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In many species of eusocial Hymenoptera, conflict about the production of males is resolved through “policing.” Recent studies in wasps and the ant Temnothorax unifasciatus suggest that in these species policing workers are dominant themselves and selfishly increase their own chances of later becoming fertile. Policing may therefore to some extent be associated with dominance and selfishness, and dominance and policing behaviour are indeed difficult to distinguish and often not mutually exclusive. Moreover, selfish policing requires that workers form rank orders already in the presence of the queen. Here, we try to allocate aggressiveness by workers towards policing and/or dominance behaviour and investigate whether hierarchies based on subtle, non-aggressive interactions exist in queenright colonies of the ant T. unifasciatus. We either split colonies into a queenright and queenless halve or temporarily removed the queen from complete colonies, which in both cases allows a few dominant workers to lay eggs in the queenless colony. Reunification of colony halves and return of the queen to orphaned colonies led to aggression against those workers that had become fertile during the absence of the queen. Dominant workers in reunited, split colonies were more severely attacked than those in orphaned colonies after return of the queen. Furthermore, we observed that workers, which later became dominant egg layers under queenless conditions, have more contact with the queen than other workers. Both results corroborate the existence of rank relationships among workers in queenright colonies and show that results from policing experiments may be affected by the disturbance of pre-existing hierarchies through colony splitting.  相似文献   

We studied the kin conflict over male parentage in the ant Formica fusca. The conflict arises because each worker and queen is most related to her own sons and is thus predicted to lay eggs. Microsatellite analysis of eggs revealed that workers laid eggs in more than half the queenright experimental nests. Nevertheless, almost exclusively diploid offspring were reared in the presence of a queen. This also occurred when worker-laid haploid male eggs were experimentally introduced in to the nests. Because our experimental setup allowed us to exclude the possibility of queen policing, we conclude that worker laid eggs are removed by other workers, either as a response to their parentage or gender. Our results suggest that worker reproduction in F. fusca is ultimately an interplay of conflicts over male parentage and sex allocation and that both worker and self policing have roles as proximate mechanisms of resolution.  相似文献   

Colony kin structure and male production in Dolichovespula wasps   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In annual hymenopteran societies headed by a single outbred queen, paternity (determined by queen mating frequency and sperm use) is the sole variable affecting colony kin structure and is therefore a key predictor of colony reproductive characteristics. Here we investigate paternity and male production in five species of Dolichovespula wasps. Twenty workers from each of 10 colonies of each of five species, 1000 workers in total, were analysed at three DNA microsatellite loci to estimate paternity. To examine the relationship between kin structure and reproductive behaviour, worker ovary activation was assessed by dissection and the maternal origin of adult males was assessed by DNA microsatellites. Effective paternity was low in all species (D. media 1.08, D. maculata 1.0, D. sylvestris 1.15, D. norwegica 1.08 and D. saxonica 1.35), leading to the prediction of queen-worker conflict over male production. In support of this, workers with full-size eggs in their ovaries (four out of five species) and adult males that were workers' sons (all five species) were found in queenright colonies. However, workers were only responsible for a minority of male production (D. media 7.4%, D. maculata 20.9%, D. sylvestris 9.8%, D. norwegica 2.6% and D. saxonica 34.6%) suggesting that the queen maintains considerable reproductive power over the workers. Kin structure and reproductive conflict in Dolichovespula contrast with their sister group Vespula. Dolichovespula is characterized by low paternity, worker reproduction, and queen-worker conflict and Vespula by high paternity, effective worker policing and absence of worker reproduction. The trend revealed by this comparison is as predicted by kin selection theory suggesting that colony kin structure has been pivotal in the evolution of the yellowjacket wasps.  相似文献   

Workers of the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius), the only North American Pogonomyrmex with a polymorphic worker caste, produce males when colonies are orphaned. In this study,we assessed the reproductive potential of workers of each caste group, minors and majors, in the presence and absence of the queen, and tested whether males produced in natural queen-right colonies are derived from workers. Worker size was positively correlated with ovariole number such that major workers had approximately double the number of ovarioles as minor workers. The number of vitellogenic oocytes, a measure of reproductive potential, was greater in major compared to minor workers and increased in both worker castes when queens were removed. Major workers have greater reproductive potential than minors although they represent a minority within the colony (~5% of workers are majors). Worker produced eggs were visible in colonies 28 – 35 days after queen removal. This time lag, from queen removal to egg production, is similar to other ants and bees. Though workers are capable of producing viable eggs, we found no evidence that they do so in queen-right colonies, suggesting that worker reproduction is controlled via some social mechanism (self restraint, policing, or inhibition). This result supports predictions of kin selection theory – that due to multiple mating by the queen workers are more related to queen-produced males than most worker-produced males and should thus favor reproduction by the queen and inhibit reproduction by other workers. Received 25 January 2007; revised 1 May 2007; accepted 21 May 2007.  相似文献   

