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Radiolabeled human 2-microglobulin (2m) can bind to mouse histocompatibility (H-2) antigens on the cell surface or to partially purified H-2 antigens in solution. The complexes containing human 2m and H-2 antigens from C3H (H-2k) mice could be immunoprecipitated specifically with alloantisera, rabbit anti-H-2 xenoantisera, and with monoclonal H-2-specific antibodies. Specific association with H-2 antigens was also observed with other haplotypes. The only exception was B10.D2 (H-2 d ) from which complexes containing human 2M could only be precipitated with anti-H-2 xenosera. Thus radiolabeled human 2M can be used as a specific label for mouse H-2 antigens in precipitation and radioimmunoassays. The application of this finding extends to major histocompatibility complex antigens of other species, and to differentiation antigens with primary association with 2m.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - 2m 2-microglobulin - LcH Lens culinaris hemagglutinin  相似文献   

The homology of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens, class II MHC antigens, and immunoglobulin molecules has suggested their divergence from a common ancestral gene. We report here a monoclonal antibody (mAb), PAC. M1, which reacts with HLA class I heavy chains, HLA class II and chains, and the light chain of human immunoglobulin by Western blot analysis. PAC.M1 reacted with 44 kd, 33 kd, and 29 kd species when tested on membrane glycoproteins from TRa1, a B-lymphoblastoid cell line (B-LCL). Two-dimensional electrophoresis and Western blotting of TRa1 glycoproteins showed that these species had the appropriate electrophoretic mobilities for class I heavy chain and class II and subunits. The presence of the epitope was verified on class II and subunits by Western blotting of purified -invariant chain complexes, and on class I heavy chains by Western blotting of purified class I antigens. The PAC. M1 mAb also reacted with immunoglobulin light chains when Western blotting was performed with normal human serum and purified IgG and IgM as antigens. While reactivity of the mAb with beta-2 microglobulin ( 2m) was difficult to detect by Western blotting, binding of PAC.M1 to purified 2m was detectable in a solid-phase binding assay. Thus, PAC.Ml reacts with a determinant shared by a number of members of the immunoglobulin superfamily.  相似文献   

The study of antibodies has been a focal point in modern biology and medicine since the early 1900s. However, progress in therapeutic antibody development was slow and intermittent until recently. The first antibody therapy, murine-derived murononab OKT3 for acute organ rejection, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1986, more than a decade after César Milstein and Georges K?hler developed methods for the isolation of mouse monoclonal antibodies from hybridoma cells in 1975. As a result of the scientific, technological, and clinical breakthroughs in the 1980s and 1990s, the pace of therapeutic antibody discovery and development accelerated. Antibodies are becoming a major drug modality with more than two dozen therapeutic antibodies in the clinic and hundreds more in development. Despite the progress, need for improvement exists at every level. Antibody therapeutics provides fertile ground for protein scientists to fulfill the dream of personalized medicine through basic scientific discovery and technological innovation.  相似文献   

Murine F9 and PCC4 teratoma cells do not express H-2 major transplantation antigens according to virus-specific T-lymphocyte cytotoxic or serological assays. However, such cells can be infected with and readily replicate many types of viruses (coxsackie B 3, mouse hepatitis, Sindbis, Semliki Forest [SFV], lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Pichinde, vesicular stomatitis, herpes simplex type 1) to the same extent as do murine F12 teratoma cells and mouse embryo fibroblasts, all of which express the H-2 determinants. In contrast, F9 and PCC4 cells are not productively infected with murine cytomegalovirus, whereas F12 and mouse embryo fibroblast cells are. In addition to replicating in H-2-negative murine teratoma cells, SFV replicates in H-2-negative murine lymphoblastoid cells. The ability of SFV to infect cells without H-2 antigens and then to effect viral antigenic expression in the cells' cytoplasm and on their surface with similar kinetics and in equivalent amounts as cells with H-2 antigens indicates that the H-2 receptor is not needed for SFV infection. Daudi cells, which lack HLA antigens, block the replication of SFV. This occurs at some point after receptor binding, as demonstrated by diminished viral mRNA. In addition, a possible membrane defect precludes viral exit in Daudi cells transfected with SFV infectious RNA. These results indicate that a cell's possession of H-2 antigens is not a requirement for SFV infection and that major histocompatibility complex antigens are not specific receptors for this virus.  相似文献   

