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For many general anesthetics, their molecular basis of action involves interactions with GABA(A) receptors. Anesthetics produce concentration-dependent effects on GABA(A) receptors. Low concentrations potentiate submaximal GABA-induced currents. Higher concentrations directly activate the receptors. Functional effects of anesthetics have been characterized, but little is known about the conformational changes they induce. We probed anesthetic-induced conformational changes in the M2 membrane-spanning, channel-lining segment using disulfide trapping between engineered cysteines. Previously, we showed that oxidation by copper phenanthroline in the presence of GABA of the M2 6' cysteine mutants, alpha(1)T261Cbeta(1)T256C and alpha(1)beta(1)T256C resulted in formation of an intersubunit disulfide bond between the adjacent beta-subunits that significantly increased the channels' spontaneous open probability. Oxidation in GABA's absence had no effect. We examined the effect on alpha(1)T261Cbeta(1)T256C and on alpha(1)beta(1)T256C of oxidation by copper phenanthroline in the presence of potentiating and directly activating concentrations of the general anesthetics propofol, pentobarbital, and isoflurane. Oxidation in the presence of potentiating concentration of anesthetics had little effect. Oxidation in the presence of directly activating anesthetic concentrations significantly increased the channels' spontaneous open probability. We infer that activation by anesthetics and GABA induces a similar conformational change at the M2 segment 6' position that is related to channel opening.  相似文献   

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are chloride channels that mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission and are members of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel (pLGIC) family. The interface between the ligand binding domain and the transmembrane domain of pLGICs has been proposed to be crucial for channel gating and is lined by a number of charged and aromatic side chains that are highly conserved among different pLGICs. However, little is known about specific interactions between these residues that are likely to be important for gating in α1 GlyRs. Here we use the introduction of cysteine pairs and the in vivo nonsense suppression method to incorporate unnatural amino acids to probe the electrostatic and hydrophobic contributions of five highly conserved side chains near the interface, Glu-53, Phe-145, Asp-148, Phe-187, and Arg-218. Our results suggest a salt bridge between Asp-148 in loop 7 and Arg-218 in the pre-M1 domain that is crucial for channel gating. We further propose that Phe-145 and Phe-187 play important roles in stabilizing this interaction by providing a hydrophobic environment. In contrast to the equivalent residues in loop 2 of other pLGICs, the negative charge at Glu-53 α1 GlyRs is not crucial for normal channel function. These findings help decipher the GlyR gating pathway and show that distinct residue interaction patterns exist in different pLGICs. Furthermore, a salt bridge between Asp-148 and Arg-218 would provide a possible mechanistic explanation for the pathophysiologically relevant hyperekplexia, or startle disease, mutant Arg-218 → Gln.  相似文献   


