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K. V. Yeargan  L. W. Quate 《Oecologia》1997,112(4):572-576
Bolas spiders in the genus Mastophora exhibit extreme sexual size dimorphism. In temperate regions, the diminutive males become adults about 2 months before females mature. Late-instar and adult females attract certain male moths by aggressive chemical mimicry of those moth species' sex pheromones. While hunting, these larger female spiders hang from a horizontal silken line and capture moths by swinging a “bolas” (i.e., a sticky globule suspended on a thread) at the approaching moths. Small, early-instar bolas spiders of both sexes attract moth flies in the genus Psychoda, which they capture without using a bolas or web. Instead, they position themselves along leaf margins and use their front two pairs of legs to grab approaching prey. The predatory habits of adult male bolas spiders have never been reported. Our field experiments demonstrated that adult males of the bolas spider Mastophora phrynosoma attract adult male Psychoda phalaenoides. Each year during our 3-year study, significantly more P. phalaenoides were captured on sticky traps baited with live adult male M. phrynosoma than on unbaited control traps. Thus, the tiny adult male bolas spiders retain the juvenile hunting tactic of attracting psychodid flies, while female bolas spiders switch from hunting psychodid flies as spiderlings to hunting moths when the female spiders become older and larger. Received: 5 May 1997 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Summary Bolas spiders are relatively rare members of the large family known as orb weavers. Instead of using a typical web to capture prey, late-stadia and adult female bolas spiders swing a droplet of adhesive on a thread at flying insects. Mastophora hutchinsoni (Araneae: Araneidae) is one of five Mastophora species known from the United States and occurs over much of eastern North America. It is univoltine in Kentucky and overwinters in the egg stage. Spiderling emerged in May, the diminutive males matured in late June and early July, and females matured in early September. Eggs were produced from late September to late October or early November. This report is the first complete documentation of the population phenology of any bolas spider. Newly-emerged M. hutchinsoni spiderlings did not use a bolas, but instead hunted by positioning themselves on the underside of leaf margins where they ambushed small arthropods that crawled along the leaf margins. Subadult and adult female M. hutchinsoni used a bolas to capture moths. Only male moths were captured, specifically three species of Noctuidae (bristly cutworm, bronzed cutworm, and smoky tetanolita) and one species of Pyralidae (bluegrass webworm). Among 492 prey captured by more than twenty spiders at two sites during 1985 and 1986, smoky tetanolita moths and bristly cutworm moths accounted for 93% of the total. The flight behavior of approaching moths, the limited taxa caught from a large available moth fauna, and the fact that only males were caught support the hypothesis that the spider attracts its prey by producing chemicals which mimic the sex pheromones of these moth species. Adult female M. hutchinsoni frequently captured more than one moth species on a given night. The two most common prey species were active at different times of night, the bristly cutworm soon after nightfall and the smoky tetanolita generally between 11:00 p.m. and dawn. This pattern suggests that mating activity of these moth species may be temporally isolated, a common phenomenon when sympatric species have similar pheromones. If so, the spider could capture both species without producing different pheromone-mimicking compounds, simply by hunting during the activity period of each species.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 87-7-76) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

Adult female bolas spiders have a unique hunting tactic that combines aggressive chemical mimicry of the sex pheromone blends of their prey moths with a specialized weapon (the bolas) and behaviors to capture attracted male moths. This report shows that female bolas spiders can release the attractive allomone before they make the bolas and that females detect moth wing vibrations from attracted prey. In response to this detection, females initiate the construction of a bolas. This ability to sample for prey presence may allow this predator to adapt its hunting activity to the temporal and spatial availability of its prey and, thereby, may reduce the constraints associated with extreme prey specialization.  相似文献   

