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Multidrug resistance protein-6 (MRP6) is a membrane transporter whose deficiency leads to the connective tissue disorder Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE). In vitro dermal fibroblasts from normal and PXE subjects, homozygous for the R1141X mutation, were compared for their ability to accumulate and to release fluorescent calcein, in the absence and in the presence of inhibitors and competitors of the MDR-multidrug resistance protein (MRP) systems, such as 3-(3-(2-(7-choro-2 quinolinyl) ethenyl)phenyl ((3-dimethyl amino-3-oxo-propyl)thio) methyl) propanoic acid (MK571), verapamil (VPL), vinblastine (VBL), chlorambucil (CHB), benzbromarone (BNZ) and indomethacin (IDM). In the absence of chemicals, calcein accumulation was significantly higher and the release significantly slower in PXE cells compared to controls. VBL and CHB reduced calcein release in both cell strains, without affecting the differences between PXE and control fibroblasts. VPL, BNZ and IDM consistently delayed calcein release from both control and PXE cells; moreover, they abolished the differences between normal and MRP6-deficient fibroblasts observed in the absence of chemicals. These findings suggest that VPL, BNZ and IDM interfere with MRP6-dependent calcein extrusion in in vitro human normal fibroblasts. Interestingly, MK571 almost completely abolished calcein release from PXE cells, whereas it induced a strong but less complete inhibition in control fibroblasts, suggesting that MRP6 is not inhibited by MK571. Data show that MRP6 is active in human fibroblasts, and that its sensitivity to inhibitors and competitors of MDR-MRPs' membrane transporters is different from that of other translocators, namely, MRP1. It could be suggested that MRP1 and MRP6 transport different physiological substances and that MRP6 deficiency cannot be overcome by other membrane transporters, at least in fibroblasts. These data further support the hypothesis that MRP6 deficiency may be relevant for fibroblast metabolism and responsible for the metabolic alterations of these cells at the basis of connective tissue clinical manifestations of PXE.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,124(6):997-1004
The microfibrillar glycoprotein fibrillin is linked to the Marfan syndrome, an autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder. In this study, fibrillin synthesis, deposition and assembly has been investigated in Marfan dermal fibroblast lines from two unrelated patients for whom distinct mutations in the fibrillin gene FBN1 have been identified. In patient NB, a point mutation has occurred which causes an amino acid substitution and the other patient (GK) has a deletion in one allele. The two cell lines were broadly comparable with respect to de novo fibrillin synthesis and its distribution between medium and cell layer compartments. Electrophoresis of fibrillin immunoprecipitates confirmed the presence of fibrillin in medium and cell layers. GK cells secreted an additional higher relative molecular mass fibrillin-immunoreactive component. The time-course of fibrillin secretion was similar for the two lines, but differences in fibrillin aggregation were apparent. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy of extracted cell layers demonstrated the presence of abundant and extensive microfibrils in NB cell layers. These were abnormal in their gross morphology in comparison to microfibrils isolated from control cultures. No periodic microfibrillar structures were isolated from GK cell layers. These studies underline the need to classify fibrillin defects in terms of biochemical and ultrastructural criteria. Examination of the effects of individual mutations on microfibril organization will be particularly informative in elucidating the relationship between microfibril dysfunction and the complex clinical manifestations of Marfan patients.  相似文献   

Rates of protein turnover have been measured on a statistical basis in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and normal skin fibroblasts populations in vitro. At comparable numbers of cumulative population doublings, protein synthesis was significantly reduced by about 24% in DMD fibroblasts as compared to normal fibroblasts (p less than 0.01, N = 12). Degradation of short lived proteins was significantly enhanced by about 60% (p less than 0.05, N = 18), and the degradation of long lived proteins was significantly increased by about 28% (p less than 0.05, N = 18) in DMD fibroblast populations in vitro. The enhanced degradation of long lived proteins in DMD fibroblasts can be reduced to basal levels of degradation by the use of the protease inhibitors leupeptin and Ep475 (p less than 0.05, N = 9).  相似文献   