We examined functional consequences of intrasubunit contacts in the nicotinic receptor alpha subunit using single channel kinetic analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, and structural modeling. At the periphery of the ACh binding site, our structural model shows that side chains of the conserved residues alphaK145, alphaD200, and alphaY190 converge to form putative electrostatic interactions. Structurally conservative mutations of each residue profoundly impair gating of the receptor channel, primarily by slowing the rate of channel opening. The combined mutations alphaD200N and alphaK145Q impair channel gating to the same extent as either single mutation, while alphaK145E counteracts the impaired gating due to alphaD200K, further suggesting electrostatic interaction between these residues. Interpreted in light of the crystal structure of acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP) with bound carbamylcholine (CCh), the results suggest in the absence of ACh, alphaK145 and alphaD200 form a salt bridge associated with the closed state of the channel. When ACh binds, alphaY190 moves toward the center of the binding cleft to stabilize the agonist, and its aromatic hydroxyl group approaches alphaK145, which in turn loosens its contact with alphaD200. The positional changes of alphaK145 and alphaD200 are proposed to initiate the cascade of perturbations that opens the receptor channel: the first perturbation is of beta-strand 7, which harbors alphaK145 and is part of the signature Cys-loop, and the second is of beta-strand 10, which harbors alphaD200 and connects to the M1 domain. Thus, interplay between these three conserved residues relays the initial conformational change from the ACh binding site toward the ion channel.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor M2-M3 loop structure and its role in gating were investigated using the substituted cysteine accessibility method. Residues from alpha(1)Arg-273 to alpha(1)Ile-289 were mutated to cysteine, one at a time. MTSET(+) or MTSES(-) reacted with all mutants from alpha(1)R273C to alpha(1)Y281C, except alpha(1)P277C, in the absence and presence of GABA. The MTSET(+) closed-state reaction rate was >1000 liters/mol-s at alpha(1)N274C, alpha(1)S275C, alpha(1)K278C, and alpha(1)Y281C and was <300 liters/mol-s at alpha(1)R273C, alpha(1)L276C, alpha(1)V279C, alpha(1)A280C, and alpha(1)A284C. These two groups of residues lie on opposite sides of an alpha-helix. The fast reacting group lies on a continuation of the M2 segment channel-lining helix face. This suggests that the M2 segment alpha-helix extends about two helical turns beyond alpha(1)N274 (20'), aligned with the extracellular ring of charge. At alpha(1)S275C, alpha(1)V279C, alpha(1)A280C, and alpha(1)A284C the reaction rate was faster in the presence of GABA. The reagents had no functional effect on the mutants from alpha(1)A282C to alpha(1)I289C, except alpha(1)A284C. Access may be sterically hindered possibly by close interaction with the extracellular domain. We suggest that the M2 segment alpha-helix extends beyond the predicted extracellular end of the M2 segment and that gating induces a conformational change in and/or around the N-terminal half of the M2-M3 loop. Implications for coupling ligand-evoked conformational changes in the extracellular domain to channel gating in the membrane-spanning domain are discussed.  相似文献   

The nicotinic receptor (AChR) is a pentamer of homologous subunits with an alpha(2)betaepsilondelta composition in adult muscle. Each subunit contains four transmembrane domains (M1-M4). Position 15' of the M1 domain is phenylalanine in alpha subunits while it is isoleucine in non-alpha subunits. Given this peculiar conservation pattern, we studied its contribution to muscle AChR activation by combining mutagenesis with single-channel kinetic analysis. AChRs containing the mutant alpha subunit (alphaF15'I) as well as those containing the reverse mutations in the non-alpha subunits (betaI15'F, deltaI15'F, and epsilonI15'F) show prolonged lifetimes of the diliganded open channel resulting from a slower closing rate with respect to wild-type AChRs. The kinetic changes are not equivalent among subunits, the beta subunit, being the one that produces the most significant stabilization of the open state. Kinetic analysis of betaI15'F of AChR channels activated by the low-efficacious agonist choline revealed a 10-fold decrease in the closing rate, a 2.5-fold increase in the opening rate, a 28-fold increase in the gating equilibrium constant in the diliganded receptor, and a significant increase opening in the absence of agonist. Mutations at betaI15' showed that the structural bases of its contribution to gating is complex. Rate-equilibrium linear free-energy relationships suggest an approximately 70% closed-state-like environment for the beta15' position at the transition state of gating. The overall results identify position 15' as a subunit-selective determinant of channel gating and add new experimental evidence that gives support to the involvement of the M1 domain in the operation of the channel gating apparatus.  相似文献   

Inhibitory glycine receptors (GlyRs) are mainly expressed in the spinal cord and in the midbrain, where they control motor and sensory pathways. We describe here a fast potentiation of GlyR by intracellular Ca2+. This phenomenon was observed in rat spinal cord neurons and in transfected human cell lines. Potentiation develops in <100 ms, is proportional to Ca2+ influx, and is characterized by an increase in GlyR apparent affinity for glycine. Phosphorylation and G protein pathways appear not to be involved in the potentiation mechanism. Single-channel recordings in cell-attached and excised patches, as well as whole-cell data suggest the presence of a diffusible cytoplasmic factor that modulates the GlyR channel gating properties. Ca2+-induced potentiation may be important for rapid modulation of glycinergic synapses.  相似文献   

