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对云南茶叶农场中的附生地衣进行调查发现: 附生在茶树上的地衣有25 属, 51 种; 其中, 45 种是首次报道附生在茶树上, 包括2 个中国新记录种: 癞屑衣( Lepraria lobificans) 和阿曼原胚衣( Protoblastenia amagiensis) , 以及20 个云南新分布种。壳状地衣的共生菌丝侵入茶叶树干外皮层组织, 在生长过程中产生地衣酸, 一定程度的加速了农场中茶树的老化; 靠近茶树发芽点生长的壳状地衣和叶状地衣, 造成芽体发育不良, 对茶叶的产量和品质有一定影响。  相似文献   

云南两种食用地衣营养成分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定云南两种食用地衣的主要营养成分 ,并与常见蔬菜及食用菌进行比较。测定结果 ,东方肺衣粗蛋白质含量为 11 0 2 g/ 10 0 g .DW ,粗脂肪 5 5 6 g/ 10 0g .DW ,总糖、可溶性糖、灰分含量分别为 0 6 2g/ 10 0 g、0 37g/ 10 0g、2 6 4g/ 10 0 g .DW ;裂髓树花 (新拟 )的粗蛋白质含量为 3 43g/ 10 0g .DW ,粗脂肪3 12 g/ 10 0g .DW ,总糖、可溶性糖、灰分含量分别为 0 79g/ 10 0 g、0 35g/ 10 0 g、2 99g/ 10 0 g .DW ;两种地衣均含有 17种氨基酸 (色氨酸未测 ) ,多种矿物元素 ,具有一定营养价值 ;且两种地衣营养成分的含量存在差异  相似文献   

由中国科学院昆明植物研究所、中国科学院生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室王立松高级工程师撰著的《中国云南地衣》,2012年6月已由上海科学技术出版社出版。该书30万字,12开本,定价420.00元,书号ISBN978—7—5478—1230—3。  相似文献   

结合相关的研究资料,对新疆西部部分山区实地采集的地衣标本进行初步整理、分类和鉴定,结果发现了微孢衣属(Acarospora)的3个中国新记录种: Acarospora glaucocarpa,Acarospora peliscypha,Acarospora veronensis。  相似文献   

报道了中国黑文衣属(Phaeographis)地衣3个中国新记录种:树形黑文衣(P.dendroids)、平盘黑文衣(P.platycarpa)和龙爪黑文衣(P.tortuosa)。文中对其进行了形态学、解剖学以及化学特征描述,并提供了特征照片。研究标本存放于HMAS-L。本文是对黑文衣属地衣研究及其地衣志编写的重要补充。  相似文献   

从宁夏六盘山区的多个生境中采集了隶属于地卷目(Peltigerales)3科5属的16种地衣,分别为环纹瓦衣(Coccocarpia erythroxyli)、球胶衣(Collema coccophorum)、坚韧胶衣珊瑚变种(C.tenaxvar.corallinum)、砖孢胶衣(C.subconveniens)、亚石胶衣(C.subflaccidum)、亚洲猫耳衣(Leptogiumasiaticum)、伯尔特猫耳衣(L.burneti-i)、猫耳衣(L.menziesii)、土星猫耳衣(L.saturninum)、犬地卷(Peltigera canina)、平盘软地卷(P.elisabethae)、多指地卷(P.polydactylon)、裂芽地卷(P.praetextata)、地卷(P.rufescens)、双孢散盘衣(Solorina bispora)和凹散盘衣(S.saccata)。其中,亚洲猫耳衣和伯尔特猫耳衣为中国北方新分布种,球胶衣为中国西北新分布种,其余13种均为宁夏新记录种。地卷目地衣在六盘山区分布稀少,且表现出对较为阴湿生境的偏好。  相似文献   

该文是关于中国地衣生真菌汇编的首次报道,其中也包括新近采集的种类。名录中汇编了27种,其中9种为中国新记录种,包括5个中国新记录属的代表:Ampullifera, Intralichen, Marchandiomyces, Phaeosporobolus, 和Stigmidium。文中还包括一个新组合种:Stigmidium cupulare (syn, Pharcidia supularis)。  相似文献   

报道了文字衣科点衣属1新种——近烟色点衣Ocellularia subfumosa以及中国点衣属3个新记录,即洞点衣O.cavata、平点衣O.leioplacoides和核类点衣O.pyrenuloides。文中对每种提供了详细描述和显微结构图片。研究标本保存于HMAS‐L、KUN‐L和SDAU。  相似文献   

