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W Timens  A Boes  H Vos  S Poppema 《Histochemistry》1991,95(6):605-611
The CD21 antigen has been described to represent CR2, the receptor for the complement fragment C3d and also the receptor for the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Monoclonal antibodies B2, HB5, and B-ly4 belong to the CD21 cluster, recognizing different epitopes of the CD21-molecule. Immunohistology of lymphoid tissues employing these antibodies showed the known staining of B cells and dendritic reticulum cells. Surprisingly, B2, but not HB5 or B-ly4, stained a distinct spot in the cytoplasm of a major proportion of medullary thymocytes, in almost all peripheral blood lymphocytes, and in a substantial amount of cells in T-cell areas of peripheral lymphoid tissues. This distinct cytoplasmic B2 staining was confirmed by immuno-electronmicroscopy. A similar B2+ cytoplasmic dot was observed in B-lymphoblastic lymphomas. Staining of non-lymphoid tissues showed reactivity with all three CD21 mAb with epithelial cells of skin, lung, esophagus, jejunum, colon, pancreas, tonsil, adrenal cortex, renal tubuli, and parotid glands, and with hepatocytes and tongue muscle. In addition, endothelial cells of small vessels showed B2 staining. One possible explanation for our results is, that apart from the presence of B cells and follicular dendritic cells, a CD21-molecule may be expressed by other cell types. However, a maybe more likely explanation may be that the recognized epitopes are not exclusively associated with the C3d/EBV-receptor, but also with other structures. In particular should the possibility be recognized of cross-reactivity with CR2-related proteins, encoded by the large gene family, to which CR2 belongs.  相似文献   

The signal requirements for activation and proliferation of CD1+ thymocytes have been studied in order to define whether this immature cell population could function as mature T cells do. We found that CD1+ cells expressed high levels of CD25 antigen upon triggering with specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (anti-CD3, anti-CD2, anti-CD28) in association with low doses of Phorbol-13-myristate-12-acetate (PMA). More interestingly, we described that in the presence of PMA CD1+ thymocytes proliferate upon stimulation with anti-CD28 mAb as well as with a pair of anti-CD2 mAbs, without the need of exogenous interleukin-2 (IL2), whereas they respond to anti-CD3 mAb only if exogenous IL2 was provided. Furthermore, CD1+ cells stimulated under optimal proliferative conditions, gave rise to cell populations capable of lysing natural killer (NK)-sensitive (K562) and NK-resistant (MEL 10, Daudi, EPA1) tumor target cells. These data strongly support the idea that CD1+ thymocytes, under appropriate stimulations, display some of the functional capabilities of mature T cells.  相似文献   

Characterization of a T-lymphocyte Epstein-Barr virus/C3d receptor (CD21).   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
The Epstein-Barr virus/C3d receptor (EBVR-CR2) was detected on three T-lymphoblastoid cell lines. The apparent Mrs of purified EBVR-CR2 of T-cell and B-cell origin were identical. The N-terminal amino acid sequence from the T-cell EBVR-CR2 confirmed the placement of this receptor in a multigene family of complement regulatory proteins. All EBVR-CR2-positive T-cell lines were T6 and T4-T8 antigen positive.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were generated to antigens on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Spleen cells from BALB/c mice, immunized with low passage cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, were fused with the non-secretory myeloma line, P3 x 63Ag 8.653. Hybridoma supernatants were screened for the desired immunological reactivity using ELISA binding assays. Hybridomas secreting antibodies reacting with the immunizing endothelial cells, but not with peripheral blood mononuclear cells, were cloned by limiting dilution and three stable clones were chosen for study. Further testing by ELISA revealed that each antibody displayed a unique pattern of reactivity. One antibody, 14E5, reacted with the macrophage-like cell line DHL-2, cultured macrophages derived from peripheral blood monocytes, and macrophages derived from malignant effusions. The antibody failed to react with fibroblasts or bovine endothelial cells. The second antibody, 12C6, reacted with human and primate fibroblasts and endothelial cells derived from bovine arteries, but not with mature macrophages. The third clone, 10B9, reacted only with the immunizing endothelial cells and the immature-macrophage line U-937. All three antibodies failed to react with long-term human B or T lymphoblastoid cell lines, leukemic cell lines, or murine macrophage lines. None of the antibodies reacted with a battery of human epithelial derived cell lines or primary cultures of human epithelial cells. Indirect immunofluorescence assays revealed that the antigens were expressed on the cell surface. These antibodies should prove useful as differentiation markers of human endothelial cells and in studies of endothelial cell function.  相似文献   

