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We have examined the circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of a long neurotoxin, alpha-bungarotoxin, over a wide range of pH values and temperatures, and under high salt conditions. The observations are interpreted partly in terms of the known crystal structure of this polypeptide. We support earlier findings of a greater degree of beta-sheet structure in solution than has been reported by X-ray crystallography and, importantly, the invariant residue associated with neurotoxicity, Trp29, is shown to be in a similar environment to that found in alpha-cobratoxin and LS III from Laticauda semifasciata. The implications of this observation for structure/function relationships are outlined.  相似文献   

13C and 15N chemical shift anisotropy and 15N1H dipolar powder patterns from backbone sites of the coat protein in fd bacteriophage are not averaged by motion. This means that the polypeptide backbone of the protein has no large amplitude motions rapid compared to 104 Hz. Relaxation studies on the 13Cα and 15N amide resonances indicate the presence of motions on the 109 Hz timescale. These results are reconciled with a model where an otherwise rigid backbone undergoes small amplitude, rapid motions.  相似文献   

We have examined the N-terminal 56 amino acid fragment, the domain that can bind DNA independently, from 3-fluorotyrosine-substituted Escherichia coli lac repressor by 19F-nuclear magnetic resonance. The fragments or “headpieces” from four altered repressers missing each of the tyrosines in turn were examined in parallel. When the wild-type N-terminal fragment is titrated with a 36 base-pair lac operator DNA sequence, the 19F resonances undergo changes in their chemical shifts that are different from those changes when the N-terminal fragment is titrated with non-specific DNA fragments. By looking at these operator-induced changes as well as pH-dependent effects with all four altered N-terminal fragments, we show systematic correlations with the genetic data. The data lead us to conclude that upon operator DNA binding: (1) tyrosine 7 is displaced to a less polar environment and the higher than normal pK value of the phenolic OH group is decreased; (2) tyrosine 12 does not change much in either its mobility or environment; and (3) tyrosine 17 is involved, as suggested by the genetic data, when the headpiece forms a complex with operator DNA.  相似文献   

The use of proton-proton nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) distance information for identification of polypeptide secondary structures in non-crystalline proteins was investigated by stereochemical studies of standard secondary structures and by statistical analyses of the secondary structures in the crystal conformations of a group of globular proteins. Both regular helix and beta-sheet secondary structures were found to contain a dense network of short 1H-1H distances. The results obtained imply that the combined information on all these distances obtained from visual inspection of the two-dimensional NOE (NOESY) spectra is sufficient for determination of the helical and beta-sheet secondary structures in small globular proteins. Furthermore, cis peptide bonds can be identified from unique, short sequential proton-proton distances. Limitations of this empirical approach are that the exact start or end of a helix may be difficult to define when the adjoining residues form a tight turn, and that unambiguous identification of tight turns can usually be obtained only in the hairpins of antiparallel beta-structures. The short distances between protons in pentapeptide segments of the different secondary structures have been tabulated to provide a generally applicable guide for the analysis of NOESY spectra of proteins.  相似文献   

Two different, theoretical studies of intramolecular proton-proton distances in polypeptide chains are described. Firstly, the distances between amide, Cα and Cβ protons of neighbouring residues in the amino acid sequence, which correspond to the sterically allowed values for the dihedral angles φi, ψi and χi1, were computed. Secondly, the frequency with which short distances occur between amide, Cα and Cβ protons of neighbouring and distant residues in the amino acid sequence were statistically evaluated in a representative sample of globular protein crystal structures. Both approaches imply that semi-quantitative measurements of short, non-bonding proton-proton distances, e.g. by nuclear Overhauser experiments, should present a reliable and generally applicable method for sequential, individual resonance assignments in protein 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Similar calculations imply that corresponding distance measurements can be used for resonance assignments in the side-chains of the aromatic amino acid residues, asparagine and glutamine, where the complete spin systems cannot usually be identified from through-bond spin-spin coupling connectivities.  相似文献   

