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Effects of salinity and cutting on the development of Phragmites australis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of increased salinity and cutting the above ground biomass on the growth of Phragmites australis were evaluated by investigating four experimental reed stands grown in outdoor tanks. Two stands were treated with 30 salinity and the other two stands with freshwater; one stand of each treatment was cut to 20 cm during the second growing season. Growth conditions were observed until all the plants were dead at the end of the second year. The number of shoots emerged from the freshwater-treated stand was about 70% higher than that of the saltwater-treated stand. The number of shoots emerged from cut plant stands were markedly lower than uncut stands. The average shoot height was negatively affected by salinity and shoots that emerged after cutting further decreased in height. The average number of leaves on a shoot was not significantly affected by salinity, but reduced by cutting in both treatments. Leaf length, width and the distance between leaves were decreased by both salinity and cutting. In the freshwater-treated uncut stand more than 50% of the shoots formed panicles, but this proportion was reduced to 6% by salinity, to 15% by cutting, and to 0% by the combination of salinity and cutting. This study showed again that salinity reduces the growth of aboveground components. The growth, however, was most severely retarded by cutting combined with salinity, which has many implications for better management of P. australis stands.  相似文献   

大气氮沉降增加能改变土壤养分可利用性,影响滨海湿地植物的养分再吸收。目前研究多关注氮沉降量对养分再吸收过程的影响,且研究集中于叶片,鲜有研究区分不同形态氮素对植物不同器官养分再吸收过程的影响。通过两年的野外控制实验,研究硝态氮、铵态氮添加对黄河三角洲滨海湿地芦苇(Phragmites australis)叶、茎养分再吸收效率的影响。结果表明:两类氮添加均显著增加叶、茎的氮、磷含量(P<0.001),增幅达32.74%—43.22%(氮)、30.91%—36.51%(磷)。叶片氮的再吸收效率为54.14%—67.66%,茎氮的再吸收效率为50.60%—62.85%。叶片磷的再吸收效率为56.80%—70.38%,茎磷的再吸收效率为77.43%—84.95%。两类氮添加均显著降低氮、磷的再吸收效率(P<0.001),但两类氮添加处理下的养分再吸收效率无差异。叶、茎氮的再吸收效率无差异,但茎磷的再吸收效率明显高于叶(P<0.01)。总之,氮添加降低芦苇对氮、磷的再吸收效率,且茎对养分的再吸收也具有不可忽略的贡献。  相似文献   

We document the regeneration of native freshwater wetland plant assemblages following removal of the common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel from two sites at Chapman Pond, East Haddam, Connecticut, USA. We gathered field data on composition of the vegetation 1 year before and for each of the 3 years after the removal in fall 1995/spring 1996 of Phragmites by two slightly different methods (hand-removal and herbiciding in one area, mowing/mulching and herbiciding in another). An area where Phragmites was left intact was similarly monitored. Our goals for this monitoring were: (1) to document plant species composition and richness before and after Phragmites removal and (2) to examine temporal and spatial variability in patterns of plant recruitment. Phragmites declined in both density and extent in both plots where removal treatments were applied. Richness, evenness, and density of non-Phragmites species increased steadily from 1996 to 1997 in all removal and intact plots. However, the species composition of the removal plots was richer than that of the intact plot, and more closely resembled that of comparable, uninvaded freshwater tidal wetlands. Rates of recovery of species richness in the removal plots declined from 1997 to 1998, potentially reflecting saturation of available colonization space, or the return of Phragmites. Phragmites has expanded its range in both of the removal plots since 1997. A model of its colonization indicates that Phragmites occupies space through localized proliferation of dense rhizomes rather than diffusely foraging with long tillers. Vigilance in monitoring is needed to document the spread of invasives, to evaluate the multi-faceted ecological effects of eradication efforts on both the invader and the regenerating community, and develop strategies for preventing re-invasion.  相似文献   

