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The number of wireworms in successive collections from five Cambridgeshire fields declined during the first year of cultivation to 25 % of the number present before the fields were ploughed from old grass. The decline in numbers was accompanied by a change in the composition of the wireworm population; the marked inverse correlation between number and size of larvae, which held for the wireworm populations under grass, progressively altered towards uniform numbers of the different size-groups. The incidence of natural control on the different sizes of larvae was obscured by their growth, and more medium-sized and large larvae were lost than would appear from the population-size histograms.
Three groups of factors are considered as contributing to the decline in numbers after ploughing. Direct observation showed that many wireworms were destroyed in the actual process of cultivation. Evidence was insufficient to prove that the physical condition of cultivated soil adversely affects the number of wireworms. Comparison of the smaller size-groups in pasture and in the cultivated fields showed that the wireworm population failed to replenish itself under arable conditions.  相似文献   

Studies of wireworm populations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A method has been developed, and is here briefly described, by means of which all the wireworm larvae of all stages can be collected from soil samples. By use of that method, complete wireworm populations have been obtained from soil samples of three types, two of which provide large homogeneous populations for detailed study while the third gives information about the seasonal and spatial infestation of fields. These collections show that the wireworm population of English pasture land is on the average about three times as large as has been commonly supposed. Populations have been found ranging up to ten millions per acre in the top 12 in. of soil. In two pastures studied intensively throughout the year, the wireworm population has been found to consist of large numbers of small larvae, decreasing numbers of larger larvae, and comparatively few of the very large larvae that have usually been allowed to represent the population. Such a composition is shown to be characteristic of wireworm populations under old grass at all seasons of the year and in several fields in different parts of the country. This result suggests that in research on the wireworm problem it is desirable to take into consideration the whole wireworm population throughout the year, not merely the large larvae during the cropping season.  相似文献   

Agriotes obscurus (L.) wireworms assembled in increasing numbers at rows of treated (Agrox DL Plus seed treatment) and untreated wheat, Triticum aestivum L., planted at increasing densities (0, 0.15, 0.30, and 0.60 seeds/cm). In treated wheat plots at all planting densities, no wireworm damage to seedlings was apparent, and total wireworms taken in core samples in wheat rows increased according to the asymptotic equation y = B0(1 -e(-Blx)), where B0 is the asymptote, B1 is the slope of the initial rise, and x is the seeding density. The number of dead wireworms in treated plots increased linearly and intercepted the asymptotic models (theoretical point at which 100% mortality of assembled population occurs) at 0.95 seeds/cm on 11 June and 1.14 seeds/cm on 18 June 1996. Untreated wheat at all densities planted had severe wireworm damage and significantly reduced stand. Populations that had assembled at the surviving untreated wheat were fewer than in the treated wheat plots, and although increasing with seeding density, did not follow the asymptotic model. The data suggest that A. obscurus populations can be assembled and killed in fallowed fields in large numbers at treated trap crops of wheat over a 19-d period when planted in rows spaced 1 m apart at a linear seeding density of 1.5 seeds/cm.  相似文献   

1 Wireworms, the soil dwelling larvae of click beetles, Agriotes spp., have recently become a more prevalent pest of potatoes. The present study investigated whether potato varieties showed variable susceptibility to wireworm herbivory, and also tested whether increased susceptibility was associated with lower concentrations of glycoalkaloids. Twelve varieties were originally screened across a range of experimental scales, including laboratory and tunnel experiments and a large‐scale field trial involving over 2000 tubers. 2 In laboratory no‐choice tests, Maris Peer, Marfona and Rooster varieties were significantly more susceptible to wireworm attack, with 63% of tubers showing damage, compared with just 15% of the less susceptible varieties of King Edward, Nadine and Maris Piper. There was also greater tissue consumption and weight gain when wireworms were reared on the most susceptible varieties. 3 In choice tests, wireworms showed a significant preference for those varieties previously identified as being the most susceptible to wireworm herbivory (4.2 holes per tuber) compared with the least susceptible (1.2 holes per tuber). Similar patterns of susceptibility were seen in the field trial, although there was generally more variation in susceptibility. 4 In a tunnel experiment, Marfona and Maris Peer were significantly more susceptibile to wireworm attack (47% of tubers showing damage) compared with Nadine, King Edward and Maris Piper (27% of tubers showing damage). Although Nadine, in particular, had the highest glycoalkaloid concentrations (309.33 mg/kg) and lowest amounts of wireworm herbivory, the relationship between susceptibility and glycoalkaloid concentrations was weak, suggesting that this is unlikely to be the sole mechanism underpinning varietal susceptibility.  相似文献   

