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工业生态学研究现状与展望   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
李同升  韦亚权 《生态学报》2005,25(4):869-877
工业生态学是一门新兴交叉学科,自诞生10多年来,其理论研究与实践活动已经取得了长足的进展。首先介绍了工业生态学的缘起,综述了目前国外工业生态学在原料与能量流动(工业代谢)、物质减量化、技术变革和环境、生命周期规划设计与评价、为环境设计、延伸生产者的责任、生态工业园(工业共生系统)、产品导向的环境策略、生态效益等主要领域的研究进展;分析了我国工业生态学的研究现状,并结合国际发展趋势提出了我国工业生态学未来的研究框架和主要研究领域  相似文献   

蜡梅群落生态学研究与展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文从群落分布与群落环境,区系组成、外貌和结构,种群结构及生理生态学等方面综述了蜡梅群落生态学研究的最新进展,指出了现今研究中存在的一些问题,提出了今后研究的若干重点领域和方向。  相似文献   

任海  彭少麟 《生态科学》1996,15(2):95-101
综述了能量生态学的定义,研究历史和现状,能量生态学是研究生命系统与环境系统能量结构与功能的科学,其历史可分为古代的萌芽阶段,借助于物理和地理学的研究初期,借助于科学技术发展的研究中期,产量和生产力生态时期,近期研究进展和发展趋势等5个阶段,最后总结了我国能量生态学的现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

种子大小变异的进化生态学研究现状与展望   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
种子大小是植物生活史的核心特征之一。从4个方面综述种子大小变异进化生态学研究:(1)理论及研究方法;(2)环境、系统发育和母系影响;(3)进化机制;(4)生态学和进化意义。分析目前研究中存在的问题,并提出今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

松鼠生态学研究现状与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马建章  戎可  宗诚 《动物学杂志》2008,43(1):159-164
松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)是一种广泛分布于欧亚大陆的树栖杂食性啮齿动物。在欧洲,由于入侵种北美灰松鼠(S.carolinensis)的引入,松鼠的数量急剧减少,松鼠的生态学研究受到广泛的关注。在中国,松鼠因贮食坚果的习性而受到重视。本文从个体生态学、种群生态学、种间关系和行为生态学的角度对松鼠生态学研究成果进行了综述。松鼠是哺乳动物生态学研究很好的模式种,以下5个方面的研究将成为松鼠生态学研究的新方向:(1)不同分布区松鼠的比较生态学;(2)与森林天然更新的关系;(3)集合种群动态及其对生境破碎化的响应;(4)分子系统地理学;(5)作为景观管理的实验种。  相似文献   

张尚宏 《生态科学》1991,(1):99-100
生态学研究在法国已有悠久的历史,曾产生过著名的法瑞学派(西欧学派),与北欧学派、英美学派、俄国学派等一道,对生态学的发展建立了不可磨灭的功绩。现代生态学在法国得到了蓬勃的发展,研究工作在时间与空间两个尺度上不断向微观和宏观扩展,生态学正与生理学、进化生物学等生命科学结合起来,成为探索生命的本质,起源与演化、功能与动态的重要学科。这与国际上生态学研究的发展趋势是一致的。  相似文献   

污染生态学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
自20世纪70年代开始,伴随着我国环境科学的兴起和应用生态学的发展,污染生态学经历发生、成长、发展和壮大等几个历史阶段。已经形成了具有自己学科特色的理论体系和研究方法论,如今,污染生态学已成为研究生物系统与被污染环境之间相互作用规律及采用生态学原理对污染环境进行控制与修复的一门独立科学,是应用生态学的重要组成部分,是生态学与环境科学相互融合,相互交叉的产物,在新世纪的头20年中,污染生态学面临着新的机遇和挑战,它将在复合污染生态学,污染生态过程研究、污染生态毒理学和污染生态修复等分支领域和科学前沿取得重要进展和突破。  相似文献   

华东师范大学环境科学系生态学教研室成立于1986年,我国著名生态学家宋永昌教授为首任室主任。目前,本教研室有教师12名,其中教授5人,副教授4人,以本教研室为主体的生态学科1996年被评为上海市教委重点学科,2001年为上海市重点学科、2002年为国家重点学科,也是“十五”211重点建设科学。  相似文献   

