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DAVID SHOEMAKER 《Bioethics》2010,24(9):481-489
It has long been thought that certain key bioethical views depend heavily on work in personal identity theory, regarding questions of either our essence or the conditions of our numerical identity across time. In this paper I argue to the contrary, that personal identity is actually not significant at all in this arena. Specifically, I explore three topics where considerations of identity are thought to be essential – abortion, definition of death, and advance directives – and I show in each case that the significant work is being done by a relation other than identity.  相似文献   

陈军  邓艳 《动物分类学报》2006,31(4):778-783
介绍了一种利用扫描仪、数位板等计算机外围设备在个人电脑中Photoshop图像处理软件下对分类学研究黑白点线特征草图进行覆墨的方法。该方法包括输入草图、定稿、覆墨、排版、输出等步骤。  相似文献   

Visualisation of cell adhesion patterns by scanning electron microscopy requires special preparation and labelling. The membranes and cytoplasm must be removed, without damaging the antigen, to facilitate antibody access to vinculin in the focal adhesions. Low beam energy imaging is used to visualise the cell undersurface (embedded in resin after staining with osmium tetroxide) and immunogold-labelled adhesion sites. The gold probe, must be large enough (>40 nm) for detection, while viewing the whole cell, but large gold markers increase steric hindrance and decrease labelling efficiency. This problem can be overcome by using small gold probes (1-5 nm) followed by enlargement with silver enhancement, but osmium tetroxide stain etches the silver. We demonstrated that metal substrates increased this etching. Reducing the concentration of osmium tetroxide and incubation time reduced the amount of etching. We have demonstrated that gold enhancement was not etched by osmium tetroxide, irrespective of the substrate. Therefore, comparative studies of cell adhesion to different biomaterial substrates can be performed using immunogold-labelling with gold enhancement.  相似文献   

The thermophilic blue-green alga Synechococcus lividus strain Y52 was shown to have plastoquinone (PQ) types A, B, and C. The values PQA per cell and chlorophyll a per cell are presented with the changes in the ratio of PQA to chlorophyll a for cells grown at different light intensities.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, Islamic scholars and medical experts have used the tools of Islamic law to formulate ethico‐legal opinions on brain death. These assessments have varied in their determinations and remain controversial. Some juridical councils such as the Organization of Islamic Conferences' Islamic Fiqh Academy (OIC‐IFA) equate brain death with cardiopulmonary death, while others such as the Islamic Organization of Medical Sciences (IOMS) analogize brain death to an intermediate state between life and death. Still other councils have repudiated the notion entirely. Similarly, the ethico‐legal assessments are not uniform in their acceptance of brain‐stem or whole‐brain criteria for death, and consequently their conceptualizations of, brain death. Within the medical literature, and in the statements of Muslim medical professional societies, brain death has been viewed as sanctioned by Islamic law with experts citing the aforementioned rulings. Furthermore, health policies around organ transplantation and end‐of‐life care within the Muslim world have been crafted with consideration of these representative religious determinations made by transnational, legally‐inclusive, and multidisciplinary councils. The determinations of these councils also have bearing upon Muslim clinicians and patients who encounter the challenges of brain death at the bedside. For those searching for ‘Islamically‐sanctioned’ responses that can inform their practice, both the OIC‐IFA and IOMS verdicts have palpable gaps in their assessments and remain clinically ambiguous. In this paper we analyze these verdicts from the perspective of applied Islamic bioethics and raise several questions that, if answered by future juridical councils, will better meet the needs of clinicians and bioethicists.  相似文献   