Six grass fields were sampled once a fortnight from July 1943 to September 1944, and the wireworms in the samples counted by the washing and flotation method.
The counts from twenty standard samples showed huge fluctuations which rendered them practically valueless as estimates of wireworm populations when treated singly. When treated as running means of four consecutive samplings, the counts showed certain seasonal trends, with minimum populations in July and August, rising populations throughout the autumn, maximum populations in the months from January to April and a sharp decline to the minimum populations again from April to July. On the average, the counts taken in winter were twice as high as those taken in the summer months.
The fluctuation was evident in all size groups based on larval length but was most marked in the wireworms 'under 4 mm.', '4 mm.' and '5 mm.'
Samples taken to depths of 12 and 24 in. showed that on the average about 75 % of the wireworms were found in the 0–6 in. layer and about 90% in the 0–12 in. layer. These proportions varied considerably with the seasons.
The seasonal changes in wireworm populations observed do not correspond with those expected from the life history of Agriotes spp. Possible explanations for this anomaly are discussed, but it cannot be attributed to any known technical or biological factor. Several possibilities remain to be explored.  相似文献   

The feeding of soil dwelling insects on storage roots is one of the most serious management issues faced by sweetpotato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Convolvulaceae), growers in the southern United States. Field studies were conducted to evaluate the relative susceptibility of two commonly grown sweetpotato varieties to sweetpotato flea beetle, Chaetocnema confinis Crotch (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae, various species). The incidence and severity of sweetpotato flea beetle damage was significantly lower in the variety Covington than Beauregard in two small plot replicated studies. Surveys conducted in commercial sweetpotato fields also showed significantly less sweetpotato flea beetle damage in fields planted to Covington compared with those planted to Beauregard. There was no clear evidence of varietal effect on the incidence of wireworm damage in the study. Results indicate that the severity of wireworm damage as measured by the size of feeding scars may be less in Covington than Beauregard.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to determine the effect of preceding crop on wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) abundance in the coastal plain of North Carolina. In all three studies, samples of wireworm populations were taken from the soil by using oat, Avena sativa L., baits. Treatments were defined by the previous year's crop and were chosen to reflect common crop rotations in the region. Across all three studies, eight wireworm species were recovered from the baits: Conoderus amplicollis (Gyllenhal), Conoderus bellus (Say), Conoderus falli (Lane), Conoderus lividus (Degeer), Conoderus scissus (Schaeffer), Conoderus vespertinus (F.), Glyphonyx bimarginatus (Schaeffer), and Melanotus communis (Gyllenhal). The effect of corn, Zea mays L.; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.; fallow; soybean, Clycine max (L.) Merr.; sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.; and tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) was evaluated in a small-plot replicated study. M. communis was the most frequently collected species in the small-plot study and was found in significantly higher numbers following soybean and corn. The mean total number of wireworms per bait (all species) was highest following soybean. A second study conducted in late fall and early spring assessed the abundance of overwintering wireworm populations in commercial fields planted to corn, cotton, peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), soybean, sweet potato, and tobacco in the most recent previous growing season. C. lividus was the most abundant species, and the mean total number of wireworms was highest following corn and soybean. A survey was conducted in commercial sweet potato in late spring and early summer in fields that had been planted to corn, cotton, cucurbit (Cucurbita pepo L.), peanut, soybean, sweet potato, or tobacco in the most recent previous growing season. C. vespertinus was the most abundant species, and the mean total number of wireworms per bait was highest following corn.  相似文献   