空气氧的环境生态学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林育纯 《生态科学》2000,19(2):88-90
空气氧作为自然界生物圈中生物群落生存和发展的重要物质基础 ,其含量直接关系着人类的健康 ;同时 ,做为生态系统的核心组分之一 ,空气氧可通过一系列环境生态效应对微小生态进行调节 ,由此所产生的对人群的间接生物学效应也日益受到关注 ,特别是与提高环境质量的关系不容忽视。本文简述空气氧的有关环境生态学效应。1 空气氧含量与空气物理特性O2 作为空气化学组成的重要成分 ,可影响空气中的太阳辐射、电离、离子化等物理性状及其生物学效应[1,2 ] 。1 1 空气氧与空气离子化 空气分子和原子在自然或人为条件下 ,失去电子成为空气正离…  相似文献   

灵长类生态学研究方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,国外对灵长类生态学的研究越来越多,研究内容包括种群动力学、社群结构及行为,野生群繁殖行为等。我国的灵长类生态学研究虽然起步较晚,但发展较快。特别是对我  相似文献   

Historically, approaches to environmental management activities have been reactive rather than proactive. Environmental laws and regulations have been generated primarily in response to particular issues (e.g., chemical contamination), creating a piecemeal approach for managing the environment. Responsibilities for managing different resources (e.g., water, air, forests, wildlife) have been assigned to different agencies or groups within government, further fragmenting environmental management. Proactive approaches that recognize the interconnectedness of environmental components are necessary to address complex and long-term environmental management issues. This Perspective proposes an environmental management approach that is comprehensive and systematic, while still being comprehensible to decision-makers and other stakeholders. The proposed approach is based on ecology and environmental values related to decision-making. It considers interrelationships among and between living organisms (including humans) and their physical environment. The proposed approach builds on the ecological risk assessment (ERA) paradigm, including goal (or problem) identification, values identification (ecological and human) for the environment being managed, and data collection and analysis focused on management decision-making. Stakeholder involvement and active participation are essential elements. As demonstrated herein, application of the proposed framework has enabled environmental managers to achieve workable solutions and to avoid or resolve environmental conflicts at both local and regional scales. The proposed framework is demonstrably transportable across political boundaries, applicable to all environments involving natural resources, independent of any particular ideology, and applicable to environmental management activities at all scales.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment and management have grown from a long history of assessment and management activities aimed at improving the everyday lives of humans. The background against which ecological risk assessment and management has developed is discussed and recent trends in the development of risk assessment and management frameworks documented. Seven frameworks from five different countries are examined. All maintain an important role for science, suggest adaptive approaches to decision-making and have well-defined analytical steps. Differences in approaches toward the separation of policy and science, the preference for management over assessment, the inclusion of stakeholders, the iterative nature of the analytical cycle, the use of decision criteria and economic information suggest considerable evolution in framework design over time. Despite the changes, no consensus on the design of a framework is apparent and work remains to be done on refining an integrative framework that effectively incorporates both policy and science considerations for environmental management purposes.  相似文献   

我国草地生态研究的成就与展望   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
我国草地面积达4.0×10~6km~2,占国土总面积的41%。一方面,草地为草食动物提供食料,为人类提供肉、乳、毛、皮和多种药材。另一方面,它对保持水土、改善人民居住环境及维持区域生态平衡起着重大作用。可见,草地不但是我国主要的生态系统类型,而且是重  相似文献   

P. H. Nienhuis 《Hydrobiologia》2006,565(1):261-275
Over the past 50 years ecology has developed into a mature branch of the natural sciences, comprising firm concepts (e.g. for rivers River Continuum Concept and Flood Pulse Concept) and extensive empirical surveys (sophisticated lab and field experiments, simulation models, GIS). Estuaries and rivers are continuously threatened ecosystems, considering the massive expansion of man’s economic activities. I focus on rivers and estuaries in the Netherlands (W. Europe), where recent public interest has mainly been determined by two flooding disasters (mega-disaster in 1953; near-disaster in 1995). The measures taken to enhance the safety of the human population were adequate: building of large closure dams, and storm surge barriers in the estuaries, and heightening of levees along the rivers. Eventually these measures were detrimental for what was left of the dynamic river ecosystems from the past. This paper focuses on two ecosystem studies. (1) An ecosystem study in Grevelingen lagoon, a large embanked estuary that changed into a brackish water lagoon. Predictive ecological models (e.g. for the wax and wane of Eelgrass, Zostera marina) were inadequate because of the exceptional characteristics of the lagoon: the ecosystem appeared to be instable, and not resilient. (2) An ecosystem study at Afferdensche and Deestsche Waarden, a floodplain area along the river Waal, strongly affected by toxicants deposited before 1980. We studied the functioning and eco-toxicology of floodplain food webs, deteriorated by pollutants. Fine-tuned spatial components were introduced in ecological risk assessment models of several trophic levels (e.g. a top predator, the Little Owl, Athena noctua). Safety for the human population, living below sea level, and below the level of the main rivers, must be improved, but overhasty technocratic measures deteriorating the remaining semi-natural, highly appreciated landscapes, should be avoided. Stakeholder interests must be adapted to sustainable ecological river management, and not the other way round, as has been done for the past ten centuries.  相似文献   

