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Ryle, G. J. A., Powell, C. E. and Gordon, A. J. 1988. Responsesof N2 fixation-linked respiration to host-plant energy statusin white clover acclimated to a controlled environment.—J.exp. Bot. 39: 879–887. Single plants of white clover, acclimated to a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on N2 fixation in their root nodules,were darkened, defoliated or exposed to enhanced CO2 levelsto establish the quantitative relationships between the photosynthesisof the host plant and the N2 fixation metabolism of root nodules. The nodule respiration associated with N2 fixation (FLR) declinedrapidly to 10–15% of its normal rate following plant darkeningearly in the photoperiod. Darkening at progressively later intervalsduring the photoperiod demonstrated a positive, apparently linearrelationship between duration of illumination and total FLRduring the photoperiod and the following night period. Completeor partial defoliation reduced FLR according to the leaf arearemoved: again, there was a strong positive correlation betweencurrent rate of photosynthesis, whether of defoliated or undefoliatedplants and the FLR of root nodules. Doubling the current rateof photosynthesis, by enhancing CO2 levels around the shoots,promoted FLR within 1–2 h when plants were stressed bylack of light. However, enhanced CO2 levels increased FLR onlyslowly over a period of several hours in plants entrained tothe normal growing conditions. It is concluded that, in these plants acclimated to a uniformand favourable controlled environment, the supply and utilizationof photosynthetic assimilate in N2 fixation was finely balancedand quantitatively linked during a single diurnal period andthat nodule functioning was not depressed by lack of energysubstrate. Key words: White clover, N2 fixation, photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Gas exchange measurements were undertaken on 2-year-old plantsof Clusia rosea. The plants were shown to have the ability toswitch from C3-photosynthesis to CAM and vice versa regardlessof leaf age and, under some conditions, CO2 was taken up continuously,throughout the day and night. The light response was saturatedby 120 µmol m–2 s–1 typical of a shade plant. Gas exchange patterns in response to light, water and VPD wereexamined. All combinations of daytime and night-time CO2 uptakewere observed, with rates of CO2 uptake ranging from 2 to 11µmol m–2 s–1 depending upon water status andlight. Categorization of this plant asC3, CAM or an intermediateis impossible. Differing VPD affected the magnitude of changesfrom CAM to C3-photosynthesis (0 to 0.5 and 0 to 6.0 µmolm–2 s–1 CO2, respectively) when plants were watered.Under well-watered conditions, but not under water stress, highPPFD elicited changes from CAM to C3 gas exchange. This is unusualnot only for a shade plant but also for a plant with CAM. Itis of ecological importance for C. rosea, which may spend theearly years of its life as an epiphyte or in the forest understorey,to be able to maximize photosynthesis with minimal water loss. Key words: Clusia rosea, CAM, C3, stress  相似文献   

Upland grasslands are a major component of natural vegetationwithin the UK. Such grasslands support slow growing relativelystable plant communities. The response of native montane grassspecies to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrationshas received little attention to date. Of such studies, mosthave only focused on short-term (days to weeks) responses, oftenunder favourable controlled environment conditions. In thisstudy Agrostis caplllaris L.5, Festuca vivipara L. and Poa alpinaL. were grown under semi-natural conditions in outdoor open-topchambers at either ambient (340µmol mol–1) or elevated(680µmol mol–1) concentrations of atmospheric carbondioxide (CO2 for periods from 79 to 189 d, with a nutrient availabilitysimilar to that of montane Agrostis-Fescue grassland in Snowdonia,N. Wales. Whole plant dry weight was increased for A. capillarisand P. alpina, but decreased for F. vivipara, at elevated CO2.Major components of relative growth rate (RGR) contributingto this change at elevated CO2 were transient changes in specificleaf area (SLA) and leaf area ratio (LAR). Despite changes ingrowth rate at 680 µmol mol–1 CO2, partitioningof dry weight between shoot and root in plants of A. capillarisand P. alpina was unaltered. There was a significant decreasein shoot relative to root growth at elevated CO2 in F. viviparawhich also showed marked discoloration of the leaves and increasedsenescence of the foliage. Key words: Allometry, growth analysis, elevated CO2, grasses  相似文献   