1 This paper reviews and interprets relevant work on the biology and management of wireworms (Agriotes spp.) within the context of potato production in Europe, with particular reference to the U.K. Although the review concentrates on Agriotes spp., the extensive world literature on other Elateridae of economic importance is also drawn upon. 2 Possible reasons for the apparent increase in the importance of wireworms on the potato crop are discussed, followed by a review of wireworm biology, risk assessment techniques (soil sampling, bait trapping and adult pheromone trapping), crop damage, and cultural, biological and chemical control methods. 3 It is clear that the process of site risk assessment followed by appropriate control measures (usually insecticide use) will remain the mainstay of wireworm management programmes. However, there is considerable scope for adopting new risk assessment techniques, such as pheromone trapping of adult beetles. 4 These control measures will need to be underpinned by a greater understanding of wireworm biology, particularly adult dispersal. Factors affecting the initiation and maintenance of wireworm populations in individual fields also require further study. The current use of insecticides could also be optimized by a better appreciation of the interactions between insecticide use, potato variety choice and harvest dates.  相似文献   

Abstract Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) damage the eyes and young shoots of germinating cane setts in many growing regions. Insecticides can be applied at planting to avoid damage. However, there are no guidelines for deciding on whether treatment is warranted and a sampling method to detect wireworms before planting has not been developed. Baits of rolled oats were tested as a method for detecting wireworms in preplant fallows. In 1995 at Bundaberg, the reduction in crop establishment when treatment was withheld was positively correlated with the catch of wireworms at baits before planting. However, no similar relationship was seen in 1996 or at Mackay in either 1995 or 1996: severe damage was recorded on one farm at Mackay where no wireworms had been found. A sampling plan was developed to estimate wireworm numbers at baits with a fixed level of precision. Wireworms collected at the baits and in samples from established canefields in Queensland and New South Wales included five named and 21 unnamed species from five genera, the most abundant being Agrypnus , Conoderus and Heteroderes . Possible barriers to the adoption of baiting as a decision-support tool are discussed. Development of a reliable monitoring system would require considerably more research, which could not be justified at present.  相似文献   

Wireworms (Agriotes spp.) are sporadic but increasingly important pests of potatoes, sugar beet and cereals. Whilst effective chemical control is possible, the granular organophosphates normally require high rates of application and the seed dressings containing lindane (gamma‐HCH) have been withdrawn from use. The soil fumigant 1,3‐dichloropropene (1,3‐D as Telone II) and the granular nematicide fosthiazate (Nemathorin 10G) are currently used for the control of potato cyst nematodes. We investigated the effects of both of these chemicals on wireworms. Air‐vapour phase toxicities for 1,3‐D against wireworm were LD50 2.74 mg.litre.day and LD99 5.05 mg.litre.day. The in vitro soil phase toxicity was LD99 8.15 mg.litre.day. 1,3‐D soil phase activity against wireworm may be associated more with air‐vapour phase than a soil‐water phase activity. In glasshouse experiments 16.0 mg.litre.day of 1,3‐D gave 75% control. Fosthiazate, which is applied at approximately 2 μg g?1 of soil for potato cyst nematode control, achieved an LC50 at 3.20 μg g?1. In both in vitro and glasshouse studies 1,3‐dichloropropene showed high toxicity to wireworm at dosages below the current commercial application rate for potato cyst nematode control and fosthiazate also showed useful efficacy. These chemicals may therefore prove to be valuable additional tools for limiting initial wireworm plant damage or reducing wireworm populations.  相似文献   

Soil‐dwelling insects commonly co‐occur and feed simultaneously on belowground plant parts, yet patterns of damage and consequences for plant and insect performance remain poorly characterized. We tested how two species of root‐feeding insects affect the performance of a perennial plant and the mass and survival of both conspecific and heterospecific insects. Because root damage is expected to impair roots’ ability to take up nutrients, we also evaluated how soil fertility alters belowground plant–insect and insect–insect interactions. Specifically, we grew common milkweed Asclepias syriaca in low or high nutrient soil and added seven densities of milkweed beetles Tetraopes tetraophthalmus, wireworms (mainly Hypnoides abbreviatus), or both species. The location and severity of root damage was species‐specific: Tetraopes caused 59% more damage to main roots than wireworms, and wireworms caused almost seven times more damage to fine roots than Tetraopes. Tetraopes damage decreased shoot, main root and fine root biomass, however substantial damage by wireworms did not decrease any component of plant biomass. With the addition of soil nutrients, main root biomass increased three times more, and fine root biomass increased five times more when wireworms were present than when Tetraopes were present. We detected an interactive effect of insect identity and nutrient availability on insect mass. Under high nutrients, wireworm mass decreased 19% overall and was unaffected by the presence of Tetraopes. In contrast, Tetraopes mass increased 114% overall and was significantly higher when wireworms were also present. Survival of wireworms decreased in the presence of Tetraopes, and both species’ survival was negatively correlated with conspecific density. We conclude that insect identity, density and soil nutrients are important in mediating the patterns and consequences of root damage, and suggest that these factors may account for some of the contradictory plant responses to belowground herbivory reported in the literature.  相似文献   