Recently, we reported that in various cell lines under conditions of deenergization of the mitochondrial membrane, the release of Ca(2+) from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) does not produce the expected activation of store-operated calcium channels (SOCs) in the plasma membrane. In the present work, we examined the activation of SOCs in fibroblasts derived from three patients with Leigh disease (LS). We identified mutations in the SURF-1 gene in all these cells. Consequently, cytochrome oxidase (COX) deficiency was found in all these (LS(COX)) cell lines and, thus, the main mitochondrial mechanism of generation of the electrochemical proton gradient on the mitochondrial membrane was naturally depressed. We demonstrated that, in untreated LS(COX) fibroblasts, the rate of Ca(2+)-inflow through SOCs was low compared to the fibroblasts from healthy individuals even after thapsigargin-induced maximal release of Ca(2+) from the ER. Moreover, the pretreatment of LS(COX) fibroblasts with a protonophore did not modify this rate. Thus, in LS(COX) fibroblasts, the activation of SOCs was naturally impaired. Our findings suggest that altered calcium metabolism, apart from severe energy production failure, may also contribute to developing pathological conditions in patients with COX-deficient Leigh disease related to SURF-1 gene mutation.  相似文献   

Cultured fibroblasts from the dermis of normal subjects and of Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) patients were analysed for enzyme activity, protein and mRNA expression of metalloproteases (MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, MT1-MMP) and of their specific inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and TIMP-3). MMP-3, MMP-9 and TIMP-3 mRNAs and proteins failed to be detected in both the medium and the cell layer of both controls and PXE patients. MMP-2 mRNA was significantly more expressed in PXE than in control cell lines, whereas MT1-MMP, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 mRNAs appeared unchanged. MMP-2 was significantly higher in the cell extracts from PXE fibroblasts than in control cells, whereas differences were negligible in the cell medium. Data suggest that PXE fibroblasts have an increased proteolytic potential, and that MMP-2 may actively contribute to connective tissue alterations in this genetic disorder.  相似文献   

Cardiac fibroblasts influence cardiomyocyte phenotype in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cardiac fibroblasts impact myocardial development and remodeling through intercellular contact with cardiomyocytes, but less is known about noncontact, profibrotic signals whereby fibroblasts alter cardiomyocyte behavior. Fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes were harvested from newborn rat ventricles and separated by serial digestion and gradient centrifugation. Cardiomyocytes were cultured in 1) standard medium, 2) standard medium diluted 1:1 with PBS, or 3) standard medium diluted 1:1 with medium conditioned 72 h by cardiac fibroblasts. Serum concentrations were held constant under all media conditions, and complete medium exchanges were performed daily. Cardiomyocytes began contracting within 24 h at clonal or mass densities with <5% of cells expressing vimentin. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed progressive expression of -smooth muscle actin in cardiomyocytes after 24 h in all conditions. Only cardiomyocytes in fibroblast-conditioned medium stopped contracting by 72 h. There was a significant, sustained increase in vimentin expression specific to these cultures (means ± SD: conditioned 46.3 ± 6.0 vs. control 5.3 ± 2.9%, P < 0.00025) typically with cardiac myosin heavy chain coexpression. Proteomics assays revealed 10 cytokines (VEGF, GRO/KC, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, leptin, macrophage inflammatory protein-1, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-17, and tumor necrosis factor-) at or below detection levels in unconditioned medium that were significantly elevated in fibroblast-conditioned medium. Latent transforming growth factor- and RANTES were present in unconditioned medium but rose to higher levels in conditioned medium. Only granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor was present above threshold levels in standard medium but decreased with fibroblast conditioning. These data indicated that under the influence of fibroblast-conditioned medium, cardiomyocytes exhibited marked hypertrophy, diminished contractile capacity, and phenotype plasticity distinct from the dedifferentiation program present under standard culture conditions. proteomics; myosin heavy chain; vimentin; myofibroblast; primary culture; dedifferentiation; plasticity  相似文献   

Extracts of cultured skin fibroblasts derived from patients with mucolipidosis IV showed a marked increase and altered distribution of GM3 and GD3 gangliosides. GD3 is elevated 1.5–2 times that of normal whereas GM3 is elevated to a lesser extent. No abnormalities were found in the neutral glycolipids. These two gangliosides apparently comprise most of the accumulated lipid-like material observed on ultrastructural analysis in this disease.  相似文献   

