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Relaxin is a peptide hormone that exerts numerous effects in a variety of tissues across a broad range of species. Although first identified more than 75 years ago interest in relaxin biology has waxed and waned over the years consistent with peaks and troughs of new experimental data on its wide-ranging biological effects and advances in relaxin enabling technologies. Recent insights into species-dependent differences in relaxin biology during pregnancy have once again stimulated a relative surge of interest in the study of relaxin's reproductive biology. Identification and pharmacological characterization of orphaned relaxin receptors and exploration of its paracrine effects on pregnancy using genomic and proteomic technologies have succeeded in fueling current interest in relaxin research. Primates and non-primate vertebrates exhibit very disparate profiles of relaxin genomics, proteomics and functional biology. Non-human primates appear to exhibit a very close similarity to humans with respect to relaxin reproductive biology but the similarities and subtle differences are only just beginning to be understood. We, and others, have shown that relaxin produces significant changes to the non-human primate endometrium during the peri-implantation period that are consistent with relaxin's long perceived role as a paracrine modulator of pregnancy. The purpose of this review is to summarize the reproductive biology of relaxin in non-human primates with a specific emphasis on the paracrine role of ovarian and endometrial relaxin during embryo implantation and early pregnancy.  相似文献   

When did the house mouse colonize Europe?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper is a reply to a recent proposal by Sage and co-workers giving an early date for the colonization of Europe by the house mouse, based on mitochondria! DNA nucleotide divergence estimates. The large discrepancy in time between the date given by these authors and our own is discussed in the light of available palaeontological and genetic data. This leads us to reject the hypothesis supported by Sage and co-workers, and suggest a much more recent date of colonization.  相似文献   

Colin Farrelly 《Aging cell》2023,22(8):e13890
Two of this century's most significant public health challenges are climate change and healthy aging. The future of humanity will be both warmer and older than it is today. Is it socially responsible, in a warming planet of a population exceeding 8 billion people, for science to aspire to develop gerotherapeutic drugs that aim to reduce the burden of aging-related diseases that may also increase lifespan? This question is the “elephant in the room” for geroscience advocacy. Science communication concerning what constitutes empirically valid and morally defensible ways of navigating the dual public health predicaments of climate change and healthy aging must be sensitive to both the interdependence of the environment (including planetary health) and the mechanisms of aging, as well as the common (mis)perceptions about the potential conflict between the goals of climate science and geroscience. Geroscience advocacy can transcend narratives of intergenerational conflict by highlighting the shared aspirations of climate science and geroscience, such as the goals of promoting health across the lifespan, redressing health disparities, and improving the economic prospects of current and future generations.  相似文献   

An engraving made by a scolytid bark beetle, assigned to the genus Dendroctonus of the tribe Tomicini, has been identified on a mummified, middle Eocene (45 Ma) specimen of Larix altoborealis wood from the Canadian High Arctic. Larix altoborealis is the earliest known species of Larix, a distinctive lineage of pinaceous conifers that is taxonomically identifiable by the middle Eocene and achieved a broad continental distribution in northern North America and Eurasia during the late Cenozoic. Dendroctonus currently consists of three highly host-specific lineages that have pinaceous hosts: a basal monospecific clade on Pinoideae (Pinus) and two sister clades that consist of a speciose clade associated exclusively with Pinoideae and six species that breed overwhelmingly in Piceoideae (Picea) and Laricoideae (Pseudotsuga and Larix). The middle Eocene engraving in L. altoborealis represents an early member of Dendroctonus that is ancestral to other congeneric species that colonized a short-bracted species of Larix. This fossil occurrence, buttressed by recent data on the phylogeny of Pinaceae subfamilies and Dendroctonus species, indicates that there was phylogenetically congruent colonization by these bark-beetle lineages of a Pinoideae + (Piceoideae + Laricoideae) host-plant sequence. Based on all available evidence, an hypothesis of a geochronologically early invasion during the Early Cretaceous is supported over an alternative view of late Cenozoic cladogenesis by bark beetles onto the Pinaceae. These data also suggest that host-plant chemistry may be an effective species barrier to colonization by some bark-beetle taxa over geologically long time scales.  相似文献   

