as oligochaetes and certain chironomids, which were capable of burrowing into depositional-type substrates. More taxa and greater numbers of gill breathers and filter feeders, such as caddisflies, mayflies, stoneflies, and dipterans, were collected from less eutrophic areas.  相似文献   

Attached algal communities were studied during ice-free periods along the borders of the main channel and in backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River. Diatoms strongly dominated the phycoperiphyton except during late June through August when the green alga Stigeoclonium was abundant. Two distinct assemblages were apparent: a diverse, complex assemblage during spring and late fall annd a less complex, adnate, two-dimensional summer assemblage dominated by Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta and Navicula tripunctata var. schizonemoides. Simultaneous studies revealed two-dimensional periphytic colonization in the main channel and more complex communities in backwaters. Greater physical turbulence (e.g., surface waves) in the main channel may have favored adnate taxa and two-dimensional architecture, whereas lesser turbulence (e.g. protected backwaters) favored the more diverse, complex community. Community architecture and species composition were similar among communities on artificial substrates within each navigation pool (median SIMI0.87), but communities on artificial substrates were not taxonomically very similar (median SIMI=0.44) to epiphytic communities on Cladophora.Accrual of algal cells, chlorophyll a, and aufwuchs ash-free dry weight was usually greater in Pool 5 than in Pool 9. This may have been due to differences in discharges and/or sampler placement. The greatest accrual of cells and chlorophyll a occurred during summer and early fall. Chironomid and tricopteran larvae were common at that time and are known to affect algal accumulation by grazing.  相似文献   

The Upper Mississippi River system has been modified with locks, dams, dikes, bank revetments, channel modifications, and dredging to provide a nine-foot navigation channel. These activities have changed the river's characteristics. The historical changes in the hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic characteristics were assessed and related to navigational development and maintenance activities in the Upper Mississippi River system. The hydrologic, hydraulic, and geomorphic features studied include river discharges, stages, sediment transport, river position, river surface area, island surface area, and river bed elevation. Water and sediment transport effects on dredging were also estimated. It was found that the general position of the Upper Mississippi River system has remained essentially unchanged in the last 150 years except for specific man-made developments in the river basin. The stage, velocity, sediment transport, and river and island areas were altered by development of the 2.75-m navigation system. Dredging requirements are strongly related to mean annual water discharge. Years in which water discharges were great were generally the years during which large volumes of sediment needed to be dredged from the channel. The backwater areas are experiencing some deposition. With implementation of erosion-control measures in major tributaries and upland areas, better confinement of disposed dredged materials, and better maintenance practices, the sedimentation and pertinent problems in the main channel, as well as in the backwater areas, may be reduced with time.  相似文献   

Effective management of the fishery resources of the Upper Mississippi River and successful mitigation of the loss of critical habitat depend in part on an understanding of the reproductive and early life history requirements of the affected fishes. However, little is known about the use of nursery areas by fishes in the river. Of the nearly 130 species identified in the adult ichthyofauna, only a few are represented proportionally in the available data on early life stages because study designs have not included consideration of the early stages, collection gears have not adequately sampled the young, and eggs and larvae of some species are difficult to sample by conventional approaches. For the species collected, information is available on seasonal variations in total densities, composition, and catch among different habitat types. However, the data are most accurate for species with buoyant early life stages, such as freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum). Eggs and larvae of freshwater drum dominate collections made in the main channel, whereas other larval fishes are usually most abundant in backwater habitats. The species found there usually deposit eggs on the substrate or on vegetation. Habitat preferences (as indicated by relative abundance) often shift as development proceeds and physical and behavioral changes occur in the larvae. Only limited information is available on the distribution of larvae within habitats, but it is clear that variations within habitats are significant.  相似文献   

Bacterial populations were sampled at 37 sites in Mississippi River Pool 19. Bacterial biomass was calculated from direct epifluorescent cell counts. Bacterial production was estimated by incubating cells in situ in predator-free water inside membrane chambers and the frequency of dividing cells. Bacterial biomass in the water column ranged from 0.05 to 1.13 mg C -1, biomass in the vegetated areas of the pool was significantly higher than that in other habitats (P < 0.05, ANOVA). Biomass in sediments (to a depth of 10 cm) ranged from 24 to 1,073 mg C m-2, biomass in muddy sediments was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that in sandy sediments. Biomass on the submersed surfaces of hydrophytes was 0.06–4.90 mg bacterial C g-1 dry weight of plant material. The vegetated habitat (water column plus vegetation) contained approximately 45 times the concentration of bacterial carbon found in nonvegetated main channel border areas and more than 100 times the concentration in the main river channel.Bacterial production rates in the water column of a vegetated section of the pool ranged from 0.03 to 3.28 g C m -3 s d -1 ; production (m -3) in a vegetation bed was 5.5 times that in the adjacent nonvegetated channel border areas and approximately 50 times that in the main channel. Aquatic macrophytes and associated microorganisms may be capable of providing significant inputs of carbon to secondary consumers in the pool during the summer low flow.  相似文献   

