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ABSTRACT. This study investigated a possible trade-off between bark beetle reproductive effort and future survival. Parent adult Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) were collected when they re-emerged from a laboratory culture after completing their first brood and held at constant temperatures of 4 or 25oC. As a comparison, emerging brood adults were collected and held at 25oC. The longevity of the beetles was related to when they re-emerged or emerged (measured in days since parent introduction) and to their size (pronotal width), fresh weight and lipid content at collection, by multiple regression analysis. The expression (fresh weight x pronotal width -2.6), used as an estimate of lipid content of the living beetles, was significantly correlated (r=0.67, P<0.001) with the actual (extracted) lipid content. At 25oC, fat content was the variable most strongly correlated with survival time in all beetle groups except parent females. In both parent and brood females, re-emergence or emergence day, respectively, contributed significantly to the explanation of survival time, whereas pronotal width and fresh weight never contributed significantly to the regression equation. At 4oC, fat content was not estimated but, re-emergence day was negatively correlated with survival time. In conclusion, beetles with high fat content and re-emerging or emerging early have longer expected survival than beetles leaving the log later or containing less fat. This means that females laying a large first brood might suffer a somewhat higher mortality than females laying a smaller brood.  相似文献   

The attraction of Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to Scots pine trees of low and higher vigor with and without previous attacks was monitored with sticky traps. Somewhat higher numbers of beetles were caught on low vigor trees than on trees of higher vigor, indicating differences in olfactory stimuly between the two classes of trees.Many more beetles were caught on trees attacked by T. piniperda and on trees with simulated bark beetle galleries (manually drilled holes) than on control trees with no or only a few attacks. The strong attraction of beetles to attacked trees is attributed to the beetles responding to host volatiles released from the galleries.
Zusammenfassung Der Anflug von Tomicus piniperda (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) an Kiefern in schlechtem oder besserem Gesundheitszustand, mit oder ohne vorherigen Befall, wurde mit Hilfe von Leimfallen untersucht. An Bäumen in schlechtem Zustand wurden etwas mehr Käfer gefangen als an Bäumen in besserem Gesundheitszustand. Das deutet auf Unterschiede in Geruchsreizen zwischen den beiden Klassen des Baumzustands hin.An Kiefern, die von T. piniperda befallen waren oder simulierte Einbohrungen (von Hand gebohrte Löcher) hatten, wurden viel mehr Käfer gefangen als an Kontrollbäumen ohne oder mit sehr geringem Befall. Der starke Anflug von Käfern an befallene Bäume wird gedeutet als Reaktion auf Duftstoffe des Wirts, die aus den Borkenkäfergängen abgegeben werden.

A multidisciplinary study of use by Sami people ofPinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine) inner bark was performed in northern Sweden. We combined linguistic, historical and archaeological records with ecological data collected from field studies to investigate important cultural and ecological factors associated with previous use of bark. Our data from bark peeled trees at 313 sites were used to describe patterns in space and time in the land-scape. Sites with bark peeled trees were mainly found in the central and northern part of Lapland (65°00–68°14N). Large numbers of barked trees were found in undisturbed forests in national parks and reserves but few were found in forests under commercial management. The dendroecological analysis revealed a continuous use of inner bark from A.D. 1450 to 1890. Large sheets of bark were taken from trees in the spring, prepared and stored as a staple food resource. Inner bark was eaten fresh, dried or roasted. Smaller bark peelings were used for the wrapping of sinews. The cessation of bark use in the 19th century was driven by several factors, but the availability of other products that could replace traditional use of bark was specifically important. The previous common and varied use of bark, the great age of Sami terminology and a possible association with archaeological remains of potential great age indicate that peeled bark was used long before the historic period. Our study also focused on the ongoing loss of culturally-modified trees in forests outside protected areas.  相似文献   

Higher flight activity has been observed in aged, high-density cultures ofProstephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), but adults in new, lowdensity culture jars showed less flight activity. In order to understand this change in behavior, the effects of population density, age, resource quality, and sex on the flight ofP. truncatus were studied in a wind tunnel. While an immediate density on the release platform had no significant effect on flight, beetles from high-density cultures were more inclined to fly than those from low-density cultures. Resource quality exerted a major influence on flight; insects in food suitable for boring and oviposition seldomly exhibited flight, however, when food was absent or of inferior quality for boring and oviposition, the dominant behavior was flight. Also, insects maintained for a week in food suitable for boring and oviposition were less ready to fly than those maintained in food unsuitable for boring and oviposition. The optimum age range for flight activity was before the peak of reproduction and insects rarely flew before 4 days or after 32 days of emergence. There were no significant differences between the flight activity of males and that of females. Based on these results, we conclude that age and resource quality are major influences on the flight activity ofP. truncatus and a hypothesis is proposed in which reproductively active male and female beetles disperse from habitats of low resource quality to those that support their reproductive behavior. The practical implications of these results and the possible role of the male-produced aggregation pheromone are discussed.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Teak forms xylem rings that potentially carry records of carbon sequestration and climate in the tropics. These records are only useful when the structural variations of tree rings and their periodicity of formation are known. Methods The seasonality of ring formation in mature teak trees was examined via correlative analysis of cambial activity, xylem and phloem formation, and climate throughout 1·5 years. Xylem and phloem differentiation were visualized by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Key Results A 3 month dry season resulted in semi-deciduousness, cambial dormancy and formation of annual xylem growth rings (AXGRs). Intra-annual xylem and phloem growth was characterized by variable intensity. Morphometric features of cambium such as cambium thickness and differentiating xylem layers were positively correlated. Cambium thickness was strongly correlated with monthly rainfall (R(2) = 0·7535). In all sampled trees, xylem growth zones (XGZs) were formed within the AXGRs during the seasonal development of new foliage. When trees achieved full leaf, the xylem in the new XGZs appeared completely differentiated and functional for water transport. Two phloem growth rings were formed in one growing season. Conclusions The seasonal formation pattern and microstructure of teak xylem suggest that AXGRs and XGZs can be used as proxies for analyses of the tree history and climate at annual and intra-annual resolution.  相似文献   

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