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Control of cytoplasmic pH (pHi) by a Na+/H+ antiport appears a general property of most eukaryotic cells. In human platelets activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger enhances Ca2+ mobilization and aggregation induced by low concentrations of thrombin (Siffert, W., and Akkerman, J. W. N. (1987) Nature 325, 456-458). Several observations indicate that the exchanger is regulated by protein kinase C. (i) Inhibitors of protein kinase C (trifluoperazine, sphingosine) inhibit the increase in pHi seen during thrombin stimulation as well as Ca2+ mobilization; artificially increasing pHi by monensin or NH4Cl then restores Ca2+ mobilization. (ii) Direct activation of protein kinase C by 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol initiates an increase in pHi that depends on the presence of extracellular Na+ and is sensitive to inhibition by ethylisopropylamiloride. The pHi sensitivity of thrombin-induced Ca2+ mobilization is particularly evident in the range between pH 6.8 and 7.4 and at low thrombin concentrations, whereas thrombin concentrations of more than 0.2 unit/ml bypass the pH sensitivity. In the absence of thrombin an increase in pHi, either induced artificially (by addition of the ionophores nigericin or monensin) or via activation of protein kinase C (by addition of 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol), does not induce Ca2+ mobilization. We conclude that activation of protein kinase C is essential for Ca2+ mobilization in platelets stimulated by low concentrations of thrombin and that protein kinase C exerts this effect via activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger.  相似文献   

Stimulation of human platelets increases cytoplasmic pH (pHi) via activation of Na+/H+ exchange. We have determined the effect of inhibiting Na+/H+ exchange on (i) thrombin-induced Ca2+ mobilization and (ii) turnover of 32P-labelled phospholipids. Blocking Na+/H+ exchange by removal of extracellular Na+ or by ethylisopropylamiloride (EIPA) inhibited Ca2+ mobilization induced by 0.2 U/ml thrombin, whereas increasing pHi by NH4Cl enhanced the thrombin-induced increase in cytosolic free Ca2+. The effect of EIPA was bypassed after increasing pHi by moneasin. The thrombin-induced cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) was unaffected by treatments that blocked Na+/H+ exchange or increased pHi. It is concluded that activation of Na+/H+ exchange is a prerequisite for Ca2+ mobilization in human platelets but not for the stimulus-induced hydrolysis of PIP2.  相似文献   

According to recent observations ADP stimulates platelets via activation of Na+/H+ exchange which increases cytosolic pH (pHi). This event initiates formation of thromboxane A2 (via phospholipase A2) and, thereafter, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (via phospholipase C) which is known to mobilize Ca2+ from intracellular storage sites. We investigated changes in pHi and cytosolic free Ca2+, [Ca2+]i, activating platelets with ADP and the thromboxane mimetic U 46619. We found that ADP (5 microM) increased pHi from 7.15 +/- 0.08 to 7.35 +/- 0.04 (n = 8) in 2'-7'-bis-(carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein-loaded platelets, whereas thromboxane A2 formation was inhibited by indomethacin. ADP also induced a dose-dependent Ca2+ mobilization in fura2-loaded platelets which again was not affected by indomethacin. [Ca2+]i increased by 54 +/- 10 nM (n = 8) at 1 microM and by 170 +/- 40 nM (n = 7) at 10 microM ADP above the resting value of 76 +/- 12 nM (n = 47). Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange by ethylisopropylamiloride (EIPA) reduced ADP-induced Ca2+ mobilization by more than 65% in indomethacin-treated platelets. This inhibition could be completely overcome by artificially raising pHi using either NH4Cl or the Na+/H+ ionophore monensin. We found that U 46619 increased pHi by 0.18 +/- 0.05 at 0.1 microM and by 0.29 +/- 0.07 (n = 7) at 1.0 microM above the resting value via an EIPA-sensitive mechanism. In conflict with the proposed role of the Na+/H+ exchange we found that U 46619 raised [Ca2+]i via a mechanism that for more than 50% depended on intact Na+/H+ exchange. Again, artificially elevating pHi restored U 46619-induced Ca2+ mobilization despite the presence of EIPA. Thus, our data show that Na+/H+ exchange is a common step in platelet activation by prostaglandin endoperoxides/thromboxane A2 and ADP and enhances Ca2+ mobilization independently of phospholipase A2 activity.  相似文献   