The 5-hydroxytryptamine type-3 receptor antagonist tropisetron is in clinical use as an anti-emetic drug. This compound also exerts both potentiating and inhibitory effects on the glycine receptor chloride channel. The inhibitory effects occur at micromolar concentrations, whereas the potentiating effects are shown here to occur at femtomolar concentrations at the homomeric alpha1 receptor. Potentiation occurred only when tropisetron was applied in the presence of glycine. We also sought to identify molecular determinants of tropisetron inhibition at the alpha1 glycine receptor by serially mutating residues located in or near known ligand-binding sites. We discovered that conservative mutations to N102 ablated tropisetron inhibition without affecting the magnitude or sensitivity of tropisetron potentiation. Several lines of evidence, including a structure-activity analysis of tropisetron, atropine and SB203186, suggest that N102 may bind to the tropisetron tropane nitrogen via H-bonding. Mutation of the N125 residue in the beta subunit, which corresponds to N102 in the alpha1 subunit, had little effect on tropisetron inhibitory potency. These results show that N102 is required for tropisetron inhibition but not potentiation and that inhibitory tropisetron binds in different orientations at different subunit interfaces. To our knowledge, tropisetron is the most exquisitely sensitive modulator yet identified for a cys-loop receptor.  相似文献   

Tertiary amine local anesthetics (dibucaine, Tetracaine, procaine, etc.) modify cell morphology, concanavalin A (Con A)-mediated agglutinability and redistribution of Con A receptors. Con A agglutination of untransformed mouse 3T3 cells was enhanced at low concentrations of local anesthetics, and the dynamics of fluorescent-Con A indicated that ligand-induced clustering was increased in the presence of the drugs. In contast, these drugs inhibited Con A-induced receptor capping on mouse spleen cells. These effects can be duplicated by combinations of vinblastine (or colchicine) and cytochalasin B suggesting that local anesthetics act on microtubule cell surface receptor mobility and distribution. It is proposed that tertiary amine local anesthetics displace plasma membrane-bond Ca2+, resulting in disengagement of microfilament systems from the plasma membrane and increased cellular Ca2+ concentration to levels which disrupt microtubular organization. The possible involvement of cellular Ca2+ in cytoskeletal destruction by local anesthetics was investigated utilizing Ca2+-specific ionophores A23187 and X537A. In media containing Ca2+ and cytochalasin B these ionophores caused effects similar to tertiary amine local anesthetics.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes of the terminal plates of the bushy receptors in the frog urinary bladder have been studied after two hours' exposition in 0.05% novocaine solution and one hour's exposition in 0.05% dicaine and trimecaine solution. During these periods a steady block of the receptor impulse activity develops. The local anesthetics essentially change ultramicroscopic structure of the terminals. The reaction to the anesthetics investigated has both some features in common and certain peculiarities. At each effect three types of changes can be determined, characterized with various degree of rearrangement in neurilemma, neuroplasm and organelles. Each type of the changes is supposed to reflect a certain phase of the plate reactive response. Specificities of the reaction to novocaine are minimal changes of mitochondria, accumulation of glycogen granules, deformity and decreasing amount of vesicles. Under dicaine effect mitochondria do not change, amount of vesicles increases, their form does not change; under trimecaine effect mitochondria undergo most noticeable alterations. The changes of the terminal plates observed are interpreted as adaptive. The effect of the local anesthetics on the receptors is not limited with the blockade of the sodium canals of the afferent fibers, in parallel, biochemical processes, occurring in cytosol of the terminals also change; their morphological manifestations are the ultrastructural changes observed.  相似文献   

