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中国锈革孔菌科新种及值得注意的种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了产于我国云南西双版纳热带雨林的多孔菌一新种,版纳嗜蓝孢层孔菌 Fomitiporia bannaensis Y.C. Dai,该菌具有平伏的子实体较小的担孢子及大量的子实层刚毛这些特征很容易使该新种区别于同属的其它种,对与其它近似种的不同也进行了讨论锈革孔菌科的另外两种悦目小集毛菌Coltriciella  ablectabilis(Lloyd) Kotl, Pouzar& Ryvarden和杜氏齿革菌 Hydnochaete duportii Pat.被报道为中国新记录种,并根据我国的材料对这两种进行了详细描述。三个种被重新进行了组合它们是 Fomitiporia sonora(Glib.)Y.C. Dai, Fomitiporia  sublaevigata(Cleland &  Rodway) Y.C. Dai和 Onnia flaovida(Berk.) Y.C. Dai.  相似文献   

Four new genera and eleven new species of Zygentoma thysanurans (families Protrinemuridae and Nicoletiidae) are described and some faunistic novelties reported from Oriental and Australian Regions, viz.: Protrinemura leclerci n. sp., from northern Thailand, Protrinemurella allacrotelsoides n. gen. n. sp., from southern Thailand, and Protrinemuroides celebensis n. gen. n. sp., from the Celebes islands (Protrinemuridae), Lepidospora (L.) digitata n. sp., from northern Thailand, L. (L.) deharvengi n. sp., from the Celebes, and Pseudobrinckina anempodiata n. gen. n. sp., from northern Thailand (Nicoletiidae: Coletiniinae), Gastrotheus (G.) papuanus n. sp., from Papua-New Guinea (Nicoletiidae: Atelurinae), and Metrinura celebensis n. sp., from the Celebes, Trinemurodes anomalocoxa n. sp., from southern Thailand, T. bedosae n. sp., from northern Thailand, and Allotrinemurodes thai n.gen. n. sp., from northern Thailand (Nicoletiidae: Subnicoletiinae). Bharatatelura malabarica Mendes is reported for the first time off the Indian sub-continent (in Suva). Proatelura jacobsoni Silvestri is recorded in Macao (southern China) and in the Moluccas islands and notes are presented on its male sex. Gastrotheus (Lasiotheus) nanus (Escherich) is found for the very first time in Macao, in Cook islands and in Niue. Identification keys are provided to Protrinemuridae genera and to species of Trinemurodes, and modifications are suggested to previously presented keys to Nicoletiidae genera and to Lepidospora and Metrinura species.  相似文献   

郭正堂 《植物研究》1987,7(2):53-79
本文报道中国韧革菌科(Stereaceae Pilat)真菌15种和1亚种,隶属于血革菌属(Haematostereum Pouzar)、齿脉菌属(Lopharia Kalchbr.& MacOwan)和柄杆菌属(Podoscypha Patouillard).其中有3个新组合种和2个新记录种,它们是:厚血革菌(Haematostereum australe(Lloyd)Z.T.Guo,comb.nov.)、紫灰血革菌(Haematostereum illudens(Berk.)Z.T.Guo,comb.nov.)、金丝血革菌(Haematostereum spectabile(Kl.)Z.T.Guo,comb。nov.)、纸状齿脉菌(Lopharia papyracea(Jungh.)Reid)和无毛柄杯菌(Podoscypha glabrescens(Berk.& Curt.)Boidin)。标本全部保藏于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

中国东北长白山森林保护区多孔菌科简记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983年挪威 L.Ryvardeu教授来中国访问并与微生物研究所合作进行长白山森林保护区多孔菌类的研究。从9月12~16日到长白山采集标本。双方各自在北京和奥斯陆进行研究。本文共报道了143种多孔菌。除14种是文献中曾记载过而未经研究的标本外,其余129种是这次采到的标本鉴定的结果。其中29个种是中国的新记录,3个种是新组合和2个新种。它们是多年骨皮孔菌(Skeletocutis perennis Ryv.)和平伏脆骨孔菌(Wolfiporia cartila-ginea Ryv.)。这一地区的多孔菌种类是典型的北半球北部山区真菌类群。这种类群大致由三种不同的成分组成。一种是典型的北半球植物地理成分。多孔菌代表种类有:Antrodia albida,A.lenis,Cerrena unicolor,Fomitopsis Pinicola以及Oxypo-rus corticola等。另一种是从美国北部到亚洲的北部、东部植物地理成分。典型的多孔菌种类有:Cryptoporus volvatus,Fomitopsis cajanderi,Ganoderma tsugae,Inonotus weirii以及Wolfiporia cocos等。第三种是东亚成分。多孔菌代表种类有:Ceriporiopsis crema,Heterobasision insularis,Lenzites japonica,Nigroporuscastaneus以及Phellinus baumii等。  相似文献   