In a recent online publication in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 30 December 2009, Damman from the group of de Winter (AMC, Amsterdam) published the five-year clinical outcome in the Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable coronary Syndromes (ICTUS) The ICTUS trial was supported by the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN), the Working Group on Cardiovascular Research of the Netherlands (WCN), and educational grants form Eli Lilly, Sanofi/Synthelabo, Sanofi-Aventis, Medtronic, and Roche Diagnostics.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the commonest protozoal agent of intestinal disease, Giardia, is unclear. Although recent intensive research suggests this important human parasite is an early branching eukaryote that evolved before the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria, there is also evidence to suggest that, as a highly evolved parasite, it has lost many of its ancestral characteristics. In this case, these organisms might have arisen much more recently from aerobic free-living flagellates.  相似文献   

Making up for air pollution related mortality and accounting for the number of deaths has become an important environmental indicator in its own right, but differences across the Atlantic over how to account for these are making it difficult to find common ground in climate policy appraisals, where co-benefits from reducing air pollution of fossil fuels is to be factored in. This article revisits established quantification methodologies for air pollution related mortality applied by government agencies in USA and EU. Demographic lifetables are applied to explore uncertainties over latency periods and the number of affected victims. These lifetable simulations are based on WHO consensus estimates for the mortality risk ratio related to long-term exposures and suggest an average loss of life expectancy of 9–11 years for an annual air pollution exposure increase of 10 ugPM2.5/m3. With a common OECD base value approach the air pollution costs related to fossil fuels are found to be about 3 times lower with EU versus US methodology.  相似文献   

“A primate with the skull of a Callicebus, the mandible and feet of a marmoset and the tail and teeth of Pseudocebus [=Cebus] ….” (Riberio, 1941 as cited in Hershkovitz 1 p. 866). Goeldi's monkeys are the least understood species of platyrrhine. The monkeys' small body size, black coloration, tendency to forage in the low forest understory, and cryptic nature, make them difficult to observe in the wild. Until recently, they had never been the focus of a long‐term field study and as a result, little was known of the monkeys' behavior and ecology. Goeldi's monkeys comprise only one recognized species, Callimico goeldii, and have an unusual suite of anatomical and reproductive traits. These traits have created considerable confusion for taxonomists and physical anthropologists.  相似文献   

Abundant populations of Marenzelleria spp. were reported for the first time in the North Sea during the late 1970s and then in the Baltic Sea in 1985. Genetic analysis by means of allozyme electrophoresis and sequencing of a segment of mitochondrial 16srDNA showed that two different genetic types or sibling species of Marenzelleria were present in Europe. Marenzelleria Type I is found only in the North Sea, whereas Type II has been found in both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The North Sea animals (Type I) correspond to Type I specimens found in North American coastal waters between Nova Scotia and Cape Henlopen (Delaware), while Marenzelleria Type II from the Baltic Sea correspond to Marenzelleria type II animals from the Arctic (Tuktoyaktuk Harbor, Northwest Territories, Canada), New Hampshire and coastal waters between Chesapeake Bay southward to the Ogeechee River (Georgia). Human mediated introduction (by shipping) and natural range expansion are discussed as the possible causes of these virtually simultaneous invasions by two sibling species. Marenzelleria Type I appears to colonize habitats with a higher salinity and/or in which salinities tend to fluctuate considerably. The osmolality of the coelomic fluid after acclimation to various salinities between 0.25 and 18 is the same for both sibling species/genetic types. Although the two types do not differ in respect of hyperosmoregulation (<10), differences may exist in their cell volume regulation or its time course in the almost isoosmotic range at salinities >10.  相似文献   



Comprehensive explanations of behavioral adaptations rarely invoke all levels famously admonished by Niko Tinbergen. The role of developmental processes and plasticity, in particular, has often been neglected. In this paper, we combine ecological, physiological and developmental perspectives in developing a hypothesis to account for the evolution of ‘the lemur syndrome’, a combination of reduced sexual dimorphism, even adult sex ratios, female dominance and mild genital masculinization characterizing group-living species in two families of Malagasy primates.