Efficient generation of useful monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with high performance in cancer therapeutics has been expected. Generation of mAbs reactive with globotriaosylceramide (Gb3/CD77) was compared between A/J mice and Gb3/CD77 synthase-deficient (A4GalT-knockout) mice by immunizing Gb3-liposome. Specificity and functions of established antibodies were examined by ELISA, TLC- immunostaining, cytotoxicity of cancer cells and immunoblotting. Compared with results with conventional mice, better generation of mAbs with higher functions has been achieved with A4GalT-knockout mice, i.e. acquisition of IgG class antibodies, activities in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, complement-dependent cytotoxicity, and aggregation activity toward a Burkitt’s lymphoma line Ramos. Binding of mAb k52 induced tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins in Ramos cells. One of the strongest phosphorylation bands turned out to be c-Cbl. Pretreatment of B cell lines with mAbs resulted in the attenuation of BCR-mimicking signaling. All these results suggested that A4GalT-knockout mice are very useful to generate mAbs against globo-series glycolipids, and that suppressive signaling pathway driven by endogenous Gb3-ligand molecules might be present in B cells.  相似文献   

Complement component C3 covalently attaches to Ags following activation, where the C3d cleavage fragment can function as a molecular adjuvant to augment humoral immune responses. C3d is proposed to exert its adjuvant-like activities by targeting Ags to the C3d receptor (CD21/35) expressed by B cells and follicular dendritic cells. To directly assess the importance of CD21/35 in mediating the immunostimulatory effects of C3d, CD21/35-deficient (CD21/35(-/-)) mice were immunized with streptavidin (SA), SA-C3dg tetramers, recombinant HIV gp120 (gp120), or gp120 fused with linear multimers of C3d. Remarkably, SA- and gp120-specific Ab responses were significantly augmented in CD21/35(-/-) mice when these Ags were complexed with C3d in comparison to Ag alone. In fact, primary and secondary Ab responses and Ab-forming cell responses of CD21/35(-/-) mice approached those of wild-type mice immunized with SA-C3dg and gp120-C3d. Thus, C3d can function as a molecular adjuvant in the absence of CD21/35 expression.  相似文献   

We describe monoclonal antibodies (MAB) reactive with subsets of mouse and human thymic epithelial cells. Rat MAb CDR1 reacts with mouse but not human cortical epithelial cells. Immunologic staining of thymic nurse cells in suspension indicates the CDR1 antigen is located on the cell surface. Mouse MAb CDR2 reacts with human but not mouse cortical thymic epithelial cells. Rat MAb MD1 and MD2 detect different determinants expressed by most medullary epithelial cells in mouse thymus but fewer such cells in human thymus. In addition, MD1 detects flattened subcapsular cells rarely in mouse thymus but frequently in human thymus. Two-color stains using an anti-keratin antiserum demonstrate the epithelial nature of the cells reactive with these antibodies. The antigens detected by CDR1 and MD1 first appear during the neonatal period, achieving adult distribution by postnatal days 14 and 4, respectively. The extra-thymic staining of these MAb is described. On the basis of their intra- and extra-thymic reactivities, these MAb differ from those previously reported and may permit dissection of the thymic microenvironment.  相似文献   