During an insecticide toxicity study involving field-collected dusky wireworm, Agriotes obscurus (L.) (Coleoptera: Elateridae), wireworms exposed dermally to six classes of insecticides exhibited characteristic transitional symptoms of toxicity. These symptoms, collectively termed "morbidity," were categorized as "writhing," "leg and mouthpart movements," or "mouthpart-only body movements." These symptoms could persist for long periods, depending on insecticide and dose, with morbid wireworms ultimately recovering or dying. Additional LC50 and LD50 toxicity studies showed that these stages of morbidity also occurred in four other wireworm species, notably Agriotes sputator (L.), Limonius canus LeConte, Ctenicera pruinina (Horn), and Ctenicera destructor (Brown). In addition, all species exposed dermally to clothianidin moved in significant numbers to the surface of soil in posttreatment holding cups. This movement was not observed when these species were exposed to chlorpyrifos or the control solvent. These findings suggest that toxicity trials involving wireworms should include observations on morbidity, and the duration of trials should continue until symptoms of morbidity cease. The long-term morbidity and potential recovery or death of wireworms exposed to certain insecticides has implications for how laboratory and field studies can be better designed and interpreted in the future.  相似文献   

Sixty-two grass fields were sampled in England and Wales over a three year period to assess the level of wireworm population present. Data on site-specific variables including soil physical characteristics, grass duration, grass genera diversity and other abiotic factors such as field aspect, altitude, and meteorological parameters were abiotic factors such as field aspect, altitude, and meteorological parameters were collected at each site. Only grass duration and soil bulk density showed any association with wireworm infestation stauts when considered as single variates. Data from a sub-set of 41 fields were used to develop a series of multi-variate discriminant rules to predit wireworm presence/absece in individual fields. These were vaildated using data from the remaining 21 fields. In general, the rules tended to over-estimate the number of wireworm-infested fields by misclassifying uninfested fields as infestes. Multivariate models to predict wireworm populaiton levels in infested fields were also developed using multiple and generalised linear regression. The predictive accuracy of these was poor. Neither the population prediciton models nor the presence/absence rulses accounted fully for the large inte-field variation in wireworm infestation status.  相似文献   

A total of 435 freshly dropped faecal samples were collected from 11 randomly selected ostrich farms during September and November 2002 to determine the prevalence of Libyostrongylus douglassii (ostrich wireworm) in the highveld region of Zimbabwe. Samples, which consisted of 339 samples from breeder birds and 96 samples from pre-slaughter grower birds were screened for nematode eggs using the modified McMaster technique before being individually cultured in an incubator at 28 degrees C. Cultures were examined for the presence of L. douglassii third stage larvae (L3). Using faecal egg counts, eight of 11 farms (72.7%) were positive for L. douglassii in breeders but no eggs were detected in the growers. The faecal culture method detected wireworm larvae in the breeding stock of all farms that were surveyed (100%) and five of the eight farms (62.5%) which had grower birds. Libyostrongylus douglassii was detected in all farms (100%) based on the faecal culture method. Libyostrongylus douglassii was detected for the first time in 7 of 11 farms (64%) surveyed. Data from questionnaires designed to assess farm management practices showed that four out of seven (57.1%) of the ostrich producers were unaware of the importance of wireworms in ostriches. The farms did not have a regular deworming programme for their birds and no faecal samples were sent routinely to the veterinary laboratory for screening of wireworms. Wireworm infections were not taken into consideration by farmers during buying and selling of birds.  相似文献   