The influence of management and nutrient availability on the vegetation dynamics of heathlands characterised by Calluna vulgaris and Erica tetralix were studied in three mountain sites in Northern Spain. A total of 90 plots (1 m2 each) received different combinations of cutting and twice the estimated background atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (56 kg ha−1 yr−1). One of the two dominant ericaceous species was selectively cut by hand at ground level and their regeneration compared in the presence or absence of the other. The results after 2 years showed significant effects of the fertiliser on the vegetation cover, mainly by favouring perennial herbaceous species. There were less noteworthy effects on the number of flowers and on the annual growth of the ericaceous species. It is concluded that, in the short term, increased nutrients alone, at twice the estimated current atmospheric deposition for the area, will not alter significantly the composition of the mountain heathlands. However, once the stands reach the mature phase, the capacity of the community to regenerate after a severe disturbance diminishes. A drastic impact, such as cutting may not result in re-growth of the same shrub species but in replacement by herbaceous species, which will also benefit from the increased nutrients.  相似文献   

以辽河三角洲湿地芦苇群落为研究对象,利用涡动相关通量、小气候梯度要素、群落内水面蒸发量以及芦苇群落生长参数等数据,基于FAO-56模型的双作物系数法,分别计算作物系数Kc、基础作物系数Kcb和水面蒸发系数Kw,分析其日变化动态及主导影响因子,建立基于生物因子和环境因子的小时尺度双作物系数模型。结果如下:(1)芦苇生长初期,Kc和Kcb的日变化呈现早晚高、中午略低的多峰波动曲线;在快速生长期和稳定生长期,Kc和Kcb白天波动幅度较小,早晚波动幅度较大;生长末期,Kc和Kcb夜晚波动幅度较大,白天呈现多峰波动曲线;Kw白天较小、夜晚较高,生长初期白天的数值显著高于其他时期。(2)相关分析表明,气温、相对湿度、风速、株高和叶面积指数是Kc、Kcb和Kw的影响因子;基于生物因子和环境因子重新构建双作物系数模型,基...  相似文献   

The amount of oxygen released from the roots of Phragmites australis was quantified to examine the effects of airflow through dead culms, radiation, and temperature on radial oxygen loss (ROL). To investigate the effect of dead culms on ROL quantitatively, the ROL of individual plants with open dead culms was compared to that of plants with sealed dead culms as a function of light intensity and temperature. The relationship between ROL and plant morphology (aboveground biomass, shoot diameter, shoot height) was investigated. When exposed to 300, 600, and 900 μmol m−2 s−1 light, the ROL was 15.6, 22.5, and 30.9 μmol O2 g−1 dry root day−1, respectively, from plants with open dead culms and 11.0, 16.4, and 23.3 μmol O2 g−1 dry root day−1, respectively, from plants with sealed dead culms. The ROL from plants with open dead culms was obviously higher than that from plants with sealed dead culms in every condition. The ROL from plants with open culms was 37% and 30% higher than that from plants with sealed culms at 20°C and 30°C, respectively. The effects of plant-specific parameters such as leaf area and shoot diameter on radial oxygen loss were evident. From the point of view of rhizosphere oxidation during the growing season, the existence of open dead culms should be taken into consideration for optimal plant management in constructed wetlands. This study provides a theoretical understanding of the effects of open dead culms, light conditions, and temperature on radial oxygen loss. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Habitat use by the sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, reed warbler A. scirpaceus and marsh warbler A. palustris was studied during 1998–2000 in an intensively cultivated agricultural landscape in western Poland. The birds occupied mid-field marsh patches (0.05–9.84 ha) and drainage ditches. Using logistic regression models, habitat preferences for particular patch type, characteristics of breeding patch vegetation and surrounding crop type were investigated. All habitat measurements were done within 50-m radius circles around breeding territory centers. The most important factors that influenced species distributions were the proportions of particular habitats within patch area and the type of surrounding crops. Sedge and reed warblers preferred areas with a high proportion of reeds and meadows. Marsh warblers avoided emergents other than reeds, and favored herbaceous vegetation and bushes. Open water areas positively affected reed warbler distribution. Crop type had a significant influence on within-year territory distribution and changes in between-year occupation pattern. In general, birds preferred to settle near fields of oil seed rape, while root crops and spring cereals were avoided. Breeding patch type and structure of reedbeds had relatively little influence on the distribution of breeding territories. The results obtained show that the surrounding landscape may significantly influence habitat use of species breeding in habitat islands in farmland. Depending on their structure and food resources, crops might have different value to the birds.  相似文献   

