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The oral aversion behaviour of the chicken (head shaking, beakwiping and tongue/beak movements) was measured following oralstimulation with 0.1 M quinine hydrochloride, 40% sucrose, 3M sodium chloride, 5 M acetic acid and pure methyl anthranilate.Section of the lingual and laryngolingual nerves did not affectthe oral aversion behaviour and therefore demonstrates the presenceof functional extra-lingual chemoreceptors. The results arediscussed in relation to previous anatomical findings.  相似文献   

Among the subcellular fractions of chicken liver homogenates, the microsomal and cytosol fractions were most active in metabolism of testosterone with mutually different enzymological features. On the other hand, the nuclear and mitochondrial fractions had far lower activity of metabolizing the steroid. Metabolism by the cytosol fraction: the following steroids were identified as the metabolites of testosterone. 5 beta-Dihydrotestosterone (17 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-androstan-3-one), 5 beta-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol and its 3 beta-epimer, 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 beta-androstan-17-one and its 3 beta-epimer and 5 beta-androstanedione. Metabolism by the microsomal fraction: from testosterone under aerobic condition, androstenedione was obtained as the major metabolite, besides the minor polar metabolites, production of which diminished when incubated in the atmosphere of carbon monoxide. From the results, testosterone was accepted to be firstly converted by the cytosol fraction into 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone which was then reduced to 5 beta-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol and its 3 beta-epimer. These diols were further converted partially to 3 alpha -and 3 beta-hydroxy-5 beta-androstan-17-ones. These pathways were supported by the results of our incubation study with 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone and 5 beta-androstanedione as substrates. By the microsomes, testosterone was aerobically and anaerobically transformed to androstenedione as the major metabolite. Throughout our incubation experiments, no 5 alpha-reduction of a delta 4-3-oxo-steroid was detected in the chicken liver.  相似文献   

1. Neurogenic inflammation has been studied in the anaesthetized adult hen using a variety of different stimuli.2. Plasma extravasation was produced following antidromic stimulation of the external mandibular ramus of the trigeminal nerve which innervates the skin at the angle of the jaw and the anterior part of the wattle.3. Stimulation of the wattle by external application of mustard oil, thermal and mechanical stimuli, as well as intradermal injection of substance P and bradykinin, all produced plasma extravasation.4. These results demonstrate that, in contrast to previous findings in the pigeon, at least in the trigeminal of the chicken peripheral C-fibre nociceptors have similar physiological characteristics in relation to the neurogenic inflammatory mechanism to those seen in mammals.  相似文献   

Summary The SFO of the chicken is divided in half by a large central blood sinus; ventrally it is covered by a thin layer of ependyma (including tanycytes, dendrites, and axons) which connects the two lateral halves and protrudes as a midsagittal crest into the lumen of the third ventricle. The ependyma consists predominantly of tanycytes with long basal processes which terminate upon perivascular spaces. These cells have an extensive Golgi apparatus and abundant lysosomes; their cellular apices containing polyribosomes and a few vesicles frequently protrude into the ventricle. In addition to astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglial cells, there is another glial cell population that is distinguished by the presence of parallel stacks or spherical to ovoid conglomerates of rough ER and their unique location, i.e., limited to areas ventral and ventral-lateral to the large blood sinus. Two types of neurons are present: neurons in which there is a paucity of granulated vesicles and occasional vacuoles in both the cytoplasm and nuclei, the second type of neuron elaborates many granulated vesicles. Numerous puncta adhaerentia are observed between adjacent neuronal perikarya and between glial processes and neuronal perikarya.Diverse axon types are found within the chicken SFO. Axo-dendritic and axo-somatic axon terminals and presynaptic axon dilations contain assorted combinations of electron-lucent and granulated vesicles of different maximal diameters. Based on the morphology of these axons, cholinergic, peptidergic, and serotoninergic fibers are described. There are two additional groups of axons whose classification awaits further investigation.The chicken SFO differs from the mammalian SFO in several respects: it possesses an ependyma with secretory and/or absorptive tanycytes predominating; it is divided midsagittally by a central blood sinus; its lateral and dorsal limits are nebulous; a previously undescribed peculiar type of glial cell is found in a limited portion of the organ; supraependymal neurons are lacking.Dedicated to Prof. H. Grau at the occasion of his 80th birthdayWe gratefully acknowledge the technical help of Susan Woroch and secretarial assistance of Diana Hapes and Debbie Harrison  相似文献   

