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The capability of rabbit reticulocytes to synthesize red cell membrane proteins has been tested in vitro. Reticulocyte-rich blood from phenylhydrazine-treated rabbits was incubated in vitro in a complete amino acid medium containing ferrous salts, glucose, rabbit plasma and [3H]leucine. Red cell ghost membranes were prepared by hypotonic lysis and leucine incorporation into hemoglobin and total membrane proteins determined. The pattern of incorporation into individual peptides was determined by polycrylamide gel electrophoresis of labeled membranes on large (19 mm) gel which were then sliced into 1 mm sections; radioactivity was compared with densitometric tracings of Coomassie blue stained analytical (6 mm) gels. Incorporation of [3H]leucine into both hemoglobin and membrane protein was linear over 1 h. Gel analysis of labeled membranes revealed that the amino acid was primarily incorporated into peptides with molecular weights of 90 000 or less; three peptides of molecular weights 90 000, 60 000 and 33 000 showed the highest specific activity. Synthesis of the four largest peptide species was negligible. Removal of ferrous salts inhibited synthesis of both globin and membrane protein equally (approx. 50%). However, puromycin and cycloheximide preferentially inhibited the synthesis of globin as compared to membrane proteins. Reticulocytes remain capable of synthesizing a number of membrane proteins; these results are consistent with studies of red cell membrane synthesis in anemic rabbits in vivo.  相似文献   

To study the process of red cell membrane protein synthesis we have followed the time course of [3-H]leucine appearance in total protein and individual peptides of the erythrocyte membrane following injection of the amino acid into phenylhydrazine-anemic rabbits. Multiple peripheral blood samples were taken from single animals over a 5-week period. Erythrocyte membrane proteins were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate and dithiothreitol; incorporation of radioactivity was determined by gel slicing and liquid scintillation spectrometry. Appearance of [3-H]leucine in circulating erythrocytes reached a peak at 1-3 days, with a steady decline thereafter. The radioactive amino acid appeared first in the lowest molecular weight peptides and last in the largest peptides; at the earliest time point (8 h), little radioactivity was observed in any of the four largest peptides present in the membranes (bands A, 1, 2 and 3). Certain smaller peptides (bands 4, 5 and 9) were the predominant species labeled at this time. By 24 h all peptides showed significant incorporation. With maturation of the red cells, label largely disappeared from bands A, 9 and several smaller peptides; this was confirmed by finding that the peptides are virtually absent from mature circulating erythrocytes. These data are interpreted as showing that red cell membrane proteins are synthesized asynchronously during the life cycle of the erythrocyte; the largest peptides are made predominantly in the earlier marrow stages of development, while certain of the smaller peptides are still being synthesized in the reticulocyte stage. Several membrane proteins appear to be specific to the reticulocyte and are lost during the process of cell maturation in the circulation.  相似文献   

To study the process of red cell membrane protein synthesis we have followed the time course of [3H]leucine appearance in total protein and individual peptides of the erythrocyte membrane following injection of the amino acid into phenylhydrazine-anemic rabbits. Multiple peripheral blood samples were taken from single animals over a 5-week period. Erythrocyte membrane proteins were separated by polycrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate and dithiothreitol; incorporation of radioactivity was determined by gel slicing and liquid scintillation spectrometry. Appearance of [3H]leucine in circulating erythrocytes reached a peak at 1–3 days, with a steady decline thereafter. The radioactive amino acid appeared first in the lowest molecular weight peptides and last in the largest peptides; at the earliest time point (8 h), little radioactivity was observed in any of the four largest peptides present in the membranes (bands A, 1, 2 and 3). Certain smaller peptides (bands 4, 5 and 9) were the predominant species labeled at this time. By 24 h all peptides showed significant incorporation. With maturation of the red cells, label largely disappeared from bands A, 9 and several smaller peptides; this was confirmed by finding that the peptides are virtually absent from mature circulating erythrocytes. These data are interpreted as showing that red cell membrane proteins are synthesized asynchronously during the life cycle of the erythrocyte; the largest peptides are made predominantly in the earlier marrow stages of development, while certain of the smaller peptides are still being synthesized in the reticulocyte stage. Several membrane proteins appear to be specific to the reticulocyte and are lost during the process of cell maturation in the circulation.  相似文献   