Platelet activation is accompanied by an increase of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i, (due to both extracellular Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ movements from the dense tubular system) and an Na+ influx associated with H+ extrusion. The latter event is attributable to the activation of Na+/H+ exchange, which requires Na+ in the extracellular medium and is inhibited by amiloride and its analogs. The present study was carried out to determine whether a link exists between Ca2+ transients (measured by the quin2 method and the 45CaCl2 technique) and Na+/H+ exchange activation (studied with the pH-sensitive intracellular probe, 6-carboxyfluorescein) during platelet stimulation. Washed human platelets, stimulated with thrombin and arachidonic acid, showed: (1) a large and rapid [Ca2+]i rise, mostly due to a Ca2+ influx through the plasma membrane; (2) a marked intracellular alkalinization. Both phenomena were markedly inhibited in the absence of extracellular Na+ or in the presence of an amiloride analog (EIPA). Monensin, a cation exchanger which elicits Na+ influx and alkalinization, and NH4Cl, which induces alkalinization only, were able to evoke an increase in [Ca2+]i, mostly as an influx from the extracellular medium. Our results suggest that Ca2+ influx induced by thrombin and arachidonic acid in human platelets is strictly dependent on Na+/H+-exchange activation.  相似文献   

Data in the previous paper suggest that epinephrine can mobilize a small pool of arachidonic acid via an enzymatic pathway distinct from phospholipase C and that this pathway is blocked by perturbations that block Na+/H+ exchange. The present studies demonstrate that epinephrine and ADP stimulate a phosphatidylinositol-hydrolyzing phospholipase A2 activity in human platelets. This occurs even when measurable phospholipase C activation, platelet secretion, and secondary aggregation are blocked with the thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist SQ29548. Furthermore, perturbants of Na+/H+ exchange diminish lysophosphatidylinositol production in response to epinephrine, ADP, and thrombin, but not to the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Artificial alkalinization of the platelet interior with methylamine reverses the effect of the Na+/H+ antiporter inhibitor, ethylisopropylamiloride, on thrombin-stimulated lysolipid production, suggesting that the alkalinization of the platelet interior which would occur secondary to activation of Na+/H+ exchange might play an important role in phospholipase A2 activation. In addition, treatment of platelets with methylamine increases the sensitivity of phospholipase A2 to activation by the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, suggesting that changes in pH and Ca2+ may regulate phospholipase A2 activity synergistically. Finally, epinephrine causes a prompt decrease in platelet-chlortetracyclin fluorescence even in the presence of cyclooxygenase inhibitors, suggesting that epinephrine is able to mobilize membrane-bound Ca2+ independent of phospholipase C activation. Taken together, the data suggest that epinephrine-provoked stimulation of phospholipase A2 activity may occur as a result of Ca2+ mobilization and a concomitant intraplatelet alkalinization resulting from accelerated Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the mechanisms by which stimulation of human platelets results in activation of Na+/H+ exchange. Platelets were suspended in a slightly buffered medium and the stimulus-induced, amiloride-sensitive H+ release, reflecting Na+/H+ exchange, was estimated from changes in the medium pH. H+ release could be evoked by thrombin and by activators of protein kinase C such as 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Both the thrombin-and the OAG-induced Na+/H+ exchange could be blocked by trifluoperazine, a protein kinase C inhibitor. The thrombin-induced H+ release was also sensitive to increased intracellular cAMP levels, probably due to inhibition of phospholipase C activation, whereas the OAG-induced activation of Na+/H+ exchange was unaffected. Our data suggest that activation of Na+/H+ exchange is mediated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Binding of ADP to platelets enhances the binding of fibrinogen to Gp IIb-IIIa, the specific platelet receptor for adhesive proteins. The linkage between ADP and fibrinogen binding is indirect since ADP does not bind to the same receptor as fibrinogen. We have recently proposed that a third component, once affected by ADP binding, induces a conformational transition of the fibrinogen receptor from the low to the high affinity state, which is responsible for platelet aggregation [De Cristofaro, R., Landolfi, R., Castagnola, M., De Candia, E., Di Cera, E., & Wyman, J. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 8473-8476]. In the present study we provide evidence that this component should be identified with the platelet Na+/H+ antiport. Inhibition of the antiport by pharmacological agents such as amiloride, or else by decreasing extracellular Na+, results in a marked decrease of fibrinogen binding to platelets.  相似文献   