An apparently new mutation that is associated with abnormal limb development appeared in a strain of Light Brown Leghorn chickens. Mutants are characterized by the complete absence of the tarsometatarsals, while severely hypoplastic development of the metacarpals is also present. The phenotype of the new mutant (ametapodia-2) closely resembles ametapodia-1, described in 1967, but ametapodia-2 is inherited as an autosomal recessive (AMET*A), while ametapodia-1 was associated with an incompletely dominant gene (MP*A). Only heterozygous ametapodia-1 (MP*N/MP*A) were viable and able to reproduce, while homozygous ametapodia-2 mutants do not normally survive beyond 2-4 days of age. The shankless mutation (SHL*S) also reduces development of the metatarsal and metacarpal bones and has been shown to be associated with a pericentric inversion of chromosome 2. No obvious cytologic abnormality was apparent in ametapodia-2 birds, and offspring of a cross between AMET*A carriers and shankless birds were normal, indicating that the two mutations are not alleles. Ametapodia-1 (MP*A) was found to be linked to the rose comb locus (R) by 16 crossover units. Linkage test matings between AMET*A and (R*R) showed independent segregation, strongly suggesting that the mutation occurred at a relatively distant locus and therefore is probably not allelic to MP*A.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variants of the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) in the domestic chicken, Gallus domesticus, were found to be inherited in an autosomal manner. No sperm-specific isozyme of PGK exists in the chicken. This is in direct contrast to previous results from therian (placental and marsupial) mammals in which there are two isozymes of PGK, an autosomal form largely or wholly confined to sperm and a sex-linked form found in most other tissues. The implications of these and other results for the question of homology between the avian Z chromosome and the mammalian X chromosome are discussed. It is concluded that there is no evidence of homology between the X chromosome and the Z chromosome.This work was supported by the Australian Research Grants Committee and Macquarie University Research Grants.This work forms part of the Honours degree of B.A. presented to Macquarie University by A. E. C.  相似文献   

Cytological screening of 4182 chick embryos from 10 strains and 5 strain crosses was performed to determine the types and frequencies of chromosome abnormalities. Gross phenotypic effects, such as growth retardation and malformation, were noted. Clues to the etiology of such chromosome aberrations were also sought. The following euploid series was observed: Haploid mosaics (A-Z/2A-ZZ, A-Z/2A-ZZ/3A-ZZZ, A-Z/A-W/2A-ZW/2A-ZZ, A-Z/A-W/2A-ZW/ 3A-Z?), diploid (2A-ZZ and 2A-ZW), triploid (3A-ZWW, 3A-ZZW, 3A-ZZZ, 3A-ZZZW) and tetraploid (4A-ZZWW and 4A-ZZZZ). Aneuploidy was observed as follows: Trisomy for chromosome numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and double trisomy 2/5. Trisomy-4 with deletion of 50% of the long arm of one member of the trisomic triplet was observed. A 3A-ZWW embryo was found with two cell populations: one, disomic for chromosome 2 and 6; the other, tetrasomic for 2 and 6. Of the 4182 embryos sampled 1.4% were haploids, 97.5% diploids, 0.8% triploids, 0.1% tetraploids and 0.2% trisomics. On the average 10.8% of the early dead embryos were euploid (excluding diploid) or aneuploid. However, the range for euploidy and aneuploidy among strains was 2.3–23.7% of early deads. Haploid embryos were consistently underdeveloped at 4 days of incubation (D.I.), and died by 5–7 D.I. About 90% of (36) triploid embryos died at or before 4 D.I. The remaining 10% (normal embryos) died prior to hatching. Trisomic embryos were dead or underdeveloped at 4 D.I. Tetraploidy appeared to be lethal at a very early stage. The various strains examined had different overall rates of chromosome aberrations (0.4–8.9%), and also showed different varieties of such aberrations. The modes and possible causes of meiotic, mitotic and fertilization errors are considered. Genetic control of chromosome abnormalities, particularly haploidy, is postulated.  相似文献   