Acclimation of Lolium temulentum to enhanced carbon dioxide concentration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acclimation of single plants of Lolium temulentum to changing[CO2] was studied on plants grown in controlled environmentsat 20°C with an 8 h photoperiod. In the first experimentplants were grown at 135 µ;mol m–2 s–1 photosyntheticphoton flux density (PPFD) at 415µl l–1 or 550µll–1 [CO2] with some plants transferred from the lowerto the higher [CO2] at emergence of leaf 4. In the second experimentplants were grown at 135 and 500 µmol m–2 s–1PPFD at 345 and 575 µl l–1 [CO2]. High [CO2] during growth had little effect on stomatal density,total soluble proteins, chlorophyll a content, amount of Rubiscoor cytochrome f. However, increasing [CO2] during measurementincreased photosynthetic rates, particularly in high light.Plants grown in the higher [CO2] had greater leaf extension,leaf and plant growth rates in low but not in high light. Theresults are discussed in relation to the limitation of growthby sink capacity and the modifications in the plant which allowthe storage of extra assimilates at high [CO2]. Key words: Lolium, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, growth, stomatal density  相似文献   

Single, seed-grown plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv.Melle) were grown for 49 d from the early seedling stage ingrowth cabinets at a day/night temperature of 20/15 C, witha 12 h photoperiod, and a CO2 concentration of either 340 or680µI 1–1 CO2. Following complete acclimation tothe environmental regimes, leaf and whole plant CO2 effluxesand influxes were measured using infra-red gas analysis techniques.Elevated CO2 increased rates of photosynthesis of young, fullyexpanded leaves by 35–46% and of whole plants by morethan 50%. For both leaves and whole plants acclimation to 680µI–1 CO2 reduced rates of photosynthesis in bothCO2 regimes, compared with plants acclimated to 340µll–1. There was no significant effect of CO2 regime onrespiration rates of either leaves or whole plants, althoughleaves developed in elevated CO2 exhibited generally lower ratesthan those developed in 340µI I–1 CO2. Initially the seedling plants in elevated CO2 grew faster thantheir counterparts in 340µI I–1 CO2, but this effectquickly petered out and final plant weights differed by onlyc. 10%. Since the total area of expanded and unexpanded laminaewas unaffected by CO2 regime, specific leaf area was persistently13–40% lower in elevated CO2 while, similarly, root/shootratio was also reduced throughout the experiment. Elevated CO2reduced tissue nitrogen contents of expanded leaves, but hadno effect on the nitrogen contents of unexpanded leaves, sheathsor roots. The lack of a pronounced effect of elevated CO2 on plant growthwas primarily due to the fact that CO2 concentration did notinfluence tiller (branch) numbers. In the absence of an effecton tiller numbers, any possible weight increment was restrictedto the c. 2.5 leaves of each tiller. The reason for the lackof an effect on tillering is not known. Key words: Lolium perenne, ryegrass, elevated CO2, photosynthesis, respiration, growth, development  相似文献   

The quantum yields of photosynthetic O2 evolution were measuredin 15 species of C4 plants belonging to three different decarboxylationtypes (NADP-ME type, NAD-ME type and PEP-CK type) and 5 speciesof C3 plants and evaluated relative to the maximum theoreticalvalue of 0.125 mol oxygen quanta-1. At 25°C and 1% CO2,the quantum yield in C4 plants averaged 0.079 (differences betweensubgroups not significant) which was significantly lower thanthe quantum yield in C3 plants (average of 0.105 for 5 species).This lower quantum yield in C4 plants is thought to reflectthe requirement of energy in the C4 cycle. For the C4 NADP-MEtype plant Z. mays and NAD-ME type plant P. miliaceum, quantumyields were also measured over a range of CO2 levels between1 and 20%. In both species maximum quantum yields were obtainedunder 10% CO2 (0.105 O2 quanta-1 in Z. mays and 0.097 O2 quanta-1in P. miliaceum) indicating that at this CO2 concentration thequantum yields are similar to those obtained in C3 plants underCO2 saturation. The high quantum yield values in C4 plants undervery high CO2 may be accomplished by direct diffusion of atmosphericCO2 to bundle sheath cells, its fixation in the C3 pathway,and feedback inhibition of the C4 cycle by inorganic carbon. (Received June 6, 1995; Accepted August 15, 1995)  相似文献   

