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Growth and production of the temperate C4 species Cyperus longusL. was measured throughout a growing season in an establishedplot in Eastern Ireland. The maximum standing live biomass reachedwas 2·5 kg m–2. Estimates of unit leaf rate (ULR)and leaf area index (LAI) were made. The product of these quantitiesgave the crop growth rate (CGR) each week. C. longus was foundto maintain high values of LAI throughout the summer, with amaximum value of about 13 in early August. CGR reached a peakin early July. The optimum LAI was 11·6. Temperaturesat five levels in the plant canopy, and the amount of solarradiation intercepted by the canopy were measured continuouslyduring the summer. The mean daily rate of leaf extension waspositively correlated with the mean daily air temperature abovethe canopy but the temperature coefficient of the process waslow compared with other temperate species. The percentage ofsolar radiation intercepted by the canopy increased rapidlyin early summer, and canopy closure had occurred by mid-June.Rates of net photosynthesis were measured on young and old leafmaterial in situ at the time of peak LAI. In young leaves themaximum rates of net photosynthesis were higher than those publishedfor a range of temperate C3 species, but similar to those foundin another temperate C4 species, Spartina townsendii. Key words: C4 photosynthesis, leaf growth, productivity  相似文献   

The rates of net photosynthesis per unit ground area by a closedcanopy of tomato plants were measured over a range of naturallight flux densities. The canopy, of leaf area index 8.6, wasdivided into three horizontal layers of equal depth. On successivedays the canopy was progressively defoliated in layers fromthe ground upwards, allowing the photosynthetic contributionfrom individual leaf layers to be determined. The uppermostlayer, 23% of the total leaf area, assimilated 66% of the netCO2 fixed by the canopy and accounted for a similar percentageof the total leaf respiration. Net photosynthesis versus light response curves for individualleaves from different positions within the canopy were alsoobtained. Leaf conductances to CO2 transfer and the dark respirationrates of leaves from the uppermost leaf layer were approximatelyten times those from the lowest layer. The canopy data were analysed using a simple model which assumedthat the canopy was composed of leaves with identical photosyntheticand respiratory characteristics. The model fitted the data andallowed the characteristics of an ‘idealized’ leafto be estimated. The estimated values of the leaf light utilizationefficiency, ,and the leaf conductance CO2 transfer, , were similarto values directly determined for individual leaves in the uppermostleaf layer and the estimated rate of leaf dark respiration,Rd, corresponded to measured rates for leaves much lower inthe canopy. The simple model may be used to examine gross effectsof crop environment on the leaf photosynthetic characteristicof an ‘idealized’ leaf, but cannot be used to predictaccurately canopy net photosynthesis from the photosyntheticand respiratory characteristics of any single real leaf. A moredetailed model, developed to allow explicitly for the observedvariation in and Rd within the canopy is appropriate for thispurpose.  相似文献   

Small communities of S24 ryegrass were grown under supplementarylights in a glasshouse at 20°C, and abundantly suppliedwith a complete nutrient solution containing 300 p.p.m. of nitrogen,until they had a leaf area index of 5 and fully interceptedthe light. Half were then given a solution containing only 3p.p.m. of nitrogen (LN) while the rest were kept at 300 p.p.m.(HN). The LN plants had a rate of single leaf photosynthesis lowerthan that of the HN plants at all but the lowest light intensities(33 per cent lower at the saturating irradiance of 170 W m–2).Similarly, the LN communities had rates of canopy gross photosynthesis(Psc) markedly lower than those of the HN communities. A comparisonof the observed rates of Psc with those predicted by a mathematicalmodel of canopy photosynthesis indicated that it was the effectof nitrogen on single leaf photosynthesis, rather than differencesbetween the communities in leaf area, which led to the observeddifferences in Psc. The superiority of the HN communities in terms of Psc was partlyoffset by a higher rate of respiration so that they only exceededthe LN communities in terms of canopy net photosynthesis atirradiances in excess of 180 W m–2, and produced only15 per cent more total dry matter. Nevertheless, the HN plantsdirected less of that dry matter into root and more into topsso that they came to possess twice the weight of live laminae,and the HN communities twice the leaf area, of their nitrogendeficient counterparts. Lolium perenne, S24 ryegrass, photosynthesis, respiration, dry matter production and partition, nitrogen dekieacy  相似文献   

