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Life history theory predicts a trade-off between number and quality of offspring. Reduced quality with increasing brood size may arise from a decrease in body condition or in immunocompetence that would be important in fighting off virulent parasites by immunologically naive offspring. We tested the effect of rearing conditions on immune function of nestling great tits (Parus major) by reducing or increasing broods by two hatchlings. In the middle of the nestling period (on day 8), nestlings from enlarged broods developed lower T cell responses [as measured from the cutaneous swelling reaction to injection with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA)] and tended to have lower total leukocyte and lymphocyte concentrations in their peripheral blood than nestlings from reduced broods. Brood size manipulation affected the PHA response of nestlings most strongly in small clutches, suggesting that nestling immune function was dependent on their parents’ condition, as estimated by original clutch size. Intra-brood differences in nestling mortality were unrelated to immune parameters, but nestlings in broods without mortality had a stronger PHA response, higher concentration of lymphocytes and higher body mass on day 15 than nestlings in broods with mortality. These results support the prediction that the immune function of altricial birds is affected by rearing conditions, and that growth and immune parameters are related to inter-brood differences in nestling survival. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 19. July 1999  相似文献   

Vertebrate studies have rarely investigated the influence of spatial variation in habitat richness on both short-term (breeding) and long-term (offspring recruitment) reproductive performance using simultaneously multi-patch, multi-habitat type and multi-year approaches at landscape level. Here we present results of such an approach using the influence of two oak tree (Quercus ilex, Q. humilis) species on reproductive performance in Corsican blue tits (Parus caeruleus ogliastrae) as a model system. We found that blue tits breeding in rich broad-leaved deciduous patches consistently laid eggs earlier in the season, and produced larger clutches and more fledglings of higher quality, than those breeding in poor evergreen patches. Also, parents, especially males, were in better physical condition in the broad-leaved deciduous than in the evergreen patches. Surprisingly, estimates of long-term effects of reproduction, such as recruitment rates of locally born offspring, did not differ between the two habitat types. Our results suggest that short-term breeding performance and phenotypic quality of both chicks and parents do not necessarily provide reliable information about contributions to following generations at a scale larger than that of the local study plot. Differences in reproductive performance between the two oak habitat types could not be attributed to density-dependent effects, differences in levels of nest predation, or differences in age structure of the birds. We suggest that habitats that are optimal for breeding are not necessarily optimal for survival after the breeding season.  相似文献   

An analysis of the sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1005 bp) of the Parus teneriffae-group from the Canary Islands and North Africa revealed new insights into the phylogeography of this taxon. The origin of the radiation on the Canarian Archipelago was apparently one of the central islands—Tenerife or Gran Canaria. The populations on El Hierro (P. t. ombriosus) and La Palma (P. t. palmensis) represent distinct monophyletic lineages. Blue tits from Gran Canaria are genetically distinct from those of La Gomera and Tenerife (P. t. teneriffae), which supports the results of other studies and suggests the existence of an—until now—undescribed taxon there. In contrast, the populations on the eastern islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (P. t. degener) could not be distinguished from North African blue tits (P. t. ultramarinus), and these populations should be subsumed under the subspecies ultramarinus. Taxonomic recommendations based on these results include the distinction of the northern European P. caeruleus from P. teneriffae, including blue tits from North Africa and the Canary Islands, the treatment of degener and ultramarinus as synonymous (P. teneriffae ultramarinus) and a new blue tit taxon on the island of Gran Canaria (P. t. hedwigii nov. ssp.), which is formally described. The genetic results are in parts supported by bioacoustic and morphological data.  相似文献   

During the dawn chorus, territorial male songbirds vocalise intensively within signalling range of several conspecific males and can therefore be considered members of a busy communication network. The more or less continuous singing over a long period of time under standardised stimulus conditions makes the dawn song a potentially important information source both for simple receivers and for eavesdroppers. Male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) vary in features of their dawn song, e.g. older males sing longer strophes, and females choose males that sing longer strophes as extra-pair partners. However, so far, dawn song in the blue tit has been investigated separately from other singing behaviour of the same males. In this study, we investigate aspects of blue tit male quality, reflected in dawn song characteristics, and their predictive value for how males behave during singing interactions later in the morning. We acted as simple receivers by recording the singing activity of one male at a time at dawn and compared features of its dawn song, such as onset before sunrise, repertoire size, mean bout length, strophe length and percentage performance time to responses of the same male to a territory intrusion simulated by playback of synthesised songs later during the same morning. We assume that an aggressive response towards an intruder will involve a fast approach to the loudspeaker broadcasting strophes of blue tit song, searching for the intruder (flying around), and a high amount of counter singing and overlapping of the intruders songs. Aspects of vigour of response to the simulated intrusion could be predicted from all five investigated dawn song parameters as well as male age. This is, to our knowledge, the first indication that a simple receiver could extract reliable information from a males dawn singing behaviour about its competitiveness later in the day.Communicated by P.K. McGregor  相似文献   