The change in dried rhizome samples that were left to decompose was investigated to elucidate the effects of rhizome age on the decomposition rate of Phragmites australis. Rhizomes were classified into five age categories and placed 30 cm below the soil surface of a reed stand. After 369 days of decay, new (i.e., aged less than one year) rhizomes had lost 84% of their original dry mass, compared with a loss of 41–62% for that of older rhizomes. The exponential decay rates of older rhizomes were nearly identical to that of aboveground biomass. The nitrogen (N) concentration increased to two times its original values, but the phosphorus (P) concentration remained constant after an initial loss by leaching. The carbon to nitrogen (C:N) and carbon to phosphorus ratios (C:P) leveled out at 22:1 to 38:1 and 828:1 to 1431:1, respectively, regardless of rhizome age. The results are important to understand the nutrient cycles of reed-dominant marsh ecosystems.  相似文献   

研究表型可塑性和遗传变异在植物表型分化中的相对作用,有助于预测全球环境变化下的植物群落组成和生态系统功能的变化。芦苇(Phragmites australis)是全球性广布的草本植物,种内变异丰富,在我国西北和东部均存在多个分化稳定的生态型,但中国芦苇在更大尺度上的表型研究还非常匮乏。将位于黄河上游的宁夏平原和黄河下游的黄河三角洲作为研究区域,通过野外调查和同质种植园实验对芦苇自然种群的植物功能性状变异进行观测。结果表明,无论在野外还是同质种植园,黄河三角洲芦苇的基径、叶长和叶宽均显著大于宁夏平原芦苇,说明两个地区的芦苇种群之间存在着受遗传决定的表型分化,这可能与两个地区间的降水等气候差异有关。在野外,宁夏芦苇的株高和叶厚显著大于黄河三角洲芦苇,但在同质园中差异消失或相反,说明株高、叶厚受环境影响较大,表型可塑性也是芦苇适应环境变化的重要机制。在同质种植园中,宁夏平原芦苇的叶片氮磷含量较低,但株数却显著多于黄河三角洲芦苇,反映了不同地区芦苇之间存在不同的适应策略,宁夏平原芦苇更偏向于高扩散率的杂草策略,而黄河三角洲芦苇更偏向于竞争策略。此外,宁夏平原芦苇的株高、叶长两个性状以及基径-比叶面积相关性在野外和同质园两个环境中存在一致性,表明了性状变异和权衡策略的遗传稳定性。综上,位于黄河上下游的芦苇种群间存在着适应性分化,这是表型可塑性和遗传变异共同作用的结果,不同来源芦苇对全球变化下的多重环境因子的响应还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Isolated shrub patches are a key element for community structure and dynamics in semi-arid ecosystems, and may act as “hot spots” of understorey species diversity. Despite its importance, the relationships between shrub patch characteristics and understorey species richness, and the relative importance of these characteristics against other factors driving understorey species richness, are still poorly understood. We studied perennial species richness under the canopy of late-successional shrubs in semi-arid Stipa tenacissima steppes of SE Spain. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between shrub size and understorey richness, and to test if this relationship is modified by species identity. We also aimed to know the relative importance of shrub patch characteristics and abiotic factors as predictors of the distribution of understorey species under shrub canopies. Altitude and geographical co-ordinates were able to significantly explain the patterns of shrub occurrence and abundance in the study area. Understorey species richness was significantly related to the size of individual shrubs according to a simple power relationship for all evaluated species. Slope values of linear regressions with log-transformed data, ranging between 0.22 and 0.37, did not differ between species. Site characteristics, patch characteristics and patch species identity significantly explained the occurrence of species on patches. However, the relative importance of site characteristics was higher than that of patch characteristics and species identity in explaining these patterns. Our results agree with the general expectations of the theory of island biogeography and complement previous studies that emphasise the importance of late-successional shrubs in semi-arid Stipa steppes. Environmental management activities within these steppes should promote the conservation of remnant shrubs, as well as its introduction with restoration activities.  相似文献   