Worker policing (mutual repression of reproduction) in the eusocial Hymenoptera represents a leading example of how coercion can facilitate cooperation. The occurrence of worker policing in “primitively” eusocial species with low mating frequencies, which lack relatedness differences conducive to policing, suggests that separate factors may underlie the origin and maintenance of worker policing. We tested this hypothesis by investigating conflict over male parentage in the primitively eusocial, monandrous bumblebee, Bombus terrestris. Using observations, experiments, and microsatellite genotyping, we found that: (a) worker‐ but not queen‐laid male eggs are nearly all eaten (by queens, reproductive, and nonreproductive workers) soon after being laid, so accounting for low observed frequencies of larval and adult worker‐produced males; (b) queen‐ and worker‐laid male eggs have equal viabilities; (c) workers discriminate between queen‐ and worker‐laid eggs using cues on eggs and egg cells that almost certainly originate from queens. The cooccurrence in B. terrestris of these three key elements of “classical” worker policing as found in the highly eusocial, polyandrous honeybees provides novel support for the hypothesis that worker policing can originate in the absence of relatedness differences maintaining it. Worker policing in B. terrestris almost certainly arose via reproductive competition among workers, that is, as “selfish” policing.  相似文献   

Mutual policing is an important mechanism for maintaining social harmony in group-living organisms. In some ants, bees, and wasps, workers police male eggs laid by other workers in order to maintain the reproductive primacy of the queen. Kin selection theory predicts that multiple mating by the queen is one factor that can selectively favor worker policing. This is because when the queen is mated to multiple males, workers are more closely related to queen's sons than to the sons of other workers. Here we provide an additional test of worker policing theory in Vespinae wasps. We show that the yellowjacket Vespula rufa is characterized by low mating frequency, and that a significant percentage of the males are workers' sons. This supports theoretical predictions for paternities below 2, and contrasts with other Vespula species, in which paternities are higher and few or no adult males are worker produced, probably due to worker policing, which has been shown in one species, Vespula vulgaris. Behavioral observations support the hypothesis that V. rufa has much reduced worker policing compared to other Vespula. In addition, a significant proportion of worker-laid eggs were policed by the queen.  相似文献   

In insect societies, eggs laid by workers are frequently killed by other workers – a behaviour known as “worker policing”. The traditional explanation of worker policing is that it is a mechanism to resolve intracolony conflict, and maintain the reproductive monopoly of the queen. Recently, Pirk et al. (2004) proposed that worker policing instead is aimed at removing unviable worker-laid eggs and is ultimately just another example of hygienic behaviour. Here we test this hypothesis for the common wasp Vespula vulgaris, a species with highly effective worker policing. We show that worker-laid eggs from queenless colonies have a lower hatch rate (68%) than queen-laid eggs (82%). Analysis of egg laying rates of queens and workers, however, shows that the difference is not big enough to explain the apparent absence of adult worker-derived males in this species. Received 30 January 2006; revised 2 May 2006; accepted 5 May 2006.  相似文献   

Mutual policing, where group members suppress each others' reproduction, is hypothesized to be important in the origin and stabilization of biological complexity. Mutual policing among workers in social insects can reduce within-colony conflict. However, there are few examples. We tested for worker policing in the common wasp Vespula vulgaris. Workers rapidly removed worker-laid eggs but left most queen-laid eggs (four out of 120 worker eggs versus 106 out of 120 queen eggs remained after 1h). Ovary dissection (1150 workers from six colonies) revealed that a small but significant number of workers have active ovaries (4%) equivalent to approximately five to 25 workers per colony. Consistent with effective policing of worker reproduction, microsatellite analysis of males (270 individuals from nine colonies) detected no workers' sons. Worker policing by egg eating has convergently evolved in the common wasp and the honeybee suggesting that worker policing may have broad significance in social evolution. Unlike the honeybee, relatedness patterns in V. vulgaris do not explain selection for policing. Genetic analysis (340 workers in 17 nests) revealed that workers are equally related to the queen's and other workers' sons (worker-worker relatedness was 0.51 +/- 0.04, 95% confidence interval). Worker policing in V. vulgaris may be selected due to the colony-level benefit of conflict suppression.  相似文献   