Surfaces of cultured human lymphoid cells RPMI 1788, RPMI 4098, RPMI 8866, Raji, and WI-L2 were found to contain bothβ 2-microglobulin (β 2-μ) and HL-A determinants when tested by direct complement-dependent cytotoxicity andquantitative absorption with different cytotoxic antiβ 2-μ antisera and specific HL-A alloantisera. The same antigenic specificities were found in 3M KCl extracts of these cultured cells with a sensitiveβ 2-μ radioimmunoassay and an HL-A antigen blocking assay. Daudi cells provided a contrast, since noβ 2-μ or HL-A determinants were found on their surfaces or in 3 M KCl extracts prepared from them. Results from specific antibody blocking tests suggest a close association betweenβ 2-μ and HL-A determinants on plasma membranes of cultured human lymphoid cells. A solid state immunoadsorbent containing antiβ 2-μ antibodies effectively removed all detectable HL-A antigenic activity from some 3M KCl extracts of cultured human lymphoid cells as well as from some sera. Adsorption of HL-A antigens to these immunoadsorbents was specific since it was blocked only by prior addition ofβ 2-μ. Once on the antiβ 2-μ immunoadsorbents, HL-A antigens still reacted specifically with HL-A alloantibodies in quantitative absorption experiments. HL-A antigens andβ 2-μ could be eluted from antiβ 2-μ immunoadsorbents with a variety of chaotropic reagents and detergents, but thus far potassium bromide and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) appear to be the most effective. SDS-PAGE of these eluates indicated that HL-A antigens were considerably purified by adsorption to antiβ 2-μ immunoadsorbents and that two major molecular size fragments were distinguishable, i.e., ∼33,000 for HL-A and ∼ 12,000 forβ 2-μ.  相似文献   

Gene fusions, yielding the formation of multidomain proteins, are evolutionary events that can be utilized as phylogenetic markers. Here we describe a fusion gene comprising the α and β subunits of succinyl-coA synthetase, an enzyme of the TCA cycle, in Pezizomycotina fungi. This fusion is present in all Pezizomycotina with complete genome sequences and absent from all other organisms. Phylogenetic analysis of the α and β subunits of succinyl-CoA synthetase suggests that both subunits were duplicated and retained in Pezizomycotina while one copy was lost from other fungi. One of the duplicated copies was then fused in Pezizomycotina. Our results suggest that the fusion of the α and β subunits of succinyl-CoA synthetase can be used as a molecular marker for membership in the Pezizomycotina subphylum. If a species has the fusion it can be reliably classified as Pezizomycotina, while the absence of the fusion is suggestive that the species is not a member of this subphylum.  相似文献   

The transport of human-mouse hybrid class I histocompatibility antigens has been studied in a mutant human cell line, 174 × CEM.T2 (T2). T2, a somatic cell hybrid of human B- and T-lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL and T-LCL, respectively), synthesizes HLA-A2 and HLA-B5 glycoproteins, but expresses only low levels of A2 and undetectable levels of B5 at the cell surface. We have previously shown that the products of human class I genes introduced into T2 by transfection behave like the endogenous HLA-B5 glycoproteins, while the products of mouse class I alleles similarly introduced are transported normally to the cell surface. We have now determined that the surface expression of class I glycoproteins in T2 depends on the origin of the 1 and 2 domains. Human (HLA-B7) and mouse (H-2D p ) hybrid class I genes, encoding the leader, 1, and 2 sequences of one species fused to the 3, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains of the other, were transfected into T2. Normal surface expression of the hybrid class I molecule was observed in T2 only when the leader, 1, and 2-encoding exons were derived from the mouse gene. The reciprocal construct, encoding human leader, 1, and 2 domains fused to the mouse 3, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic regions, resulted in biosynthesis of a hybrid glycoprotein which was not transported to the cell surface. The products of both constructs were expressed normally in control cells. The effects of glycosylation on class I antigen transport were also studied using mutant class I constructs with altered glycosylation sites. Two mutant B7 genes encoding either an extra glycosylation site at position 176 or no glycosylation sites were transfected into T2. These mutant products were expressed at the cell surface in control cells, but were synthesized and not surface-expressed in T2. These data demonstrate that the HLA/H-2 transport dichotomy in T2 is a function of the origin of the 1 and/or 2 domains of the class I glycoprotein, and is not a reflection of glycosylation differences between the human and mouse molecules. Offprint requests to: P. Cresswell.  相似文献   