We examined how environmental factors combined with the diverse ways of the extensive management of mesic mountain grasslands affect species composition and diversity in the Polish part of Central Sudetes Mts. Based on the data from 100 research plots altitude, organic matter content and exchangeable magnesium in the soil, as well as the maximum soil water capacity and amount of sand fraction significantly affected species composition. Among the management methods, a significant effect on the differentiation of species composition was observed following the cessation of usage and mowing. Mown meadows had the highest share of forbs in the biomass, whereas those abandoned ones were dominated by tall and expansive grasses, mainly Calamagrostis epigejos. The species richest grasslands occurred in areas with soils of high water capacity, containing high concentrations of calcium and low amounts of total nitrogen. No significant effect of management methods on the total number of species as well as on the number of forb species was observed. Mown pastures had the highest mean value of the Shannon–Wiener diversity index.  相似文献   

李红林  贡璐  洪毅 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6547-6555
旱生芦苇在水分限制、元素匮乏的环境条件下,经长期进化适应形成了自身独特的生理生态特征,研究其C、N、P化学计量特征随生长季节的变化规律有助于深入了解该植物生存和适应策略。系统分析了克里雅绿洲旱生芦苇根、茎、叶的C、N、P化学计量特征及其季节动态,深入探讨了不同生长季、不同器官以及两因素的交互作用对以上特征的影响。结果表明:旱生芦苇C、N、P含量均值分别为393.36、12.43、1.25 mg/g,C∶N、N∶P、C∶P均值分别为54.55、9.96、441.27。整个生长季内芦苇各器官间C、N、P平均含量的变化规律一致,为叶茎根,C、N、P化学计量比的变化规律不一致;芦苇C含量随生长季节的变化不断增加,N、P随季节的变化逐渐减少,C、N、P化学计量比随季节的变化规律也不尽相同。对芦苇C、N、P含量及其化学计量比整体变异来源分析显示,生长季节的变化对芦苇C、P、C∶N、C∶P变化的贡献大于器官间差异,器官间差异对芦苇N、N∶P变化的贡献大于生长季节的变化;说明芦苇生长发育过程中各生长季各器官对元素的吸收利用具有特异性。结合N、P元素含量及N∶P值的大小可知,研究区芦苇生长受到N、P共同限制,且更易受N元素的限制。  相似文献   

