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Phosphoglycerate mutase could be purified to over 95% homogeneity by a single step procedure involving elution from Cibacron Blue-Sepharose by a pulse of cofactor 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate. Although the enzyme has been isolated in only small quantities (c. 100 micrograms), gel filtration and sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that it is monomeric with Mr approximately 23,000, an extremely low value for this enzyme. Preliminary investigations of the kinetic characteristics and the nature of important amino acid side chains have been undertaken.  相似文献   

The three isozymes of phosphoglycerate mutase from pig heart have been purified to homogeneity. The isozymes have a molecular weight of 57000 as determined by gel-filtration chromatography. Discontinuous gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate yields a single band with a molecular weight of 29000, indicating that the isozymes are dimers composed of subunits of similar mass. Hybridization experiments show that the three isozymes result from homodimeric and heterodimeric combinations of two different subunits. The two types of subunit differ in their heat lability and in the presence of -SH groups essential for enzymatic activity. No remarkable differences exist in the kinetic constants of the purified isozymes. The kinetic pattern is consistent with a 'ping-pong' mechanism. The homogeneous preparations of the three isozymes show intrinsic glycerate-2,3-P2 synthase activity and glycerate-2,3-P2 phosphatase activity which can be stimulated by glycolate-2-P.  相似文献   

The two homodimeric isozymes of phosphoglycerate mutase have been purified from murine kidney and muscle. No differences were observed in the Michaelis-Menten constant for the substrate 2-phospho-D-glycerate, in molecular weight, temperature and pH optima, when the purified isozymes were compared. The isozymes differ in their inhibition constants for phosphoenolpyruvate, in their Michaelis constants for 3-phospho-D-glycerate and 2,3-bisphospho-D-glycerate, their thermal and pH lability and in their sensitivity towards mercury ions.  相似文献   

The interconversion of 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate during glycolysis and gluconeogenesis is catalyzed by phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM). In bacteria and eukaryotes two structurally distinct enzymes have been found, a cofactor-dependent and a cofactor-independent (iPGM) type. Sequence analysis of archaeal genomes did not find PGMs of either kind, but identified a new family of proteins, distantly related to iPGMs. In this study, these predicted archaeal PGMs from Pyrococcus furiosus and Methanococcus jannaschii have been functionally produced in Escherichia coli, and characterization of the purified proteins has confirmed that they are iPGMs. Analysis of the available microbial genomes indicates that this new type of iPGM is widely distributed among archaea and also encoded in several bacteria. In addition, as has been demonstrated in certain bacteria, some archaea appear to possess an alternative, cofactor-dependent PGM.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a volatile organosulfur compound which has been implicated in the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and in climate control. Microbial degradation is a major sink for DMS. DMS metabolism in some bacteria involves its oxidation by a DMS monooxygenase in the first step of the degradation pathway; however, this enzyme has remained uncharacterized until now. We have purified a DMS monooxygenase from Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans, which was previously isolated from garden soil. The enzyme is a member of the flavin-linked monooxygenases of the luciferase family and is most closely related to nitrilotriacetate monooxygenases. It consists of two subunits: DmoA, a 53-kDa FMNH2-dependent monooxygenase, and DmoB, a 19-kDa NAD(P)H-dependent flavin oxidoreductase. Enzyme kinetics were investigated with a range of substrates and inhibitors. The enzyme had a Km of 17.2 (± 0.48) μM for DMS (kcat = 5.45 s−1) and a Vmax of 1.25 (± 0.01) μmol NADH oxidized min−1 (mg protein−1). It was inhibited by umbelliferone, 8-anilinonaphthalenesulfonate, a range of metal-chelating agents, and Hg2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ ions. The purified enzyme had no activity with the substrates of related enzymes, including alkanesulfonates, aldehydes, nitrilotriacetate, or dibenzothiophenesulfone. The gene encoding the 53-kDa enzyme subunit has been cloned and matched to the enzyme subunit by mass spectrometry. DMS monooxygenase represents a new class of FMNH2-dependent monooxygenases, based on its specificity for dimethylsulfide and the molecular phylogeny of its predicted amino acid sequence. The gene encoding the large subunit of DMS monooxygenase is colocated with genes encoding putative flavin reductases, homologues of enzymes of inorganic and organic sulfur compound metabolism, and enzymes involved in riboflavin synthesis.Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a volatile organosulfur compound, important in the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and global climate regulation (4, 9). Bacterial metabolism of DMS is an important sink of the compound in nature and is thought to account for degradation of over 80% of the DMS produced in the marine environment. Although bacterial pathways of DMS degradation have been studied previously in Hyphomicrobium spp. and in Thiobacillus spp. (12, 36), they remain poorly characterized, and few enzymes of DMS metabolism have been purified (see reference 32). DMS monooxygenase was first reported from an assay of NADH-dependent oxygen uptake in the presence of DMS by cell extracts of Hyphomicrobium S (12), an activity also demonstrated in cell extracts of other Hyphomicrobium, Thiobacillus, and Arthrobacter isolates (6, 7, 34), with specific activities around 30 nmol NADH oxidized min−1 mg protein−1. The enzyme has not previously been purified or characterized.The aims of this study were to purify and characterize the DMS monooxygenase enzyme from a member of the genus Hyphomicrobium. Since Hyphomicrobium S is no longer available, studies were undertaken using the type strain of H. sulfonivorans. The strain was originally isolated from garden soil and grows on DMS, as well as the related compounds dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and dimethylsulfone (DMSO2). During growth on DMSO2, H. sulfonivorans first reduces DMSO2 to DMSO by a dimethylsulfone reductase, and subsequently a DMSO reductase converts DMSO to DMS, which is further oxidized to methanethiol and formaldehyde by a DMS monooxygenase. Oxidation of methanethiol to formaldehyde by methanethiol oxidase yields another mole of formaldehyde, which is either assimilated into biomass or oxidized to carbon dioxide to provide reducing equivalents (Fig. (Fig.1).1). DMS monooxygenase activity is present in the soluble protein fraction during growth on these compounds (6, 7). A 53-kDa polypeptide was previously observed in organisms grown on DMS, DMSO, and DMSO2 (6, 7), but its significance in the metabolism of these compounds was unknown.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Pathway and enzymes of dimethylsulfone degradation in Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans S1. Reduction of dimethylsulfone [DMSO2; (CH3)2SO2] to dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO; (CH3)2SO] and further reduction of DMSO to dimethylsulfide provides the substrate for DMS monooxygenase. Formaldehyde is either assimilated (via the serine cycle) or oxidized to CO2 providing reducing equivalents. Sulfide is oxidized to sulfate; see reference 7 for further details.  相似文献   