Although an increase in cytosolic pH (pHi) caused by Na+/H+ exchange enhances Ca2+ mobilization in platelets stimulated by low concentrations of thrombin [Siffert & Akkerman (1987) Nature (London) 325, 456-458], studies using fluorescent indicators for pHi (BCECF) and [Ca2+]i (fura2) suggest that Ca2+ is mobilized while the cytosolic pH decreases. Several lines of evidence indicate that the initial fall in BCECF fluorescence is not due to cytosolic acidification but is caused by a platelet shape change. (1) Pulse stimulation of platelets by successive addition of hirudin (4 unit/ml) and thrombin (0.2 unit/ml) induced a shape change of 43 +/- 8% and a fall in BCECF fluorescence, which both remained unchanged when Na+/H+ exchange was inhibited by ethylisopropylamiloride (EIPA, 100 microM). (2) Increasing the thrombin concentration to 0.4 unit/ml doubled the shape change and the fall in BCECF fluorescence, but again EIPA had no effect on these responses. (3) Treating platelets with 2 microM-ADP induced shape change and a decline in BCECF fluorescence that was unaffected by EIPA. (4) A second addition of thrombin to platelets that had already undergone shape change induced an immediate increase in BCECF fluorescence without a prior decrease. (5) Activation of protein kinase C by 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol (DiC8) neither induced shape change nor a decline in BCECF fluorescence; in contrast BCECF fluorescence rapidly increased indicating an immediate cytosolic alkalinization. Concurrent analysis of [Ca2+]i under conditions in which shape change did not interfere with BCECF fluorescence showed that cytosolic alkalinization and Ca2+ mobilization started almost simultaneously. These observations suggest that cytosolic alkalinization is not preceded by a fall in pHi and can support Ca2+ mobilization induced by weak agonists.  相似文献   

Coated microvesicles isolated from bovine neurohypophyses could be loaded with Ca2+ in two different ways, either by incubation in the presence of ATP or by imposition of an outwardly directed Na+ gradient. Na+, but not K+, was able to release Ca2+ accumulated by the coated microvesicles. These results suggest the existence of an ATP-dependent Ca2+-transport system as well as of a Na+/Ca2+ carrier in the membrane of coated microvesicles similar to that present in the membranes of secretory vesicles from the neurohypophysis. A kinetic analysis of transport indicates that the apparent Km for free Ca2+ of the ATP-dependent uptake was 0.8 microM. The average Vmax. was 2 nmol of Ca2+/5 min per mg of protein. The total capacity of microvesicles for Ca2+ uptake was 3.7 nmol/mg of protein. Both nifedipine (10 microM) and NH4Cl (50 mM) inhibited Ca2+ uptake. The ATPase activity in purified coated-microvesicles fractions from brain and neurohypophysis was characterized. Micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ in the presence of millimolar concentrations of Mg2+ did not change enzyme activity. Ionophores increasing the proton permeability across membranes activated the ATPase activity in preparations of coated microvesicles from brain as well as from the neurohypophysis. Thus the enzyme exhibits properties of a proton-transporting ATPase. This enzyme seems to be linked to the ion accumulation by coated microvesicles, although the precise coupling of the proton transport to Ca2+ and Na+ fluxes remains to be determined.  相似文献   

N Kochhar  D Kaul 《FEBS letters》1992,299(1):19-22
Incubation of human platelets with cholesterol-poor, cholesterol-normal and cholesterol-rich liposomes revealed that: (i) acquisition or depletion of platelet membrane cholesterol was highly selective; (ii) variation in membrane cholesterol was highly selective. Variation in membrane cholesterol content (cholesterol-to-phospholipid molar ratio from 0.15-1.2) with respect to values found in unmodified normal platelets, was paralleled by the observed changes in amiloride-sensitive cytoplasmic pH, as well as phospholipase A2 activity. However, a decrease in cytoplasmic pH was accompanied by an increase in phospholipase A2 activity; (iii) membrane cholesterol-modulated changes in intra-platelet pH, as well as phospholipase A2 activity, was completely inhibited when platelets were pretreated with quinacrine (a specific phospholipase A2 inhibitor) before exposure to various types of liposomes. Although exposure of platelets (pretreated with amiloride) with various types of liposomes resulted in the inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange it had no noticeable effect upon the observed phospholipase A2 activity. Based upon these results we suggest that membrane cholesterol-modulated phospholipase A2 activity may be the basic mechanism responsible for the nature of Na+/H+ exchanger activity observed in cholesterol-enriched platelets, leading these platelets to a hypersensitized state.  相似文献   