为了探究种间竞争对香蒲(Typha domingensis)与芦苇(Phragmites australis)生长的影响,利用根系分隔盆栽试验研究了3种不同分隔方式条件下香蒲与芦苇的种间竞争特性,包括塑料膜分隔(根系完全分隔,无相互作用,无物质交换)、尼龙网分隔(根系部分分隔,无相互作用,有物质交换)和不分隔(根系完全相互作用,有物质交换),分析了香蒲与芦苇根系形态和地上部生长的变化,探究香蒲与芦苇种间竞争的差异。结果发现(1)在尼龙网分隔和不分隔处理中芦苇具有明显的劣势。与塑料膜分隔处理相比,芦苇的总生物量、植株密度在尼龙网分隔和不分隔处理中分别减少了39.14%、49.41%和82.08%、79.22%,总根长、总根表面积、总根体积分别减少了40.53%、44.84%、62.52%和85.7%、82.45%、89.67%,且均具有极显著差异(P<0.01);根系分隔方式也影响芦苇的株高、茎粗和叶片数,表现为不分隔 > 塑料膜分隔 > 尼龙网分隔。(2)与塑料膜分隔处理相比,香蒲总生物量在尼龙网分隔和不分隔中虽有增加,但差异不显著,植株密度和株高在尼龙网分隔和不分隔处理中都有增加且具有显著差异(P<0.05),其总根长、总根表面积、总根体积在尼龙网分隔中分别增加了57.93%、26.5%、8.04%,但在不分隔处理中分别减少了11.57%、14.92%、11.39%(P<0.05),虽然根系的相互作用对香蒲根系的生长具有促进作用,但植物种间根系相互作用越强,对两者的生长越不利。(3)在不同的分隔方式中,芦苇与香蒲间也存在明显变化。在不分隔处理中,香蒲的生物量和植株密度是芦苇的1.7倍和6.74倍,与塑料膜分隔处理相比增加了6倍,表明芦苇与香蒲根系的完全相互作用,显著削减了芦苇的繁殖生长,增加了香蒲的根系分蘖。(4)通过种间相互作用强度(RII值)分析也表明,尼龙网分隔和不分隔处理下芦苇表现为抑制作用(RII值为负值),香蒲表现为促进作用(RII值为正值)。香蒲与芦苇互作对芦苇具有抑制作用,说明种间相互作用是能改变植物的适应性和植物群落的繁殖,同时也表明植物根系不仅在吸收土壤中的水和养分中起着关键作用,在种间关系中也起着重要作用。因此利用种间竞争控制植物生长,可以为保护生物多样性和生态系统的功能提供有效的技术支撑。  相似文献   

In an investigation aimed at comparing the variationin growth and expansion of different reed clones, 10reed clones were planted in spring of 1995 on sixexperimental fields on the River Dahme and the RiverHavel in Berlin. Their sites of origin differed innutrient supply, substrate quality and shoreexposition. The main aim of this large-scaleexperiment was to search for reed clones that would beable to colonize lake shores rapidly and to expandinto deeper water. Two years after planting thedeveloping reed stands differed significantly inmorphology and stand structure, both among clones andamong sites. This indicates that the development ofreed stands depended on the environment as well as onthe genotype. The differences in development impliedthat some of the clones would be more suited thanothers for restoration purposes, so that successfulrestoration of a degraded river or lake shores mightdepend on the selection of the best suited clones.The nitrogen contents in the aboveground biomass oftwo clones differing in nitrogen dynamics at theiroriginal sites (described as `assimilation' and`translocation' types in the literature) did notdiffer in this experiment, even though the two clonesdid differ in some morphological traits. These resultsmight be influenced by the fact that stands were stilldeveloping and that possibly clones had reached adifferent degree of maturity. Nevertheless, theysuggest that nitrogen content depends more on siteconditions, with only little genetically determineddifference, and that morphological variation isdetermined by factors other than variation in nitrogenuptake.  相似文献   