We review the different components of the lemur syndrome and compare it with similar adaptations reported for other mammals. We find support for the assertion that the lemur syndrome represents a unique set of integrated behavioral, demographic and morphological traits. We combine existing hypotheses about underlying adaptive function and proximate causation by adding a potential developmental mechanism linking maternal stress and filial masculinization, and outline an evolutionary scenario for its canalization.


We propose a new hypothesis linking ecological, physiological, developmental and evolutionary processes to adumbrate a comprehensive explanation for the evolution of the lemur syndrome, whose assumptions and predictions can guide diverse future research on lemurs. This hypothesis should also encourage students of other behavioral phenomena to consider the potential role of developmental plasticity in evolutionary innovation.

There is a remarkable similarity in the appearance of groups of animal species during periods of their embryonic development. This classic observation has long been viewed as an emphatic realization of the principle of common descent. Despite the importance of embryonic conservation as a unifying concept, models seeking to predict and explain different patterns of conservation have remained in contention. Here, we focus on early embryonic development and discuss several lines of evidence, from recent molecular data, through developmental networks to life-history strategies, that indicate that early animal embryos are not highly conserved. Bringing this evidence together, we argue that the nature of early development often reflects adaptation to diverse ecological niches. Finally, we synthesize old and new ideas to propose a model that accounts for the evolutionary process by which embryos have come to be conserved.  相似文献   

Environment and genetics combine to influence tree growth and should therefore be jointly considered when evaluating forest responses in a warming climate. Here, we combine dendroclimatology and population genetic approaches with the aim of attributing climatic influences on growth of European larch (Larix decidua) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). Increment cores and genomic DNA samples were collected from populations along a ~900-m elevational transect where the air temperature gradient encompasses a ~4 °C temperature difference. We found that low genetic differentiation among populations indicates gene flow is high, suggesting that migration rate is high enough to counteract the selective pressures of local environmental variation. We observed lower growth rates towards higher elevations and a transition from negative to positive correlations with growing season temperature upward along the elevational transect. With increasing elevation there was also a clear increase in the explained variance of growth due to summer temperatures. Comparisons between climate sensitivity patterns observed along this elevational transect with those from Larix and Picea sites distributed across the Alps reveal good agreement, and suggest that tree-ring width (TRW) variations are more climate-driven than genetics-driven at regional and larger scales. We conclude that elevational transects are an extremely valuable platform for understanding climatic-driven changes over time and can be especially powerful when working within an assessed genetic framework.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1988,9(2-4):101-118
Agonistic intervention behavior was observed in captive groups of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), and stumptail monkeys (M. arctoides). Reciprocity correlations of interventions were determined while removing from the data the effects of several symmetrical relationship characteristics, that is, matrillineal kinship, proximity relations, and same-sex combination. It was considered likely that if significant reciprocity persisted after controlling for these characteristics, the reciprocity was based on cognitive mechanisms. Statistical significance was tested by means of recently developed matrix permutation procedures. All three species exhibited significant reciprocity with regard to beneficial interventions, even after controlling for symmetrical traits. Harmful interventions were, however, reciprocal among chimpanzees only. This species showed a “revenge system”, that is, if A often intervened against B, B did the same to A. In contrast, both macaque species showed significantly inversed reciprocity in their harmful interventions: if A often intervened against B, B rarely intervened against A. Further analysis indicates that the strict hierarchy of macaques prevents them from achieving complete reciprocity. Compared to chimpanzees, macaques rarely intervene against higher ranking group members. The observed contrast can be partially explained on the basis of differences in available space, as indicated by a comparison of indoor and outdoor living conditions for the chimpanzee colony. Yet, even when such spatial factors are taken into account, substantial behavior differences between chimpanzees and macaques remain.  相似文献   

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