Slatkin's method (1981) for analyzing gene flow levels is applied to eleven species of cave arthropods. This provides insights into the strength of gene flow as a force affecting the evolution of cave organisms, while serving as a test of Slatkin's method. The results show that patterns of gene flow are consistent with the dispersal abilities and the ecological requirements of each species. Troglobites in general have lower gene flow values than troglophiles or trogloxenes. However, the geology of the area, its vegetation profile, and the geographic distance among the populations considered are also important in determining the gene flow levels. Gene flow patterns in three cave species, Ptomaphagus hirtus, Neaphaenops tellkampfii tellkampfii and Hadenoecus subterraneus, are compared in detail. These species inhabit the same highly interconnected karst area in south-central Kentucky but differ in their ecological requirements. The results suggest that gene flow levels are more dependent upon the intrinsic characteristics of each species than upon the availability of routes for dispersal. Overall estimates of gene flow were coupled with a more detailed population-structure analysis in four terrestrial cave arthropods: Speonomus delarouzeei, Hadenoecus cumberlandicus, Hadenoecus subterraneus and Euhadenoecus puteanus. The results stress the need for this type of analysis for subdivided species, in which estimates of the average gene flow can produce misleading results. Moreover, they show how these types of measures are more relevant in describing historical patterns of gene exchange than in indicating current levels of gene flow.  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能之间的关系及其形成的内在机制还存在很多争议。为了揭示植物群落生产力形成的生态学机制, 采用盆栽方法探讨了物种多样性、物种属性以及施肥水平与植物群落生产力之间的关系。研究结果显示: 在不施肥和每盆施5.0 g磷酸二铵的条件下, 随着物种多样性的增加, 地上生物量增加不显著; 在每盆施10.0 g磷酸二铵的条件下, 随着物种多样性的增加, 地上生物量显著增加。相对于中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)而言, 垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和垂穗鹅观草(Roegneria nutans)对群落生产力的贡献较大, 但在不同施肥水平和播种密度下, 其影响不完全相同。这表明物种多样性对群落生产力的影响随着土壤肥力的变化而变化; 并且植物群落生产力受组成群落的物种属性影响较大, 而物种属性又与特定时间和特定生境下资源的利用方式相联系。在高肥力水平下, 物种多样性之所以对群落生产力具有正效应, 可能是因为高肥力水平增加了可利用的生态位空间, 最终仍体现在物种组合上。因此, 植物群落的生产力与物种多样性之间没有必然的联系, 而与土壤肥力和土壤肥力决定的物种属性有关。  相似文献   

THOMAS DOUGLAS 《Bioethics》2013,27(3):160-168
Some argue that humans should enhance their moral capacities by adopting institutions that facilitate morally good motives and behaviour. I have defended a parallel claim: that we could permissibly use biomedical technologies to enhance our moral capacities, for example by attenuating certain counter‐moral emotions. John Harris has recently responded to my argument by raising three concerns about the direct modulation of emotions as a means to moral enhancement. He argues (1) that such means will be relatively ineffective in bringing about moral improvements, (2) that direct modulation of emotions would invariably come at an unacceptable cost to our freedom, and (3) that we might end up modulating emotions in ways that actually lead to moral decline. In this article I outline some counter‐intuitive potential implications of Harris' claims. I then respond individually to his three concerns, arguing that they license only the very weak conclusion that moral enhancement via direct emotion modulation is sometimes impermissible. However I acknowledge that his third concern might, with further argument, be developed into a more troubling objection to such enhancements.  相似文献   

We define a new genetic identity measure that is especially well suited for asexual polyploid species as it circumvents errors in the estimation of gene frequencies. It also can be applied to sexuals allowing the study of phylogenetic relationships in species complexes consisting of sexuals and asexuals of different ploidy levels. The measure groups genotypes into classes dependent on homozygosity vs heterozygosity and the number of ancestral allele types vs the number of presumed new mutations. Its value is related to evolutionary time since divergence. The application of the method is illustrated by using electrophoretic data on the species group Solenobia triquetrella (Lepidoptera: Psychidae). A high similarity of estimated relationships among the proposed as well as other genetic identity measures is shown in the case of diploid sexual and asexual races of this species group. The phylogenetic relationships within the group are reanalyzed and monophyletic vs polyphyletic origin of parthenogenesis in this species complex is discussed. The genetic identity values found by the proposed procedure are explained by a polyphyletic origin of parthenogenesis, though a monophyletic origin of parthenogenesis in a broader sense cannot be excluded. The explanation of the phylogenetic relationships is based on the assumption of hybridization between related species and the extinction of one ancestral species. Furthermore, the genetic diversity is compared among sexual and parthenogenetic races of the species.  相似文献   