The C balance of a tall fescue sward grown under different ratesof N fertilization in summer, autumn, and spring was calculatedusing models derived from measurements of shoot growth, canopygross photosynthesis, shoot respiration and of C partitioningto the roots. Under the diverse growing conditions associatedwith the seasons and the N fertilization, C utilization forabove- and below-ground biomass accumulation never exceeded39 and 14% of the canopy gross photosynthesis, respectively.Carbon losses attributed to root respiration and exudation,which were estimated by difference between canopy net photosynthesisand total growth, ranged between 3 and 30% of canopy gross photosynthesis.Seasonal differences in shoot growth could be attributed tothe amount of intercepted radiation, the radiation-use efficiencyand the C partitioning to the roots. The effect of N deficiencyon shoot growth can be attributed to its effects on canopy photosynthesis(principally resulting from changes in intercepted photosyntheticallyactive radiation) and C partitioning. In comparison with theeffect on shoot growth, the effect of the N deficiency on thecanopy gross photosynthesis per unit of light intercepted overthe regrowth cycle was limited. It is concluded that most ofthe effect of N fertilization on shoot growth is due to changesin C partitioning which result in faster leaf area developmentand greater light interception.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Tall rescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreb., carbon balance, nitrogen, grass, fertilization  相似文献   

Vegetative crops of chrysanthemum were grown for 5 or 6 weekperiods in daylit assimilation chambers. Crop responses to differentradiation levels and temperatures were analysed into effectson dry matter partitioning, specific leaf area, leaf photosynthesisand canopy light interception. The percentage of newly formed dry matter partitioned to theleaves was almost constant, although with increasing radiationor decreasing temperature, a greater percentage of dry matterwas partitioned to stem tissue at the expense of root tissue.There was a positive correlation between the percentage of drymatter in shoot material and the overall carbon: dry matterratio. Canopy photosynthesis was analysed assuming identical behaviourfor all leaves in the crop. Leaf photochemical efficiency wasonly slightly affected by crop environment. The rate of grossphotosynthesis per unit leaf area at light saturation, PA (max),increased with increasing radiation integral, but the same parameterexpressed per unit leaf dry matter, Pw (max) was almost unaffectedby growth radiation. In contrast, PA (max) was hardly affectedby temperature but Pw (max) increased with increasing growthtemperature. This was because specific leaf area decreased withdecreasing temperature and increased with decreasing radiation.There was a positive correlation between canopy respirationintegral and photosynthesis integral, and despite a four-foldchange in crop mass during the experiments, the maintenancecomponent of canopy respiration remained small and constant. Canopy extinction coefficient showed no consistent variationwith radiation integral but was negatively correlated with temperature.This decrease in the efficiency of the canopy at interceptingradiation exactly cancelled the increase in specific carbonassimilation rate that occurred with increasing growth temperature,giving a growth rate depending solely on the incident lightlevel. Chrysanthemum, dry matter partitioning, photosynthesis, specific leaf area  相似文献   