Summary Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a phenotype with clinical and biochemical heterogeneity. We report here that expression of the OI phenotype extends to the level of dermal fibroblast morphology in vitro. Growth characteristics and morphology of control (n=6) and OI cell strains (n=10, representing the four major OI categories, Sillence classification) were compared by measuring the following: (i) days required in culture to reach confluence after plating at uniform density; (ii) cell density at confluence; (iii) width and length of cells (measured on phase contrast micrographs at 300xmagnification). Our results show that: (i) OI fibroblasts take longer (11–27 days, mean 20 days) than control cells (10–19 days, mean 16 days) to reach stationary phase; (ii) all OI phenotypes achieve a lower cell density (0.87x106 cells/P60, range 0.3–1.6x106) at stationary phase relative to control cells (2.2x106 cells/P60, range 1.7–2.6x106; F4,77=56.1, p<0.01, indicating that OI cells are larger than normal). Cell shape (expressed as the width: length ratio) was also abnormal in OI cells. (F4,730=37.6, p<0.01), types I and II OI cells have significantly increased ratios (p<0.01) relative to control, type III, and type IV cells. Intra-group phenotypic heterogeneity was also apparent in the OI categories and also within the control population. These findings confirm deviant morphologic phenotypes in OI dermal fibroblasts and further demonstrate interindividual heterogeneity in the expression of genes that determine size and shape of dermal fibroblasts in both OI and normal donors.Publication No. 84013 from the Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute  相似文献   

Ataxia telangiectasia (AT) is a complex autosomal recessive disorder that has been associated with a wide range of physiological defects including an increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and abnormal checkpoints in the cell cycle. The mutated gene product, ATM, has a domain possessing homology to phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and has been shown to possess protein kinase activity. In this study, we have investigated how AT affects myo-inositol metabolism and phospholipid synthesis using cultured human fibroblasts. In six fibroblast lines from patients with AT, myo-inositol accumulation over a 3-h period was decreased compared to normal fibroblasts. The uptake and incorporation of myo-inositol into phosphoinositides over a 24-h period, as well as the free myo-inositol content was also lower in some but not all of the AT fibroblast lines. A consistent finding was that the proportion of 32P in total labeled phospholipid that was incorporated into phosphatidylglycerol was greater in AT than normal fibroblasts, whereas the fraction of radioactivity in phosphatidic acid was decreased. Turnover studies revealed that AT cells exhibit a less active phospholipid metabolism as compared to normal cells. In summary, these studies demonstrate that two manifestations of the AT defect are alterations in myo-inositol metabolism and phospholipid synthesis. These abnormalities could have an effect on cellular signaling pathways and membrane production, as well as on the sensitivity of the cells to ionizing radiation and proliferative responses.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts cultured in vitro can exhibit a different potential number of population doublings. In normal donors, the average number of population doublings is inversely related to the donor's age. An increased growth potential was detected in skin fibroblasts from breast cancer patients, independently of the donor's age. These cells responded in an abnormal way to 3 biological parameters: (1) colony formation in semisolid medium; (2) colony formation on monolayers of normal human epithelial cells; and (3) increase of saturation densities in overcrowded culture conditions. A third of these cultures, as well as skin fibroblasts from other cancer patients, at the plateau phase of growth exhibited a significant percentage of cells still synthesizing DNA. Exposure to overcrowding, limited in time, caused the selection of a cell subset which displayed new biological, biochemical and functional properties commonly found in transformed cells. The abnormal in vitro behavior of skin fibroblasts from breast cancer patients does not seem to be associated with the expression of oncofetal membrane markers (4F2, IL2 receptor) while the fibroblasts from patients with the adenomatosis of the colon and rectum (ACR) syndrome expressed the 4F2 antigen. This is the first time that the IL2 receptor is found on non-hematopoietic cells. Fibroblastic cells with abnormal characteristics, which may also present a decreased efficiency in organizing a primitive fibrin matrix, could represent in vivo an anarchistic milieu, favoring disturbed epithelial-stromal interactions and the emergence of the less structured tumor stromatic tissue.  相似文献   