Lane R 《Bioethics》2006,20(3):125-135
Some opponents of reproductive human cloning have argued that, because of its experimental nature, any attempt to create a child by way of cloning would risk serious birth defects or genetic abnormalities and would therefore be immoral. Some versions of this argument appeal to the consent of the person to be conceived in this way. In particular, they assume that if an experimental reproductive technology has not yet been shown to be safe, then, before we use it, we are morally obligated to get either the actual consent or the presumed consent of the person to be conceived. In this article, I attempt to explain the appeal of such consent-based arguments as deriving from a mistaken view of personal identity. I then argue that since this view is false, such arguments are unsound. Finally, I argue that even if reproductive cloning is unsafe, it may still be morally permissible in some circumstances.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of allozymes, genetic identity based on allozyme variability, and phylogenetic relationships were studied with respect to breeding system diversity, population size, and island age in 20 of the 29 species of Schiedea and Alsinidendron (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), a monophyletic lineage endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Average levels of genetic variability in Schiedea and Alsinidendron were comparable to or higher than those found in other Hawaiian lineages for which equivalent data are available [Bidens, Tetramolopium, and the silversword alliance (Asteraceae: Madiinae)] and similar to average values for species of dicots. Allozyme variability was strongly dependent on breeding system, which varies widely in the Hawaiian Alsinoideae. Species with autogamous breeding systems showed very low variability, measured as the number of alleles per locus, percent polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity per locus. Outcrossing hermaphroditic and dimorphic species (those with gynodioecious, subdioecious, and dioecious breeding systems) showed significantly higher genetic variability. Small population size was associated with lower values for all measures of genetic variability. Nearly half of the species occurring in small populations are also autogamous; thus, both factors may have influenced levels of genetic variability in these species. Founder effect was apparent in one species (Schiedea adamantis), which occurs in a single large population, has a gynodioecious breeding system but a very low genetic variability. Island age appeared to have little effect on genetic variability. Slightly lower values of genetic variability for species occurring on Kaua'i and O'ahu result primarily from the occurrence of autogamous Alsinidendron species on those islands. Values for Nei's genetic identity for different species pairs were 0.201–0.942, a far greater range than in Bidens, the silversword alliance, and Tetramolopium. Using UPGMA clustering, there was only moderate support for relationships detected through cladistic analysis. Nei's unbiased genetic identity (I) was greatest among species with outcrossing breeding systems, which for the most part clustered together. Nei's genetic identities for self-fertilizing species were low, indicating that these species are less similar to one another and to outcrossing species, regardless of their affinities based on cladistic analysis. Parsimony analysis of allele frequency data supported two clades also found in phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data. Clades recognized in parsimony analysis of allele frequencies were those lineages containing selfing species, indicating that conditions favoring fixation of alleles occurred in ancestral species. In contrast, maintenance of high genetic diversity in outcrossing species interferes with recognition of phylogenetic relationships using allozyme variability.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic analyses of caecilian neuroanatomical data yield results that are difficult to reconcile with those based upon more traditional morphological and molecular data. A review of the literature reveals problems in both the analyses and the data upon which the analyses were based. Revision of the neuroanatomical data resolves some, but not all, of these problems and yields a data set that, based on comparative measures of data quality, appears to represent some improvement over previous treatments. An extended data set of more traditional primarily morphological data is developed to facilitate the evaluation of caecilian relationships and the quality and utility of neuroanatomical and more traditional data. Separate and combined analyses of the neuroanatomical and traditional data produce a variety of results dependent upon character weighting, with little congruence among the results of the separate analyses and little support for relationships among the ‘higher’ caecilians with the combined data. Randomization tests indicate that: (i) there is significantly less incompatibility within each data set than that expected by chance alone; (2) the between-data-set incompatibility is significantly greater than that expected for random partitions of characters so the two data sets are significantly heterogeneous; (3) the neuroanatomical data appear generally of lower quality than the traditional data; (4) the neuroanatomical data are more compatible with the traditional data than are phylogenetically uninformative data. The lower quality of the neuroanatomical data may reflect small sample sizes. In addition, a subset of the neuroanatomical characters supports an unconventional grouping of all those caecilians with the most rudimentary eyes, which may reflect concerted homoplasy. Although the neuroanatomical data may be of lower quality than the traditional data, their compatibility with the traditional data suggests that they cannot be dismissed as phylogenetically meaningless. Conclusions on caecilian relationships are constrained by the conflict between the neuroanatomical and traditional data, the sensitivity of the combined analyses to weighting schemes, and by the limited support for the majority of groups in the majority of the analyses. Those hypotheses that are well supported are uncontroversial, although some have not been tested previously by numerical phylogenetic analyses. However, the data do not justify an hypothesis of ‘higher’ caecilian phylogeny that is both well resolved and well supported.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol kinase and diphosphoinositide kinase activities were measured in homogenates of brain and sciatic nerve of developing chick embryos and chicks. Characteristics of the chick nervous system enzymes were similar to those reported for rat brain. Diphosphoinositide kinase was inhibited by high concentrations of ATP and by low concentrations of triphosphoinositide. Both activities were greatly enhanced by the non-ionic detergent, Cutscum, and the ratio of detergent to protein in the reaction mixture was important. Optimum phosphatidylinositol kinase activity required a ratio of 7 : 1 for both tissues. The optimum ratio for diphosphoinositide kinase was 3:1 for nerve homogenates and 0.6:1 for brain. Cutscum increased the concentration of diphosphoinositide that is required for maximum diphosphoinositide kinase activity. Developmental changes were the same for both kinase activities, which were low in unmyelinated brain and sciatic nerve. The activities correlated with the concentration of polyphosphoinositides in chick brain where they increased 4-5 fold during the period of active myelination and remained high in the mature brain. The kinase activities correlated with the rate of triphosphoinositide deposition in sciatic nerve. Following a 2-3 fold increase during the initial phase of myelination the activities declined to values as low as those of embryonic nerve.  相似文献   