With a simple experimental system the changes of endogenous, antimycin A-suppressed, oligomycin-suppressed and antimycin A-resistant oxygen consumption are studied during the maturation of intact cells of the 6th day of bleeding. All functional characteristics of oxygen consumption decrease during maturation. The rate of decrease is strongly increased by high inorganic phosphate concentrations (125 mM). This effect is most obvious for the oligomycin-suppressed and the endogenous respiration. The degree of uncoupling of non-incubated cells is 14%. During 24 h incubation it rises to 75%. Inorganic phosphate accelerates the increase of uncoupling during maturation. Reticulocytes of the 4th day of bleeding are characterized by a higher respiratory capacity and also by a higher rate of maturation of antimycin A-suppressed and endogenous respiration. The degree of uncoupling does not increase during maturation. This may be attributed to the low lipoxygenase activity of these cells. 25% of the endogenous oxygen consumption of unmatured cells are antimycin A-resistant. This type of respiration declines by 50% in 4 h incubation irrespective of inorganic phosphate concentrations and day of bleeding. In nitrogen all functional characteristics of respiration during the maturation decline more rapidly than in oxygen. The antimycin A-resistant respiration, however decreased more slowly and reached 50% after 12 h. A pH dependence of maturation (maximum at pH 8.4) was found for the endogenous and the antimycin A-suppressed respiration. The degree of uncoupling rises most quickly at pH 7.4. This is possibly related to the pH maximum of lipoxygenase.  相似文献   

Intact rabbit reticulocyte cells synthesize two predominant species of polypeptides which are components of the cell plasma membrane. Previous work (Lodish, H. F. 1973. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 70:1526- 1530.) showed that these proteins were synthesized by polyribosomes not attached to membranes. We show here that both polypeptides are confined to the cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane. These studies utilized iodination of whole cells and of membranes with lactoperoxidase, and digestion of whole cells and membranes with chymotrypsin, One of these proteins is synthesized as a precursor, and about 20-40 amino acids are removed after it is incorporated into the membrane, We discuss the probable sites of synthesis of these and other classes of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The study of membrane protein folding is a new and challenging research field. Consequently, there are few direct studies on the in vitro folding of membrane proteins. This review covers work aimed at understanding folding mechanisms and the intermolecular forces that drive the folding of integral membrane proteins. We discuss the kinetic and thermodynamic studies that have been undertaken. Our review also draws on closely related research, mainly from purification studies of functional membrane proteins, and gives an overview of some of the successful methods. A brief survey is also given of the large body of mutagenesis and fragment work on membrane proteins, as this too has relevance to the folding problem. It is noticeable that the choice of solubilizing detergents and lipids can determine the success of the method, and indeed it appears that particular lipid properties can be used to control the rate and efficiency of folding. This has important ramifications for much in vitro folding work in that it aids our understanding of how to obtain and handle folded, functional protein. With this in mind, we also cover some relevant properties of model, lipid-bilayer systems.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the ribosomal proteins phosphorylated in intact cells and proteins isolated from ribosomal subunits after modification in vitro by purified protein kinases and [gamma-32P]ATP. When intact reticulocytes were incubated for 2 h in a nutritional medium containing radioactive inorganic phosphate, one phosphorylated protein was identified as a 40S ribosomal component using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by electrophoresis in a third step containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. This protein, containing 99% of the total radioactivity associated with ribosomal proteins as observed by two-dimensional electrophoresis, is found in a nonphosphorylated form in addition to several phosphorylated states. These states differ by the number of phosphoryl group attached to the protein. The same 40S protein is modified in vitro by the three cAMP-regulated protein kinases from rabbit reticulocytes. Two additional proteins associated with the 40S subunit are phosphorylated in situ. These proteins migrate as a symmetrical doublet, and contain less than 1% of the radioactive phosphate in the 40S subunit. A number of phosphorylated proteins associated with 60S subunits are observed by disc gel electrophoresis after incubation of whole cells with labeled phosphate. These proteins do not migrate with previously identified ribosomal proteins and are not present in sufficient amounts to be identified as ribosomal structural proteins. Proteins in the large subunit are modified in vitro by cAMP-regulated protein kinases and ATP, and these modified proteins migrate with known ribosomal proteins. However, this phosphorylation has not been shown to occur in intact cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are surrounded by two distinct membranes: the outer and the inner membrane. The mitochondrial outer membrane mediates numerous interactions between the mitochondrial metabolic and genetic systems and the rest of the eukaryotic cell. Proteins of this membrane are nuclear-encoded and synthesized as precursor proteins in the cytosol. They are targeted to the mitochondria and inserted into their target membrane via various pathways. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the sorting signals for this specific targeting and describes the mechanisms by which the mitochondrial import machineries recognize precursor proteins, mediate their membrane integration and facilitate assembly into functional complexes.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring reticulocytes of week old piglets were used to characterize the maturation process under in vitro conditions. When the reticulocytes were suspended in tissue culture medium fortified with metabolic substrates, nearly all cells were viable after 24 hours incubation and usually more than 85% of the initial cell population survived after an 80 hour period. In cells maintained as long as a week in incubation, an adequate level of total adenine nucleotide with a large accumulation of IMP was found. In most cases, reticulocytes lose their reticular materials within two days and assume normal erythrocyte configuration. Concomitant with the morphological change, the cell volume decreases toward normal erythrocyte size, the extent of which can be accounted for by the intracellular loss of salt and accompanying water. As in the in vivo reticulocyte maturation process, reticulocytes undergoing in vitro maturation lose their membrane permeability to glucose. These findings suggest that the process of reticulocyte maturation occurring in cell culture approaches that which naturally occurs in vivo. Thus, these cells may be used to delineate the mechanism of the loss of membrane transport of glucose which normally occurs in the adult pig cells.  相似文献   