Species composition and richness of epigeous gasteromycetes were investigated in four remnants of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. Two of these areas are coastal, lowland forests, while the other two, also known as ‘brejos de altitude’, are inland, highland forests. Thirty-six field expeditions were carried out from Jun. 2008 to May 2009 in a 500 m × 20 m transect in each surveyed area. Collected specimens consisted of 16 gasteroid species of the genera Clathrus (one sp.), Cyathus (four spp.), Geastrum (nine spp.), Morganella (one sp.) and Phallus (one sp.). Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) showed that species richness and composition of gasteroid fungi are different between lowland and highland forests. There was no significant difference between collecting seasons (dry and rainy months) in the four localities.  相似文献   

Lambers, H., Poorter, H. & Van Vuuren, M. (eds.) 1998. Inherent variation in plant growth: Physiological mechanisms and ecological consequences. Schmidt‐Vogt, D. 1999. Swidden farming and fallow vegetation in northern Thailand.  相似文献   

本文报道了牛舌菌科(Fistulinaceae)的一个新种:中国假牛舌菌 Pseudofistulina sine-nsis G.Y.Zheng et Bi sp.nov.,和齿菌科(Hydnaceae)一新变种:大孢橙亚齿菌 Hydnellumaurantiacum(Alb.& Schw.)Karst.var.macrosporus G.Y.Zheng et Bi var.nov.。以及三个国内新纪录种:月桔韧革菌 Stereum murrayi(Berk.& Curt.)Burr.;毛栓齿菌 Phellodontomentosus(L.)Banker;白丝薄皮菌 Ischnoderma albotextus(Lloyd)Reid。  相似文献   

南京的鬼笔菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者于1928—1934年在南京工作时,曾对附近的鬼笔菌作了观察和采集。在春天,那时南京附近的田园、竹林里鬼笔菌是比较多的。这里发表的10种鬼笔菌是:(1)竹荪Dictyophora indusiata(Vent.ex Pers.)Fischer,(2)杂色竹荪Dictyophora multicolor Berk. et Br.,(3)双柱小林鬼笔Linderiella bicolumnata(Lloyd)Cunn.,(4)五棱散尾菌Lysurus mokusin(L. ex Pers.)Fr.,(5)蛇头菌Mutinus sp.,(6)桔红鬼笔Phallus aurantiacus Mont.,(7)白鬼笔Phallus impudicus L.ex Pers.,(8)深红鬼笔Phallus rubicundus(Bosc)Fr.,(9)格柄笼头菌Simblum clathroides Kawam.,(10)围篱状柄笼头菌Simblum periphragmoides KI.。除1个种外,作者对其余9个种的形态作了详细的描述,有些种还附有彩色图。对一些近似种和疑难种,又进行了比较和讨论。上述10种鬼笔菌分别隶属6个属,作者在文章的后面部分对其中Linderiella和Lysurus两个属有专门的讨论。  相似文献   

154 species of Ahyllophorales, mostly Corticiaceae and Polyporaceae are reported from Thailand, 116 out of which are new to the country. Aleurodiscus cremicolor Hjortst. & Ryv., Byssocorticium naviculare Hjortst. & Ryv., Grammothele ochraceus Ryv., Hyphoderma tuberculare Hjortst. & Ryv., Boletopsis atrata Ryv., Ceriporia subreticulala Ryv. and Oxyporus subulatus Ryv. are described as new. A key to all known Byssocorticium species is given.  相似文献   

Thirteen representatives of Myxariaceae sensu Jülich: Heterochaetella brachyspora (Bourdot & Galzin) Luck-Allen, Myxarium atratum (Peck) Ginns & Lefebvre, M. granulum Hauersl., M. laccatum (Bourdot & Galzin) Reid, M. mesomorphum (Bourdot & Galzin) Haursl., M. mesonucleatum Kisim., Oberw. & L.D. Gómez nov. sp., M. subsphaerosporum Kisim., Oberw. & L.D. Gómez nov. sp., Protodontia subgelatinosa (Karst.) Pilát; Pseudohydum gelatinosum (Fr.) P. Karst., P. gelatinosum var. paucidentata Lowy; one species of Sebacinaceae, Efibulobasidium albescens (Sacc. & Malbr.) K. Wells; and the Tremellodrendropisidaceae Tremellodendropsis flagelliformis (Berk.) Crawford var.ovalispora Crawford, are reported or described from Costa Rica. The corticioid Cystidiodontia artocreas (Berk & Curt. ex Cooke) Hjortstam is also reported from Costa Rica.  相似文献   