George W. Uetz 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):154-159
Summary Increased prey capture efficiency in colonial spiders is a consequence of the ricochet effect, as prey are captured after they bounce off several webs in succession. In this study, the prey capture of three species of colonial spiders in the genus Metepeira from Mexico are compared. These species, from different habitats, show varying levels of social organization (group size and withingroup spacing) that affect prey capture from ricochets. Metepeira sp. a (a presumed new species tentatively named atascadero) from desert grassland habitats, occur solitarily or in small groups, and gain little from prey ricochets: prey capture rates are low and variance in prey captured/spider is high. M. spinipes, from mesic agricultural sites, occur in groups of 10–150, and show a ricochet effect resulting in more and larger prey, and reduced variance in capture rate. M. incrassata, from tropical rainforest/agricultural sites, occur in large colonies of hundreds to thousands of individuals, and show a similar ricochet effect. The ricochet effect does not influence taxonomic composition of prey in either M. atascadero or M. spinipes, but does in tropical M. incrassata. This result, however, is primarily due to the capacity of certain taxa (eg., Lepidoptera), more common in the tropics, to escape more easily from spider webs. A comparison of prey capture efficiency of colonial M. incrassata with that of solitary M. atascadero shows that the ricochet effect provides an increase in efficiency across all size classes of prey.  相似文献   

Recent studies have called into question the role of Wright's coefficient of relatedness (r) in the interactions among relatives. Kin selection theory predicts a positive relationship between relatedness and frequency of altruistic acts, but a number of researchers have reported the opposite relationship. I used a lycosid spider (Pardosa milvina) to test the hypothesis that genetic relatedness would affect the propensity of a cannibalistic species to prey on genetic relatives. I considered lack of predation to be a form of altruism where the predator incurs a cost (loss of a meal) that benefits potential prey. Specifically, I questioned whether direct genetic offspring would be avoided as prey items and whether the sex or reproductive condition of a cannibalistic predator would affect the likelihood of predation on conspecific juveniles. As predicted by kin selection theory, spiderling mothers ate significantly fewer of their own offspring than they did of nonkin spiderlings of the same age. Adult virgin female and adult male spiders ate significantly more spiders than females that had recently carried spiderlings. Females with egg sacs consumed significantly fewer spiderlings than did virgin female spiders. These findings support Hamilton's rule and suggest that, in some systems, genetic relatedness plays a strong role in governing altruistic behavior toward relatives.  相似文献   

A. Vogelei  R. Greissl 《Oecologia》1989,80(4):513-515
Summary The initial energy supply of emerging spiderlings is relatively meagre, so survival without feeding on insects during a spell of bad weather is limited to a period of a few days or weeks. During our investigations, spiderlings of Thomisus onustus (Arachnida, Thomisidae) were kept on different diets. There was a significant difference in survival rate between spiderlings that were starved or fed on pollen, nectar, or Drosophila. The results showed that pollen and nectar can be a source of energy for spiders for an extensive period. This demonstrates another way in which spiders may survive starvation when insect prey is lacking and thus ensure the survival of a whole population.  相似文献   

Summary When exposed to certain air flows spiderlings of the wandering spider Cupiennius getazi (Ctenidae) drop from their dwelling plant and swing in the wind from a gradually lengthening dragline. If body contact is made with a nearby substrate the spiderling detaches. We refer to this form of aerial dispersal as the drop and swing dispersal behavior (DASDB). The dragline being only up to about 70 cm long and only rarely ruptured by the drag forces of the wind, this is a close range type of dispersal as opposed to the ballooning known for many other species of spiders. DASDB is readily elicited in spiderlings at an age of ca. 9 days (outside egg sac). At this age their mass is 1.26 ±0.35 mg and their yolk usually depleted. They then start to catch prey and escape from the unfavorable conditions in the small space around the egg sac where hundreds of spiderlings compete. Air flow rates effectively eliciting DASDB in the laboratory are between 0.2 m/s and 1.5 m/s. The number of spiderlings showing DASDB increases considerably if the air flow is turbulent as opposed to laminar. A numerical model defining the window within which DASDB is supported mechanically was developed from theoretical considerations. Taking the effective wind speeds and the mechanical properties of the dragline, the model accounts very well for the fact that actual rupture of the dragline was observed only rarely in C. Getazi. Other features of the DASDB are also correctly predicted. The model is not only applicable to DASDB but also to the drop and swing preballooning behavior known to occur in several other species of spiders.Abbreviations DASDB drop and swing dispersal behavior  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided evidence that spiders’ color and pattern may attract prey items to their webs, thus increasing their foraging success. However, these studies were conducted on tropical spiders, and no studies have examined this phenomenon in temperate spiders. We examined the role of color and pattern in a North American spiny orb-weaver, Micrathena gracilis. We found that prey capture rates were similar between webs that contain spiders and webs in which spiders were removed. Additionally, we found a trend that painted spiders captured more prey than unpainted spiders. Although our results were not statistically significant, they contradict previous studies examining the role of color in prey attraction.  相似文献   