Peeter Hõrak 《Oecologia》1995,102(4):515-519
The long-term fitness consequences of brood reduction were examined in two (urban and rural) great tit populations in south-eastern Estonia during 1987–1994. The brood reduction hypothesis in its initial, Lackian sense was not supported since partial brood loss was accompanied by a decrease in fledgling weight and recruitment rate. Female survival was significantly improved in broods with high nestling mortality in the rural population. My results suggest that female great tits might be able to reallocate resources for self-maintenance if food appears to be short for the successful raising of the brood. However, parents are not capable of efficiently reallocating resources between nestlings.  相似文献   

Summary Brood sizes of the Willow Tit were altered experimentally by subtracting or adding two nestlings in 1986 and 1987 in the vicinity of Oulu, northern Finland. The manipulated broods were within the normal range observed in natural conditions. Unaltered broods were used as controls. Data from natural broods from 1978–1985 were available for comparison. When the nestlings were 13 days old they were ringed and weighed and their tarsus, wing, and tail lengths were measured. On the same day the parents were caught, weighed, and measured. In 1986 there were no differences in nestling mortality between the reduced, control, or enlarged broods; i.e. parents were able to fledge the two extra young. In 1987 starvation was most pronounced in the enlarged broods. This resulted in the number of fledglings being practically the same in each manipulation category. Especially the body weight, but also the other indices of body size, decreased as a function of the brood size category, suggesting that there may be quality differences between the young reared in different experimental groups. In 1986 there was a non-significant trend towards lower body weight of the parents attending reduced, control, or enlarged broods, in that order. In 1987 the differences were much smaller. These results were not due to size differences between the groups, so possibly the increased reproductive effort of raising extra young was responsible for the trend observed in 1986. There were no significant differences in parental survival associated with the manipulation category, although the trend in the females was consistent with the hypothesis of reproductive cost. It is possible that environmental conditions in 1986 were so favourable that the tits were not unduly stressed even when attending two extra young. Correlative data from 1978–1985 did not support the cost hypothesis either. A non-significant trend towards reduced post-fledging survival and recruitment of the young was observed with increased brood size. The average fitness value of parents, incorporating parental survival and number of recruits, showed that the success of the adults raising enlarged broods may be lower than that of others. It seems that the reproductive cost, if it exists, decreases individual fitness value by reducing the chances of recruiting descendants into the next generation. The reproductive stress may be insufficient to reduce the subsequent survival of parents. More data are however needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of birds induces the secretion of corticosterone (CORT) as a response to different ecological variables. In this study we tested experimentally if manipulations of brood size or ectoparasitism led to subsequent differences in the concentration of excreted CORT metabolites of adult and nestling blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). No significant effect of the manipulation of brood size was detected in adults or nestlings. No significant effect of ectoparasitism was detected in males or nestlings, although females from uninfested nests showed lower concentrations of excreted CORT metabolites. In addition, we analysed if weather conditions had an influence on the concentration of excreted CORT metabolites of blue tits and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) breeding in the same forest. We detected no effect of weather conditions on adults, but nestlings of both species showed a negative correlation between their excreted CORT metabolites and the average mean temperatures they were subjected to during their growth. This effect was not found in blue tits in a colder year, suggesting that the sensitivity of the HPA axis to ambient temperature may be subjected to interannual variation. Moreover, we found a positive effect of the maximum temperature on the day of sampling on the concentration of CORT metabolites of blue tit nestlings in one of the years. These results suggest that weather conditions may act as environmental stressors to which the HPA axis of blue tit and pied flycatcher nestlings may be sensitive.  相似文献   