In stimulated human platelets dense-granule secretion in response to the 'weak agonists' ADP, adrenaline, platelet activating factor and low concentrations of thrombin as well as Ca2+ mobilisation in response to thrombin are enhanced by a Na+/H+ exchanger. In the present study the role of this antiport in collagen stimulated human platelets was examined. While stimulation of platelets loaded with the fluorescent intracellular pH-sensitive dye, bis-carboxyethyl-5-(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) with thrombin resulted in the activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger, activation of this antiport did not occur in collagen-stimulated platelets. The lack of antiport activity in response to collagen using BCECF-loaded platelets correlated with the lack of any functional role of the antiport in collagen stimulated platelets. In the presence of a Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor, ethylisopropylamiloride, neither collagen-induced platelet aggregation or dense-granule secretion was affected. Furthermore, while the removal of extracellular Na+ (Na+ext), a condition that also prevents activation of the antiport, inhibited dense-granule secretion in response to a low concentration of thrombin, collagen-induced secretion was potentiated. This potentiatory effect could not be attributed to changes in either the membrane potential or in collagen-induced phospholipase C or protein kinase C activity. The present results indicate that in contrast to the 'weak agonists' (1) collagen-induced platelet activation does not require activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger and (2) Na+ext per se is an inhibitor of collagen-induced secretion.  相似文献   

The regulation of intracellular Na+ and pHi in human blood platelets is known to be controlled by the function of the Na+/H+ exchanger. The phosphorylation state of the Na+/H+ exchanger which determines the exchanger activity in human blood platelets is regulated by the activities of protein kinases and protein phosphatases. Observations in this study indicate that arginine vasopressin (AVP) that interacts with a V1 receptor, activates the Na+/H+ exchange in human blood platelets through a genistein-inhibited mechanism. The AVP-activated Na+/H+ exchange is probably not regulated by protein kinase C (PKC), since this activation is not inhibited by staurosporine. The multiple ways in which platelet Na+/H+ exchange can be modulated may indicate the critical role played by this exchanger in the homeostasis control of pHi in human blood platelets.  相似文献   

Ethanol, at low concentrations, specifically stimulates the Na(+)-dependent Ca2(+)-efflux in brain mitochondria. In addition, at higher concentrations, ethanol inhibits the Na(+)-independent Ca2(+)-efflux. The electrogenic Ca(+)-uptake system is not affected by ethanol. The specific stimulation of Na+/Ca2+ exchange reaches a maximum of 60% stimulation, with half-maximal stimulation at 130 mM ethanol. The inhibition of the Na(+)-independent efflux is proportional to the ethanol concentration, becoming significant only above 200 mM, with 50% inhibition at 0.5 M. The inhibition of the Na(+)-independent efflux is, in large part, due to an inhibition of the activation of the Cyclosporin-sensitive pore. Long-term ethanol-feeding had no effect on the Ca2+ transport systems and their sensitivity to acute ethanol treatment. It is suggested that the stimulation of the Na(+)-dependent Ca2(+)-efflux, which is the dominant Ca2+ efflux pathway in brain mitochondria, contributes to the intoxicating effects of ethanol.  相似文献   