焦德志  王昱深  杨允菲 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5616-5626
克隆植物根茎具有营养繁殖和扩展种群的功能,也是芽和分株生理整合的通道。根茎构件具有出生、死亡及年龄等种群统计特征,不同龄级根茎的季节动态可以反映根茎的存活和衰老过程。采用单位土体挖掘取样,对扎龙湿地4个生境芦苇种群根茎构件进行野外调查,比较不同龄级根茎长度、生物量和干物质贮量的季节动态。结果表明:7—10月份,1a根茎长度、生物量和干物质贮量均呈指数函数增加,在生长季中后期有一个持续时间较长的生长和物质积累时期。6—10月份,2a、3a根茎长度呈线性函数增加,4—6a根茎长度呈线性函数减少;2—4a根茎生物量和2—5a根茎干物质贮量呈二次函数先减少后增加,5a、6a根茎生物量和6a根茎干物质贮量呈幂函数减少。整个生长期内,根茎长度和根茎生物量均以3a最大,根茎长度以最高的6a最小,根茎生物量以最低的1a最小;根茎干物质储量以5a最大,以最低的1a最小。4个生境芦苇种群根茎长度、生物量和干物质贮量在龄级间的差异及差异序位稳定,在新根茎的产生、老根茎的存活以及根茎寿命与养分消耗和储藏上均具有稳定的生物学特性,不同龄级根茎在种群中的地位和作用以及对种群的贡献不同。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地不同生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦德志  姜秋旭  曹瑞  闫秋月  杨允菲 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3432-3440
采用单位土体取样,计测长度和生物量的调查与统计方法,对扎龙湿地保护区4个生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征进行比较分析。结果表明,芦苇5月10日左右返青后进入营养生长期,根茎长度6—8月份缓慢增加,8—10月份显著增加,后期是前期的3.5—10.3倍,生长季中后期是种群新根茎补充和生长的主要时期,不仅实现了种群空间扩展,并为营养繁殖储备更多繁殖芽;根茎生物量和干物质贮量6—8月份逐渐减少,8—10月份又逐渐增加,均以生长季末期的10月份最大,并均显著地(P0.05)高于其他月份,种群根茎养分的消耗主要供给根茎芽的萌发和幼株生长,根茎养分的储藏又为翌年种群的更新及扩展提供物质保障,种群对地下根茎存在明显的养分"超补偿性"贮藏现象。种群根茎长度和生物量均以湿生生境最大,依次为旱生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小,根茎干物质贮量以旱生生境最大,依次为湿生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小。种群根茎长度与返青后实际生长时间之间均较好地符合直线函数关系,种群根茎生物量和干物质贮量与生长时间之间较好地符合二次曲线函数关系,R2在0.804—0.997之间,拟合方程均达到了显著或极显著(P0.01)水平。4个生境芦苇种群在根茎长度、生物量、干物质贮量等数量特征均表现出由遗传因素控制的比较稳定的季节动态规律,在生境间的差异及其差异序位又均基本稳定,均表现出明显的土壤因子环境效应,其中土壤含水量、有机质、速效氮为正向驱动,p H、速效磷为负向驱动,土壤含水量、p H对根茎数量特征的驱动作用更突出。  相似文献   

Teja Tscharntke 《Oecologia》1988,76(4):504-512
Summary Variability within and between shoots of the grass Phragmites australis proved to be important for both survival (successful gall induction) and reproduction (larval weight) of the gall-inducing midge Giraudiella inclusa. The ovipositing females and the migrating first instar larvae chose a predictable microhabitat within shoots and within internodes characterized by a high nutritional quality (nitrogen, mineral content, sugar, water) and reduced palnt defense properties (silicate). Clutch size increased with the shoot diameter, larval scramble competition could not be detected. Female shoot selection was random, although the chances of successful gall induction greatly differed between shoots. Thick and intact shoots (6 mm) led to a high larval mortality. But thick shoots destroyed apically by stem-mining caterpillars (of the noctuid moth Archanara geminipuncta) had on average large gall clusters. Accordingly, the adjustment of the clutch size to the shoot diameter resulted in an advantage for the gall midge females only when shoots were thin and short (i.e. stressed by water and nutrient deficiency) or heavily damage (i.e. stressed) by caterpillars. Thus, the monophagous gall maker G. inclusa did not compensate for all features of intershoot variation of P. australis, although grasses are well-known for their simple plant architecture and their low diversity and low concentration of secondary compounds.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲滨海湿地地下水位浅,淡咸水交互作用明显,其土壤水盐状况成为影响该地区生态系统关键过程的主要因子。另外,随着气候变暖,黄河三角洲在过去50年(1961—2010年)进入显著升温阶段,温度升高直接或间接影响着植物的光合作用和光响应特征,从而影响黄河三角洲滨海湿地的演变。采用红外辐射加热器模拟增温,分析了增温对黄河三角洲滨海湿地生长季(2015年5月初—2015年10月底)芦苇光响应特征的影响。根据土壤含水量波动情况生长季可分为3个时期,即干旱期、淹水期和湿润期。结果表明,干旱期,10 cm土壤温度升高3.3℃,土壤水分含量升高了9.4%,土壤盐分含量升高了16.7%;盐分增加使芦苇叶片在强光下发生光抑制,并且显著降低最大光合速率(Pnmax)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、光补偿点(LCP)和光饱和点(LSP)。淹水期,增温对10 cm土壤温度、湿度和盐分均无显著影响,过饱和的水分状况限制叶片光合速率,使得Pnmax达到最低。湿润期,10 cm土壤温度显著升高3.0℃,土壤含水量升高了2.9%,土壤盐分无显著差异;这一阶段,温度升高促进中强光下芦苇叶片的光合速率;同时叶片Pnmax、Rd和LSP分别增加27.7%、14.9%和23.3%。从整个生长季来看,增温使土壤温度显著升高2.9℃,土壤盐分含量升高7.0%,而对光合参数无显著影响。由此可见,在滨海湿地生态系统中,增温对光合作用的影响受土壤水盐状况的控制。  相似文献   

