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Protein microarrays represent an important new tool in proteomic systems biology. This review focuses on the contributions of protein microarrays to the discovery of novel disease biomarkers through antibody-based assays. Of particular interest is the use of protein microarrays for immune response profiling, through which a disease-specific antibody repertoire may be defined. The antigens and antibodies revealed by these studies are useful for clinical assay development, with enormous potential to aid in diagnosis, prognosis, disease staging and treatment selection. The discovery and characterization of novel biomarkers specifically tailored to disease type and stage are expected to enable personalized medicine by facilitating preventative medicine, predictive diagnostics and individualized curative therapies.  相似文献   

Protein microarrays represent an important new tool in proteomic systems biology. This review focuses on the contributions of protein microarrays to the discovery of novel disease biomarkers through antibody-based assays. Of particular interest is the use of protein microarrays for immune response profiling, through which a disease-specific antibody repertoire may be defined. The antigens and antibodies revealed by these studies are useful for clinical assay development, with enormous potential to aid in diagnosis, prognosis, disease staging and treatment selection. The discovery and characterization of novel biomarkers specifically tailored to disease type and stage are expected to enable personalized medicine by facilitating preventative medicine, predictive diagnostics and individualized curative therapies.  相似文献   



Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis belong to the genetically close-knit Bacillus cereus sensu lato group, a family of rod-shaped Gram-positive bacteria. pAW63 is the first conjugative plasmid from the B. cereus group to be completely sequenced.


The 71,777 bp nucleotide sequence of pAW63 reveals a modular structure, including a 42 kb tra region encoding homologs of the Type IV secretion systems components VirB11, VirB4 and VirD4, as well as homologs of Gram-positive conjugation genes from Enterococcus, Lactococcus, Listeria, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus species. It also firmly establishes the existence of a common backbone between pAW63, pXO2 from Bacillus anthracis and pBT9727 from the pathogenic Bacillus thuringiensis serovar konkukian strain 97-27. The alignment of these three plasmids highlights the presence of well conserved segments, in contrast to distinct regions of high sequence plastiCity. The study of their specific differences has provided a three-point reference framework that can be exploited to formulate solid hypotheses concerning the functionalities and the molecular evolution of these three closely related plasmids. This has provided insight into the chronology of their divergence, and led to the discovery of two Type II introns on pAW63, matching copies of the mobile element IS231L in different loci of pXO2 and pBT9727, and the identification on pXO2 of a 37 kb pathogeniCity island (PAI) containing the anthrax capsule genes.


The complete sequence determination of pAW63 has led to a functional map of the plasmid yielding insights into its conjugative apparatus, which includes T4SS-like components, as well as its resemblance to other large plasmids of Gram-positive bacteria. Of particular interest is the extensive homology shared between pAW63 and pXO2, the second virulence plasmid of B. anthracis, as well as pBT9727 from the pathogenic strain B. thuringiensis serovar konkukian strain 97-27.  相似文献   

Improvements to oligonucleotide fingerprinting of rRNA genes (OFRG) were obtained by implementing polony microarray technology. OFRG is an array-based method for analyzing microbial community composition. Polonies are discrete clusters of DNA, produced by solid-phase PCR in hydrogels, and derived from individual, spatially isolated DNA molecules. The advantages of a polony-based OFRG method include higher throughput and reductions in the PCR-induced errors and compositional skew inherent in all other PCR-based community composition methods, including high-throughput sequencing of rRNA genes. Given the similarities between polony microarrays and certain aspects of sequencing methods such as the Illumina platform, we suggest that if concepts presented in this study were implemented in high-throughput sequencing protocols, a reduction of PCR-induced errors and compositional skew may be realized.  相似文献   

Activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) is one of the main driving forces in chemical biology and one of the most visible areas where organic chemistry contributes to chemical biology research. In recent years, ABPP research has gradually made the transfer from the relatively easy target enzymes (for instance serine hydrolases, cysteine and threonine proteases) toward targeting enzymes that are intrinsically more difficult to address. These include less abundant enzymes, enzymes that do not employ a nucleophilic amino acid residue in their active site and enzymes more particular with respect to their substrate. At the same time, ABPP has started to make a tangible impact on clinical research.  相似文献   

Biophysical techniques such as fluorescence spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provide a window into the inner workings of proteins. These approaches make use of probes that can either be naturally present within the protein or introduced through a labeling procedure. In general, the more control one has over the type, location and number of probes in a protein, then the more information one can extract from a given biophysical analysis. Recently, two related approaches have emerged that allow proteins to be labeled with a broad range of physical probes. Expressed protein ligation (EPL) and protein trans-splicing (PTS) are both intein-based approaches that permit the assembly of a protein from smaller synthetic and/or recombinant pieces. Here we provide some guidelines for the use of EPL and PTS, and highlight how the dovetailing of these new protein chemistry methods with standard biophysical techniques has improved our ability to interrogate protein function, structure and folding.  相似文献   