Honeybee workers generally refrain from personal reproduction when a queen is present. Workers discern the presence and fecundity of the queen via volatile pheromones that permeate throughout the colony. Pheromones are emitted both by the queen herself and by the brood that she produces. If pheromone production is disrupted, some workers initiate egg laying. The Eastern honeybee Apis cerana is unusual in that workers have high levels of ovary activation even in the presence of a queen. To investigate the effect of disruption to pheromone dispersal, we fitted three A. cerana colonies with vertical queen excluders, thus splitting the colonies into a half containing a queen and a half without a queen. We regularly sampled adult workers from both sides of the excluder for 3 weeks. We also sampled workers from three control colonies that did not contain excluders. We found a significant increase in worker ovary activation 3 days after addition of excluders, suggesting that the reduced dispersal of pheromones allowed some workers to become reproductively active. Workers attempted to rear queen cells on the queenless halves of all three colonies. Queen-rearing ceased on day 9, at which time no queen-laid brood remained on the queenless halves of the colonies. Ovary activation rates continued to climb until day 9 and then gradually began to decline. With the exception of one egg, we did not observe worker-laid brood on the queenless side of the colonies, suggesting that workers continued policing eggs laid by workers. We conclude that if the distribution of brood pheromone is impeded, workers prepare to supersede their queen, accompanied by high levels of worker ovary activation. However, because workers continue to police each other, high ovary activation does not result in worker-produced drones.  相似文献   

In many bees, wasps, and ants, workers police each other in order to prevent individual workers from selfishly producing their own male offspring. Although several factors can selectively favor worker policing, genetic relatedness is considered to be of special importance. In particular, kin selection theory predicts that worker policing should be more common in species where workers are more related to the queen's sons than to other workers' sons. Here we provide strong novel support for this theory based on a comparative analysis of policing and male parentage in 109 species of ants, bees, and wasps. First, an analysis of behavioral data confirms that worker policing occurs more frequently in species where workers are more related to the queen's sons than to other workers' sons. Second, an analysis of male parentage shows that a significantly higher percentage of the males are workers' sons in species where the workers are more related to other workers' sons. Both conclusions also hold if data are analyzed using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Although our analysis provides strong overall support for the theory that relatedness affects kin conflict over male parentage, there is also significant residual variation. Several factors that may explain this variation are discussed.  相似文献   

In a number of wasps, bees, and in particular ponerine ants, quantitative and qualitative variation in the profile of cuticular hydrocarbons is associated with variation in fecundity and is likely to serve for communicating the reproductive status of an individual. Here, we demonstrate that the chemical profile on the cuticle of fertile workers and queens of the myrmicine ant Temnothorax unifasciatus is different from that of non-reproductive workers. Fertility and apparently also cuticular signatures are reversible under the influence of policing by worker aggression. Though no policing by egg-eating occurs in this species, queen and worker laid eggs also differed in their chemical profile.  相似文献   

Egg marking pheromones of anarchistic worker honeybees (Apis mellifera)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In honeybees, worker policing via egg eating enforces functionalworker sterility in colonies with a queen and brood. It is thoughtthat queens mark their eggs with a chemical signal, indicatingthat their eggs are queen-laid. Worker-laid eggs lack this signaland are, therefore, eaten by policing workers. Anarchistic workerhoneybees have been hypothesized to circumvent worker policingby mimicking the queen egg-marking signal. We investigated thisphenomenon by relating chemical profiles of workers and theireggs to egg acceptability. We found that the ability of someworkers (anarchistic workers in queenright colonies and deviantworkers from a queenless colony) to lay more acceptable eggsis due to them producing significant amounts of queen-like estersfrom their Dufour's gland. These esters appear to be transferredto eggs during laying and increase egg survival. However, theseesters cannot be the normal queen egg-marking signal, as theyare generally absent from queen-laid eggs and only increasethe short-term persistence of worker-laid eggs, because only7–30% of anarchistic worker-laid eggs persisted to hatchingversus 91–92% of queen-laid eggs. All workers can producesome esters, but only workers that greatly increase their esterproduction lay more acceptable eggs. The production of estersappears to be a flexible response, as anarchistic workers rearedin queenless colonies did not increase their ester production,while some deviant workers in queenless colonies did increasetheir ester production.  相似文献   