Several leaf photosynthesis models were developed from wellcontrolled experiments in growth chambers. However, only a fewhave been validated under greenhouse conditions for their quantitativeand qualitative adequacy. In this paper, rates of net photosynthesisfor a tomato crop (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) were measuredin a semi-commercial greenhouse (615 m3) for a significant timeperiod. Concomitant measurements of climatic conditions andLAI were used for simulation of net photosynthesis using theTOMGRO model which integrates Acock's model for photosynthesiscalculations. From simulations and from sensitivity analysis,the prediction of net photosynthesis appeared to be very sensitiveto the quantum use efficiency. The Acock model with originalparameters underestimated the net photosynthesis rate, but anincrease in the quantum use efficiency by 10% gave a good fit.In an effort to generalize the validity of the model, a residualanalysis was performed and showed a systematic bias relatedto light intensity intercepted by the canopy. The Marquardtalgorithm was used to adjust our data to the model but did noteliminate residual heterogeneity of variance with new parametervalues. On the basis of collected data, the criteria of goodnessof fit used showed that the photosynthesis model is inadequatein describing the CO2-balance of the greenhouse agrosystem.However, it was determined that it could be used as a submodelwithin a more complex model for predicting growth and development.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Greenhouse, CO2-balance, photosynthesis, TOMGRO model, Acock's model, residuals, tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.  相似文献   

When leaf discs of Xanthium strumarium L. a C3 plant, or Zeamays L. a C4 plant, are incubated in 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC) in closed flasks, ethylene is released. The rateof ethylene release appears to be dependent on the levels oflight and CO2 available for photosynthesis in the tissues. In Xanthium the rate of ethylene release is lower in the lightthan in the dark regardless of the presence or absence of addedbicarbonate as a source of CO2. The inhibition of ethylene releaseis most apparent in the absence of added bicarbonate (i.e. atthe CO2 compensation point), and at light intensities sufficientto saturate photosynthesis (had the CO2 level in the test flaskbeen maintained). In contrast, light dramatically promotes therate of ethylene release from Zea leaf tissue when the CO2 levelis maintained above the CO2 compensation point. The rate ofethylene release from either Xanthium or Zea, incubated withor without added bicarbonate, does not appear to be alteredby further increasing the light intensity above the minimallevels sufficient to saturate photosynthesis. In the closed system used in these studies and at a light intensitysufficient to saturate photosynthesis, Xanthium and Zea leaftissue both appear to release comparable amounts of ethylenefrom ACC when the data is expressed on a chlorophyll basis.However, in Xanthium the rate of ethylene release is similarin light and dark, while in Zea the rate in the light is muchgreater than in the dark when the data is expressed either ona leaf area or on a chlorophyll basis. It is suggested thatthe different responses of these tissues to light/dark transientsmay reflect differences in their ability to metabolize ACC and/ordifferences in their ability to retain and metabolize ethyleneitself.  相似文献   

SHEEHY  J. E. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(3):593-604
The rates of canopy and individual leaf photosynthesis and 14Cdistribution for three temperate forage grasses Lolium perennecv. S24, L. perenne cv. Reveille and Festuc'a arundinacea cv.SI70 were determined in the field during a summer growth period.Canopy photosynthesis declined as the growth period progressed,reflecting a decline in the photosynthetic capacity of successiveyoungest fully expanded leaves. The decline in the maximum photosyntheticcapacity of the canopies was correlated with a decline in theirquantum efficiencies at low irradiance. Changes in canopy structureresulted in changes in canopy net photosynthesis and dark respiration.No clear relationships between changes in the environment andchanges in canopy net photosynthesis and dark respiration wereestablished. The relative distributions of 14C in the shootsof the varieties gave a good indication of the amount of drymatter per ground area in the varieties.  相似文献   

