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昆虫免疫识别与病原物免疫逃避机理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫在长期进化过程中形成复杂的天然免疫系统,病原识别是启动下游免疫反应的第一步,这一过程主要是由不同的模式识别蛋白来完成的。目前发现并鉴定的昆虫模式识别蛋白主要包括肽聚糖识别蛋白、类免疫球蛋白、β-1,3-葡聚糖结合蛋白、C型凝集素及具多功能的载脂蛋白等,不同的蛋白种类具有不同的结构、功能及识别对象。与昆虫免疫识别相对应的是,不同昆虫病原物在进化过程中发展出不同策略的免疫逃避能力,以战胜宿主免疫而致病或最终杀死昆虫。本文就昆虫免疫过程中不同模式识别蛋白的结合对象、结构与功能,以及逐渐兴起的病原物通过分子伪装等进行免疫逃避的研究进展进行了综述。并在此基础上,作者就昆虫免疫与昆虫病理研究的发展方向进行了展望,认为只有当两方面研究相结合时,才能更好地揭示昆虫宿主与病原物之间免疫与抗免疫的动态相互作用过程。  相似文献   

The B cell antigen receptor (BCR) is a member of an important family of multichain immune recognition receptors, which are complexes composed of ligand-binding domains associated with signal-transduction complexes. The signaling components of these receptors have no inherent kinase activity but become tyrosine phosphorylated in their cytoplasmic domains by Src-family kinases upon oligomerization, thus initiating signaling cascades. The BCR is unique in this family in that, in addition to its signaling function, it also serves to deliver antigen to intracellular compartments where the antigen is processed and presented bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Recent evidence indicates that both the signaling and antigen-trafficking functions of the BCR are regulated by cholesterol- and sphingolipid-rich plasma membrane microdomains termed rafts. Indeed, upon oligomerization, the BCR translocates into rafts that concentrate the Src-family kinase Lyn and is subsequently internalized directly from the rafts. Thus, translocation into rafts allows the association of the oligomerized BCR with Lyn and the initiation of both signaling and trafficking. Significantly, the access of the BCR to rafts appears to be controlled by a variety of B lymphocyte co-receptors, as well as factors including the developmental state of the B cell and viral infection. Thus, the translocation of the immune receptors into signaling-competent microdomains may represent a novel mechanism to initiate and regulate immune-cell activation.  相似文献   

Lacking an adaptive immune system, plants largely rely on plasma membrane‐resident pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to sense pathogen invasion. The activation of PRRs leads to the profound immune responses that coordinately contribute to the restriction of pathogen multiplication. Protein post‐translational modifications dynamically shape the intensity and duration of the signalling pathways. In this review, we discuss the specific regulation of PRR activation and signalling by protein ubiquitination, endocytosis and degradation, with a particular focus on the bacterial flagellin receptor FLS2 (flagellin sensing 2) in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation induced by Helicobacter pylori infection is a critical factor in the development of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Central to this inflammation is the initiation of pro‐inflammatory signaling cascades within epithelial cells, in particular those mediated by two sensors of bacterial cell wall components, nucleotide‐binding oligomerization domain‐containing protein 1 (NOD1) and alpha‐protein kinase 1 (ALPK1). H pylori is, however, also highly adept at mitigating inflammation in the host, thereby restricting tissue damage and favoring bacterial persistence. H pylori modulates host immune responses by altering cytokine signaling in epithelial and myeloid cells, which results in increased proliferation of regulatory T cells and downregulation of effector T‐cell responses. H pylori vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) has been shown to play an important role in the dampening of immune responses and induction of immune tolerance capable of protecting against asthma. It is also possible to generate protective immune responses by immunization with various H pylori antigens or their epitopes, in combination with an adjuvant, though this for now has only been shown in mouse models. Novel non‐toxic adjuvants, consisting of modified bacterial enterotoxins or nanoparticles, have recently been developed that may not only enhance vaccine efficacy, but also help translate candidate vaccines to the clinic. This review will summarize the main discoveries in the past year regarding host immune responses to H pylori infection, as well as the design of new vaccine approaches against this infection.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is critical for the control of virus infection and operates to restrict viral susceptibility and direct antiviral immunity for protection from acute or chronic viral-associated diseases including cancer. RIG-I like receptors (RLRs) are cytosolic RNA helicases that function as pathogen recognition receptors to detect RNA pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of virus infection. The RLRs include RIG-I, MDA5, and LGP2. They function to recognize and bind to PAMP motifs within viral RNA in a process that directs the RLR to trigger downstream signaling cascades that induce innate immunity that controls viral replication and spread. Products of RLR signaling also serve to modulate the adaptive immune response to infection. Recent studies have additionally connected RLRs to signaling cascades that impart inflammatory and apoptotic responses to virus infection. Viral evasion of RLR signaling supports viral outgrowth and pathogenesis, including the onset of viral-associated cancer.  相似文献   