Observations on wireworms in the sugar-beet crop during 1937–40 indicated the importance of alternative food, such as buried turf, weeds, excess seedlings and interdrilled wheat in determining the degree of injury to the crop.
In 1938, out of thirty-six recorded fields growing sugar beet after ploughed-up grass only one suffered severe wireworm damage. Six of these fields were selected for resowing with sugar beet in 1939, and all suffered moderate or severe attacks. Several other fields in their first year from grass showed only slight damage. These observations were supported by an analysis of the Norfolk War Agricultural Committee crop records for 1940.
Seven trials were carried out in 1939 to determine the effect of increasing the seed rate from normal (about 14–16 lb./acre) to 17–25 lb., and of interdrilling with wheat. In three trials, increasing the seed rate gave significantly higher plant populations before singling. It gave significant increases after singling in one out of two trials. However, in the one trial harvested the increase in 'washed beet' was only 7.6% and 'total sugar' 15%. Interdrilling with wheat at 40–70 lb./acre gave significant increases in the plant population before singling in three out of five trials, and after singling in three out of four trials. Increased plant populations both before and after singling were obtained in two other trials with alternating treatments. Increased seed rate and interdrilled wheat together gave greatly improved plant populations before singling in each of two trials and after singling in the one trial where such an observation was possible.  相似文献   

Environmental and behavioral factors that affect the infection of wireworms [Agriotes obscurus L. (Coleoptera: Elateridae)] by a unique isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae Sorokin (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) were studied. After wireworms were placed in soil containing 10(6) M. anisopliae conidia/g and incubated at 6, 12, or 18 degrees C, significant disease development and wireworm mortality occurred only in those wireworms incubated at 18 degrees C. At this temperature, mortality was found to be dependant on the time exposed to the contaminated soil, and a minimum exposure time of 48 h was required to cause significant levels of mortality. Despite the restrictive effect of cooler temperatures on disease development and mortality, infected wireworms did not choose temperatures that inhibited disease development when given the opportunity to do so in a separate experiment. Finally, wireworms were repelled by M. anisopliae-contaminated soil at a rate that increased with the soil conidia concentration, but the rate of emigration was reduced when a food source was present. The results of this study indicate that factors including temperature, time exposed to M. anisopliae, conidia soil concentration, and food availability will affect mortality rates of wireworms and are likely to affect field performance of M. anisopliae as a biological control.  相似文献   

The effects of carbon dioxide and the induction of morbidity on aversion learning in larvae of the Pacific Coast wireworm Limonius canus LeConte (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are discussed. Wireworms preconditioned by exposing them one or four times to odour of Tefluthrin 20SC and Dividend XLRTA [Syngenta Crop Protection (Canada), Inc., Canada] during the induction of temporary morbidity subsequently contact tefluthrin‐treated wheat seeds in soil bioassays for as long as naïve (i.e. not preconditioned) larvae but are repelled four to five‐fold more frequently by Dividend‐treated seeds in soil bioassays than naïve wireworms, suggesting that wireworms are capable of associating a novel odour (i.e. Dividend) with morbidity but require a minimum of 10–15 min subsequent contact time with treated seeds before being repelled. Wireworms preconditioned by exposure to peppermint odour during the induction of morbidity are not subsequently repelled by peppermint odour in soil bioassays, suggesting that wireworms are either not capable of aversion learning or that the presence of a CO2 source and/or a suitable host plant may override a negative cue (i.e. peppermint odour). In studies conducted in the absence of soil, a host plant and CO2 production, wireworms are repelled slightly by droplets of 1.0% but not 0.1% peppermint oil. Previous exposure to peppermint odour or contact with peppermint oil‐treated filter paper during one induction of morbidity does not increase the repellency of wireworms to 1.0% peppermint oil significantly. Repellency to 1.0% peppermint oil is almost eliminated when morbidity is induced five times in the absence of peppermint odour but is restored when peppermint odour is present during preconditioning. These findings suggest that wireworm sensitivity to repellent compounds decreases when repeatedly made moribund, although the results are not sufficient to conclude that wireworms are capable of associative learning.  相似文献   