The photosynthetic uptake of root-zone CO2 was determined forEriocaulon septangulare, Gratiola aurea, Isoetes macrospora,Littorella uniflora var. americana and Lobelia dortmanna aspart of a study of the photosynthetic carbon economy of submergedaquatic isoetids. The pH and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)of the sediment interstitial water in four Wisconsin lakes reflectedthe water column character, where the DIC increased with depthin the sediment to concentrations five to ten times those ofthe water column. Sediment free CO2 concentrations were 5–50times those in the water column and were similar at all sites(about 05–1.0mM CO2 in the root-zone). In ‘pH-drift’studies these plants were unable to take up HCO2. Laboratory determinations of the carbon uptake from the rootand shoot-zones were made for all five species. These experimentsshowed that CO2 in the root-zone accounted for 65–95 percent of external carbon uptake for the five species. For G.aurea and E. septangulare, root-zone CO2 was > 85 per centof carbon uptake. Carbon, CO2, photosynthesis, sediment, isoetid, Eriocaulon septangulare, Gratiola aurea, Isoetes macrospora, Littorella uniflora, Lobelia dortmanna  相似文献   

This study investigated how CO2and temperature affect dry weight(d.wt) accumulation, total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC)concentration, and partitioning of C and N among organs of twoimportant grasses of the shortgrass steppe,Pascopyrum smithiiRydb. (C3) andBouteloua gracilis(H.B.K.) Lag. ex Steud. (C4).Treatment combinations comprised two temperatures (20 and 35°C)at two concentrations of CO2(380 and 750 µmol mol-1),and two additional temperatures of 25 and 30°C at 750 µmolmol-1CO2. Plants were maintained under favourable nutrient andsoil moisture and harvested following 21, 35, and 49d of treatment.CO2-induced growth enhancements were greatest at temperaturesconsidered favourable for growth of these grasses. Comparedto growth at 380 µmol mol-1CO2, final d.wt of CO2-enrichedP.smithiiincreased 84% at 20°C, but only 4% at 35°C. Finald.wt ofB. graciliswas unaffected by CO2at 20°C, but wasenhanced by 28% at 35°C. Root:shoot ratios remained relativelyconstant across CO2levels, but increased inP. smithiiwith reductionin temperature. These partitioning results were adequately explainedby the theory of balanced root and shoot activity. Favourablegrowth temperatures led to CO2-induced accumulations of TNCin leaves of both species, and in stems ofP. smithii, whichgenerally reflected responses of above-ground d.wt partitioningto CO2. However, CO2-induced decreases in plant tissue N concentrationswere more evident forP. smithii. Roots of CO2-enrichedP. smithiihadgreater total N content at 20°C, an allocation of N below-groundthat may be an especially important adaptation for C3plants.Tissue N contents ofB. graciliswere unaffected by CO2. Resultssuggest CO2enrichment may lead to reduced N requirements forgrowth in C3plants and lower shoot N concentration, especiallyat favourable growth temperatures. Acclimation to CO2; blue grama; Bouteloua gracilis ; carbohydrate; climate change; global change; grass; growth; growth temperature optima; nitrogen; N uptake; Pascopyrum smithii; western wheatgrass  相似文献   

Background and Aims Neotyphodium lolii is a fungal endophyteof perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), improving grass fitnessthrough production of bioactive alkaloids. Neotyphodium speciescan also affect growth and physiology of their host grasses(family Poaceae, sub-family Pooideae), but little is known aboutthe mechanisms. This study examined the effect of N. lolii onnet photosynthesis (Pn) and growth rates in ryegrass genotypesdiffering in endophyte concentration in all leaf tissues. • Methods Plants from two ryegrass genotypes, Nui D andNui UIV, infected with N. lolii (E+) differing approx. 2-foldin endophyte concentration or uninfected clones thereof (E–)were grown in a controlled environment. For each genotype xendophyte treatment, plant growth rates were assessed as tilleringand leaf extension rates, and the light response of Pn, darkrespiration and transpiration measured in leaves of young (30–45d old) and old (>90 d old) plants with a single-chamber openinfrared gas-exchange system. • Key Results Neotyphodium lolii affected CO2-limited ratesof Pn, which were approx. 17 % lower in E+ than E– plants(P < 0·05) in the young plants. Apparent photon yieldand dark respiration were unaffected by the endophyte (P >0·05). Neotyphodium lolii also decreased transpiration(P < 0·05), but only in complete darkness. There wereno endophyte effects on Pn in the old plants (P > 0·05).E+ plants grew faster immediately after replanting (P < 0·05),but had approx. 10 % lower growth rates during mid-log growth(P < 0·05) than E– plants, but there was noeffect on final plant biomass (P > 0·05). The endophyteeffects on Pn and growth tended to be more pronounced in NuiUIV, despite having a lower endophyte concentration than NuiD. • Conclusions Neotyphodium lolii affects CO2 fixation,but not light interception and photochemistry of Pn. The impactof N. lolii on plant growth and photosynthesis is independentof endophyte concentration in the plant, suggesting that theendophyte mycelium is not simply an energy drain to the plant.However, the endophyte effects on Pn and plant growth are stronglydependent on the plant growth phase.  相似文献   