无脊椎动物先天免疫模式识别受体研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
免疫系统的基本功能是“自己”与“非己”识别.对入侵物的识别是免疫防御的起始,最终引发效应物反应系统,包括吞噬作用、包被作用、激活蛋白酶级联反应和黑化作用以及诱导抗菌肽的合成等,从而清除或消灭入侵物.研究证明,这种“非己”识别是因为存在某些特异性的、可溶的或与细胞膜结合的模式识别受体,可以识别或结合微生物表面保守的、而在宿主中又不存在的病原相关分子模式.模式识别受体通过对病原相关分子的识别启动先天免疫防御.近年来这方面的研究进展很快,已经在无脊椎动物中确定了多种模式识别受体,包括肽聚糖识别蛋白、含硫酯键蛋白、革兰氏阴性菌结合蛋白、清除受体、C型凝集素、硫依赖型凝集素、Toll样受体和血素等,并对其性质和功能进行了研究.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are a subclass of the excitatory, ionotropic L-glutamate neurotransmitter receptors. They are important for normal brain function being both primary candidates for the molecular basis of learning and memory and in the establishment of synaptic connections during the development of the central nervous system. NMDA receptors are also implicated in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Their dysfunction which is primarily due to either hypo- or hyper-activity is pivotal to these pathological conditions. There is thus a fine balance between NMDA receptor-mediated mechanisms in normal brain and those in diseased states where receptor homeostasis is perturbed. Receptor activity is due in part to the number of surface expressed receptors. Understanding the assembly and trafficking of this complex, heteromeric, neurotransmitter receptor family may therefore, be pivotal to understanding diseases in which their altered activity is evident. This article will review the current understanding of the mechanisms of NMDA receptor assembly, how this assembly is regulated and how assembled receptors are trafficked to their appropriate sites in post-synaptic membranes where they are integral components of a macromolecular signalling complex.  相似文献   

In this overview to a new thematic series on the immune system and atherogenesis, I provide a very brief summary of current conceptions of atherogenesis, of the innate and adaptive immune systems, and of the participation of the latter in atherogenesis, with particular emphasis on studies of the involvement of the immune system in atherosclerosis reported in the last 2 years. This is followed by a short outline of the eight reviews that will make up this thematic series. The overview is concluded with some caveats that should be considered in the analysis of atherosclerosis in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptors were originally defined by their ability to bind and internalize modified lipoproteins. Macrophages express at least six structurally different cell surface receptors for modified forms of LDL that contribute to foam cell formation in atherosclerosis. In addition to their role in the pathology of atherosclerosis, macrophage scavenger receptors, especially SR-A, play critical roles in innate immunity, apoptotic cell clearance, and tissue homeostasis. In this review, we highlight recent advances in understanding the biology of macrophage scavenger receptors as pattern recognition receptors for both infectious nonself (pathogens) and modified self (apoptotic cells and modified LDL). We critically evaluate the potential of scavenger receptors and their ligands as targets for therapeutic intervention in human disease.  相似文献   

The stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ sensor that regulates the activity of Orai plasma membrane Ca2+ channels to mediate the store-operated Ca2+ entry pathway essential for immunity. Uncoordinated 93 homolog B1 (UNC93B1) is a multiple membrane-spanning ER protein that acts as a trafficking chaperone by guiding nucleic-acid sensing toll-like receptors to their respective endosomal signaling compartments. We previously showed that UNC93B1 interacts with STIM1 to promote antigen cross-presentation in dendritic cells, but the STIM1 binding site(s) and activation step(s) impacted by this interaction remained unknown. In this study, we show that UNC93B1 interacts with STIM1 in the ER lumen by binding to residues in close proximity to the transmembrane domain. Cysteine crosslinking in vivo showed that UNC93B1 binding promotes the zipping of transmembrane and proximal cytosolic helices within resting STIM1 dimers, priming STIM1 for translocation. In addition, we show that UNC93B1 deficiency reduces store-operated Ca2+ entry and STIM1–Orai1 interactions and targets STIM1 to lighter ER domains, whereas UNC93B1 expression accelerates the recruitment of STIM1 to cortical ER domains. We conclude that UNC93B1 therefore acts as a trafficking chaperone by maintaining the pool of resting STIM1 proteins in a state primed for activation, enabling their rapid translocation in an extended conformation to cortical ER signaling compartments.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis-related 1 (PR1) proteins are members of the cross-kingdom conserved CAP superfamily (from Cysteine-rich secretory protein, Antigen 5, and PR1 proteins). PR1 mRNA expression is frequently used for biotic stress monitoring in plants; however, the molecular mechanisms of its cellular processing, localization, and function are still unknown. To analyse the localization and immunity features of Arabidopsis thaliana PR1, we employed transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana of the tagged full-length PR1 construct, and also disrupted variants with C-terminal truncations or mutations. We found that en route from the endoplasmic reticulum, the PR1 protein transits via the multivesicular body and undergoes partial proteolytic processing, dependent on an intact C-terminal motif. Importantly, only nonmutated or processing-mimicking variants of PR1 are secreted to the apoplast. The C-terminal proteolytic cleavage releases a protein fragment that acts as a modulator of plant defence responses, including localized cell death control. However, other parts of PR1 also have immunity potential unrelated to cell death. The described modes of the PR1 contribution to immunity were found to be tissue-localized and host plant ontogenesis dependent.  相似文献   