An amino acid residue was found in M2 of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors that has profound effects on the binding of picrotoxin to the receptor and therefore may form part of its binding pocket. In addition, it strongly affects channel gating. The residue is located N-terminally to residues suggested so far to be important for channel gating. Point mutated alpha1beta(3) receptors were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and analyzed using the electrophysiological techniques. Coexpression of the alpha(1) subunit with the mutated beta(3) subunit beta(3)L253F led to spontaneous picrotoxin-sensitive currents in the absence of GABA. Nanomolar concentrations of GABA further promoted channel opening. Upon washout of picrotoxin, a huge transient inward current was observed. The reversal potential of the inward current was indicative of a chloride ion selectivity. The amplitude of the inward current was strongly dependent on the picrotoxin concentration and on the duration of its application. There was more than a 100-fold decrease in picrotoxin affinity. A kinetic model is presented that mimics the gating behavior of the mutant receptor. The point mutation in the neighboring residue beta(3)A252V resulted in receptors that displayed an about 6-fold increased apparent affinity to GABA and an about 10-fold reduced sensitivity to picrotoxin.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to Cys-loop receptors produces either global conformational changes that lead to activation or local conformational changes that do not. We found that the fluorescence of a fluorophore tethered to R271C in the extracellular M2 region of the α1 glycine receptor increases during glycine activation but not during ivermectin activation. This prompted the hypothesis that this signal reports a glycine-mediated conformational change not essential for activation. We tested this by investigating whether the fluorescence signal depended on whether the fluorophore was attached to a glycine-free or a glycine-bound subunit. Agonist-free subunits were created by incorporating T204A and R65K mutations, which disrupted glycine binding to both (+) and (−) subunit interfaces. In heteromeric receptors comprising wild-type and R65K,T204A,R271C triple-mutant subunits, the fluorescence response exhibited a drastically reduced glycine sensitivity relative to the current response. Two conclusions can be drawn from this. First, because the labeled glycine-free subunits were activated by glycine binding to neighboring wild-type subunits, our results provide evidence for a cooperative activation mechanism. However, because the fluorescent label on glycine-free subunits does not reflect movements at the channel gate, we conclude that glycine binding also produces a local non-concerted conformational change that is not essential for receptor activation.  相似文献   

Cheng MH  Coalson RD  Cascio M 《Proteins》2008,71(2):972-981
The glycine receptor (GlyR) is potentiated by ethanol and other anesthetics. The potentiation mechanism at the molecular level is unknown and remains elusive, but mutagenic studies have shown that ethanol and other volatile anesthetics bind to a pocket between TM1, TM2, and TM3. The present study extends previous studies (Cheng et al., Proteins 2007;68:581-593) wherein we conducted homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to construct models of the homopentameric alpha1 subunits of the GlyR transmembrane domain in open and closed states. To understand the potentiation of GlyR by ethanol we compare the binding of ethanol molecules to the channel in these different states. We observe that ethanol stably resides inside solvent-accessible cavities found in the open state of GlyR that are formed by I229 (of TM1) in one subunit and S267 and A288 (of TM2 and TM3, respectively) in the adjacent subunit. The volume of these putative binding pockets is state-dependent. Selective binding to the open states of receptors has been proposed to explain the potentiating actions of this class of anesthetics. In accordance with this model, our MD simulations suggest that the potentiation of ethanol on GlyR may be effected through preferential binding of ethanol molecules to an inter-subunit binding pocket in the open state.  相似文献   

Glycine receptor chloride channels are Cys-loop receptor proteins that isomerize between a low affinity closed state and a high affinity ion-conducting state. There is currently much interest in understanding the mechanisms that link affinity changes with conductance changes. This essentially involves an agonist binding in the glycine receptor ligand-binding site initiating local conformational changes that propagate in a wave towards the channel gate. However, it has proved difficult to convincingly distinguish those agonist-induced domain movements that are critical for triggering activation from those that are simply local deformations to accommodate ligands in the site. We employed voltage-clamp fluorometry to compare conformational changes in the ligand-binding site in response to activation by glycine, which binds locally, and ivermectin, which binds in the transmembrane domain. We reasoned that ivermectin-mediated activation should initiate a conformational wave that propagates from the pore-lining domain towards the ligand-binding domain, eliciting conformational changes in those extracellular domains that are allosterically linked to the gate. We found that ivermectin indeed elicited conformational changes in ligand-binding domain loops C, D and F. This implies that conformational changes in these domains are important for activation. This result also provides a mechanism to explain how ivermectin potentiates glycine-induced channel activation.  相似文献   