Pascopyrum smithii (C3) andBouteloua gracilis (C4) are importantforage grasses native to the Colorado shortgrass steppe. Thisstudy investigated photosynthetic responses of these grassesto long-term CO2enrichment and temperature in relation to leafnonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) and [N]. Glasshouse-grown seedlingswere transferred to growth chambers and grown for 49 d at twoCO2concentrations (380 and 750 µmol mol-1) at 20 and 35°C, and two additional temperatures (25 and 30 °C) at750 µmol mol-1CO2. Leaf CO2exchange rate (CER) was measuredat a plant's respective growth temperature and at two CO2concentrationsof approx. 380 and 700 µmol mol-1. Long-term CO2enrichmentstimulated CER in both species, although the response was greaterin the C3,P. smithii . Doubling the [CO2] from 380 to 750 µmolmol-1stimulated CER ofP. smithii slightly more in plants grownand measured at 30 °C compared to plants grown at 20, 25or 35 °C. CO2-enriched plants sometimes exhibited lowerCER when compared to ambient-grown controls measured at thesame [CO2], indicating photosynthetic acclimation to CO2growthregime. InP. smithii , such reductions in CER were associatedwith increases in TNC and specific leaf mass, reductions inleaf [N] and, in one instance, a reduction in leaf conductancecompared to controls. InB. gracilis , photosynthetic acclimationwas observed more often, but significant changes in leaf metabolitelevels from growth at different [CO2] were generally less evident.Temperatures considered optimal for growth (C3: 20 °C; C4:35 °C) sometimes led to CO2-induced accumulations of TNCin both species, with starch accumulating in the leaves of bothspecies, and fructans accumulating only inP. smithii. Photosynthesisof both species is likely to be enhanced in future CO2-enrichedand warmer environments, although responses will sometimes beattenuated by acclimation. Acclimation; blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag ex Steud.); leaf nitrogen concentration; nonstructural carbohydrates; photosynthesis; western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Love)  相似文献   

Madsen, T. V. 1987. Sources of inorganic carbon acquired throughCAM in Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers.—J. exp. Bot.38: 367–377. The CO2 dynamics of the lacunal air and the relative contributionof external and internal CO2 sources to dark CO2 assimilationwas examined in the submerged aquatic CAM species Littorellauniflora (L.) Aschers. Refixation of internal CO2, released by dark respiration, constitutedabout 30–35% of the total dark CO2 assimilation. At aCO2 concentration of 0·2 mol m–3 around the leavesthe external CO2 uptake through the roots increased from 45%of the total CO2 uptake at 0·7 mol m–3 CO2 to 100%at 1·6 mol m–3 and 3·1 mol m–3 CO2around the roots. The negligible importance of leaf CO2 uptakeat high CO2 concentrations around the roots was the result ofa causative high CO2 concentration in the leaf lacunae. The CO2 permeability of Littorella leaves was high relativeto root permeability. This has at least two ecological implications:(1) it enhances the potential diffusive release of CO2 fromthe sediment C02-pool via the lacunal system of the plants.This loss of CO2, however, was found to be greatly reduced byCAM activity of the plants. (2) The high permeability of theleaf surface to CO2 exchange allows the plants to assimilateCO2 from the water surrounding the leaves when the concentrationis high, i.e. during extensive epiphyte dark respiration. Thus,CAM tends to facilitate retension of a high CO2 pool in thesediment-plant system and at the same time allows the plantsto exploit the water column CO2 source when it is abundant.This result is in accordance with the general idea that CAMin aquatics constitute a carbon conserving mechanism. Key words: Aquatic macrophytes, dark CO2 assimilation, inorganic carbon sources  相似文献   