This article reviews the development of the immune response through neonatal, infant and adult life, including pregnancy, ending with the decline in old age. A picture emerges of a child born with an immature, innate and adaptive immune system, which matures and acquires memory as he or she grows. It then goes into decline in old age. These changes are considered alongside the risks of different types of infection, autoimmune disease and malignancy.  相似文献   

During animal development, Wnt/Wingless (Wg) signaling is required for the patterning of multiple tissues. While insufficient signal transduction is detrimental to normal development, ectopic activation of the pathway can be just as devastating. Thus, numerous controls exist to precisely regulate Wg signaling levels. Endocytic trafficking of pathway components has recently been proposed as one such control mechanism. Here, we characterize the vesicular trafficking of Wg and its receptors, Arrow and DFrizzled-2 (DFz2), and investigate whether trafficking is important to regulate Wg signaling during dorsoventral patterning of the larval wing. We demonstrate a role for Arrow and DFz2 in Wg internalization. Subsequently, Wg, Arrow and DFz2 are trafficked through the endocytic pathway to the lysosome, where they are degraded in a hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs)-dependent manner. Surprisingly, we find that Wg signaling is not attenuated by lysosomal targeting in the wing disc. Rather, we suggest that signaling is dampened intracellularly at an earlier trafficking step. This is in contrast to patterning of the embryonic epidermis, where lysosomal targeting is required to restrict the range of Wg signaling. Thus, signal modulation by endocytic routing will depend on the tissue to be patterned and the goals during that patterning event.  相似文献   

Toll样受体是机体天然免疫系统最重要的模式识别受体之一,通过识别病原寄生虫的病原相关分子模式,活化依赖和非依赖于髓样分化因子88的信号转导通路,诱导干扰素、炎症因子、趋化因子等的表达以及树突状细胞的成熟,抵御病原寄生虫的感染。因此,以下综述了Toll样受体对原病寄生虫,尤其对动物寄生性原虫与蠕虫感染的模式识别与天然免疫应答机制,以进一步理解病原寄生虫与宿主相互作用的复杂性,为寄生虫病的有效防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

王星  张纪龙  冯秀秀  李洪杰  张根发 《遗传》2017,39(4):293-301
质膜水通道蛋白即质膜内在蛋白(plasma membrane intrinsic proteins, PIPs),属于通道蛋白,定位在质膜上,是植物体内水分子、CO2及其他一些小分子溶质跨细胞膜运输的通道。PIPs对运输基质具有高度选择性,在维持植物细胞的水分平衡过程中发挥重要作用。PIPs的表达、活性与定位不但受转录水平和翻译后水平的调控,而且受外界环境影响。研究表明在非生物胁迫下,PIPs表达模式和定位会发生改变。本文重点阐述了PIPs转运的分子机制、转录水平及翻译后水平的调控机制以及PIPs对非生物胁迫的响应机制,分析了目前关于PIPs的研究动态和值得探究的研究方向,以期帮助相关领域的科研人员对PIPs的研究进展有更深入地了解。  相似文献   

The primary molecules for mediating the innate immune response are the Toll-like family of receptors (TLRs). Recent work has established that amyloid-beta (Aβ) fibrils, the primary components of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD), can interact with the TLR2/4 accessory protein CD14. Using antibody neutralization assays and tumor necrosis factor alpha release in the human monocytic THP-1 cell line, we determined that both TLR2 and TLR4 mediated an inflammatory response to aggregated Aβ(1–42). This was in contrast to exclusive TLR ligands lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (TLR4) and tripalmitoyl cysteinyl seryl tetralysine (Pam3CSK4) (TLR2). Atomic force microscopy imaging showed a fibrillar morphology for the proinflammatory Aβ(1–42) species. Pre-treatment of the cells with 10 μg/mL of a TLR2-specific antibody blocked ∼50% of the cell response to fibrillar Aβ(1–42), completely blocked the Pam3CSK4 response, and had no effect on the LPS-induced response. A TLR4-specific antibody (10 μg/mL) blocked ∼35% of the cell response to fibrillar Aβ(1–42), completely blocked the LPS response, and had no effect on the Pam3CSK4 response. Polymyxin B abolished the LPS response with no effect on Aβ(1–42) ruling out bacterial contamination of the Aβ samples. Combination antibody pre-treatments indicated that neutralization of TLR2, TLR4, and CD14 together was much more effective at blocking the Aβ(1–42) response than the antibodies used alone. These data demonstrate that fibrillar Aβ(1–42) can trigger the innate immune response and that both TLR2 and TLR4 mediate Aβ-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha production in a human monocytic cell line.  相似文献   

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