Glycinergic inhibitory transmission has been described in spinal cord, but rather disregarded in the brain. The spatial-temporal characterization of glycine receptors (GlyR) in the hippocampus over development is herein reported. GlyR expression increases from late embryonic stage (E18) to 7 days postnatal (P7) and decreases from P7 on. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that GlyR subunit expression changes over neuronal maturation with a preponderance of α2 and α3, over α1 and β. In immature stages, GlyR delineate the cell body of neurons at the Dentate Gyrus and Cornus Ammonis 1 and 3 (CA1/CA3) and are composed of α2 and α3 subunits. At P7, synaptic GlyRα2β can already be observed in the dendritic areas of Dentate Gyrus and of CA1/CA3. In the mature hippocampus, synaptic GlyR decrease and, although a few synaptic GlyRα1β can still be detected in the dendritic layers, extrasynaptic α2/α3-containing GlyR and somatic localized GlyRα3 are the most abundant. Our results point towards an important function of a slow tonic activation of extrasynaptic GlyR, over a fast phasic activation of synaptic GlyRα1β. We clearly show that GlyR are widely expressed in hippocampus and that their subcellular localization and subunit composition change over development.  相似文献   

We have previously described the isolation of a complementary DNA (cDNA) from the freshwater molluscLymnaea stagnalis encoding a polypeptide that exhibits 50% identity to the ß-subunits of vertebrate -aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A (GABAA) receptor. When expressed inXenopus laevis oocytes fromin vitro-transcribed RNA, the snail subunit forms functional homo-oligomeric receptors possessing chloride-selective ion channels. In recordings from voltage-clamped oocytes held at –60 mV, GABA induced an inward current, whereas application of the chloride-channel blocker picrotoxin (in the absence of agonist) elicited an apparent outward current. Single channel recordings obtained from cell-attached patches have revealed a single population of 20 pS channels, with an open probability greater than 90% (at a pipette potential of –100 mV) in the absence of GABA. The relationship between single channel current and pipette potential was linear over the studied range (–100 mV to +60 mV), but the open probability was less for hyperpolarizations than for depolarizations. The spontaneous channel openings were blocked by micromolar concentrations of picrotoxin. Functional hetero-oligomeric receptors were formed when the molluscan subunit was co-expressed in oocytes with the bovine GABAA receptor 1-subunit, but the channels gated by these receptors did not open spontaneously.  相似文献   

A role for glycine in the gating of plant NMDA-like receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The amino acid glycine has a well-established role in signalling in the mammalian central nervous system. For example, glycine acts synergistically with the major excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, to regulate the influx of ions such as calcium, through N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Plants possess NMDA-like receptors, generically referred to as glutamate receptors (GLRs), named on the basis of their presumed ligand, glutamate. Previously, glycine has not been implicated in plant GLR activity or any other aspect of plant signalling. Using transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings expressing aequorin to monitor ligand-mediated changes in the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt), the data presented herein show that glutamate and glycine act synergistically to control ligand-mediated gating of calcium in plants. Glutamate and glycine synergism also regulates hypocotyl elongation. Transient increases in [Ca2+]cyt mediated by glutamate and glycine, as well as hypocotyl elongation, were inhibited by 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3 dione (DNQX), a competitive inhibitor of animal GLRs. Using a multiscale docking algorithm in combination with a molecular model of the ligand-binding domain of plant GLRs, evidence is provided indicating that glycine, and not glutamate, is likely to be the natural ligand for most plant GLR subunits. These findings uncover a hitherto unconsidered role for glycine signalling in plants, and suggest that the synergistic action of glutamate and glycine at NMDA-like receptors predates the divergence of plants and animals.  相似文献   