发表了产于云南西部的香竹属一新种御香竹(Chimonocalamus cibarius Yi et J.Y.Shi)。  相似文献   

发表了产于云南西部的香竹属一新种御香竹(Chimonocalamus cibarius Yi et J. Y. Shi)。  相似文献   

“红雪茶”和“白雪茶”是滇西北少数民族传统饮用的地衣保健茶;其中,“红雪茶”混杂了梅衣科(Parmeliaceae)金丝属(Lethariella)中的4个地衣种:金丝绣球(Lethariellacashmeriana),金丝刷(L.cladonioides),柔金丝(L.sernanderi)和金丝带(L.zahlbruckneria);“白雪茶”包含了雪茶属(Thamnolia)中的两个种,即:雪茶和雪地茶(Thamnoliavermicularis&T.subuliforms)。利用常规方法测定了两种地衣茶的主要营养成分,并与常见饮茶进行比较,测定结果显示:红雪茶和白雪茶含有多种营养成分,红雪茶粗蛋白质含量为2.69g/100g·DW,粗脂肪3.42g/100g·DW,总糖、可溶性糖、灰分含量分别为5.04g/100g、0.35g/100g、1.74g/100g·DW;白雪茶的粗蛋白质含量为2.81g/100g·DW,粗脂肪2.91g/100g·DW,总糖、可溶性糖、灰分含量分别为0.99g/100g、0.27g/100g、4.18g/100g·DW;两种地衣茶均含有17种氨基酸和多种矿物元素,具有一定营养价值;而两种地衣营养成分的含量存在差异。  相似文献   

刘萌  魏江春 《菌物学报》2013,32(1):42-50
报道了腾格里沙漠东南缘沙坡头地区地衣22种,分隶于16属,13科,5目,包括中国新记录4种:异色杆孢衣Bacidia heterochroa,安奈污核衣Porina aenea,白黑瘤衣Buellia alboatra及美丽黑瘤衣Buellia venusta。该研究丰富了关于该地区荒漠地衣物种多样性的知识,并将为沙漠生物地毯工程的前期研究提供更多的地衣种质资源。  相似文献   

A new, high-diversity, latest Ordovician brachiopod fauna of nearly 800 brachiopod specimens was collected from the Wanyaoshu Formation (Hirnantian) in the Shaodihe section, Mangshi City, western Yunnan, Southwest China. Altogether 22 genera and two undetermined taxa were identified; dominant are Aegiromena, Anisopleurella, Fardenia, Dalmanella, Hirnantia and Hindella, less common, Paromalomena, Leptaena, Eostropheodonta, Cliftonia, Kinnella, Templeella and Plectothyrella, together with some rare Petrocrania, Xenocrania, Pseudopholidops, Palaeoleptostrophia, Skenidioides, Giraldibella, Draborthis, Dolerorthis and Toxorthis. This is one of the most diverse typical Hirnantia faunas, associated with the Kosov Province. The paleobiogeographic relationships between western Yunnan (Southwest China), Myanmar, Yichang (Central China), Tibet (Southwest China) and Kazakhstan are clarified using Network Analysis and NMDS. The fauna studied is most similar to that of Myanmar; both resided on the Sibumasu terrane. However, the recalculated network diagram, when including the data of Hirnantia fauna from the Prague Basin, indicates that the latter is more closely linked to that of western Yunnan, a testament to the very weak brachiopod provincialism during the Hirnantian, mainly due to the influence of dominant cosmopolitan taxa. Some species of the fauna display significant population variation. Two of the dominant taxa, Aegiromena and Anisopleurella are systematically described, whereas the other two common taxa, Fardenia and Hirnantia are measured and their outlines and internal structures analyzed.  相似文献   

报道了西隆山中国部分的植被,详细地记述了山地苔藓常绿阔叶林和山顶苔藓矮林的群落组成。该两种植被类型的优势类群分别以金缕梅科红花荷属和石楠科杜鹃属的多种植物为特征。比较研究显示该地区的两种苔藓林与云南西北部的有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

2002年9月16日—11月28日和2003年9月9日—11月26日,在云南南涧凤凰山共网捕秋季迁移鸟176种6677只,分属13目29科。凤凰山鸟类夜间迁移时间开始于8月上旬,至11月中旬结束,可分为开始期、高峰期和结束期。高峰期出现于9月中旬—10月上旬,迁移波峰出现在10月初;高峰期间受圆月影响,中间出现2个网捕低谷。候鸟夜间迁移在日落后约1小时开始,在20:30—24:00出现第1个迁移高峰;随后鸟类迁移数量逐渐减少;到次日4:00左右又开始增多,出现当夜的第2个高峰;在凌晨5:30左右再度减少直到日出前为止。白天迁移主要出现在迁移后期,开始于10月中旬左右,10月下旬、11月中旬达到白天迁移高峰,随后逐渐减少,一直持续到11月下旬,1甚至到12月上旬。白昼迁移鸟在日出前约1小时开始迁过,8:30左右达到白昼迁移高峰,11:00后停止。凤凰山秋季迁移鸟的迁徙期持续约100天。夜间迁徙鸟在西南风无月有雾之夜在22:00过境高峰后,还会在午夜、凌晨和黎明前出现另外3个过境高峰,而其他天气仅在22:00出现1次过境高峰。  相似文献   