This study used stratified random sampling to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton communities in a large floodplain river (Mississippi River, USA). Potential mechanisms controlling zooplankton abundance and community structure were considered. Main channel and backwater habitats included in this study differed between a turbid upper pool reach where aquatic macrophytes were sparse and a lower pool reach which was considerably less turbid and had extensive aquatic macrophyte coverage. Samples were collected monthly during the summer over a 2-year period and multivariate analysis was used to examine the spatial and temporal distribution of zooplankton. Significant differences were found in zooplankton density and community composition among habitats and reaches within the pool. Rotifers were the dominant taxa and seasonality was pronounced, with peak densities often occurring in late-spring. Community structure varied by habitat and reach, which suggests that water quality, physical habitat characteristics, presence of aquatic macrophytes, and zooplankton sources can all influence the zooplankton communities of the Upper Mississippi River. Characterization of the zooplankton communities provides a basis for understanding changes in the river ecosystem and examination of zooplankton communities among habitats provides insight into the mechanisms affecting zooplankton dynamics.  相似文献   

Species composition, relative abundance, distribution and physical habitat associations of submerged aquatic macrophytes in the main channel border (MCB) habitat of Pool 5A, Upper Mississippi River (UMR) were investigated during the summers of 1980 and 1983. The submerged aquatic macrophytes in Pool .5A MCB were a small and stable component of the river ecosystem. Submerged plants occurred primarily in small, monospecific clumps. Clumps in close proximity to each other formed plant patches. Plant patches were stable in location and number between 1980 and 1983; 82.5% of the patches first observed in 1980 were present in 1983. Submerged macrophytes covered about 10–12 ha of the 201 ha MCB in Pool 5A. Submerged plants were most common in the lower two-thirds of the pool. Ten species of aquatic macrophytes occurred on rock channel-training structures and eleven occurred on non-rock substrates in the MCB. The most common submerged plants, in order of abundance, were Vallisneria americana Michx., Heteranthra dubia Jacq., Potamogeton pectinatus L., Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton americanus C. & S.  相似文献   

Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin have strong botanical traditions that have resulted in a macrophyte literature which documents the identity, taxonomy, floristics, and ecology of aquatic macrophytes and wetland vegetation of the Upper Mississippi River and its floodplain. These findings are reviewed with respect to floristics, vegetation dynamics (patterns, history, production and management), and environmental changes that impact vegetation. Aspects requiring future study are noted to direct subsequent investigations.  相似文献   

Species composition and seasonal succession of the phytoplankton were investigated on the upper Mississippi River at Prairie Island, Minnesota, U.S.A. Both the numbers and volume of individual species were enumerated based on cell counts with an inverted microscope. A succession similar to algal succession in the local lakes occurred. The diatoms were dominant during the spring and fall and blue-green algae were dominant during the summer. The algal concentrations have increased up to 40 fold the concentrations of the 1920's, since the installation of locks and dams. The maximum freshweight standing crop was 4 mg · l–1 in 1928 (Reinhard 1931), 13 mg · l–1 in 1975 a wet year, and 47 mg · l–1 in 1976, a relatively dry year with minimal current discharge. The diatoms varied from 36–99%, the blue-green algae from 0–44% and the cryptómonads from 0–50% of the total standing crop. The green algae were always present but never above 21% of the biomass. The dominant diatoms in recent years were centric -Stephanodiscus andCyclotella spp. (maximum 50,000 ml–1). The dominant blue-green algae wereAphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfsex Born.et Flahault andOscillatoria agardhii Gomont (maximum 800 ml–1). These algal species are also present in local lakes. Shannon diversity values indicated greatest diversity of algae during the summer months.  相似文献   