Successful ecological risk assessments are all alike; every unsuccessful ecological risk assessment fails in its own way. Tolstoy posited a similar analogy in his novel Anna Karenina: “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” By that, Tolstoy meant that for a marriage to be happy, it had to succeed in several key aspects. Failure on even one of these aspects, and the marriage is doomed. In this paper, I argue that the Anna Karenina principle also applies to ecological risk assessments involving multiple stressors. In particular, I argue that multiple stressors assessments and environmental decision making will not have a happy marriage unless the following can be achieved: (1) there must be societal and political buy-in to the assessment and decision-making process; (2) the assessment must have the latitude to consider a wide range of stressors and potential risk management options; (3) there must be a commitment to following a rigorous focusing of the assessment and to expending resources for model development and data collection; and (4) an adaptive management strategy must be adopted wherein risk management actions are undertaken, system response intensively observed and assessed, and revised management actions taken as appropriate. Failure to meet any of the above criteria for success will doom a multiple stressors assessment and prevent its use in effective decision-making.  相似文献   

佛教和道教作为中国历史上源远流长的两个宗教体系,其宗教文化中蕴含着丰富的生态智慧.剖析其基本教义中的朴素自然观与环保实践方面的异同,从生物学的角度挖掘其中蕴含的生态意识,用现代生态学原理加以解释,得出其中科学的、合理的成分,一方面为我国当前的全民素质教育与可持续发展教育提供生动、科学的教育素材;另一方面为国家制定相关的宗教、环保政策与措施提供理论依据,尤其能够在宗教地区的自然保护区建设及环保工作与宗教活动之间起到桥梁和纽带作用.  相似文献   

农业生产的生态管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、引言自50年代起,我国开始从传统农业向现代常规农业转变。随着这一转变的深化,农业生产力水平有了迅速的提高。然而,迅速增长的人口压力,使我国农业一直面临着一些严峻的问题。众多的人口,使我国人均自然资源占有量处于极低的水平。土地资源、水资源及矿产资源的短缺,已成为我国农业发展的基本限制  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is a scientific tool used to support ecosystem-based management (EBM), but most current ERA methods consider only a few indices of particular species or components. Such limitations restrict the scope of results so that they are insufficient to reflect the integrated risk characterization of an ecosystem, thereby inhibiting the application of ERA in EBM. We incorporate the concept of ecosystem services into ERA and develop an improved ERA framework to create a comprehensive risk map of an ecosystem, accounting for multiple human activities and ecosystem services. Using the Yellow River as a case study, we show how this framework enables the implementation of integrated risk characterization and prioritization of the most important ecological risk issues in the ecosystem-based river management of the Yellow River. This framework can help practitioners facilitate better implementation of ERA within EBM in rivers or any target ecosystem.  相似文献   

生态环境用水研究现状、问题分析与基本构架探索   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
贾宝全  张志强  张红旗  慈龙骏 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1734-1740
生态学与水文学交叉研究是目前国际上前沿研究领域之一,生态环境用水研究则是连接生态过程与水文过程、刻画生态演化与水资源相互关系的核心问题。对生态、环境用水产生与发展的基本过程进行了回顾,并根据对已有成果的综合分析提出了目前研究中存在的5方面主要问题。首先,生态用水尚需理论上的进一步升华,这一点突出体现在生态用水的概念与内涵表述上;其次,在生态用水研究中,缺乏合理的生态保护目标的建立,因而影响到了研究成果的实际应用价值;第三,目前的研究均是针对较大尺度所作的,不能在生态机理与物理机制上揭示生态用水规律,因此,不适于具体问题的深入分析,个别实验在由“点“尺度向生态用水计算的“面“尺度转换时缺乏基础,从而严重影响了研究成果的精度;第四,生态用水机理是生态用水研究中至为关键的工作,以往研究主要依据野外宏观观测资料来探讨,缺乏直接的实验依据;第五,没有涉及生态用水对生态系统稳定性、生态用水满足程度及其波动性对生态系统影响等方面,从而也使得研究成果的科学性受到影响。同时作者认为,中国工程院“中国可持续发展水资源研究报告“中的生态环境用水概念对我国地大物博,地质地貌与气候类型多样的特点给给予了更多的关注,故可以确定为全国性的生态环境用水概念。最后文章认为应当将生态用水与环境用水分别予以考虑,并给出了其新的概念构架。  相似文献   

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