For large-scale production, as required in structural biology, membrane proteins can be expressed in an insoluble form as inclusion bodies and be refolded in vitro. This requires refolding conditions where the native form is thermodynamically stable and where nonproductive pathways leading to aggregation are avoided. Examples of successful refolding are reviewed and general guidelines to establish refolding protocols of membrane proteins are presented.  相似文献   

In vitro folding of alpha-helical membrane proteins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
For large-scale production, as required in structural biology, membrane proteins can be expressed in an insoluble form as inclusion bodies and be refolded in vitro. This requires refolding conditions where the native form is thermodynamically stable and where nonproductive pathways leading to aggregation are avoided. Examples of successful refolding are reviewed and general guidelines to establish refolding protocols of membrane proteins are presented.  相似文献   

The details of a two-dimensional separation procedure specially designed for the study of erythrocyte membranes are presented. In this highly reproducible method, the membrane proteins are dissolved in sodium dodecyl sulfate and separated first on the basis of charge by isoelectric focusing. The samples are loaded either at the cathode (CIF) or anode (AIF). The CIF samples gave better separation of the acidic proteins, while the AIF was better for the separation of the high molecular weight polypeptides of the erythrocyte. Over 90 discrete polypeptides could be detected with this method in the pH range of 5 to 8. Special attention was given to the higher molecular weight components. For example, six components could be detected within the 90,000 to 100,000 molecular weight range of protein 3, the major membrane protein. A component with the same or very nearly the same molecular weight as spectrin band 2 was detected. It is more basic than spectrin band 2, and both spectrin band 2 and the basic component are readily phosphorylated in the intact cell. However, the phosphorylation of band 2 is cAMP independent while the phosphorylation of the basic component is enhanced by cAMP. In contrast to spectrin, the basic component is not extracted from the membrane with 0.1 mm EDTA, although dilute NaOH will remove it from the membrane. The Ca2+-activated transferase of the erythrocyte cytoplasm will not crosslink this component. Calcium does, however, activate the conversion of this component to a lower molecular weight. This high molecular weight basic component has properties attributed to the component labeled 2.1 in Fairbanks' system of nomenclature.  相似文献   

Using one-and two-dimensional electrophoresis, the free and polyribosomal informosome proteins and a preparation of total RNA-binding proteins from rabbit reticulocytes were compared. It was shown that the major proteins of free and polyribosomal informosomes are similar only to the minor components of RNA-binding proteins. On the other hand, the major RNA-binding proteins, two of which are elongation translation factors EF-1L and EF2, can be present in informosome preparations only as minor components. The major proteins of polyribosomal informosomes do not coincide in terms of electrophoretic mobility with initiation factors eIF-2, eIF-2A, eIF-3, eIF-4A and eIF-4B. The major proteins of free informosomes differ in their electrophoretic mobility from initiation factors eIF-2A, eIF-4A and eIF-4B as well as from the alpha- and beta-subunits of initiation factor eIF-2.  相似文献   

As analyzed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, rabbit reticulocyte cytoplasm contains, in addition to globin, seven predominant polypeptides. The amounts of these range from 0.1 to 1.2% of globin. Rabbit erythrocytes contain only three of these nonglobin polypeptides. The loss of the four other polypeptides is correlated with maturation of the reticulocytes to erythrocytes. We also fractionated reticulocytes according to age by equilibrium centrifugation through a gradient of metrizamide and showed that younger reticulocytes contain much more of these four polypeptides than do more mature reticulocytes.The four polypeptides that are lost during differentiation are also very sensitive to in vitro destruction by chymotrypsin or trypsin under conditions where globin and the three reticulocyte nonglobin peptides that remain during reticulocyte maturation are completely resistant. Our results are consistent with the notion that the degradative rate of a reticulocyte cytoplasmic protein is determined by its susceptibility to general intracellular proteases.  相似文献   

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