The occurrence of more than a single species of Lardizabalaceae in Thailand is confirmed and the second species, the Vietnamese‐Chinese Stauntonia chapaensis (Gagnep.) Christenh., is described and illustrated here based on the Thai specimens at Crûg Farm Plants.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-five taxa of bryophytes are reported from the extreme southeastern Yukon. Eight species of Hepaticae and 13 of mosses represent new records for the Yukon, which are Calypogeia suecica (S. Arnell & Perss.) K. Müll., Chiloscyphus pallescens (Ehrh.) Dum., Conocephalum conicum (L.) Dum., Jamesoniella autumnalis (DC.) Steph., Pellia neesiana (Gott.) Limpr., Ptilidium pulcherrimum (Web.) Hampe, Riccardia palmata (Hedw.) Carruth., Tritomaria exsecta (Schmid.) Schiffn., Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb., Brachythecium rivulare B.S.G., B. rutabulum (Hedw.) B.S.G., Bryum blindii B.S.G., Didymodon rigidulus Hedw., D. tophaceus (Brid.) Lisa, Drepanocladus trichophyllus (Warnst.) Podp., Hygroamblystegium noterophilum (Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull.) Warnst., Hygrohypnum molle (Hedw.) Loeske, Plagiomnium ciliare (C. Müll.) Kop., P. cuspidatum (Hedw.) Kop., Platydictya minutissimum (Sull. & Lesq. ex Sull.) Crum, and Pylaisiella selwynii (Kindb.) Crum, Steere & Anderson. Many of the other collections represent wide extensions of range within the Yukon Territory.  相似文献   

Taxonomic and nomenclatural comments are given on two widespread Andrographis species, A. paniculata (Burmf.) Nees and A. laxiflora (Bl.) Lindau. A revised synonymy for A. laxiflora is worked up, adding 6 new synonyms from Thailand. Cryptophragmium tonkinense R. Benoist and Parajusticia petelotii R. Benoist are sunk into Gymnostachyum listeri Prain and Eranthemum lateriflorum C. B. Clarke is shown to be Gymnostachyum lateriflorum comb. nov., The pollen grains of G. listeri and G. lateriflorum are briefly described and seem to be typical Gymnostachyum pollen.  相似文献   

In order to bring the names of two Rubiaceae taxa into current usage, two new combinations are proposed in Pyrostria: P. brunnescens (Craib) Utteridge & A.P.Davis, and P. cochinchinense (Pierre ex Pit.) Utteridge & A.P.Davis. Pyrostria brunnescens occurs in Thailand and P. cochinchinense in Indo-China (Thailand, Vietnam) and Malesia (Malaysia, N Borneo).  相似文献   

Bauhinia pottsii G. Don, B. subsessilis Craib, B. velutina (Wall. ex Benth.) Baker, B. mollissima (Wall.) Prain, and B. decipiens Craib were recently recognized as five varieties of Bauhinia pottsii G. Don. They grow naturally in southern Myanmar, Thailand, Indochina and the Malay Peninsula. Bauhinia pottsii var. decipiens (Craib) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen is endemic to Thailand and known only from the type collection, so it was omitted from this study. Quantitative and qualitative morphological characters were examined in 200 specimens using multivariate and univariate analyses to determine the taxonomic relationship among the four. Some variation in qualitative characters was found between the varieties which separated them as previously defined in Flora of Thailand. Forty-three quantitative characters were subjected to cluster analysis to allow an objective classification into groups. The groups were subsequently evaluated by a canonical discriminant analysis. It was found that these characters collectively support the four varieties as defined by qualitative characters. However, the close relationship of varieties mollissima (Wall. ex Prain) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen and velutina (Wall. ex Benth.) K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen is observed. The linear discriminant function has an overall rate of 98.5% correct classification and is useful for variety classification. Among quantitative characters, petal-claw length and ovarystalk length together with some qualitative characters are useful for key construction to separate the four varieties. Received April 24, 2001 Accepted December 11, 2001  相似文献   

The new species Cercosporella pergulariae sp. nov., Pseudocercospora catalpicola sp. nov., Sirosporium rhamnigenum sp. nov., and Spiropes desmodiicola sp. nov. are described and Cercospora commelinicola Chupp is validated. Cercostigmina curta (Syd.) comb, nov., Eriocercosporella vitis-heterophyllae (Henn.) comb, nov., Mycovellosiella lactucae (Henn.) comb, nov., M. trichostemmatis (Henn.) comb, nov., M. tylophorae (Hansf.) comb, nov., Passalora caespitosa (Ellis & Everh.) comb, nov., P. chionanthi (Ellis & Everh.) comb, nov., Prathigada condensata (Ellis & Kellerm.) comb, nov., Pseudocercospora carrii (Barthol.) comb, nov., P. glaucescens (G. Winter) comb, nov., P. pamelae-ellisiae (G.P. Agarwal & N.D. Sharma) comb, nov., Pseudophaeoramularia angolensis (T. Cavalho &O. Mendes) comb, nov., Sporidesmium seminale (Ellis & Everh.) comb, nov., and Stenella praelonga (Syd.) comb. nov. are introduced. Cercospora litseae Henn. is reduced to synonym with Mycovellosiella litseae Meenu et al., and a second collection of Cercosporella indica from Vietnam is recorded.  相似文献   

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