The lengths of several neck muscles and tendons and the length, width, and height of the cervical vertebrae and some additional distances were measured in the chicken in six post-hatching ontogenetic stages and adults. Each vertebra is characterized by a unique combination of growth rates. All increase most in length. Cranial and caudal width as well as height decreases relative to length during ontogeny. When the long dorsal neck muscles are assumed to provide the support for the weight of the head and half of the weight of the neck, the neck system evidently develops according to McMahon's elastic similarity theory. The assumption is justified also because the weights of head and neck together appeared to scale as predicted by elastic similarity. Short neck muscles show negative and tendons positive allometric growth, and long neck muscles grow isometrically relative to neck length. This growth pattern of the muscles and tendons is a direct consequence of the geometric relations of the different growth rates of the vertebrae.  相似文献   

Recombination nodules in the oocytes of the chicken, Gallus domesticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chicken oocytes at pachytene were processed with the microspreading technique (Moses, 1977), and their synaptonemal complex (SC) complements were analyzed by electron microscopy. Ellipsoidal nodules, 140 X 120 nm in diameter, were associated with the central space of synaptonemal complexes. The average number of nodules per pachytene oocyte was 57.5. The number of nodules per bivalent showed a clear linear relationship with SC length, except for the microchromosomes, which showed a single obligatory nodule. The distribution of nodules along the 10 longest SCs was nonrandom, with low frequencies in the vicinity of kinetochores and high frequencies near the telomeres. The microchromosomes showed a single nodule whose average location was 1.21 micron from the kinetochore. In the ZW pair there was a single nodule whose average location was 0.31 micron from the paired telomeres and not more than 0.65 micron from them. The total number of nodules per cell and the number of nodules in each of the five major bivalents showed good agreement with the total number of chiasmata and the number of chiasmata of the major bivalents of roosters. Thus, these nodules share the characteristics of recombination nodules described in other organisms. The single, obligatory, strictly localized recombination nodule found in the pairing end of the ZW pair strongly suggests that recombination between the Z and W chromosomes in the female chicken is a regular process that may be similar to the obligatory recombination between the pairing ends of the human X and Y chromosomes that was recently described in studies using DNA probes.  相似文献   

DEAR EDITOR, In this study,we sequenced the complete mitochondrial DNA genome (mitogenome) of the Zhengyang Yellow chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) by next-generation sequencing technology.Samples were taken from Zhumadian city,Henan Province,China.The complete mitogenome was 16 785 bp in size,and had a nucleotide composition of 30.3% (A),23.7% (T),32.5% (C),and 13.5% (G),with a high AT content of 54.0%.The assembled mitogenome exhibited typical mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) structure,including a non-coding control region,two rRNA genes,13 protein-coding genes,and 22 tRNA genes.Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this mitogenome defined a novel sub-haplogroup B3 within haplogroup B.These results should provide essential information for chicken domestication and insight into the evolution of genomes.  相似文献   

R E Rawson  G E Duke  D R Brown 《Peptides》1990,11(4):641-645
Mammalian neurotensin, originally isolated from bovine hypothalamus, differs from avian neurotensin (aNT) by 6 amino acid residues. Bovine neurotensin has been shown to affect motility of chicken crop and rectum and secretion of chicken ileum, but there have been no studies of the effects of aNT on avian intestinal function. This study was designed to characterize the effects of aNT on the motility of the chicken lower gut. Strain gauge transducers were used in vivo to measure contractions of chicken distal ileum, cecum, and distal colon in response to 30-min infusions of aNT at rates of 15, 30, 60 or 600 pmol.kg-1.min-1. In vitro experiments were conducted using segments of distal ileum, cecum or distal colon, stripped of mucosa, cut in either the longitudinal or circular plane, and suspended isometrically in isolated organ tissue baths at a resting tension of 1 g. Avian neurotensin, substance P (SP), or carbamylcholine (CCH) were administered to the bath and the tension generated by each tissue was recorded via a force transducer. A relaxation of chicken ileum was observed in response to aNT infusion in vivo. Except for stimulation of excretation, colon and cecum were not affected by aNT infusion. Both aNT and SP stimulated motility of chicken ileum and cecum in vitro. SP had no consistent effect on colon and aNT only increased contractile force of colon circular muscle. It was concluded that both aNT and SP may have a role in the regulation of lower gut motility in avian species.  相似文献   

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