Male and female noctuid moths were collected from plastic bucket traps that were baited with different synthetic floral chemicals and placed in peanut fields. Traps baited with phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl acetate, and a blend of phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl acetate, and benzaldehyde collected more soybean looper moths, Pseudoplusia includens (Walker), than benzaldehyde-baited or unbaited traps. Females comprised over 67% of the moths captured and most were mated. At peak capture, over 90 male and female moths per night were collected. In another experiment, phenylacetaldehyde delivered in plastic stoppers attracted more P. includens moths than traps baited using other substrates, but this chemical delivered in wax attracted more velvetbean caterpillar moths (Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner). Other noctuid male and female moths collected included Agrotis subterranea (F.), Argyrogramma verruca (F.), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and several Spodoptera species. Aculeate Hymenoptera were collected in large numbers, especially in traps baited with phenylacetaldehyde delivered from stoppers.  相似文献   

Summary In situ trapping efficiencies of Pinguicula alpina L., P. villosa L., and P. vulgaris L. were compared with each other and with those of artificial traps at a subarctic site in northern Sweden. P. vulgaris had the highest trapping efficiency i.e., 21–37 g prey trapped cm-2 day-1 and apparently has some means of attracting prey. The other two species trapped about 14–18 g cm-2 day-1, a value similar to that of paper traps mimicing plant leaves. By weight, Nematocera and Collembola were the dominant groups trapped by P. alpina. P. villosa trapped mainly Collembola, while small Nematocera dominated the prey caught by P. vulgaris. Mites (Acarina) were caught in high numbers but contributed only a small part of the total captured biomass owing to their low weight.  相似文献   

Site-specific foraging can enhance the ability of generalist predators to provide effective and sustainable levels of pest control in agroecosystems. This can result from increased growth rates, higher population densities, and improved capture frequencies of pests at high prey density microsites. We tested the hypothesis that linyphiid spiders would exhibit microhabitat-specific web-site selection strategies in alfalfa. This was predicted to result in high prey densities at web-sites compared to paired non-web-sites through direct, or indirect, selection of prey-rich habitats. A total of 22,242 potential prey items were collected from mini-sticky traps located at 896 microsites. Web-centered mini-sticky traps on the ground, representative of Erigone autumnalis Emerton (Araneae: Linyphiidae) webs, captured similar numbers of potential prey as paired non-web-centered traps nearby. However, aerial sticky traps at web-sites of Bathyphantes pallidus (Banks) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) contained significantly more Diptera and Empoasca fabae (Harris) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) than paired non-web-centered sticky-traps. Prey activity-densities also varied between web-sites of E. autumnalis and B. pallidus. Diptera were dominant at aerial microsites of B. pallidus whilst Collembola were abundant on ground-based traps of E. autumnalis. These results suggest that in alfalfa, the pressure for selecting prey-rich web-sites by erigonine spiders is low, but B. pallidus exhibits a selective web-location strategy targeted towards high quality dipteran prey. These sites also captured large numbers of E. fabae, a major pest of alfalfa, thus implicating aerial-based linyphiines as valuable predators in biological control.  相似文献   

Gunnar Rehfeldt 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):550-556
Summary Predation by orb-weaving spiders and crab spiders on the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis was studied at a small stream in Southern France. One species of orb-weaving spider, Larinioides folium, caught 76% of the damselflies which fell prey to spiders. Displacement experiments on spiders on sections of bank and the positioning of webs in male territories show that the density and distribution of damselflies is not influenced by orbweb density or by the position of webs. Predation rates corresponded to orb-web density, but neither for sex nor for stage was there a relationship with damselfly density. Mean daily predation rates ranged between 0.9% for females and 4.1% for adult males. Predation risk to adult damselflies by orb-weaving spiders was male biased, whereas among tenerals there was no bias. Males were captured more frequently at territories near the water. Captures show a maximum at noon when territorial disputes of adult males were most frequent. After orbwebs were placed within territories predation rate of males was strongly increased. Predation risk to adult females in the direct vicinity of the stream was less than in the bank vegetation where they perch close to orbwebs. The risk of predation by crab spiders, which catch damselflies at their perching sites, was not sex-biased.  相似文献   