Snags are important to fish communities in small rivers and streams, but their importance to fishes in large rivers has not been investigated. This study examined snag use by fishes during autumn in backwater and channel border habitats in the upper Mississippi River, and compared these to fish communities in reference sites without snags. Species assemblages differed significantly between backwater and channel border habitats, and between snag and reference sites within the channel border, likely responding to differences in substrate, depth, and current velocity. In both habitats, average fish biomass and abundance were higher (2 to 50 ×) at snag sites than at reference sites, but these differences were significant only for channel border biomass. Fish taxa richness differed between backwater and channel border habitats, but not between snag and reference sites. Most large piscivorous fishes (e.g., Micropterus spp., Stizostedion spp.), several insectivorous fishes (Lepomis macrochirus, Ambloplites rupestris, Minytrema melanops), and a few prey fishes (L. macrochirus, Notropis atherinoides) were significantly more abundant at snag sites than at reference sites, suggesting active selection of snags for foraging or protection. Snag quality, as assessed by a snag rating index, had a direct effect on attracting fish communities with greater biomass, especially within the channel border habitat. These results indicate that snags are important habitat for fish communities in both backwaters and channel border habitats of the upper Mississippi River.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate drift was sampled dielly each month at three stations across the lower Mississippi River, Louisiana. At least 134 taxa were identified from seven phyla. Total drift catches varied with respect to month, time of day, and station. Relative abundance was greatest in June and August, moderate in July, and lowest in April and May. Dipterans, ephemeropterans and trichopterans numerically dominated the catches and each tended to have its zenith in July, August and June respectively. Important non-insect groups were hydroids, oligochaetes, pelecypods and amphipods and with the exception of pelecypods, were most abundant in April. The presence of certain apparent exotic oligochaetes suggested that at least some elements of the drift may be derived from rather remote areas — perhaps even the drainage headwaters. Diel periodicity was most pronounced during the summer months of high total drift densities. Ephemeropterans exhibited strong, nocturnally — oriented diel periodicity, both at the ordinal and lower taxonomic levels, trichopterans and dipterans showed varying tendencies with respect to individual lower taxa. Catches for the dielly-periodic taxa indicated a preponderance of the bigeminus forms. But each major insect order may have had one lower taxon exhibiting the alternans pattern. The stations were decreasingly productive from right-shore to left-shore, while taxonomic richness was greater at midstream and approximately equal along the shores. But spatial patterns of occurrence varied according to months.  相似文献   

大沽夹河底栖大型无脊椎动物耐受值估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耐受值表现为水生生物在一定水平的干扰作用下生存和繁殖的相对能力,在生物学评价中起着不可或缺的重要作用。通过查阅文献资料、野外采样和实验室分析与鉴定,获得大沽夹河23个采样点1998~2007年环境要素数据和2006~2007年底栖大型无脊椎动物数据。应用等标指数法和算术平均法计算环境梯度值,利用加权加和法估算底栖大型无脊椎动物的耐受值,建立底栖大型无脊椎动物44个分类单元的耐受值谱。研究表明:(1)根据环境要素值和底栖大型无脊椎动物数据、采用数学方法估算底栖大型无脊椎动物耐受值,比专家经验或以生物多样性划分环境梯度等方法,更加客观;(2)耐受值谱表明,大沽夹河底栖大型无脊椎动物以敏感性和耐受性类型为主,过渡性类型较少。(3)与前人研究成果对比,耐受值在目、科分类单元比较一致,在属、种分类单元存在差异;(4)限于条件,底栖大型无脊椎动物分类鉴定有些粗略,环境梯度计算未包含底质、水文要素,需进一步改进。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Colonizing aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected from two kinds of artificial substrate placed on wing dams in Pool 13 of the Upper Mississippi River in September 1978. Thirty-one taxa were collected from basket samplers containing cement spheres and twenty-one taxa from multiplate samplers constructed from tempered hardboard. Hydro-psychidae (Trichoptera), especially Cheumatopsyche sp., Potamyla flava and Hydropsyche sp., were the dominant macroinvertebrates which colonized both samplers. Basket samplers had a significantly greater macroinvertebrate density, biomass and number of taxa compared with multiplate samplers. Precision of the arithmetic mean for density, biomass and number of taxa was 19.9, 18.3 and 8.1% for basket samplers and 18.8, 18.7 and 8.5% for multiplate samplers. The number of sampling units required for a precision of 20% for macroinvertebrate density, biomass and number of taxa was 13, 11 and 2 for basket samplers and 11, 11 and 2 for multiplate samplers. Basket samplers with 7.5-cm cement spheres are recommended for use instead of multiplate samplers.  相似文献   