Phosphoglycerate mutase of Bacillus subtilis was purified to apparent homogeneity. It specifically required manganese ions for stability and activity, but it does not need 2,3-diphosphoglycerate as cofactor; the Km for Mn2+ is about 4.5 micrometer. Enzyme activity was inhibited by heavy-metal ions, 2,3-butanedione, and sulfhydryl agents. The mutase has a molecular weight of about 74,000 as shown by Sephadex gel filtration and by acrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate; it consisted of one polypeptide.  相似文献   

2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase (EC was purified and characterized from maize. SDS electrophoresis showed only one band with a molecular mass of 64 kDa, similar to that determined for the native enzyme by gel-filtration chromatography. The kinetic constants were similar to those reported for wheat germ phosphoglycerate mutase. Rabbit antiserum against maize phosphoglycerate mutase possesses a high degree of specificity. It also reacts with the wheat germ enzyme but fails to react with other cofactor-independent or cofactor-dependent phosphoglycerate mutases. Cell-free synthesis experiments indicate that phosphoglycerate mutase from maize is not post-translationally modified.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of malyl-coenzyme A lyase from Pseudomonas AM1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Malyl-CoA lyase was purified 20-fold from extracts of methanol-grown Pseudomonas AM1. 2. Preparations of the enzyme were essentially homogeneous by electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal criteria. 3. Malyl-CoA lyase has a molecular weight of 190000 determined from sedimentation-equilibrium data. 4. Within the range of compounds tested, malyl-CoA lyase is specific for (2S)-4-malyl-CoA or glyoxylate and acetyl-CoA or propionyl-CoA. 5. A bivalent cation is essential for activity, Mg(2+) or Co(2+) being most effective. 6. Malyl-CoA lyase is inhibited by (2R)-4-malyl-CoA and by some buffers, but thiol-group inhibitors are without effect. 7. Optimal activity was recorded at pH7.8. 8. An equilibrium constant of 4.7x10(-4)m was determined for the malyl-CoA cleavage reaction. 9. The Michaelis constants for the enzyme are: 4-malyl-CoA, 6.6x10(-5)m; acetyl-CoA, 1.5x10(-5)m; glyoxylate, 1.7x10(-3)m; Mg(2+), 1.2x10(-3)m.  相似文献   