While evidence is accumulating that stress-induced glucocorticoid responses help organisms to quickly adjust their physiology and behaviour to life-threatening environmental perturbations, the function and the ecological factors inducing variation in baseline glucocorticoid levels remain poorly understood. In this study we investigated the effects of brood size by experimentally manipulating the number of nestlings per brood and the effect of weather condition on baseline corticosterone levels of nestling Alpine swifts (Apus melba). We also examined the potential negative consequences of an elevation of baseline corticosterone on nestling immunity by correlating corticosterone levels with ectoparasite intensity and the antibody production towards a vaccine. Although nestlings reared in enlarged broods were in poorer condition than nestlings reared in reduced broods, they showed similar baseline corticosterone levels. In contrast, nestling baseline corticosterone levels were higher immediately after cold and rainy episodes with strong winds. Neither nestling infestation rate by ectoparastic flies nor nestling antibody production against a vaccine was correlated with baseline corticosterone levels. Thus, our results suggest that altricial Alpine swift nestlings can quickly modulate baseline corticosterone levels in response to unpredictable variations in meteorological perturbation but not to brood size which may be associated with the degree of sibling competition. Apparently, short-term elevations of baseline corticosterone have no negative effects on nestling immunocompetence.  相似文献   

Communication among animals often comprises several signallers and receivers within the signal’s transmission range. In such communication networks, individuals can extract information about differences in relative performance of conspecifics by eavesdropping on their signalling interactions. In songbirds, information can be encoded in the timing of signals, which either alternate or overlap, and both male and female receivers may utilise this information when engaging in territorial interactions or making reproductive decisions, respectively. We investigated how conspecific background noise at dawn may overlay and possibly constrain the perception of such singing patterns. We simulated a small communication network of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, at dawn in spring. Two loudspeakers simulated a singing interaction which was recorded from four different receiver positions simulating potential eavesdroppers. During the recordings, resident blue tit males were vocalising and created natural conspecific background noise. Levels of conspecific background noise were high and varied among positions of potential eavesdroppers. We conclude that conspecific background vocalisations may potentially constrain the perception of singing patterns and may constitute costs for eavesdroppers. On the other hand, signallers may position themselves strategically and privatise their interactions.  相似文献   

Mediterranean evergreen forests of Corsica are characterized by relatively high species diversity of arthropods with low population densities. Food is never superabundant for Corsican blue tits Parus caeruleus. This study focused on the composition of the food of blue tit nestlings and especially on two main components, caterpillars and spiders. The nestling diet was studied for two years using 8-mm cameras that automatically took photographs of adult birds with food. The diet was composed of c. 50% caterpillars and c. 30% spiders. There were between-year and between-individual differences in these proportions. In both years of the study the proportion of caterpillars declined during the course of the breeding season. Individual and time effects on prey sizes were also observed. Pairs and individuals were fairly constant in the proportions of prey over the feeding period. Different food items were not brought in runs. These findings suggest that strong food limitation exists on Corsica, which can considerably influence life-history traits of the blue tit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the ability of parent birds to provide their young with an adequate food supply. To examine whether prey population densities of the great tit (Parus major L.) and the blue tit (P. caeruleus L.) vary between study areas in different forest size classes we compared provisioning rates and chick diet and related these parameters to breeding success. We filmed 217 nests over two breeding seasons and collected data on frass fall as a general estimate of caterpillar availability. Nests which were attended by none or one parent only during filming (n = 46) were excluded from the analyses. In both years and for both species feeding rates were highest in the smallest fragments and lowest in the large forest. There was also a suggestion that differences in feeding rates between areas vary between years. We found no consistent tendency for prey size to change with forest size, although both species brought slightly smaller prey items to the nest in the smallest forest fragments and feeding rates correlated negatively with prey size. Caterpillars were the main item fed to nestlings, in both species. We found no evidence to suggest that either frass fall or the proportion of caterpillars in the diet varied with forest size. There was also no correlation between mean frass fall and the total number of caterpillars brought to the nests, in either species. Breeding success, as measured by clutch size, brood size, fledging weight and fledging success, did not differ between the small fragments and the large forest, in either species. There was also no relationship between provisioning rate (as concerns volume of prey fed to nestlings and the quality of chick diet) and breeding success parameters. In conclusion, this study does not suggest suboptimal foraging or breeding conditions in small fragments compared to a nearby large forest, for either species. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