Aging is a complex multifactorial process still far from being completely understood. The aim of the present study was to compare the proteome of in vitro cultured dermal fibroblasts from healthy subjects of different ages (i.e. 15 +/- 2, 41 +/- 4 and 82 +/- 3 years old). Proteins of the cell layer were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and protein identification was performed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry; moreover, synthetic gels were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by Melanie 3 software. Our study did not reveal any protein typical of any one age group. On the other hand, we observed 38 proteins exhibiting more than three-fold reproducible variations with aging, some (45%) being reduced such as F-actin capping protein alpha1, proteasome subunit alpha type 3, heat shock protein 27, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1, mitochondrial thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase, cathepsin B, glutathione S-transferase P, cyclophilin A and calgizzarin. In contrast, T-complex protein 1, probable protein disulfide isomerase ER60, phosphoglycerate kinase 1, Ran-specific GTPase-activating protein, proteasome subunit alpha type 5, triosephosphate isomerase and superoxide dismutase (Mn) increased with age. Furthermore, annexin 1, elongation factor 1beta, proteasome activator complex subunit 1, phosphoglycerate mutase, superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn) and cofilin, exhibited the highest levels in adult cells; whereas, septin 2 homolog, RNA-binding protein regulatory subunit and ATP synthase D chain revealed the lowest values in adults. The present investigation, underlining the complexity of the aging process, highlights the role of synthetic and degradative pathways in modulating the whole cell machinery and emphasizes that metabolic impairment with age could depend partly on different expression of a number of genes and leading to an imbalance among functional proteins.  相似文献   

Dermal fibroblast cultures from three siblings with a severe form of osteogenesis imperfecta were established in order to analyze their procollagen and collagen synthesis. Cell strains from clinically normal consanguineous parents (first cousins), were also obtained for comparison. Total collagen production in culture media was diminished by 55% in the patients fibroblasts and to a lesser extent in the parents. This decrease was specific for collagenous proteins. From polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it appeared that the three children had not only the same defective secretion of pro alpha 1(I) molecules but that their pro alpha 1(I) migrated slightly faster than the parental and control counterparts. Analysis of secretion confirmed a reduced rate in procollagen synthesis and the absence of intracellular storage. Upon pepsin treatment, extracellular alpha 1(I) and alpha 2(I) chains were found in the expected ratio of 2:1 and migrated normally, suggesting that the altered mobility of pro alpha 1(I) chains was related to COOH or NH2 terminal propeptides. In agreement with the reduced type I collagen production, an increase in the alpha 1(III)/alpha 1(I) ratio was also detected. Furthermore, after a 2.5-h labelling followed by alkylation with iodoacetamide, free intracellular pro alpha 2(I) and alpha 1(I) chains were detected in the absence of reduction, consistent with an abnormal intracellular ratio of pro alpha 1(I)/pro alpha 2(I) that was measured after dithiothreitol reduction. Analysis of intracellular collagen chains from parental strains following a 4-h incubation demonstrated that pro alpha 1(I) appeared as a doublet, one band with normal mobility and a less intense band migrating faster and corresponding to the defective chain found in the patients. Absence of the abnormal molecules in culture media was related to the demonstration of a defective collagen secretion by parental fibroblasts. Correlation between these biochemical findings and clinical data strongly support a recessive inheritance of the disease that could be classified as a type III form of osteogenesis imperfecta. Patients would be homozygous for the same defective allele and the asymptomatic parents would most likely be heterozygous carriers of the mutation. Although the exact location of the alteration is not yet elucidated, a splicing mutation is suggested.  相似文献   