Purpose  To test the hypothesis that decrease in DNA methylation will increase the expression of cancer-testis antigens (CTA) and class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded molecules by ovarian cancer cells, and thus increase the ability of these cells to be recognized by antigen-reactive CD8+ T cells. Methods  Human ovarian cancer cell lines were cultured in the presence or absence of varying concentrations of the DNA demethylating agent 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (DAC) for 3–7 days. The expression levels of 12 CTA genes were measured using the polymerase chain reaction. The protein expression levels of class I MHC molecules and MAGE-A1 were measured by flow cytometry. T cell reactivity was determined using interferon-γ ELISpot analysis. Results  DAC treatment of ovarian cancer cell lines increased the expression of 11 of 12 CTA genes tested including MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGE-A6, MAGE-A10, MAGE-A12, NY-ESO-1, TAG-1, TAG-2a, TAG-2b, and TAG-2c. In contrast, DAC treatment decreased the already low expression of the MAGE-A2 gene by ovarian cancer cells, a finding not previously observed in cancers of any histological type. DAC treatment increases the expression of class I MHC molecules by the cells. These effects were time-dependent over a 7-day interval, and were dose-dependent up to 1–3 μM for CTA and up to 10 μM for class I MHC molecules. Each cell line tested had a unique pattern of gene upregulation after exposure to DAC. The enhanced expression levels increased the recognition of 2 of 3 antigens recognized by antigen-reactive CD8+ T cells. Conclusions  These results demonstrate the potential utility of combining DAC therapy with vaccine therapy in an attempt to induce the expression of antigens targeted by the vaccine, but they also demonstrate that care must be taken to target inducible antigens. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Hughes AL 《Immunogenetics》2000,51(6):473-486
 The phylogenetic relationships and patterns of nucleotide substitution were compared for introns and exons of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes in three datasets: human DRB1, human DQA1, and cyprinid fish DAB1. In both human DRB1 and cyprinid DAB1, there was strong evidence that recombination events between alleles have occurred in such a way that intron and exon sequences of a given allele do not necessarily share the same evolutionary history. In the case of human DRB1, recombination was found to have homogenized intron 1 and intron 2 sequences relative to exon 2 sequences within lineages of alleles but not between lineages. As a result, mean divergence times of intron sequences are much more recent than those of exonic sequences. Thus, the divergence time of DRB1 introns cannot be used to date that of exons in the same alleles, and the hypothesis that most human DRB1 polymorphism is of very recent origin is not supported. Received: 5 September 1999 / Revised: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

Xenotransplantation has been complicated by hyperacute rejection reactions, which are supposedly triggered by preformed natural antibodies (PNAb) of the recipient organism, whereas the role of antibodies specifically induced by previous antigen contact (IAb) is less clear.Primary cultures of spontaneously beating neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were used as a model of the heart to elaborate the effects of both PNAb and IAb from xenogeneic species and to investigate into their mechanisms of action. An experimental setup allowing for rapid medium exchange under continuous observation was employed.Sera containing PNAb reproducibly bring about a stereotype pattern of altered contractility including an initial increase in beating frequency followed by a temporary cessation of beating within the first minutes after administration. After recovery of spontaneous contractions, the cells within the monolayer exhibited a dissociation of the synchronicity of the beating persisting for several hours. The temporary pause in beating was prevented by a very high extracellular calcium concentration, but not by extracellular electrical stimulation sufficient to trigger contractions in control cells. Electrophysiological measurements carried out in adult ventricular guinea pig heart muscle cells under the same experimental conditions revealed an increase of the excitation threshold of the cells after application of sera containing PNAb due to an enhanced input resistance. These results indicate that the effect of PNAb is the consequence rather of a generally reduced excitability of the cell than of the inhibition of a singular ionic conductance. After specific absorption of PNAb directed against rat antigens beating of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes ensued without interruption. Sera specimens devoid of complement produced similar effects on contractility, although the duration of the standstill period was significantly shorter. The increase in input resistance visualized in guinea pig myocytes was absent after removing PNAb against guinea pig antigens but not after absorbing PNAb directed against rat epitopes.Signs of a permanent cytotoxicity after the administration of PNAb were lacking in all experiments.IAb against rat heart tissue raised in rabbits stopped the contractions of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes within 30 min after administration irreversibly and lead concentration-dependently to a destruction of the cells. (Mol Cell Biochem 160/161: 315–324, 1996)  相似文献   

Human α and β interferons increase the amount of class I human histocompatibility messenger RNA HLA-A, B, C and β2-microglobulin in most human cells studied to date. This report concerns the effect of interferons on the Burkitt lymphoma-derived cell line Daudi, which does not express HLA-A, B, C antigens or β2-microglobulin on its membrane. HLA-A, B, C messenger RNA present in Daudi cells is increased by both α and β interferons. Furthermore, we have shown that although it was not possible to detect mature β2-microglobulin protein in the cytoplasm or on the cell membrane of Daudi cells, a poly A+ messenger RNA is present in Daudi cells, which hybridizes with a cDNA clone specific for human β2-microglobulin. This abnormal messenger RNA is, however, increased normally by interferon. These effects were also observed with human interferon β on a variant of Daudi cells characterized by a markedly reduced sensitivity to anti-proliferative and anti-cellular effects of human interferon α.[/p]  相似文献   