By fusion of mouse spleen cells immunized with five different staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEA, SEB, SEC2, SED, and SEE) with myeloma cells, we obtained 15 hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Four mAbs were reactive with both SEA and SEE, whereas 8 mAbs were reactive with SEB and SEC2. One mAb reacted with SEA, SED, and SEE. The other two mAbs were found to be reactive with all five serotypes of SEs. The mAbs specific for five serotypes of SEs were found to be most reactive with SED, reactive with SEA, and slightly less reactive with SEB, SEC2, and SEE. Those mAbs with specificities for all serotypes of SEs may be valuable to prepare immunoadsorbent(s) for isolation of SEs and to detect SEs in foods and clinical specimens involved in outbreaks of staphylococcal food poisoning.  相似文献   

Expression of cytokeratin polypeptides characteristic of squamous epithelium was studied in reserve cells of cervical canal obtained from 8 women by the immunofluorescence method with the help of monoclonal antibodies EE21-06d (MAB). MAB EE21-06d were shown to detect individual reserve cells as well as their hyperplasia foci without staining columnar cells.  相似文献   

Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific to the two isoforms of subunit VIa of bovine cytochrome c oxidase were generated and used to study the tissue distribution of this subunit pair in beef, human and rat. The so-called H-(heart) form was found exclusively in heart and skeletal muscle, whereas the so-called L-(liver) form was the only isoform present in brain, kidney, liver and smooth muscle. Little or no L-form was detected in skeletal muscle. In bovine heart no subunit VIa-L was detected, while in human heart the subunit VIa-H and VIa-L isoforms were present in roughly equal proportions. These results imply that, in humans, the deficiency of a subunit VIa isoform may have a different effect on the physiology of heart then on the physiology of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Using differentially absorbed rabbit antisera to rat thoracic duct cells, an antigen is described which normally is expressed on the surface of T cells in thoracic duct lymph and lymph node, but which exists in a masked form on medullary thymocytes and apparently not at all on cortical thymocytes. This antigen is termed the rat masked thymocyte antigen (RMTA). RMTA on medullary thymocytes can be unmasked mechanically by sectioning in a cryostat or enzymatically by treating with neuraminidase. Trypsin destroys or removes RMTA. Nearly all the T cells in thoracic duct lymph and lymph node are RMTA+, whereas only 58–66% of T cells in spleen are RMTA+. RMTA+ T cells, which are cortisone resistant, reside in the paracortex and periarteriolar sheath regions of lymph node and spleen. RMTA? T cells, which are cortisone sensitive, appear to reside in the red pulp of spleen. The results suggest that (i) two antigenically distinct populations of T cells exist in the rat, RMTA+ and RMTA? T cells, (ii) medullary thymocytes are the immediate precursors of RMTA+ T cells, and (iii) cortical thymocytes may be the immediate precursors of RMTA? cells.  相似文献   

Targeting of cancer cells with monoclonal antibodies specific for C3b(i)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purpose: The goal of this research is to determine the feasibility of an immunotherapeutic approach based on the use of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to target complement activation fragments on opsonized cancer cells. Methods: We investigated whether treatment of LNCaP and C4-2 human prostate cancer cell lines with normal human serum would allow for deposition of sufficient amounts of the complement-activation protein C3b and its fragments [collectively referred to as C3b(i)] such that these proteins could serve as cancer-cell-associated antigens for targeting by mAb. Radioimmunoassays, flow cytometry, and magnetic purging with specific immunomagnetic beads were used for the analyses. Results: In vitro opsonization of human prostate cancer cells with normal human serum resulted in deposition of C3b(i) in sufficient quantity (approx. 100,000 molecules/cell) for the cells to be targeted in a variety of protocols. We found that 51Cr-labeled and C3b(i)-opsonized cancer cells could be specifically purged at high efficiency (95%–99%) using anti-C3b(i) mAb covalently coupled to magnetic beads. Flow-cytometry experiments indicated that most normal white cells were not removed under similar conditions. Opsonization of cancer cells with sera from men with prostate cancer led to lower levels of cell-associated IgM and, subsequently, lower amounts of C3b(i) deposited than in normal subjects. Prototype experiments suggested that this deficiency could be corrected by addition of IgM from normal donor plasma. Conclusion: mAb directed against complement-activation products may provide new opportunities to deliver diagnostic and therapeutic agents selectively to cancer cells and tumor deposits. These opportunities may include ex vivo purging of C3b(i)-opsonized cancer cells prior to autologous bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. Received: 17 February 2000 / Accepted: 1 August 2000  相似文献   