An investigation of gamasid mites on the body surface of small mammals was carried out in Yunnan Province of China from 1990 to 2004. The small mammal hosts were captured from 25 counties which represent five geographical subregions, namely Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Southern Subregion of Hengduan Mountains, Eastern Plateau Subregion of Yunnan, Western Plateau Subregion of Yunnan and Southern Moun- tainous Subregion of Yunnan. The captured 10 803 small mammal hosts belong to nine families, 29 genera and 52 species in four orders (Rodentia, Insectivora, Scandentia and Lagomorpha). A total of 68 571 gamasid mites were collected from the body surface of the captured small mammal hosts and all the gamasid mites were identified to 10 families, 33 genera and 112 species. This paper lists all the mite species, together with their taxonomic position (genera and families) and their corresponding hosts. Much more mite species were found in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains than in other geographical subregions. The total individuals of mites and small mammals in the Middle Subregion of Hengduan Mountains are also the most plentiful in the five geographical subregions. Three dominant mite species and three dominant small mammal hosts were determined as the dominant species in the investigated areas of Yunnan Province. The dominant hosts are Rattus flavipectus (which accounts for 34.85% of the total individuals), Apodemus chevrieri (13.43%) and Rattus norvegicus (10.40%) while the dominant gamasid mite species are Laelaps nuttalli (Hirst, 1915) (27.84%), Laelaps echidninus (Berlese, 1887) (18.38%) and Laelaps guizhouensis (Gu et Wang, 1981) (14.79%). The results showed the high species diversity of gamasid mites in Yunnan Province and the uneven distribution feature in different subregions.  相似文献   

The specimens were collected by our expedition from the Neogene flora of Tengchong basin, i.e. 20 families, 29 genera and 35 species, four of which are described as new species, its show with characteristics as follows: 1. Tengehong basin flora developed from the Paleogene flora of Tethys sea and remains some eharaeters of the latter, for example, containing forest forms of Fagaeeae and Lauraeeae with evergreen boradleaves. Since Late Miocene the Himalayas uplifted, the Tecthys sea was recessive from the region, and this region had started aequiring its present day configuration. The climate became arid and cool. The flora was expanded with some deciduous elements. 2. The flora was expanded with Leguminosae elements which may indicate the climate changing to arid. The age of the flora is considered to Late Miocene- Early Plioeene. Its elements closely resemble with the modern ones of Yunnan flora.  相似文献   

云南石林碳酸盐岩表面气生蓝藻(蓝细菌)研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
田友萍  张捷  宋林华  包浩生 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1793-1802
云南石林的黑石头及其颜色会随着天气的变化而变化的自然景观,是由于其碳酸盐岩表面长满黑色气生蓝藻(蓝细菌)之故。经鉴定,气生蓝藻共4目,11科,31届,188种。种类十分丰富。其优势种主要为寄生微囊藻、红色星球藻、伯氏伪枝藻和皮壳伪枝藻等;寄生微囊藻和红色星球藻呈面状分布,相对均衡,伯氏伪枝藻和皮壳伪枝藻呈点状分布,相对集中。这些气生蓝藻的胶被色泽鲜艳,宽厚而坚硬,是适宜高山岩石表面生活的典型进化特征。在野外肉限观察时,气生蓝藻还表现出不同形态的微群落;发现气生蓝藻能溶解石灰石,形成钻孔,加速岩石的溶蚀与风化。这些现象表明,气生蓝藻与云南石林岩石表面的微形态及整个石林景观的形成都有着十分密切的关系。  相似文献   

Two tridactyl footprints from the Chuanjie Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Yunnan Province, China are morphological characteristics of thyreophoran tracks. They show some similarities to Shenmuichnus, known from the Early Jurassic strata of both Shaanxi and Yunnan provinces, but are somewhat larger, thereby resembling the ichnogenus Stegopodus. Based on their general morphology and size being congruent with this ichnogenus, they are tentatively assigned here to cf. Stegopodus. This is the fourth report of large ornithischian (probably thyreophoran) tracks from the Lower-Middle Jurassic of China that indicates relatively large trackmakers that were likely to be taxonomically distinct from much smaller and gracile Anomoepus trackmakers, also of ornithischian affinity. The larger tracks indicate a hitherto unreported abundance, size range and diversity of track types attributed to this group. The parallel orientation of the two best preserved trackways may indicate gregariousness.  相似文献   

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