Abstract– The level of taurine around the epileptic focus induced by cobalt-gelatine pellet implantation into rat brain was found to be reduced at 8-11 days post-operation, the time of maximal spike activity in the electrocorticogram. It returned towards normal at later times. This pattern was seen not only in the primary focus, but also to a lesser extent in the secondary focus in the contralateral cortex. Acute administration of taurine intraperitoneally or intraventricularly resulted in at most transient effects on epileptic spiking.
Chronic oral taurine elevated brain taurine in normal rats only after prolonged administration, but in cobalt-treated rats it prevented the fall of taurine in the secondary focus, and reduced the extent and duration of the fall in the primary focus; nonetheless chronic oral or intraventricular administration failed to modify the development of spike activity. At 11 days after implantation, chronic oral taurine did not significantly reverse the falls in transmitter amino acids in the primary focus. It is concluded that taurine is ineffective in altering the development or expression of this type of cobalt-induced epilepsy in the rat, in spite of adequate penetration to the brain. Possible reasons for the discrepancies with studies by other workers are discussed.  相似文献   

Populations of a fern gametophyte presumed to be of the genus Vittaria occur commonly in the uplands of the southeastern United States. The gametophytes occur on non-calcareous rock outcrops of various composition in areas which provide continuous moisture and protection from temperature extremes. Gametophytes in these habitats are robust and long lived, frequently forming the dominant vegetation in areas covering several square feet. Reproduction is exclusively vegetative by production of gemmae. Although sex organs are present in most populations, viable sporophytes are never produced. The gametophytes have previously been considered most likely to be V. lineata, which occurs in Florida, but morphological and physiological comparisons do not support that conclusion. Significant differences between Appalachian and Florida gametophytes occur in growth form, growth rate, cold hardiness, sporophyte production, and patterns of gemma production. The distribution of the Appalachian gametophytes correlates with old, unglaciated land masses suggesting antiquity rather than recent introduction. Present evidence favors the interpretation that the Appalachian Vittaria gametophytes either belong to a tropical American species from which they have long been separated, or that they represent a distinct species of which the sporophyte no longer exists.  相似文献   

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