In eusocial Hymenoptera, worker reproduction is affected by various factors, especially the genetic structure of the colony. Kinship theory predicts that hymenopteran workers prefer to produce sons rather than brothers when a single, once-mated queen is in a colony, while such worker reproduction is expected to be mutually inhibited by other workers under multiple mating of the queen. To test these predictions we observed the behaviour of the myrmicine ant Aphaenogaster smythiesi japonica. Observation of the social structure of 60 queenright colonies indicated monogyny and microsatellite DNA analysis of 14 colonies showed monandry. Under laboratory conditions, workers with functional ovaries laid only trophic eggs in the presence of the queen and produced viable eggs in her absence. In an experiment in which colonies split and reunited, workers that had well-developed ovarioles with viable oocytes were frequently attacked by other workers from the queenright groups. The number of oocytes in a worker's ovarioles was positively correlated with the frequency of being attacked. The results show that a worker's production of males in this species is potentially inhibited by worker policing, contrary to the prediction that worker policing is not predominant in monogynous and monandrous societies. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that in colonies of social Hymenoptera headed by a multiple‐mated queen, workers should benefit from policing eggs laid by other workers. Foster & Ratnieks provided evidence that in the vespine wasp Dolichovespula saxonica, workers police other workers’ eggs only in colonies headed by a multiple‐mated queen, but not in those headed by a single‐mated one. This conclusion, however, was based on a relatively small sample size, and the original study did not control for possible confounding variables such as the seasonal colony progression of the nests. Our aim, therefore, was to reinvestigate whether or not facultative worker policing occurs in D. saxonica. Remarkably, our data show that in the studied Danish population, there was no correlation between worker–worker relatedness and the percentage of worker‐derived males. In addition, we show that variability in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles among the workers did not significantly correlate with relatedness and that workers therefore probably did not have sufficient information on queen mating frequency from the workers’ cuticular hydrocarbon profiles. Hence, there was no evidence that workers facultatively policed other workers’ eggs in response to queen mating frequency. Nevertheless, our data do show that the seasonal progression of the nest and the location in which the males were reared both explain the patterns of worker reproduction found. Overall, our results suggest that the earlier evidence for facultative worker policing in D. saxonica may have been caused by accidental correlations with certain confounding variables, or, alternatively, that there are large interpopulation differences in the expression of worker policing.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of social insect colonies is predicted to affect the balance between cooperation and conflict. Stingless bees are of special interest in this respect because they are singly mated relatives of the multiply mated honeybees. Multiple mating is predicted to lead to workers policing each others' male production with the result that virtually all males are produced by the queen, and this prediction is borne out in honey bees. Single mating by the queen, as in stingless bees, causes workers to be more related to each others' sons than to the queen's sons, so they should not police each other. We used microsatellite markers to confirm single mating in eight species of stingless bees and then tested the prediction that workers would produce males. Using a likelihood method, we found some worker male production in six of the eight species, although queens produced some males in all of them. Thus the predicted contrast with honeybees is observed, but not perfectly, perhaps because workers either lack complete control or because of costs of conflict. The data are consistent with the view that there is ongoing conflict over male production. Our method of estimating worker male production appears to be more accurate than exclusion, which sometimes underestimates the proportion of males that are worker produced.  相似文献   

We estimated queen mating frequency, genetic relatedness among workers, and worker reproduction in Vespa crabro flavofasciata using microsatellite DNA markers. Of 20 colonies examined, 15 contained queens inseminated by a single male, 3 colonies contained queens inseminated by two males, and 2 colonies contained queens inseminated by three males. The genetic relatedness among workers was estimated to be 0.73±0.003 (mean±SE). For this high relatedness, kin selection theory predicts a potential conflict between queens and workers over male production. To verify whether males are derived from queens or workers, 260 males from 13 colonies were genotyped at four microsatellite loci. We found that all of the males were derived from the queens. This finding was further supported by the fact that only 33 of 2,990 workers dissected had developed ovaries. These workers belonged to 2 of the 20 colonies. There was no relationship between queen mating frequency and worker reproduction, and no workers produced male offspring in any of the colonies. These results suggest that male production dominated by queens in V. crabro flavofasciata is possibly due to worker policing.  相似文献   