Two isoenzymes of chorismate mutase (EC, designated as CM-1 and CM-2, were isolated and partially purified from suspension-cultured cells of Ruta gravelens by DEAE-sephacel chromatography and gel filtration. 60–72% of the total activity measured after DEAE-sephacel chromatography were obtained as CM-1 and 28–40% were CM-2 activity. CM-1 was inhibited by phenylalanine (K1 = 4 · 10?6 M) and tyrosine (K1 = 8. 10?6M) and activated by tryptophan. In contrast, CM-2 was not influenced by these three amino acids. The molecular weights estimated by gel filtration on SEPHADEX G-150 were 56000 for CM-1 and 45000 for CM-2, respectively. Both isoenzymes were stable at ?20°C, but exhibited different behaviour during thermal inactivation and different optima of reaction temperature. CM-1 catalysed the reaction at a pH optimum of pH 7.8 and CM-2 showed a broad optimum between 6–10. The Km-values for chorismic acid were determined to be 1.1 mM for CM-1 and 0.5 mM for CM-2. The isoenzymes showed different behaviour to inhibitors of sulfhydryl groups. There were no differences in all parameters of chorismate mutase examined for two various cell lines of Ruta graveolens.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase (PEPPM) catalyzes C-P bond formation by intramolecular rearrangement of phosphoenolpyruvate to phosphonopyruvate (PnPy). We purified PEPPM from a gram-negative bacterium, Pseudomonas gladioli B-1 isolated as a C-P compound producer. The equilibrium of this reaction favors the formation of the phosphate ester by cleaving the C-P bond of PnPy, but the C-P bond-forming reaction is physiologically significant. The C-P bond-forming activity of PEPPM was confirmed with a purified protein. The molecular mass of the native enzyme was estimated to be 263 and 220 kDa by gel filtration and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. A subunit molecular mass of 61 kDa was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, indicating that the native protein was a tetramer. The optimum pH and temperature were 7.5 to 8.0 and 40 degrees C, respectively. The Km value for PnPy was 19 +/- 3.5 microM, and the maximum initial velocity of the conversion of PnPy to phosphoenolpyruvate was 200 microM/s/mg. PEPPM was activated by the presence of the divalent metal ion, and the Km values were 3.5 +/- 1.4 microM for Mg2+, 16 +/- 5 nM for Mn2+, 3.0 +/- 1.5 microM for Zn2+, and 1.2 +/- 0.2 microM for Co2+.  相似文献   

Methioninase of Pseudomonas putida was purified to homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with a specific activity 270-fold higher than that of the crude extract. 1. The purified enzyme had an S20,w of 8.37, a molecular weight of 160,000, and an isoelectric point of 5.6. 2. A break in the Arrhenius plot was observed at 40 degrees and the activation energies below and above this temperature were 15.5 and 2.97 kcal per mole, respectively. 3. In addition to L-methionine, various S-substituted derivatives of homocysteine and cysteine could serve as substrates. D-Methionine, 2-oxo-4-methylthiobutanoate, and related non sulfur-containing amino acids were inert. Equimolar formation of alpha-ketobutyrate and CH3SH was observed with methionine as a substrate. 4. In addition to the protein peak at 278 nm, two absorption maxima were observed at 345 and 430 nm at pH 7.5. Hydroxylamine removed the enzyme-bound pyridoxal phosphate, resulting in almost complete resolution with the concomitant disappearance of both peaks. Reconstruction of the treated enzyme could be achieved by addition of the cofactor; the Km value was calculated to be 0.37 muM. 5. The reported purified enzyme should be designated as L-methionine methanethiollyase (deaminating).  相似文献   

Hydroxypyruvate reductase was purified to homogeneity from the facultative methylotroph Methylobacterium extorquens AM1. It has a molecular mass of about 71 kDa, and it consists of two identical subunits with a molecular mass of about 37 kDa. This enzyme uses both NADH (Km = 0.04 mM) and NADPH (Km = 0.06 mM) as cofactors, uses hydroxypyruvate (Km = 0.1 mM) and glyoxylate (Km = 1.5 mM) as the only substrates for the forward reaction, and carries out the reverse reaction with glycerate (Km = 2.6 mM) only. It was not possible to detect the conversion of glycolate to glyoxylate, a proposed role for this enzyme. Kinetics and inhibitory studies of the enzyme from M. extorquens AM1 suggest that hydroxypyruvate reductase is not a site for regulation of the serine cycle at the level of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The denaturation by guanidinium chloride of the monomeric phosphoglycerate mutase from Schizosaccharomyces pombe was studied. The loss in activity broadly parallels the changes in protein structure detected by fluorescence and c.d. Renaturation can be brought about by dilution of the denaturing agent. These processes were compared with those in the enzymes from baker's yeast and rabbit muscle, which are tetrameric and dimeric respectively. The effects of the cofactor 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate on the structure and stability of the S. pombe enzyme were also investigated.  相似文献   

Structure and activity of phosphoglycerate mutase   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The structure of yeast phosphoglycerate mutase determined by X-ray crystallographic and amino acid sequence studies has been interpreted in terms of the chemical, kinetic and mechanistic observations made on this enzyme. There are two histidine residues at the active site, with imidazole groups almost parallel to each other and approximately 0.4 nm apart, positioned close to the 2 and 3 positions of the substrate. The simplest interpretation of the available information suggests that a ping-pong type mechanism operates in which at least one of these histidine residues participates in the phosphoryl transfer reaction. The flexible C-terminal region also plays an important role in the enzymic reaction.  相似文献   

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