In recent years it has become clear that, mechanistically, biomineralization is a process that has to be actively inhibited as a default state. This inhibition must be released in a rigidly controlled manner in order for mineralization to occur in skeletal elements and teeth. A central aspect of this concept is the tightly controlled balance between phosphate, a constituent of the biomineral hydroxyapatite, and pyrophosphate, a physiochemical inhibitor of mineralization. Here, we provide a detailed analysis of a zebrafish mutant, dragonfish (dgf), which is mutant for ectonucleoside pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (Enpp1), a protein that is crucial for supplying extracellular pyrophosphate. Generalized arterial calcification of infancy (GACI) is a fatal human disease, and the majority of cases are thought to be caused by mutations in ENPP1. Furthermore, some cases of pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) have recently been linked to ENPP1. Similar to humans, we show here that zebrafish enpp1 mutants can develop ectopic calcifications in a variety of soft tissues – most notably in the skin, cartilage elements, the heart, intracranial space and the notochord sheet. Using transgenic reporter lines, we demonstrate that ectopic mineralizations in these tissues occur independently of the expression of typical osteoblast or cartilage markers. Intriguingly, we detect cells expressing the osteoclast markers Trap and CathepsinK at sites of ectopic calcification at time points when osteoclasts are not yet present in wild-type siblings. Treatment with the bisphosphonate etidronate rescues aspects of the dgf phenotype, and we detected deregulated expression of genes that are involved in phosphate homeostasis and mineralization, such as fgf23, npt2a, entpd5 and spp1 (also known as osteopontin). Employing a UAS-GalFF approach, we show that forced expression of enpp1 in blood vessels or the floorplate of mutant embryos is sufficient to rescue the notochord mineralization phenotype. This indicates that enpp1 can exert its function in tissues that are remote from its site of expression.KEY WORDS: Zebrafish, Ectopic mineralization, Generalized arterial calcification of infancy, GACI, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum, PXE, Pyrophosphate  相似文献   

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), a heritable multi-system disorder manifesting with ectopic mineralization of soft connective tissues, is caused by mutations in the ABCC6/MRP6 gene/protein system, but the mechanisms how the ABCC6 mutations lead to aberrant mineralization are currently unknown. In this study, we utilized a transgenic mouse model, Abcc6/, to examine the mineralization processes. We focused on matrix gla protein (MGP) which has been shown to be critical, when activated by γ-carboxylation of glutamyl residues, for prevention of unwanted mineralization. The concentration of MGP in the serum of Abcc6/ mice was significantly reduced when compared to wild-type controls (p < 0.004). More importantly, MGP isolated from the liver of Abcc6/ mice was largely under-carboxylated and therefore possesses no activity. Finally, examination of the Abcc6/ mice revealed association of total and under-carboxylated forms of MGP with ectopic mineralization while the γ-carboxylated form was essentially absent. These results suggest that MGP in Abcc6/ mice is largely in inactive form and is unable to prevent the unwanted mineralization of connective tissues in PXE.  相似文献   

In order to better understand how outer root sheath (ORS) cells are able to reepithelialize superficial skin wounds, the level of epidermal differentiation achieved by isolated ORS cells in vitro was determined. Using postmitotic human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) as efficient feeder cells, large numbers of ORS cells from individual follicles were generated. Passaged ORS cells were grown exposed to air on HDF-populated collagen gels in the CRD device (Noser and Limat, In vitro 23, 541-545, 1987) which allows histiotypic tissue organization. In such recombinant organotypic cultures, ORS cells developed distinct epidermal strata comparable to interfollicular keratinocytes (NEK). Ultrastructurally, desmosomes and intermediate filaments increased in number toward the epithelial surface and small keratohyalin (KH) granules (but no large irregular KH granules as in NEK) were abundant, adjacent to an electrondense stratum corneum. Also, synthesis of epidermal suprabasal keratins (K1 and 10;2D gels) was lower in ORS cultures, but clearly visible suprabasally by immunofluorescence along with other epidermal markers (involucrin, filaggrin, surface glycoprotein gp80, pemphigus vulgaris antigen). Basement membrane components (laminin, type IV collagen, bullous pemphigoid antigen) were detectable in both ORS and NEK in these assays. Thus, phenotypic expression was largely comparable, but, whereas terminal differentiation (keratinization) was progressing in NEK cultures limiting their lifespan, this seemed to be better controlled in ORS cultures and viable cell layers persisted resulting in longer survival time.  相似文献   