A reproductive division of labor between subordinates and established reproductives is a hallmark of eusociality. In most groups, however, workers retain some reproductive capabilities. Across insect societies, measures of successful worker reproduction in the presence of a queen, with few exceptions, indicate that worker reproduction is kept at very low levels. There are, however, certain colony-level characteristics that may influence the degree to which worker reproduction is promoted, such as queen number, queen mating frequency, and physical presence of a queen in species with multiple nesting sites (polydomy). In this study, the level of worker reproduction in field colonies of the ant species Aphaenogaster cockerelli was measured. A. cockerelli is a monogynous and polydomous species, so worker reproduction across nesting sites was investigated. None of the 297 males sampled provided any evidence of worker reproduction. Worker reproduction would have been detectable if it was present at or above a level of 1.5 % of the total males per colony. An effective mating frequency for queens of this species was found to be 1.03. Although A. cockerelli colonies have many colony-level factors potentially promoting worker reproduction (workers with active, trophic egg-producing ovaries, a single singly-mated queen, workers who are physically separated from the queen), it is evident that worker reproduction is highly regulated. Synthesizing the extensive amount of policing and fertility signaling data previously reported on this species, A. cockerelli is presented as case study for how worker reproduction is repressed and cooperation is maintained in insect societies.  相似文献   

Conflict over male parentage in social insects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Mutual policing is an important mechanism that maintains social harmony in group-living organisms by suppressing the selfish behavior of individuals. In social insects, workers police one another (worker-policing) by preventing individual workers from laying eggs that would otherwise develop into males. Within the framework of Hamilton's rule there are two explanations for worker-policing behavior. First, if worker reproduction is cost-free, worker-policing should occur only where workers are more closely related to queen- than to worker-produced male eggs (relatedness hypothesis). Second, if there are substantial costs to unchecked worker reproduction, worker-policing may occur to counteract these costs and increase colony efficiency (efficiency hypothesis). The first explanation predicts that patterns of the parentage of males (male parentage) are associated with relatedness, whereas the latter does not. We have investigated how male parentage varies with colony kin structure and colony size in 50 species of ants, bees, and wasps in a phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis. Our survey revealed that queens produced the majority of males in most of the species and that workers produced more than half of the males in less than 10% of species. Moreover, we show that male parentage does not vary with relatedness as predicted by the relatedness hypothesis. This indicates that intra- and interspecific variation in male parentage cannot be accounted for by the relatedness hypothesis alone and that increased colony efficiency is an important factor responsible for the evolution of worker-policing. Our study reveals greater harmony and more complex regulation of reproduction in social insect colonies than that expected from simple theoretical expectations based on relatedness only.  相似文献   

In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons of adults may vary with ovarian activity. Such variations are suggested to function in the regulation of reproduction within colonies. The modification of the CH profile with ovarian activity is usually interpreted as a signal of fertility causing workers to refrain from reproducing in the presence of the queen. We examined the effect of ovarian activity on the CH profiles in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, a species where workers lack ovaries and are completely sterile. Our data show considerable differences in the CH profiles between fertile and infertile individuals. These differences are mainly qualitative. The CH profile strongly changes at the start of egg laying, both in mated and unmated queens. These results show that variation in cuticular hydrocarbons with ovarian activity in ants is not restricted to species with worker reproduction. We propose that in the Argentine ant, the cuticular hydrocarbons of laying queens correspond to a signal of fertility involved in the regulation of various aspects of reproduction, such as the rearing of new sexuals.  相似文献   

Normally, worker honey bees (Apis mellifera) only lay eggs when their colony is queenless. When a queen is present, worker egg-laying is controlled by mutual “policing” behavior in which any rare worker-laid eggs are eaten by other workers. However, an extremely rare behavioral phenotype arises in which workers develop functional ovaries and lay large numbers of eggs despite the presence of the queen. In this study, microsatellite analysis was used to determine the maternity of drones produced in such a colony under various conditions. One subfamily was found to account for about 90% of drone progeny, with the remainder being laid by other subfamilies or the queen. No evidence of queen policing was found. After a one-month period of extreme worker oviposition in spring, the colony studied reverted to normal behavior and showed no signs of worker oviposition. However, upon removal of the queen, workers commenced oviposition very quickly. Significantly, the subfamily that laid eggs when the queen was present did not contribute to the drone production when the colony was queenless. However, another subfamily contributed a disproportionately large number of drones. The frequency of worker oviposition appears to be determined by opposing selective forces. Individual bees benefit from personal reproduction, whereas other bees and the colony are disadvantaged by it. Thus a behavioral polymorphism can be maintained in the population in which some workers can escape worker policing, with balancing selection at the colony level to detect and eliminate these mutations.  相似文献   

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