A bioassay for observing wireworm behavior in soil is described. The bioassay permits analysis of orientation, feeding, repellency, and postcontact toxicity behaviors of wireworms in response to insecticide-treated wheat seeds. Wireworm positions were recorded every 5 min for 3 h, and the time required to orient to and contact seeds, and the duration of individual feeding events, was calculated. Both avoidance (before contact with seeds) and repellency (after contact) were quantified. A high proportion of Agriotes obscurus (0.95), Limonius canus (1.00), Ctenicera pruinina (0.80), Melanotus communis/dietrichi (0.80), and Hypolithus sp. (0.70) larvae contacted untreated wheat seeds and began feeding within 120 min when seeds were preincubated for 60 min in soil with 20% moisture. A smaller proportion of A. obscurus contacted seeds if seeds were not incubated in the bioassay before wireworm introduction (0.80) or in soil with 10% moisture (0.65). L. canus larvae required a significantly shorter time (25.3 min) to contact seeds if seeds were incubated for 60 min than if seeds were not incubated before wireworm introduction (43.1 min). Wireworms exposed to untreated seeds and seeds treated with the fungicide Dividend XLRTA fed normally (i.e., sustained feeding for at least 60 min), but a significant proportion of wireworms exposed to seeds treated with Tefluthrin 20 CS (containing the synthetic pyrethroid tefluthrin) fed for 15 min or less and were subsequently repelled. Wireworms exposed to Vitavax Dual (containing the organochlorine lindane) were not repelled after feeding and showed symptoms of illness for up to 28 d before making a full recovery (89%) or dying (11%).  相似文献   

The polyphagous larvae of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are major pests of spring wheat in Montana, USA. Presently available insecticides are unable to provide control over wireworm populations, and the use of natural enemies has not been successful under field conditions. In this study, we examined the effect of seven trap crops: pea, lentil, canola, corn, durum, barley, and wheat, for their attractiveness to wireworms compared to spring wheat. Experimental plots were located in two commercial grain fields in Valier and Ledger, Montana, USA and the trials took place from May to August in 2015 and 2016. Wheat plants damaged by wireworms were recorded and their relative locations in wheat rows and adjacent trap crop rows within a plot were determined using destructive soil samples. In 2016, variable row spacing (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 m) between the trap crops (pea and lentil) and wheat was assessed. Shade house bioassays were conducted using potted pea, lentil, and wheat plants to support field trial results. Limonius californicus larvae, released at the center of each pot were sampled 4 and 10 days after sowing. Wheat intercropped with pea and lentil had significantly fewer damaged wheat plants. Wireworm numbers were lower in wheat intercropped with pea compared to the control for both locations and years. Shade house results corresponded with field results, with more wireworms collected from pea and lentil than wheat. In the spacing trials, wheat plant counts were also significantly higher when paired with pea and lentil, particularly at 0.5 m spacing. Regardless of inter-row spacing, significantly fewer wireworms were associated with wheat when intercropped with pea and lentil trap crops.  相似文献   

Late instars of the Pacific Coast wireworm, Limonius canus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Elateridae), were exposed to wheat seeds treated with tefluthrin at 10 g active ingredient/100 kg wheat seed, for 2 min, at 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C. All wireworms were moribund within 20 min of first exposure and recovered fully within 7 h. Morbidity induction time (i) decreased considerably as the temperature (t) was increased from 10 to 15 °C, but did not decrease further when the temperature was increased from 15 to 25 °C. For each temperature, induction time decreased as wireworm weight (w) increased, so that . A strong negative temperature coefficient was observed in wireworm recovery, the time required for recovery (r) after exposure decreasing as both temperature (t) and wireworm weight (w) increased, so that r = 1102.47(w)?0.1848 * e?0.1012t. The temperature at which wireworms contact insecticides in the field may significantly affect the induction and duration of morbidity, and determine whether wireworms will become moribund before they are repelled by tefluthrin. The ability of wireworms to recover from tefluthrin‐induced morbidity may seriously limit the efficacy of this insecticide in reducing wireworm populations in the field.  相似文献   

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