Simulated mixed swards of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenneL. cv. S23) and white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. S100)were grown from seed under a constant 10°C day/8°C nighttemperature regime and their growth, and carbon and nitrogeneconomies examined. The swards received a nutrient solution,every second day, which contained either high (220 µgg–1) or low (40 µg g–1) nitrate N. The High-N swards had rates of canopy photosynthesis and drymatter production (over the linear phase of growth) similarto those previously shown by mixed swards at high temperature.The Low-N swards grew more slowly; canopy photosynthesis, ata given LAI, was similar to that at High-N but lower LAI's weresustained. Clover increased its contribution to total carbonuptake and total dry weight throughout the period in the Low-Ntreatment and, despite the fact that grass took up most of theavailable nitrate, clover maintained a consistently higher Ncontent by virtue of N2-fixation. At High-N, grass dominated throughout the measurement period.Earlier, when plants grew as spaced individuals, clover grewless well than grass, but once the canopy was closed it hada similar relative growth rate and thus maintained a steadyproportion of total sward dry weight. It is proposed that earlyin the development of the crop, leaf area production is thelimiting factor for growth, and that in this respect cloveris adversely affected by low temperature relative to grass.Later, as the LAI of the crop builds up, and the canopy becomesfully light intercepting, net canopy photosynthesis plays amore dominant role and here the higher photosynthetic rate perunit leaf area of the clover is crucial. Trifolium repens, white clover, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, low temperature, nitrogen, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Measuring the Canopy Net Photosynthesis of Glasshouse Crops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A null balance method is described for measuring net photosynthesisof mature canopies of cucumber and other protected crops overperiods of 10 min in a single-span glasshouse (c. 9m x 18m inarea). Accuracy of control of the CO2 concentration in the greenhouseatmosphere is within ±10 vpm of the normal ambient level(c. 350 vpm). The amounts of CO2 used in canopy net photosynthesisare measured with linear mass flowmeters accurate to within±0.80g. The total errors incurred in measuring canopynet photosynthesis at an ambient CO2 level are estimated tobe of the order of ± 1·2% in bright light (350W m–2, PAR)and ±3·6% in dull light (100W m–2, PAR). Measurements of the rates of net photosynthesis of a maturecanopy of a cucumber crop were made at near-ambient CO2 concentrationsover a range (0–350 W m–2) of natural light fluxdensities. A model of light absorption and photosynthesis applicableto row crops was used to obtain a net photosynthesis versuslight response curve for the cucumber crop. At a light fluxdensity of 350 W m–2 the fitted value of canopy net photosynthesiswas 2.65 mg CO2 m–2s–1 (equivalent to over 95 kgCO2 ha–1h–1). The results are discussed in relationto the need for CO2 supplements to avoid depletion in both ventilatedand unventilated glasshouses during late spring and summer. Key words: Glasshouse crops, cucumber, measurement, canopy photosynthesis, light, CO2  相似文献   

The rate of total dry matter production of a vegetative crop,under optimal water and nutrient regimens is related to someleaf and canopy photosynthetic characteristics. Three leaf photosyntheticcharacteristics are examined in detail: the light utilizationefficiency at normal ambient CO2 and O2 concentrations, a, therate of light saturated photosynthesis per unit leaf area, Fmax,and the ratio of the rates of photorespira tion and gross photosynthesis.The genetic variability in each of these characteristics issought from published data on a wide range of C3 and C4 planttypes. Within C3 and C4 plant types there are significant genetic differencesonly in Fmax,, although differences exist between C3 and C4plants in the other two characteristics. The effects of thesedifferences on the rate total dry matter production are estimated,and it is concluded that there is no compelling evidence toindicate that improvements in total dry matter production rates,in the U.K., are likely to result from genetic manipulationof these characteristics in the existing range of plant material.  相似文献   

It has been theorized that photosynthetic radiation use efficiency (PhRUE) over the course of a day is constant for leaves throughout a canopy if leaf nitrogen content and photosynthetic properties are adapted to local light so that canopy photosynthesis over a day is optimized. To test this hypothesis, 'daily' photosynthesis of individual leaves of Solanum melongena plants was calculated from instantaneous rates of photosynthesis integrated over the daylight hours. Instantaneous photosynthesis was estimated from the photosynthetic responses to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and from the incident PAR measured on individual leaves during clear and overcast days. Plants were grown with either abundant or scarce N fertilization. Both net and gross daily photosynthesis of leaves were linearly related to daily incident PAR exposure of individual leaves, which implies constant PhRUE over a day throughout the canopy. The slope of these relationships (i.e. PhRUE) increased with N fertilization. When the relationship was calculated for hourly instead of daily periods, the regressions were curvilinear, implying that PhRUE changed with time of the day and incident radiation. Thus, linearity (i.e. constant PhRUE) was achieved only when data were integrated over the entire day. Using average PAR in place of instantaneous incident PAR increased the slope of the relationship between daily photosynthesis and incident PAR of individual leaves, and the regression became curvilinear. The slope of the relationship between daily gross photosynthesis and incident PAR of individual leaves increased for an overcast compared with a clear day, but the slope remained constant for net photosynthesis. This suggests that net PhRUE of all leaves (and thus of the whole canopy) may be constant when integrated over a day, not only when the incident PAR changes with depth in the canopy, but also when it varies on the same leaf owing to changes in daily incident PAR above the canopy. The slope of the relationship between daily net photosynthesis and incident PAR was also estimated from the photosynthetic light response curve of a leaf at the top of the canopy and from the incident PAR above the canopy, in place of that measured on individual leaves. The slope (i.e. net PhRUE) calculated in this simple way did not differ statistically from that calculated using data from individual leaves.  相似文献   