23 hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies against human 2 , the fast-acting inhibitor of plasmin present in plasma, have been produced by the cell-fusion technique. Isotyping of the monoclonal antibodies has revealed that 14 monoclonal antibodies belong to the class IgG1, 6 to the class IgG2a, and 3 to the class tgG2b. All light chains belong to the group. The specificity and relative avidity of these monoclonals have been determined Using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. 13 monoclonals exhibit a relatively high avidity for 2 , 5 are of intermediate avidity, and 5 of low avidity. The epitope specificity of these 23 rnonoclonal antibodies, originating from a single mouse, have been examined in inhibition experiments. A group of 10 monoclonal antibodies exhibit a very similar inhibition pattern. Partial inhibition effects displayed by 10 other antibodies define partially overlapping antigenic regions. The binding of these antibodies seems to produce a conformational change in the 2 molecule, reducing the binding of two other antibodies. The last antibody defines an independent epitope.  相似文献   

Since the mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) was discovered[1],a great amount of information have been accumulated about its sturcutres and functions[2],The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome has been determined for one individual in each of the following species:mouse(Mus musculus)[3],human(HOmo sapiens)[4],cow(Bos taurus)[5],Xenopus laevis[6],fruit fly(Drosophila yacuba)[7],sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)[8].rat(rattus novegicus)[9],fin whale(Balaenoptera physalus)[10],and harbor seal(Phoca vitulina)[11],More than 300 species of animals have been studied on mtDNA^3.In the past 10 years.mtDNA has been a useful and powerful tool in the field of evolutionary biology and taxonomy.  相似文献   

The Daudi cell line is characterized by an absence of HLA antigen on its surface. This has been attributed to a lack of beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) while the heavy chain of HLA is present intracellularly. Karyotype analysis of Daudi cells has shown a deletion involving one of the beta 2-microglobulin alleles. It was generally believed that the absence of beta 2-microglobulin in that cell line resulted from an absence of expression of the remaining gene. We report here the unexpected finding of a normal amount of beta 2-microglobulin messenger RNA in Daudi cells. This was demonstrated by "Northern blot" hybridization with cDNA plasmid clones as a probe. This mRNA, however, when purified by hybridization-selection with beta 2-microglobulin plasmid DNA, is unable to function as messenger in protein synthesis and is therefore an inactive mRNA. The finding of a translationally inactive beta 2-microglobulin mRNA provides a new explanation for the absence of beta 2-microglobulin and therefore of HLA antigens in Daudi cells.  相似文献   

The identification of active ingredients in crude plant extracts offers great advantages. In this study, nuclear magnetic resonance and chemometrics were used for the screening of in vitro anti-TNF?? activity in different berry types. Solid phase extraction was applied and the resulting water, methanol?Cwater (1:1), and methanol fractions were tested for the activity. The methanol?Cwater fraction contained most of the phenolics and showed significantly higher activity than the other two fractions. In the second phase of this study, grapes from ??Trincadeira??, ??Touriga Nacional??, and ??Aragonês??, at four developmental stages were metabolically classified and tested for the TNF?? inhibition. The initial stages of grape development, green and veraison, were found more active against TNF?? production as compared to the later ripe and harvest stages. Among the cultivars, ??Touriga Nacional?? was found to be the most potent inhibitor. Different multivariate data analyses algorithms based on projections to latent structures were applied to correlate the NMR and TNF?? inhibition data. The variable importance in the projections plot showed that phenolics like quercetin, myricetin, (+)-catechin, (?)-epicatechin, caftarate, and coutarate, were positively correlated with high activity. This work demonstrates the great potential of NMR spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics for the screening of large set of crude extracts, to study the effects of different variables on the activity, and identifying active compounds in complex mixtures like plant extracts.  相似文献   

It has been documented that when furnished with an endomembrane signal sequence for the endoplasmic reticulum, -glucuronidase (GUS) is N-glycosylated, resulting in the nearly complete loss of enzymatic activity. To enable use of -glucuronidase as a reporter protein in secretory and vacuolar targeting studies, one of the two putative N-linked glycosylation sites within the GUS gene was altered by site-directed mutagenesis. The second N-linked glycosylation site was not altered because sequence analysis of nucleotide sequences around the second putative glycosylation site revealed that the published sequence was incorrect, and that no such site existed.  相似文献   

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