The Human Genome Project has opened the door to personalized medicine, provided that human genetic diversity can be analyzed in a high-throughput and cost-effective way Illumina has developed a genotyping system that combines very high throughput and accuracy with low cost per SNP analysis. The system uses our BeadArray platform, a high level of multiplexing, and modular, scalable automation to meet the requirements for cost-effective, genome-wide linkage disequilibrium studies. As implemented in a high-throughput genotyping service facility at Illumina, the system has a current capacity of one million SNP assays per day and is easily expandable. Each SNP call is associated with a quality score that correlates with accuracy  相似文献   

A versatile, multidimensional, and non-denaturing proteome separation procedure using microplate technology is presented, yielding a digitized image of proteome composition. In the first dimension, the sample under study is separated into 96 fractions by size exclusion chromatography (SEC). In the second dimension, the fractions of the first dimension are transferred by the liquid-handling device CyBi-Well (CyBio AG, Jena, Germany) to 96 parallel anion exchange chromatography columns. In this way the proteins are conserved in their native states and are distributed in 2400 liquid fractions with high recovery rates and sufficient reproducibility. The resulting fractions are subjected to protein quantitation and identification. Spectrophotometrical and immunological methods and enzyme activity measurements are used for quantitation. To identify proteins, the fractions are subjected to MALDI-MS, and their tryptic digests to both MALDI- and LC-ESI-MS/MS. All preparation steps except the first are applied in parallel to sets of multiples of 96 samples. The procedure may be refined by adding more separation steps and may be adapted to various protein amounts and to various proteomes. Moreover, the method offers the opportunity to investigate functional protein complexes. The method was applied to separate the normal human serum proteome. Within 255 fractions exhibiting the highest protein concentrations, 742 proteins were identified by LC-ESI-MS/MS peptide sequence tags.  相似文献   

Little about the reliability of measurements obtained using synthetic peptide microarrays is known. We report results from a study on the quantitative reliability of microarrays manufactured by robot-supported immobilization of presynthesized peptides for different microarray platforms. Technological precision is assessed for inter- and intra-device readout comparisons. Correlations between measured signals and known dissociation constants using a phenomenological model derived from the mass action law are discussed. Special emphasis is on discussing the pitfalls of high-throughput affinity measurements. We show that the quantitative determination of binding affinities is prone to be biased toward a mean affinity of around 10(-7)M, while the classification of peptides into either "binders" or "nonbinders" provides very high prediction accuracy. The experimental requirements needed to obtain reliable binding affinity predictions are discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements of gene expression from microarray experiments are highly dependent on experimental design. Systematic noise can be introduced into the data at numerous steps. On Illumina BeadChips, multiple samples are assayed in an ordered series of arrays. Two experiments were performed using the same samples but different hybridization designs. An experiment confounding genotype with BeadChip and treatment with array position was compared to another experiment in which these factors were randomized to BeadChip and array position. An ordinal effect of array position on intensity values was observed in both experiments. We demonstrate that there is increased rate of false-positive results in the confounded design and that attempts to correct for confounded effects by statistical modeling reduce power of detection for true differential expression. Simple analysis models without post hoc corrections provide the best results possible for a given experimental design. Normalization improved differential expression testing in both experiments but randomization was the most important factor for establishing accurate results. We conclude that lack of randomization cannot be corrected by normalization or by analytical methods. Proper randomization is essential for successful microarray experiments.  相似文献   

Pulsed, tunable, monochromatic X-rays hold great potential as a cellular and molecular probe. These beams can be tuned to the binding energy of orbital electrons in atoms, making them extremely useful in diagnostic k-edge imaging and Auger cascade radiotherapy. Their wide tunability makes them ideal for the performance of various techniques as disparate as protein crystallography and three-dimensional, compressionless, monochromatic mammography. Since only the frequency best suited to the task at hand is used, radiation exposure to patients or animals is exceedingly low when compared to standard X-ray techniques.  相似文献   

目的 建立石英微孔板法酶底物检测尿酸酶活性的方法,并对方法进行验证.方法 摸索尿酸浓度与吸光度之间的线性关系,找到合适的范围,并验证方法的专属性、线性、重复性、中间精密度、准确性和耐用性.尿酸酶加入固定浓度尿酸溶液,酶促反应5 min后,通过酶标仪检测A292nm值变化计算尿酸的含量,根据单位时间内尿酸减少量计算出尿酸...  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosomal regions is crucial in tumor progression. In this study we assessed the potential of the Affymetrix GeneChip HuSNP mapping assay for detecting genome-wide LOH in prostate tumors. We analyzed two human prostate cell lines, P69SV40Tag (P69) and its tumorigenic subline, M12, and 11 prostate cancer cases. The M12 cells showed LOH in chromosomes 3p12.1-p22.1, 11q22.1-q24.2, 19p13.12, and 19q13.42. All of the prostate cases with informative single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers showed LOH in 1p31.2, 10q11.21, 12p13.1, 16q23.1-q23.2, 17p13.3, 17q21.31, and 21q21.2. Additionally, a high percentage of cases showed LOH at 6p25.1-p25.3 (75%), 8p22-p23.2, and 10q22.1 (70%). Several tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) have been mapped in these loci. These results demonstrate that the HuSNP mapping assay can serve as an alternative to comparative genomic hybridization for assessing genome-wide LOH and can identify chromosomal regions harboring candidate TSGs implicated in prostate cancer.  相似文献   

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