Dry Matter Production in a Tomato Crop: Measurements and Simulation   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Heuvelink  E. 《Annals of botany》1995,75(4):369-379
Simulation of dry matter production by the explanatory glasshousecrop growth model SUKAM (Gijzen, 1992, Simulation Monographs),based on SUCROS87 (Spitters, Van Keulen and Van Kraalingen,1989, Simulation and systems management in crop protection),was validated for tomato. In the model, assimilation rates arecalculated separately for shaded and sunlit leaf area at differentcumulative leaf area in the canopy, taking into account thedifferent interception of direct and diffuse components of light.Daily crop gross assimilation rate (Pgd) is computed by integrationof these rates over total crop leaf area and over the day. Leafphotochemical efficiency and potential gross assimilation rateat saturating light depend on temperature and CO2 concentrationand are approximated as being identical in the whole canopy.Crop growth results from Pgd minus maintenance respiration rate(Rm; dependent on temperature and crop dry weight), multipliedby the conversion efficiency (carbohydrates to structural drymatter; Cf). Growth experiments (periodic destructive harvest) with differentplanting dates and plant densities and two data-sets from commerciallygrown crops, were used for model validation. Hourly averagesfor global radiation outside the glasshouse, glasshouse temperatureand CO2 concentration, together with measured leaf area index,dry matter distribution (for calculation of Cf) and organ dryweights (for calculation of Rm) were the inputs to the model. Dry matter production (both level and dynamic behaviour) wassimulated reasonably well for most experiments, but final drymatter production was under-estimated by about 27% for the commerciallygrown crops. At low irradiance and with large crop dry weight,growth rate was under-estimated, probably as a result of over-estimationof Rm. This could almost completely explain the large under-estimationfor the commercially grown crops, which had large dry weight.Final dry matter production was over-estimated by 7-11% if dailyaverages instead of hourly input of climatic data were used. It is concluded that SUKAM is a reliable model for simulatingdry matter production in a tomato crop, except for those situationswhere Rm has a large influence on crop growth rate (low irradianceand large crop dry weight). An improved estimate of Rm wouldtake into account the influence of metabolic activity. A preliminaryattempt to relate maintenance costs to relative growth rate(a measure for metabolic activity), showed promising results.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Crop growth, dry matter production, glasshouse, maintenance respiration, metabolic activity, model, relative growth rate, respiration, simulation, tomato, model validation  相似文献   

Dynamic Model of Leaf Photosynthesis with Acclimation to Light and Nitrogen   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
A simple model of photosynthesis in a mature C3leaf is described,based on a non-rectangular hyperbola: the model allows the high-lightasymptote of that equation (Pmax) to respond dynamically tolight and nitrogen. This causes the leaf light response equationto acclimate continuously to the current conditions of lightand N nutrition, which can vary greatly within a crop canopy,and through a growing season, with important consequences forgross production. Predictions are presented for the dynamicsof acclimation, acclimated and non-acclimated photosyntheticrates are compared, and the dependence of leaf properties onlight and N availability is explored. There is good correspondenceof predictions with experimental results at the leaf level.The model also provides a mechanism for a down regulation ofphotosynthesis in response to increased carbon dioxide concentrations,whose magnitude will depend on conditions, particularly of nitrogennutrition.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Leaf, photosynthesis, hyperbola, model, C3, acclimation, light, nitrogen.  相似文献   