Electrogenic 2 Na+/1 H+ exchange in crustanceans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Hepatopancreatic brush border membrane vesicles of the freshwater prawn,Macrobrachium rosenbergii and the marine lobster,Homarus americanus exhibited22Na uptake which was Cl-independent, amiloride sensitive, and stimulated by a transmembrane H gradient (H i >H o ). Sodium influx by vesicles of both species were sigmoidal functions of [Na] o , yielding Hill coefficients that were not significantly different (P>0.5) than 2.0. Estimations of half-saturation constants (K Na) were 82.2mm (prawn) and 280.1mm (lobster), suggesting a possible adaptation of this transporter to environmental salinity.Trans-stimulation andcis-inhibition experiments involving variable [H] suggested that the exchangers in both species possessed single internal cation binding sites (pK 6.5–6.7) and two external cation binding sites (prawn, pK 4.0 and 5.7; lobster pK 3.5 and 6.1). Similarcis inhibition studies using amiloride as a competitive inhibitor of Na uptake supported the occurrence of dual external sites (prawn,K i 50 and 1520 m; lobsterK i 9 and 340 m). Electrogenic Na/H exchange by vesicles from both crustaceans was demonstrated using equilibrium shift experiments where a transmembrane potential was used as the only driving force for the transport event. Transport stoichiometries of the antiporters were determined using Static Head analysis where driving forces for cation transfer were balanced using a 101 Na gradient, a 1001 H gradient, and a stoichiometry of 2.0. These electrogenic 2 Na/1 H exchangers appear thermodynamically capable of generating sufficient gastric acidification for organismic digestive activities.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is the primary Ca2+ extrusion mechanism in cardiomyocytes. To further investigate the role of NCX in excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ homeostasis, we created murine models with altered expression levels of NCX. Homozygous overexpression of NCX resulted in mild cardiac hypertrophy. Decline of the Ca2+ transient and relaxation of contraction were increased and the reverse mode of NCX was augmented. Overexpression also led to a higher susceptibility to ischemia-reperfusion injury and to a greater ability of NCX to trigger Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Furthermore, an increase in peak L-type Ca2+ current was observed suggesting a direct influence of NCX on L-type Ca2+ current. Whereas global knockout of NCX led to prenatal death, a recently generated cardiac-specific NCX knockout mouse was viable with surprisingly normal contractile properties. Expression levels of other Ca2+-handling proteins were not altered. Ca2+ influx in these animals is limited by a decrease of peak L-type Ca2+ current. An alternative Ca2+ efflux mechanism, presumably the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, is sufficient to maintain Ca2+-homeostasis in the NCX knockout mice.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is an ion transporter that exchanges Na+ and Ca2+ in either Ca2+ efflux or Ca2+ influx mode, depending on the ion gradients across the plasma membrane and the membrane potential. In heart, smooth muscle cells, neurons, and nephron cells, the NCX is thought to play an important role in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Recently, a novel selective inhibitor (KB-R7943 and SEA0400) of the Ca2+ influx mode of the NCX has been developed. NCX inhibitor is expected to be a pharmaceutical agent that offers effective protection against ischemia/reperfusion injury in several organs such as heart and kidney. Here, we summarize pharmacological profiles of KB-R7943 and SEA0400, the molecular mechanism of its action, and its future prospect as a novel pharmaceutical agent.  相似文献   

To assess the role of Ca2+in regulation of theNa+/H+exchanger (NHE1), we used CCL-39 fibroblasts overexpressing theNa+/Ca2+exchanger (NCX1). Expression of NCX1 markedly inhibited the transient cytoplasmic Ca2+ rise andlong-lasting cytoplasmic alkalinization (60-80% inhibition) induced by -thrombin. In contrast, coexpression of NCX1 did not inhibit this alkalinization in cells expressing the NHE1 mutant withthe calmodulin (CaM)-binding domain deleted (amino acids 637-656),suggesting that the effect of NCX1 transfection involves Ca2+-CaM binding. Expression ofNCX1 only slightly inhibited platelet-derived growth factor BB-inducedalkalinization and did not affect hyperosmolarity- or phorbol12-myristate 13-acetate-induced alkalinization. Downregulation ofprotein kinase C (PKC) inhibited thrombin-induced alkalinization partially in control cells and abolished it completely inNCX1-transfected cells, suggesting that the thrombin effect is mediatedexclusively via Ca2+ and PKC. Onthe other hand, deletion mutant study revealed that PKC-dependentregulation occurs through a small cytoplasmic segment (amino aids566-595). These data suggest that a mechanism involving directCa2+-CaM binding lasts for arelatively long period after agonist stimulation, despite apparentshort-lived Ca2+ mobilization, andfurther support our previous conclusion that Ca2+- and PKC-dependent mechanismsare mediated through distinct segments of the NHE1 cytoplasmic domain.


We have found that thrombin-induced activation of protein kinase C (PKC) in platelets, measured by phosphorylation of the 47 kDa protein, is synergistically enhanced by the amiloride analogue ethylisopropylamiloride (EIA), a specific inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange. This EIA effect was further synergistically enhanced by lowering intracellular pH (pHi) with either nigericin or sodium propionate, and reversed by raising pHi with monensin or ammonium chloride. The synergistic enhancement of thrombin-activated PKC by EIA plus nigericin was not observed when PKC was directly activated by phorbol esters. EIA and EIA plus nigericin caused a 3- to 6-fold increase in thrombin-induced diacylglycerol (DAG), but not phosphatidic acid (PA), production. EIA and nigericin also caused a marked increase in thrombin-induced breakdown and inhibition of resynthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). In summary, we have presented evidence that inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange causes primarily a H(+)-mediated interruption of the phosphoinositide cycle in activated platelets, including the accumulation of DAG associated with the enhancement of PKC activation, the inhibition of conversion of DAG to PA, and increased PIP2 breakdown. These data suggest a model in which Na+/H+ and pHi play an important regulatory role in permitting the phosphoinositide cycle to proceed in thrombin-activated platelets.  相似文献   

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