Aim The laying of eggs and the building of a nest structure to accommodate them are two of the defining characteristics of members of the class Aves. Nest structures vary considerably across avian taxa and for many species the structure of the completed nest can have important consequences both for parents and their offspring. While nest characteristics are expected to vary adaptively in response to environmental conditions, large‐scale spatial variation in nest characteristics has been largely overlooked. Here, we examine the effects of latitudinal variation in spring temperatures on nest characteristics, including insulatory properties, and reproductive success of blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, and great tits, Parus major. Location Great Britain. Methods Nests and reproductive data were collected from seven study sites, spread over 5° of latitude. The nest insulatory properties were then determined before the nests were separated into nest base material and cup lining material. Results As spring temperatures increased with decreasing latitude, the mass of the nest base material did not vary in either species, while the mass of the cup lining material and nest insulatory properties decreased in both species. This suggests that in response to increasing temperatures the breeding female reduces the mass of the cup lining material, thereby maintaining an appropriate microclimate for incubating and brooding. The mean first egg date of both species advanced with decreasing latitude and increasing spring temperatures, although clutch size and brood size at hatching and fledging did not vary. Main conclusions This is the first study to demonstrate that the nest‐construction behaviour of birds varies in response to large‐scale spatial variation in ambient temperatures. Therefore, nest composition reliably indicates environmental conditions and we suggest that studies of nest structure may be sentinels for the early signs of rapid climate change.  相似文献   

Identifying the sex of bird nestlings is relevant to studies of behaviour and ecology and is often a central issue in the management of endangered or captive populations. The white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla is a formerly threatened Eurasian raptor which is closely monitored in many countries due to its high exposure to environmental pollutants in the food chain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of sex identification methods for white-tailed eagle nestlings based on morphological measurements that can be recorded at the nest by a single person and with minimum disturbance. The sex of each bird was independently determined using molecular (genetic) methods. One measure of tarsus width allowed the correct identification of sex for 96% of the nestlings from southern and central Sweden. However, we found that the criteria for sex identification were not directly applicable to the population in Swedish Lapland, where nestlings are typically thinner, probably due to a limited food supply. These results show that sexing in the field of white-tailed eagle nestlings can be feasible with high accuracy based on a limited number of measurements. However, the criteria employed to separate sexes may have to be adjusted for each population.  相似文献   

We measured the selection pressure on brood size in a recentlyestablished population of great tits (Parus major L.) in thenorthern Netherlands by manipulating brood size in three years(1995: n = 51, 1997: n = 66, 1998: n = 51), and we estimatedfitness consequences in terms of local survival of both offspringand parents. Enlarged broods had highest fitness; the offspringfitness component was positively affected by manipulation andthe parental fitness component was unaffected. Parental survivaland the probability that parents produced a second clutch werenot affected by the treatment. However, parents that had raisedenlarged broods produced their second clutch later in the season.Clutch size, brood size, and laying date of birds recapturedin the next breeding season were largely independent of thetreatment. We conclude that there is strong evidence for selectionfor larger brood size and reject the individual optimizationhypothesis for this population because the number of young inthe nest predicts fitness independently of the manipulationhistory.  相似文献   

Summary In experimental studies of avian hatching paterns offspring sex has been neglected. This may be a problem if nestling growth and mortality is sex biased, and if this bias is influenced by hatching spread. In a field study of two crow species, the magpie Pica pica and the hooded crow Corvus corone cornix, we manipulated hatching spread. Both species have asynchronous hatching, and adult males are larger than females by 12–14%. The sex ratios obtained from the different experimental groups on day 24 post-hatch (total sample n = 403) did not deviate significantly from unity, nor did the sex ratios obtained among young newly hatched in an incubator (total sample n = 305). Male and female offspring were of similar size at hatching but males were larger on day 24 post-hatch. Males seemed to be more costly to rear than females, judging by the 20% difference in the mean amounts of food found in the gizzards of the young on day 24 post-hatch. Dimorphism in body size did not seem to be influenced by degree of hatching spread. Asynchronous hatching did not seem to be needed to produce high quality offspring of the larger sex (i.e. males), nor did asynchronous hatching help to ensure equal parental investment in male and female progeny. One reason for the latter negative results may be that the size dimorphism of the two crow species studied were relatively small.  相似文献   

This paper aims at partitioning genetic and environmental contribution to the phenotypic variance in nestling immune function measured with the hypersensitivity test after inoculation with phytohaemagglutinin. A cross-fostering experiment with artificial enlargement of some broods was conducted. Variation in nestling immune response was related to their common origin, which suggests heritable component of cell-mediated immunity. A common rearing environment also explained a significant part of variation. However, deterioration of rearing conditions as simulated by enlargement of brood size did not affect nestling immunocompetence, although it affected nestling body mass. Variation in body mass explained some of the variation in immune response related to rearing environment, which means that growth is more sensitive to the shifts in rearing conditions than the development of immune function. Heritable variation in immune response suggests that there should be potential for selection to operate and the micro evolutionary changes in immunity of flycatcher nestlings are possible.  相似文献   

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