The energy balance approach was applied to calculate the CO2flux above and within a cassava community, growing during asavanna wet season. Data of the response of CO2 exchange todiurnal changes in the savanna environment were integrated toa growth analysis of the cassava crop. The carbon budget of the entire community was calculated atdifferent development stages. Results indicate that CO2 uptakein cassava appears to follow a linear net radiation responsecurve, dependent on crop age. The maximum net CO2 uptake decreasedfrom 0.195 MJ m–2 day–1 at maximum leaf area development(August) to 0.028 MJ m–1 day-1 2 months later. These ratesrepresent 41 and 19 per cent gross assimilation. Data of energy conversion efficiency show that at a maximumleaf area development, the crop fixed 2.2 and 0.9 per cent Rtas gross (g) and net photosynthesis (n) respectively. As theseason proceeded,n decreased to 0.1, whereas g decreased to0.7, which indicates that dry matter lost by respiration isone of the determining factors in the seasonal trend of efficiencychanges. The comparison of growth characteristics calculated for cv.Cubana, growing during consecutive years in the same experimentalsite, indicate that yearly variability in dry matter accumulationis due to the wide range of environmental conditions presentduring the savanna wet season. Operational factors acting depressivelyon the cassava carbon budget and affecting dry matter productionwere also analysed. Manihot esculenta Crantz, cassava, microclimate, carbon budget, carbon dioxide fluxes  相似文献   

WILSON  J. WARREN 《Annals of botany》1981,48(4):507-512
The two traditionally distinct treatments of growth analysis,using either relative growth rate (RGR) or crop growth rate(CGR), can be integrated in a single treatment in which RGRis a component of CGR. CGR can alternatively be analysed asthe product of incident light receipt, efficiency of light interception(as determined by leaf area index and extinction coefficient)and efficiency of use of intercepted light in dry-matter productionor in canopy net photosynthesis. Further, the net assimilationrate or net photosynthetic rate can be resolved into two componentswhich quantify the dependence of light interception on leafarea and of CO2 assimilation on intercepted light. These relationsprovide increased flexibility in the analysis of assimilationand growth in terms of light interception and the structureof plants and stands. The usefulness of growth analysis in elucidatingphysiological mechanisms is discussed in relation to the useof more complex mechanistic models. Crop growth rate, light interception, growth analysis, leaf area index  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on theecophysiological responses (gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence,Rubisco activity, leaf area development) as well as on the growthand biomass production of two poplar clones (i.e. Populus trichocarpax P. deltoides clone Beaupré and P. x euramericana cloneRobusta) were examined under open top chamber conditions. Theelevated CO2 treatment (ambient + 350 µmol mol-1) stimulatedabove-ground biomass of clones Robusta and Beaupré afterthe first growing season by 55 and 38%, respectively. This increasedbiomass production under elevated CO2 was associated with asignificant increase in plant height, the latter being the resultof enhanced internode elongation rather than an increased productionof leaves or internodes. Both an increased leaf area index (LAI)and a stimulated net photosynthesis per unit leaf contributedto a significantly higher stem biomass per unit leaf area, andthus to the increased above-ground biomass production underthe elevated CO2 concentrations in both clones. The larger LAIwas caused by a larger individual leaf size and leaf growthrate; the number of leaves was not altered by the elevated CO2treatment. The higher net leaf photosynthesis was the resultof an increase in the photochemical (maximal chlorophyll fluorescenceFm and photochemical efficiency Fv/Fm) as well as in the biochemical(increased Rubisco activity) process capacities. No significantdifferences were found in dark respiration rate, neither betweenclones nor between treatments, but specific leaf area significantlydecreased under elevated CO2 conditions.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Biomass, chlorophyll a fluorescence, elevated CO2, growth, Populus, poplar, photosynthesis, respiration, Rubisco  相似文献   