Human thymocytes are devoid of NK cells but develop lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity after culture with recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2). The most active precursor for this activity appears to be a CD3-negative cell. The purpose of these studies was to compare the phenotype and functional activities of thymocyte and peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) LAK cells. Following culture, rIL-2-activated thymocytes resemble PBL-generated LAk and PBL NK cells. For each of these populations, lytic activity is highest in NKH-1-positive cells. Two-color fluorescence of each population also indicates that NKH-1+ cells are highly granular, as measured by staining with the lysosomotropic vital dye quinacrine. PBL, PBL-derived LAK cells, and thymus-derived LAK cells have a portion of cells that express both CD3 and NKH-1. However, approximately 60-80% of NKH-1+ cells lack detectable CD3. This suggests that both CD3+ and CD3- cells may be capable of LAK activity. Thymic-derived LAK cells respond to interferon in a manner very similar to NK and PBL-derived LAK cells, but lack the NK-associated CD16 antigen. Thus, despite the absence of NK cells in the thymus, it is possible to generate thymocyte LAK activity which bears a strong resemblance to LAK activity derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Most platelet-reactive autoantibodies and alloantibodies are not able to fix complement in vitro. However, exceptions have been found. These antibodies are usually characterized by the conventional platelet complement fixation test. A recently developed competitive enzyme immunoassay for quantitation of platelet-associated immunoglobulins and a modification thereof allowed the quantitative study of fixation of C3d and the membrane attack complex (C5b-9) on platelets by HLA antibodies, human platelet autoantibodies, and drug-dependent antibodies (ddab). The highest amounts of both complement products were fixed through ddabs, whereas autoantibodies only showed moderate complement fixation. This enzyme immunoassay is a valuable tool for the characterization of the complement-fixing properties of platelet-reactive antibodies.  相似文献   

The extent and nature of IgM-rheumatoid factor (RF) precursors within normal human B cells were examined by utilizing two different polyclonal B cell stimulators, Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I (SA) and immobilized mAb to the CD3 molecular complex (64.1). In cultures stimulated with SA, B cells produced IgM-RF in the presence of T4 cells, factors generated from mitogen-activated T cells (TF), or IL-2. Similarly, in cultures stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3, T4 cells that had been treated with mitomycin C (T4 mito) induced the production of large amounts of IgM-RF. Limiting dilution analyses revealed that the precursor frequencies of IgM-RF-producing cells induced by SA + TF and by immobilized anti-CD3-activated T4 mito were 0.008 +/- 0.001/100 B cells (n = 7) and 0.043 +/- 0.004/100 B cells (n = 6) (mean +/- SEM), respectively. Of note, the proportion of IgM-secreting cells that produced IgM-RF was much greater in cultures stimulated with SA + TF (30 to 61%) than that noted in cultures containing immobilized anti-CD3-stimulated T4 mito (1.0 to 3.9%). When B cells were co-stimulated with both SA and immobilized anti-CD3-activated T4 mito, the frequency of IgM-RF producing cells increased further to 0.12 to 0.27/100 B cells (4.6 to 21.2% of IgM-producing cells). These results indicate that both SA and immobilized anti-CD3 are potent stimulators of IgM-RF precursors. Moreover, the combination of SA and immobilized anti-CD3 provides a very potent in vitro signal for IgM-RF elaboration, inducing the production of this autoantibody from 1 to 3 in 1000 circulating normal B cells.  相似文献   