We examined changes in dry weight and leaf area within Dactylisglomerata L. plants using allometric analysis to determine whetherobserved patterns were truly affected by [CO2] and N supplyor merely reflect ontogenetic drift. Plants were grown hydroponicallyat four concentrations of in controlled environment cabinets at ambient (360 µll–1) or elevated (680 µl l–1) atmospheric[CO2]. Both CO2and N enrichment stimulated net dry matter production.Allometric analyses revealed that [CO2] did not affect partitioningof dry matter between shoot and root at high N supply. However,at low N supply there was a transient increase in dry matterpartitioning into the shoot at elevated compared to ambient[CO2] during early stages of growth, which is inconsistent withpredictions based on optimal partitioning theory. In contrast,dry matter partitioning was affected by N supply throughoutontogeny, such that at low N supply dry matter was preferentiallyallocated to roots, which is in agreement with optimal partitioningtheory. Independent of N supply, atmospheric CO2enrichment resultedin a reduction in leaf area ratio (LAR), solely due to a decreasein specific leaf area (SLA), when plants of the same age werecompared. However, [CO2] did not affect allometric coefficientsrelating dry weight and leaf area, and effects of elevated [CO2]on LAR and SLA were the result of an early, transient stimulationof whole plant and leaf dry weight, compared to leaf area production.We conclude that elevated [CO2], in contrast to N supply, changesallocation patterns only transiently during early stages ofgrowth, if at all. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Allometric growth, carbon dioxide enrichment, Cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata L., dry weight partitioning, leaf area ratio, nitrogen supply, shoot:root ratio, specific leaf area  相似文献   

Carbon Dioxide Effects on Carbohydrate Status and Partitioning in Rice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has beenrising and is predicted to reach double the present concentrationsometime during the next century. The objective of this investigationwas to determine the long-term effects of different CO2 concentrationson carbohydrate status and partitioning in rice (Oryza sativaL cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in outdoor,naturally sunlit, environmentally controlled growth chamberswith CO2 concentrations of 160, 250, 330, 500, 660, and 900µmolCO2 mol1 air. In leaf blades, the priority between the partitioningof carbon into storage carbohydrates or into export changedwith developmental stage and CO2 concentration. During vegetativegrowth, leaf sucrose and starch concentrations increased withincreasing CO2 concentration but tended to level off above 500µmolmol–1 CO2. Similarly, photosynthesis also increased withCO2 concentrations up to 500µmol mol–1 and thenreached a plateau at higher concentrations. The ratio of starchto sucrose concentration was positively correlated with theCO2 concentration. At maturity, increasing CO2 concentrationresulted in an increase in total non-structural carbohydrate(TNC) concentration in leaf blades, leaf sheaths and culms.Carbohydrates that were stored in vegetative plant parts beforeheading made a smaller contribution to grain dry weight at CO2concentrations below 330µmol mol–1 than for treatmentsat concentrations above ambient Increasing CO2 concentrationhad no effect on the carbohydrate concentration in the grainat maturity Key words: CO2 enrichment, starch, sucrose  相似文献   

Rintamäki, E. and Aro, E.-M. 1985. Photosynthetic and photorespiratoryenzymes in widely divergent plant species with special referenceto the moss Ceratodon purpureus: Properties of ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and glycolateoxidase.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1677–1684. Km(CO2) values and maximal velocities of ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (E.C. [EC] ) were determined for sixplant species growing in the wild, consisting of a moss, a fernand four angiosperms. The maximum velocities of the RuBP carboxylasesvaried from 0.13 to 0.;62 µmol CO2 fixed min–1 mg–1soluble protein and the Km(CO2) values from 15 to 22 mmol m–3CO2. The highest Km(CO2) values found were for the moss, Ceratodonpurpureus, and the grass, Deschampsia flexuosa. These plantsalso had the highest ratios of the activities of RuBP carboxylaseto RuBP oxygenase. Glycolate oxidase (E.C. [EC] ) activitieswere slightly lower in D.flexuosa, but not in C. purpureus,than for typical C3 species. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(E.C. [EC] ) was not involved in the photosynthetic carboxylationby these two plants. However, another grass, Phragmites australis,was intermediate in PEP carboxylase activity between C3 andC4 plants The properties of RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase are discussedin relation to the activities of PEP carboxylase and glycolateoxidase and to the internal CO2 concentration. Key words: RuBP carboxylase, oxygenase, Km(CO2), moss  相似文献   