Side-effects of insecticides on two erigonid spider species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current rearing technique forErigone atra (Blackwall) andOedothorax apicatus (Blackwall) (Araneae, Erigonidae) was improved. To reduce time spent rearing on live fruit flies the spiders were kept on a culture of the Collembola speciesLepidocyrtus lanuginosus (Gmelin) (Entomobryidae). Side-effects on spiders of two pyrethroid insecticides (fenvalerate and lambda-cyhalothrin) and one carbamate insecticide (pirimicarb) were tested. Sensitivity of adults of both sexes and juveniles to insecticides and their influence on the rate of emergence of spiderlings from cocoons were investigated using topical application, spraying or residual contact. LD50 values for adults ranged from 0.49 to 2.52 ng a.i./spider for lambda-cyhalothrin and from 5.75 to 98.20 ng a.i./spider for fenvalerate. Topical application also resulted in up to a week's delay of web-building. A moving laboratory spraying equipment was used to spray spiders with different insecticide dosages and water volumes. Pyrethroids sprayed onto adults in webs had stronger effects than pyrethroids sprayed onto sitting or walking spiders on the soil surface. Residual contamination caused higher mortality of spiders after contact with lambda-cyhalothrin than fenvalerate. In all tests, males were more susceptible to pyrethroids than females; this difference was related to body weight. Mortality rate was higher forE. atra than forO. apicatus. Both pyrethroids were also toxic to spiderlings. Lambda-cyhalothrin inhibited emergence ofE. atra spiderlings from cocoons. Pirimicarb was harmless to both spider species.  相似文献   

1. Laboratory and field experiments showed that the hunting performance of two flower-dwelling crab spiders, Misumenops asperatus and Misumenoides formosipes, was thermally insensitive over a broad range of temperatures normally experienced by these spiders. 2. In the laboratory, HP, a behavioural metric of spider hunting performance, was similar for spiders of a given species over an ≈ 30 °C temperature range. 3. Spiders in the field captured predominantly hymenopterans and dipterans, and field hunting performance, measured as the number of prey captured per spider per day, also proved to be unaffected by temperature. 4. These findings counter the general rule that physiological/ecological performance in terrestrial arthropods is temperature dependent. 5. Freedom from temperature constraints on the capacity of crab spiders to capture prey may be due to the use of venom and/or to muscle physiological adaptations for anaerobic metabolism. 6. Wide thermal performance breadth increases the spectrum of prey available to M. asperatus and M. formosipes by allowing spiders to hunt prey active during cooler periods of the day as well as those active during warmer periods. 7. Wide thermal performance breadth also benefits M. asperatus and M. formosipes due to adult phenology; both species experience a seasonal temperature shift during the adult phase.  相似文献   

Maternal care in spiders varies from just the construction of a protective silken structure for the eggs and the selection of a safe site to place them, to a long period of association between the mother and spiderlings. Such extended care may involve the active protection from predators and parasitoids, food regurgitation, the production of trophic eggs and even matriphagy. In this study, we describe extended maternal care in Helvibis longicauda (Theridiidae) and evaluate the effectiveness of maternal protection against predators of eggs and spiderlings. We conducted experiments comparing the frequency of egg sac destruction and mortality of spiderlings in the presence and absence of mothers. We also observed the behaviour of the mother and spiderlings during prey capture events and interactions with possible predators. Helvibis longicauda females guard their egg sacs until the emergence of the young and guard the spiderlings for several instar stages, fighting possible predators, including conspecifics. We found that aggressive behaviour by females increased the survival of both eggs and spiderlings in our experiments. Intruder males were the main source of mortality in the absence of females. The benefits of maternal care for the young also include the acquisition of prey items that are captured, immobilized and pre‐digested by the mother. Effective maternal protection and the extended period of supplying food to juveniles probably contribute to the late dispersal of offspring in H. longicauda.  相似文献   