The activities of microsomal fatty acid elongation and cytoplasmic de novo fatty acid synthesis were measured in human cultured skin fibroblasts. Both activities in fibroblasts from normal controls and patients with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) were compared and slight but a significant increase of elongation activities in ALD fibroblasts was demonstrated. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in the fatty acid synthetase activities. In this study, we measured microsomal fatty acid elongation activities in the presence of N-ethylmaleimide, which completely inhibited the activity of contaminating fatty acid synthetase and also the degradation of fatty acids, and made accurate determination of the elongation activities possible.  相似文献   

Dermal fibroblasts play a vital role in maintaining skin function. They not only synthesize and secrete extracellular matrix molecules, but also produce a complex mixture of bioactive factors, which both contribute to immune regulation and wound healing. Fibroblasts isolated from skin tissue exhibit wide range of potentials, especially in regenerative medicine. The use of fibroblast cultures for medical purposes requires standardization of cell preparations. To achieve this, we isolated and characterized dermal fibroblasts from human foreskin with a standardized method. The obtained cells grew as typical morphology of fibroblasts, and expressed intermediate filament protein vimentin and nestin. Immunophenotypic analysis indicated that the isolated fibroblasts expressed mesenchymal surface markers CD73, CD90, CD44 and CD105, and were negative for haematopoietic markers CD45 and CD34. Growth kinetics analysis of the cells showed high proliferative properties. Furthermore, cryopreservation had no influence on cell morphology and growth properties. Here, we describe a standardized, repeatable method for isolation of fibroblasts from human foreskin tissues and identify their biological characters according to morphologic, immunohistologic and proliferative criteria, which would be meaningful for future clinical trials and regenerative medicine purposes.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that apoptosis affects surrounding tissue, playing a role in diseases such as fibrosis, a significant global disease burden. Elucidating the mechanisms by which the different apoptotic cells present during fibrotic wound healing affect their environment would enable development of new therapies. We describe here a simple, rapid, and cost-effective method for inducing apoptosis of primary normal human dermal fibroblasts without affecting the overall cell viability of the population. Such population could be used for in vitro models of fibrotic wound healing in co-culture with other cells involved in this process to study events such as apoptosis-induced proliferation.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of certain Cr(III) complexes, such as [Cr(salen)(H(2)O)(2)](+), [Cr(edta)(H(2)O)](-), [Cr(en)(3)](3+), [Cr(ox)(3)](3-), [Cr(pic)(3)], and CrCl(3), which differ in ionic character and ligand environment in human dermal skin fibroblasts, has been studied. After 72 h of exposure to 100 microM doses of chromium(III) complexes, the order in which the complexes had an inhibitory effect on cell viability was [Cr(en)(3)](3+) > [Cr(salen)(H(2)O)(2)](+) > [Cr(ox)(3)](3-) > [Cr(edta)(H(2)O)](-) > [Cr(pic)(3)] > CrCl(3). Based on viability studies it was confirmed that [Cr(en)(3)](3+), a triply charged cation, inhibits cell proliferation, and therefore, it was chosen to carry out further investigations. [Cr(en)(3)](3+), at a dose of 50 microM, was found to bring about surface morphological changes, evidenced by cellular blebbing and spike formation accompanied by nuclear damage. TEM analysis revealed substantial intracellular damage to fibroblasts in terms of the formation of apoptotic bodies and chromatin condensation, thus reflecting cell death. FACS analysis further revealed DNA damage by formation of a sub-G(1) peak with 84.2% DNA as aneuploid DNA and arrest of the G(2) / M phase of the cell cycle. Cellular DNA damage was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis with the characteristic appearance of a DNA streak in DNA isolated from [Cr(en)(3)](3+)-treated fibroblasts. The proposed mechanism suggests the plausible role of Cr(V), formed as a result of oxidation of Cr(III) by cellular oxidative enzymes, in the cytotoxic response. Consequently, any Cr(III) complex that is absorbed by cells and can be oxidized to Cr(V) must be considered a potential carcinogen. This has potential implications for the increased use of Cr(III) complexes as dietary supplements and highlights the need to consider the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of a variety of Cr(III) complexes and to understand the potential hazards of Cr(III) complexes encountered in research laboratories.  相似文献   

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