Two common tallgrass prairie species, Andropogon gerardii, thedominant C4 grass in this North American grassland, and Salviapitcheri, a C3 forb, were exposed to ambient and elevated (twiceambient) CO2 within open-top chambers throughout the 1993 growingseason. After full canopy development, stomatal density on abaxialand adaxial surfaces, guard cell length and specific leaf mass(SLM; mg cm-2) were determined for plants in the chambers aswell as in adjacent unchambered plots. Record high rainfallamounts during the 1993 growing season minimized water stressin these plants (leaf xylem pressure potential was usually >-1·5 MPa in A. gerardii) and also minimized differencesin water status among treatments. In A. gerardii, stomatal densitywas significantly higher (190 ± 7 mm-2; mean ±s.e.) in plants grown outside of the chambers compared to plantsthat developed inside the ambient CO2 chambers (161 ±5 mm-2). Thus, there was a significant 'chamber effect' on stomataldensity. At elevated levels of CO2, stomatal density was evenlower (P < 0·05; 121 ± 5 mm-2). Most stomatawere on abaxial leaf surfaces in this grass, but the ratio ofadaxial to abaxial stomatal density was greater at elevatedlevels of CO2. In S. pitcheri, stomatal density was also significantlylower when plants were grown in the open-top chambers (235 ±10 mm-2 outside vs. 140 ± 6 mm-2 in the ambient CO2 chamber).However, stomatal density was greater at elevated CO2 (218 ±12 mm-2) compared to plants from the ambient CO2 chamber. Theratio of stomata on adaxial vs. abaxial surfaces did not varysignificantly in this herb. Guard cell lengths were not significantlyaffected by growth in the chambers or by elevated CO2 for eitherspecies. Growth within the chambers resulted in lower SLM inS. pitcheri, but CO2 concentration had no effect. In A. gerardii,SLM was lower at elevated CO2. These results indicate that stomataland leaf responses to elevated CO2 are species specific, andreinforce the need to assess chamber effects along with treatmenteffects (CO2) when using open-top chambers.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Andropogon gerardii, elevated CO2, Salvia pitcheri, stomatal density, tallgrass prairie  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response to CO2 concentration, light intensityand temperature was investigated in water hyacinth plants (Eichhorniacrassipes (Mart.) Solms) grown in summer at ambient CO2 or at10000 µmol(CO2) mol–1 and in winter at 6000 µmol(CO2)mol–1 Plants grown and measured at ambient CO2 had highphotosynthetic rate (35 µmo1(CO2) m–2 s–1),high saturating photon flux density (1500–2000) µmolm–2 s–1 and low sensitivity to temperature in therange 20–40 °C. Maximum photosynthetic rate (63 µmol(CO2)m–2 s–1) was reached at an internal CO2 concentrationof 800 µmol mol–1. Plants grown at high CO2 in summerhad photosynthetic capacities at ambient CO2 which were 15%less than for plants grown at ambient CO2, but maximum photosyntheticrates were similar. Photosynthesis by plants grown at high CO2and high light intensity had typical response curves to internalCO2 concentration with saturation at high CO2, but for plantsgrown under high CO2 and low light and plants grown under lowCO2 and high light intensity photosynthetic rates decreasedsharply at internal CO2 concentrations above 1000 µmol–1. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, enrichment, Eichhornia crassipes  相似文献   

We studied the responses of Xanthium occidentale (Bertol.) (cockleburor Noogoora burr), a noxious weed, to atmospheric CO2 enrichmentand nitrate-N concentrations in the root zone ranging from 0.5to 25 mM. CO2 enrichment (1500 cm3 m–3) increased dry-matterproduction to about the same extent (18 per cent) at all levelsof supplied N: most of the increment in dry matter was distributedequally between leaves and roots so that there was little effecton shoot-to-root dry-weight ratios. Growth was stimulated greatlyby N and plateaued at 12 mM supplied N. Shoot-to-root dry-weightand total N ratios increased with increasing N supply. CO2 enrichmenthad no effect on the total amount of N accumulated by plants,but increased the N-use efficiency of leaves. Enriched plantshad lower concentrations and quantities of N in their leavesthan controls, and therefore lower shoot-to-root total N ratios.Little free NO3 accumulated in organs of control or enrichedplants. NO3 was the major form of N in xylem sap fromdetopped plants at low supplied NO3-N, but amino N was equalin importance at high supplied NO3-N in control and enrichedplants. Concentrations of NO3 were lower in the xylemsap of CO2 enriched plants. It was concluded that the betterN-use efficiency of CO2 enriched plants could result in increasedgrowth of X. occidentale in regions of marginal soil fertilityas atmospheric levels of CO2 increase. CO2 enrichment, nitrogen, Xanthium, Noogoora burr, cocklebur  相似文献   