焦德志  荣子  曹瑞  闫秋月  姜秋旭  杨允菲 《生态学报》2017,37(23):7843-7853
采用单位面积取样,计数和测量的调查与统计方法,对扎龙湿地保护区4个生境单优群落芦苇种群分株构件数量特征进行比较分析。结果表明,4个生境芦苇种群从5月10日左右返青后进入营养生长期,分株高度和分株密度均持续增加到生殖生长初期的8月份,其中6-8月份差异均达到显著水平(P0.05),8-10月份差异均未达到显著水平(P0.05),芦苇进入生殖生长期后,分株便停止高度生长,地下芽的输出也不再形成分株补充现实种群;分株生物量和种群生物量均持续增加到生殖生长旺盛期的9月份,至休眠期的10月份均有所降低,各月份间的差异均达到显著水平,芦苇种群在生长季末期,具有将生产的物质分配转移到地下储藏与营养繁殖器官的形成与生长上的特性。芦苇种群分株数量特征与返青后实际生长时间之间均较好地符合对数函数关系,R~2在0.818-0.994之间,拟合方程均达到了P0.05的显著水平。4个生境芦苇种群分株密度以湿生生境最大,依次为水生生境、旱生生境,盐碱生境最小,分株高度、分株生物量和种群生物量均以水生生境最大,依次为湿生生境、旱生生境,盐碱生境最小。因此,4个生境芦苇种群分株构件数量特征均表现出基本一致的生育期节律性,同时,芦苇种群的个体生长和种群动态存在明显的环境效应,土壤含水量、pH是影响该地区芦苇分株数量特征的主要因子。  相似文献   

Exceptional climatic events from 2003 to 2005 (scorching heat and drought) affected the whole of the vegetation in the French Mediterranean region and in particular the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), one of the most important forest tree species in this area. To understand its response to these extreme conditions, we investigated its radial growth, branch length growth, architectural development and reproduction for the period 1995–2005, and linked these variables to climatic parameters. We used four plots situated in southeastern France and presenting different levels of site quality and potential forest productivity. The results show that: (1) the climatic episode 2003–2005 was highly detrimental to the growth (bole and branches), crown development, and cone production but favored the production of male flowers; (2) these variables depend on climatic factors of both the current and previous years; (3) the 2003 scorching heat impact was strong but was mainly apparent from 2004; it was part of a 6-year-long unfavorable cycle beginning in 2000, characterized by high minimum and maximum temperatures and very dry springs; (4) in spite of a significant effect of site quality, the Scots pine’s response to extreme climatic conditions was homogeneous in the French Mediterranean area; and (5) the stress induced by poor site conditions generally resulted in the same consequences for tree growth, architecture, and reproduction as in unfavorable climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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