Complement C3 cleavage products mediate the recognition and clearance of toxic or infectious agents. In addition, binding of the C3d fragment to Ag promotes B lymphocyte activation through coengagment of the BCR and complement receptor 2 (CD21). Signal augmentation is thought to be achieved through enhanced recruitment and activation of CD21-associated CD19. In this study we show, using the DBA/1 collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model, that conjugation of C3d to heterologous type II collagen is sufficient to cause disease in the absence of the mycobacterial components of CFA. Transient depletion of C3 during the inductive phase of CIA delays and lessens the severity of disease, and DBA/1 mice deficient for coreceptor components CD19 or CD21 are not susceptible to CIA. Adoptive transfer experiments revealed that CD21 expression on either B cells or follicular dendritic cells is sufficient to acquire disease susceptibility. Although CD19(-/-) and CD21(-/-) mice produce primary Ab responses to heterologous and autologous type II collagen, they are impaired in the ability to activate T cells, form germinal centers, and produce secondary autoantibody responses. These findings indicate that binding of C3d to self-Ags can promote autoimmunity through enhanced Ag retention and presentation by follicular dendritic cells and B cells, respectively.  相似文献   

The structure of CR2, the human C3d,g/EBV receptor (CR2/CD21) consists of 15 or 16 60-70 amino acid repeats called short consensus repeats (SCRs) followed by a transmembrane and a 34-amino acid intracytoplasmic domain. Functions of CR2 include binding the human complement component C3d,g when it is covalently attached to targets or cross-linked in the fluid phase. In addition, CR2 binds the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and mediates internalization of EBV and subsequent infection of cells. In order to explore functional roles of the repetitive extracytoplasmic SCR structure and the intracytoplasmic domain of CR2, we have created truncated CR2 (rCR2) mutants bearing serial deletions of extracytoplasmic SCRs and also the intracytoplasmic tail. We then stably transfected these rCR2 mutants into two cell lines, murine fibroblast L cells and human erythroleukemic K562 cells. Phenotypic analysis of these expressed mutants revealed that 1) The C3d,g- and EBV-binding sites are found in the two amino-terminal SCRs of CR2, 2) expression of SCRs 3 and 4 is further required for high affinity binding to soluble cross-linked C3d,g, 3) the intracytoplasmic domain of CR2 is not required for binding C3d,g or EBV but is necessary for internalization of cross-linked C3d,g as well as for EBV infection of cells, 4) monoclonal anti-CR2 antibodies with similar activities react with single widely separated epitopes, and 5) no functional roles can yet be clearly assigned to SCRs 5-15, as rCR2 mutants not containing these SCRs show no major differences from wild-type rCR2 in binding or internalizing cross-linked C3d,g or mediating EBV binding and infection.  相似文献   

E710.2.3 is a murine thymic lymphoma cell line with an immature phenotype (CD4-CD8-) that proliferates in response to thymocytes or PMA when cultured at low density and proliferates spontaneously when grown at high density. To identify functional molecules on this cell line, we screened for mAbs that could block its proliferation. A hamster mAb, DMF10.62.3, inhibited the spontaneous, thymocyte-induced, and PMA-stimulated proliferation of E710.2.3 in vitro and induced these cells to undergo apoptosis. The mAb also caused homotypic aggregation of E710.2.3, which was inhibited by cytochalasin B, trifluoperazine, a combination of sodium azide and 2-deoxyglucose, EDTA, incubation at 4 degrees C, or treatment with paraformaldehyde. The DMF10 62.3 mAb stained a number of immortalized murine and human cell lines and, where tested, blocked their proliferation and caused death to varying extents by apoptosis. The molecule recognized by the mAb DMF10.62.3 was expressed on day 14 fetal thymus Thy1.2-positive cells. However, it was not detected on adult murine thymocytes, splenocytes, or bone marrow cells or on splenic LPS-activated B cells or Con A-activated T cells. The Ab immunoprecipitated a 40-kDa molecule from E710.2.3 that was not glycosylphosphatidylinositol linked. The data suggest that the molecule recognized by DMF62.3 is a novel cell surface molecule that may be involved in cell proliferation and/or cell death.  相似文献   

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