The glycine receptor is a member of the ligand-gated ion channel receptor superfamily that mediates fast synaptic transmission in the brainstem and spinal cord. Following ligand binding, the receptor undergoes a conformational change that is conveyed to the transmembrane regions of the receptor resulting in the opening of the channel pore. Using the acetylcholine-binding protein structure as a template, we modeled the extracellular domain of the glycine receptor alpha1-subunit and identified the location of charged residues within loops 2 and 7 (the conserved Cys-loop). These loops have been postulated to interact with the M2-M3 linker region between the transmembrane domains 2 and 3 as part of the receptor activation mechanism. Charged residues were substituted with cysteine, resulting in a shift in the concentration-response curves to the right in each case. Covalent modification with 2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl methanethiosulfonate was demonstrated only for K143C, which was more accessible in the open state than the closed state, and resulted in a shift in the EC50 toward wild-type values. Charge reversal mutations (E53K, D57K, and D148K) also impaired channel activation, as inferred from increases in EC50 values and the conversion of taurine from an agonist to an antagonist in E53K and D57K. Thus, each of the residues Glu-53, Asp-57, Lys-143, and Asp-148 are implicated in channel gating. However, the double reverse charge mutations E53K:K276E, D57K:K276E, and D148K:K276E did not restore glycine receptor function. These results indicate that loops 2 and 7 in the extracellular domain play an important role in the mechanism of activation of the glycine receptor although not by a direct electrostatic mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study, we have compared the functional consequences of three mutations (R218Q, V260M, and Q266H) in the alpha(1) subunit of the glycine receptor (GlyRA1) causing hyperekplexia, an inherited neurological channelopathy. In HEK-293 cells, the agonist EC(50s) for glycine-activated Cl(-) currents were increased from 26 microm in wtGlyRA1, to 5747, 135, and 129 microm in R218Q, V260M, and Q266H GlyRA1 channels, respectively. Cl(-) currents elicited by beta-alanine and taurine, which behave as agonists at wtGlyRA1, were decreased in V260M and Q266H mutant receptors and virtually abolished in GlyRA1 R218Q receptors. Gly-gated Cl(-) currents were similarly antagonized by low concentrations of strychnine in both wild-type (wt) and R218Q GlyRA1 channels, suggesting that the Arg-218 residue plays a crucial role in GlyRA1 channel gating, with only minor effects on the agonist/antagonist binding site, a hypothesis supported by our molecular model of the GlyRA1 subunit. The R218Q mutation, but not the V260M or the Q266H mutation, caused a marked decrease of receptor subunit expression both in total cell lysates and in isolated plasma membrane proteins. This decreased expression does not seem to explain the reduced agonist sensitivity of GlyRA1 R218Q channels since no difference in the apparent sensitivity to glycine or taurine was observed when wtGlyRA1 receptors were expressed at levels comparable with those of R218Q mutant receptors. In conclusion, multiple mechanisms may explain the dramatic decrease in GlyR function caused by the R218Q mutation, possibly providing the molecular basis for its association with a more severe clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the binding of [3H]-N-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine [( 3H]TCP) to the ion channel of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors was studied in washed rat brain-cortex membranes. Raising the temperature from 5 to 33 degrees C resulted in a significant increase in the association rates of [3H]TCP binding measured in the presence of 1 microM glutamate and 1 microM glycine, but was less effective in the absence of the added agonists. No such effects of temperature on the dissociation rates of [3H]TCP-receptor complexes were observed. In the absence of agonists, neither the association nor the dissociation binding components varied with temperature, suggesting a diffusion-controlled limitation of access of the ligand to its site within the nonactivated NMDA receptor. No evidence was found for a temperature-dependent change in the density of [3H]TCP binding sites or for heterogeneity of [3H]TCP binding sites associated with the NMDA receptor, even though when approaching equilibrium the binding kinetics in the presence of glutamate and glycine deviated from an ordinary bimolecular reaction scheme. The data were fitted instead to a two-exponent binding function, comprising the sum of a fast and a slow binding component. Their corresponding time constants exhibited an increase with temperature, and the increase of each one was correlated significantly with the corresponding decrease in the equilibrium binding constant; however, there was no temperature-related change in the relative proportions of the two components, with the fast binding component (alpha) accounting for 50-70% of the site population.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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