Bighead and silver carp are well established in the Mississippi River basin following their accidental introduction in the 1980s. Referred to collectively as Asian carp, these species are filter feeders consuming phytoplankton and zooplankton. We examined diet overlap and electivity of Asian carp and three native filter feeding fishes, bigmouth buffalo, gizzard shad, and paddlefish, in backwater lakes of the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. Rotifers, Keratella spp., Brachionus spp., and Trichocerca spp., were the most common prey items consumed by Asian carp and gizzard shad, whereas crustacean zooplankton were the preferred prey of paddlefish. Bigmouth buffalo diet was broad, including both rotifers and crustacean zooplankton. Dietary overlap with Asian carp was greatest for gizzard shad followed by bigmouth buffalo, but we found little diet overlap for paddlefish. Diet similarity based on taxonomy correlated strongly with diet similarity based on size suggesting filtration efficiency influenced the overlap patterns we observed. Although rotifers were the most common prey item consumed by both bighead and silver carp, we found a negative relation between silver carp CPUE and cladoceran density. The competitive effect of Asian carp on native fishes may be forestalled because of the high productivity of Illinois and Mississippi river habitats, yet the potential for negative consequences of Asian carp in less productive ecosystems, including Lake Michigan, should not be underestimated.  相似文献   


Recent work has led to the suggestion that biologically-mediated redox processes might be important in the regulation of dissolved trace element concentrations in rivers, especially with regard to manganese. Here, we focus on the removal of dissolved Mn from lower Mississippi River water. Experiments indicate that dissolved Mn can be rapidly removed from lower Mississippi River water on a timescale of days or less and that Mn oxides are formed. However, demonstrating a biological origin for this removal is problematic. Experiments reveal that commonly used microbial controls, including NaN3 mixtures, HgCl2, heat sterilization, and sonification all affect fluvial particulate Mn through dissolution, disaggregation, interference with adsorption, or particle ageing. Thus, these microbial controls may affect abiotic as well as biological processes. Evidence supporting microbial removal of dissolved Mn from lower Mississippi River water includes a temperature optimum for the process (~30°C), a lower activation energy than reported for heterogeneous inorganic Mn oxidation, and a faster rate than reported for autocatalytic inorganic Mn oxidation. This rapid Mn oxidation process occurs at essentially the same rate in the dark as well as the light. Observation of Mn removal at similar rates in a blackwater river in addition to the lower Mississippi, suggests that this is a common phenomenon in fluvial systems. If, as has been shown by other lab studies, the freshly biologically precipitated Mn oxides have a high specific surface area, then our observations provide a potential link between microbial activity, Mn cycling, and the cycling of other particle-reactive trace elements in rivers. Our results also indicate that unfiltered river water samples for dissolved Mn analysis should be filtered as soon as possible or at least stored cold if immediate filtration is not possible.  相似文献   

不同尺度因子对滦河流域大型底栖无脊椎动物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2011年滦河流域38个河段大型底栖无脊椎动物采集,探讨了河段尺度和流域尺度环境因子对大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的影响。其中,河段尺度因子包括水体/底质特征、河岸带特征和水质,流域尺度因子包括采样位置、流域土地利用结构和缓冲区土地利用结构。RDA(冗余分析)结果表明,河段尺度影响大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的关键因子为:细粒物质比例、河岸带植被盖度、河岸带人类干扰程度、河岸带农田比例、水面宽度和河道改造程度,总解释量为42%;流域尺度影响大型底栖无脊椎动物分布的关键因子为:纬度、海拔、流域内耕地面积百分比和流域面积,总解释量为32%。研究结果表明,河段尺度因子比流域尺度因子对于指示大型底栖无脊椎动物分布更为重要,在环境因子监测中应给以更多的重视。  相似文献   

2010年三峡大坝首次成功蓄水到175 m.为了探讨175 m蓄水对库区支流鱼类食物网能量来源的影响,采用稳定性同位素方法并结合多源线性混合模型(IsoSource模型)对小江回水区鲫、鲤、蒙古鲌、鲇、大鳍鳠、瓦氏黄颡鱼、光泽黄颡鱼等7种主要经济鱼类能量来源进行了分析.结果表明:蓄水前(2010年7月),微型藻类是7种主要经济鱼类能量的主要来源;蓄水后(2010年12月),微型藻类对7种主要经济鱼类能量来源的贡献比例略有下降,而陆生C4植物的相对贡献比例明显增加,特别是对杂食性鲫和肉食性鲇的贡献率分别达到了38% ~54%和32% ~ 50%.蓄水后,鲫和鲇至少有30%的能量来自陆生C4植物.说明三峡大坝的蓄水过程增加了外源性C4植物对鱼类能量的贡献比例.  相似文献   

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