Brief exposures of male Choristoneura rosaceana and Argyrotaenia velutinana to the plumes generated by lures releasing 3-component pheromone blends specifically tuned for each species or by commercially distributed Isomate OBLR/PLR Plus pheromone rope dispensers induced markedly different subsequent behavioral responses to pheromone. A greater proportion of C. rosaceana males took flight and successfully oriented toward lures 24 h after preexposure to a lure, a rope, or the lure–rope combination in a sustained-flight wind tunnel compared to naïve moths. Flights were also longer for preexposed than naïve moths. Preexposed male C. rosaceana were not more likely to fly toward ropes 24 h after preexposure. By contrast, fewer male A. velutinana oriented to lures 24 h after preexposure than did naïve moths. Those preexposed A. velutinana successfully locking onto plumes from lures flew for significantly shorter intervals than did unexposed moths. Electroantennograms revealed no changes at the periphery 15 min and 24 h after preexposure. For A. velutinana, the long-lasting effect was decreased attraction to a lure and increased attraction to a rope. For C. rosaceana, pheromone preexposure increased responsiveness to its authentic blend. This behavioral evidence is sufficient to explain why sexual communication of C. rosaceana is more difficult to disrupt than that of A. velutinana. Furthermore, it suggests a more complete blend of pheromone may be necessary to disrupt the former species but not the latter when using rope dispensers.  相似文献   

Summary Field observations and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the influence of body length of preys on the acceptance rate by spiders. Feeding experiments with 13 spider species and a model prey (crickets) reveal a decreasing acceptance rate with increasing prey size. Prey sizes of 50–80% of the spiders' size yielded the highest acceptance rates, crickets of double the spiders' size were accepted by two species only. By fitting the acceptance rate Y versus prey size X by Y(x)=Y(0) (1-x2), two coefficients could be calculated: Y(0), the size-independent palatibility of the prey and , a coefficient of size-induced refusal of the prey. These values describe the degree of specialisation towards (a) crickets and (b) large prey, respectively. Further comparison showed (a) that labidognath (= araneomorph) spiders do not necessarily subdue larger prey items than orthognath (=mygalmorph) spiders and (b) that webbuilding spiders are superior to non-webbuilding spiders in respect of catching large prey. A modified model of the generalized pattern of the length relations of predator and prey is given with special reference to spiders and compared to other polyphagous predator groups.  相似文献   

Animal body coloration serves several functions such as thermoregulation, camouflage, aposematism, and intraspecific communication. In some orb‐web spiders, bright and conspicuous body colours are used to attract prey. On the other hand, there are other species whose body colour does not attract prey. Using a spider species showing individual body‐colour variation, the present study aimed to determine whether or not the variation in body colour shows a correlation with predation rates. We studied the orb‐web spider (Cyclosa argenteoalba) using both field observations and T‐maze experiments, in which the prey were exposed to differently coloured spiders. Cyclosa argenteoalba has silver‐ and black‐coloured areas on its dorsal abdomen, with the ratio of these two colours varying continuously among individuals. The bright and conspicuous silver area reflects ultraviolet light. Results of both field observations and colour choice experiments using Drosophila flies as prey showed that darker spiders have a greater chance of capturing prey than silver spiders. This indicates that body‐colour variation affects predation success among individuals and that the bright silver colour does not function to attract prey in C. argenteoalba.  相似文献   

The communal orb-weaving spider, Philoponella republicana,was observed in the subtropical moist forest of Southeast Peru. These spiders live in colonies of conspecifics whose individual orbs are connected by silk. The wrapping of a prey prior to feeding is a large component of the prey capture process because P. republicanahas no venom with which to kill an insect. Wrapping time was the only aspect of prey capture that was strongly correlated with the size of the insect captured. Occasionally we observed several individuals working together to wrap a prey item. These joint efforts were more frequent on prey larger than the capturing spider. Although group captures accounted for only 5.5% of captures, they represented 14.7% of the biomass obtained. A comparison of the relationship between wrapping time and prey size for solitary and group efforts suggested that, by working together, the spiders reduced their total handling time. In most cases only one spider fed on the captured prey.  相似文献   

Local dispersal ofHelicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) males as they emerged following the F1 and F2 generations in dent corn was examined in a 4 km diam. area in South Carolina, USA. Males were marked at artificial nectar feeding stations using RbCl, and recovered in traps baited with a synthetic pheromone. Effects of nocturnal boundary layer winds, crop pattern at the pheromone traps, and crop pattern between the marking area and pheromone traps were examined. Local movement of captured male moths was predominantly downwind in both flights in both years of the study. Crop pattern at the traps had no effect on capture of marked moths. During some flights, flowering crops between the marking area and traps had a negative effect on the number of marked moths captured.  相似文献   

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