A comparison was made of stomatal behaviour, and related phenomena,between leaves of garden pea (Pisum sativum cv. Feltham First)inoculated with powdery mildew fungus (Erysiphe pisi) and uninfectedleaves on healthy plants. Twenty four hours after inoculation,stomata opened more widely in the light in infected leaves thanin healthy leaves. Thereafter, stomatal opening was progressivelyreduced by infection and stomata failed to close completelyin the dark until, 7 d after inoculation, all movements ceasedand stomata remained partly open. Transpiration in the lightfollowed closely the pattem of stomatal opening and, after anearly increase compared with healthy controls, was progressivelyreduced by infection. Evidence is presented that transpirationfrom the fungus was less than the reduction in transpiraationfrom the leaf which was caused when development of the myceliumincreased the boundary layer resistance of the leaf. Seven daysafter inoculation, transpiration in the dark was greater frominfected leaves than from healthy leaves because of partly openstomata in the dark. Net photosynthesis in infected leaves was reduced within 24h of inoculation to a level below that found in healthy leavesand thereafter it declined progressively. The initial reductionwas due to a transient increase in photorespiration, for whenthe glycolate pathway was inhibited by a 2% O2 concentrationthere was no difference between the (gross) photosynthetic ratesof healthy and infected leaves. Changes in photorespirationrate were confirmed from the interpretation of the CO2 burston darkening. Reduced stomatal opening was a contributory causeof the reduction in net photosynthesis in the later stages ofinfection. Since the rate of gross photosynthesis, but not therate of photorespiration, of infected plants fell below thatof healthy plants, and infected plants had a higher rate ofrelease of CO2 in the dark than healthy plants from the thirdday after inoculation onwards, infected plants consume an increasinglygreater proportion of their photosynthate in respiratory processesthan do healthy plants. The CO2 compensation point of infectedplants increased at every time of sampling after inoculation.  相似文献   

Vegetative crops of chrysanthemum were grown for 5 weeks inthree replicate daylit assimilation chambers. Weekly harvestswere made from each crop for growth analysis, and on seven occasionsduring the 5-week period continuous measurements of the netCO2 exchange rate of each crop were made over a 24 h period.A semi-empirical model for canopy photosynthesis was fittedto these data. The photosynthesis model was then incorporatedinto a simple, dynamic growth model. Using fitted values ofthe canopy photosynthesis parameters, the daily total radiationintegrals, and the experimentally observed relationship betweenthe leaf area index and crop dry matter per unit ground area,the crop growth model was used to simulate growth over the 5-weekperiod. The predicted and measured crop dry weights were inclose agreement over the whole period.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis of Ears and Flag Leaves of Wheat and Barley   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Immediately after anthesis ears of spring wheat absorbed lessthan 0.5 mg CO2, per hour in daylight and later evolved CO2,in the light and in the dark. The rate of apparent photosynthesisof the combined flag-leaf lamina and sheath and peduncle (collectivelycalled flag leaf) of two spring wheat varieties, Atle and JufyI, was 3–4 mg per hour; the rates of the flag leaf andthe ear of two spring barleys, Plumage Archer and Proctor, wereeach about 1 mg per hour. The gas exchange of ears and flag leaves between ear emergenceand maturity accounted for most of the final grain dry weight.The CO2, fixed by the wheat ear was equivalent to between 17and 30 per cent of the grain weight, but more than this waslost by respiration, so assimilation in the flag leaf was equivalentto 110–20 per cent of the final grain weight. In barley,photosynthesis in the flag leaf and the net CO2 uptake by theear each provided about half of the carbohydrate in the grain. Barley ears photosynthesized more than wheat ears because oftheir greater surface, and flag leaves of wheat photosynthesizedmore than those of barley because they had more surface anda slightly greater rate of photosynthesis per dm2.  相似文献   

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