Agrostis capillaris L.4 Festuca vivipara L. and Poa alpinaL.were grown in outdoor open-top chambers at either ambient (340µmol mol–1) or elevated (680 µmol–1)CO2 for periods from 79 to 189 d. Under these conditions thereis increased growth of A. caplllarls and P. alpina, but reducedgrowth of F. vivipara. Nutrient use efficiency, nutrient productivity(total plant dry weight gain per unit of nutrient) and nutrientallocation of all three grass species were measured in an attemptto understand their individual growth responses further andto determine whether altered nutrient-use efficiencies and productivitiesenable plants exposed to an elevated atmospheric CO2 environmentto overcome potential limitations to growth imposed by soilfertility. Total uptake of nutrients was, in general, greater in plantsof A. capillaris and P. alpina (with the exception of N andK in the latter) when grown at 680 µmol mol–1 CO2.In F. vivipara, however, uptake was considerably reduced inplants grown at the higher CO2 concentration. Overall, a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration had littleeffect on the nutrient use efficiency or productivity of A.capillaris. Reductions in tissue nutrient content resulted fromincreased plant growth and not altered nutrient use efficiency.In P. alpina, potassium, magnesium and calcium productivitieswere significantly reduced and photosynthetic nitrogen and phosphorususe efficiencies were doubled at elevated CO2 with respect toplants grown at ambient CO2 F. vivipara grown for 189 d showedthe most marked changes in nutrient use efficiency and nutrientproductivity (on an extracted dry weight basis) when grown atelevated CO2, F. vivipara grown at elevated CO2 however, showedlarge increases in the ratio of non-structural carbohydrateto nitrogen content of leaves and reproductive tissues, indicatinga substantial imbalance between the production and utilizationof assimilate. Key words: Nutrient, allocation, nutrient use efficiency, grasses, nutrient productivity, elevated CO2, cliniate change  相似文献   

Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition on Photosynthesis in Cd-treated Sunflower Plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Increased nitrogen supply stimulates plant growth and photosynthesis.Since it was shown that heavy metals may cause deficienciesof essential nutrients in plants the potential reversal of cadmiumtoxicity by increased N nutrition was investigated. The effectson photosynthesis of low Cd (0, 0.5, 2 or 5 mmol m-3) combinedwith three N treatments (2, 7.5 or 10 mol m-3) were examinedin young sunflower plants. Chlorophyll fluorescence quenchingparameters were determined at ambient CO2and at 100 or 800 µmolquanta m-2 s-1. The vitality index (Rfd) decreased approx. three-timesin response to 5 mmol m-3Cd, at 2 and 10 mol m-3N. The maximumphotochemical efficiency of PSII reaction centres (Fv/ Fm) wasnot influenced by Cd or N treatment. The highest Cd concentrationdecreased quantum efficiency of PSII electron transport (II)by 30%, at 2 and 10 mol m-3N, mostly due to increased closureof PSII reaction centres (qP). Photosynthetic oxygen evolutionrates at saturating CO2were decreased in plants treated with5 mmol m-3Cd, at all N concentrations. The results indicatethat Cd treatment affected the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)regeneration capacity of the Calvin cycle more than other processes.At the same time, the amounts of soluble and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) protein increased with Cd treatment.Decreased photosynthesis, but substantially increased Rubiscocontent, in sunflower leaves under Cd stress indicate that asignificant amount of Rubisco protein is not active in photosynthesisand could have another function. It is shown that optimal nitrogennutrition decreases the inhibitory effects of Cd in young sunflowerplants. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Helianthus annuus L., cadmium, nitrogen, photosynthesis, Rubisco, sunflower  相似文献   

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