The conformation of cyclic 3′,5′-adenosine monophosphate in deuterium oxide has been determined at pH 2.0 and pH 5.5, using lanthanide ions as paramagnetic nuclear magnetic resonance probes.The lanthanide ion-induced shifts in the nuclear magnetic resonance energy for a given nucleus are dependent on the geometric position of that nucleus relative to the bound lanthanide ion. As expected, these shifts are pseudocontact in origin and are consistent with axial symmetry. Analysis of the concentration dependence of the shift shows that the lanthanide ion is bound to the phosphate entity giving a 1:1 complex. Further, base stacking and other intermolecular interactions are negligible.To confirm the conformation, which is found from a computer search with the above shift data, we have measured the changes in relaxation times, T1 and T2, induced by binding of Gd3+. The geometric dependence of these relaxation effects is different from that of shifts, being dependent only on distance. The agreement of these data with the computer “shift” conformation is satisfactory.Some 31P nuclear magnetic resonance experiments were done to confirm the metal co-ordination position although, here, there are contact contributions to both shift and relaxation.The computer program finds the conformations that have the correct geometry to account for the shift data, by searching all possible conformations. Non-bond rotations were used as a method of changing the pucker of the phosphate and ribose rings, the position of the base being defined by a single bond rotation. The nuclear magnetic resonance data and minimum van der Waals' distances were used as “active filters” in the computer search.At both values of the pH we have found closely related families of solutions, with the pucker of the phosphate and ribose rings roughly similar to those in an approximate X-ray study of cyclic AMP. The orientation of the base varies with pH.  相似文献   

Most folding studies on proteins and nucleic acids have been addressed to the transition between the folded and unfolded states of an intact molecule, where an entire residue sequence is present during the folding event. However, since these polymers are synthesized sequentially from one terminus to the other in vivo, their folding pathways may be influenced greatly by the sequential appearance of the residues as a function of time.The three-dimensional structure of yeast tRNAPhe in the crystalline state is correlated with 360 MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonances from three fragments plus an intact molecule of the tRNA that share a common 5′ end and are in a solution condition similar to that of the crystal structure. This has allowed identification of folded structures present in the fragments and presumably present in the growing tRNA molecule as it is being synthesized from the 5′ end. The experiments show that only the correct stems are formed in the fragments; no additional or competing helical region is produced. This suggests that in the biosynthesis of this tRNA, correct folding of helical stems occurs before the entire molecule is formed. Further, some of the tertiary interactions (hydrogen bonds) found in the crystal structure are also probably present before the synthesis is completed. These findings are generalized to consider the precursor of the tRNA as well as other tRNAs.  相似文献   

The assignment of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of glucagon bound to perdeuterated dodecylphosphocholine micelles with the use of two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance techniques at 360 MHz is described. Sequential resonance assignments were obtained for all backbone and Cβ protons except the N-terminal amino group and the amide proton of Ser2. The assignments of the non-labile amino acid side-chain protons are complete except for the γ-methylene protons of Gln20 and Gln24. These assignments provide a basis for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of lipid-bound glucagon.  相似文献   

The proton nuclear magnetic resonance signal of the His57-Asp102 hydrogen bonded proton in the charge relay system of chymotrypsinogen A and chymotrypsin Aδ has been monitored to determine the influence of substrate analogues and competitive inhibitors on the electronic state of the active site regions. Borate ion, benzene boronic acid and 2-phenylethylboronic acid, when bound to chymotrypsin at pH 9.5 shift the resonance position of the His-Asp hydrogen bonded proton to ?15.9, ?16.3 and ?17.2 parts per million, respectively. These positions are intermediate between the low pH position in the free enzyme of ?18.0 parts per million and the high pH position of ?14.9 parts per million. The presence of these analogues prevents the His-Asp proton resonance from titrating in the region of pH 6 to 9.5. Similar low field shifts are observed for the hydrogen bonded proton resonance of subtilisin BPN′ when complexed with these boronic acids. The results support the chemical and crystallographic data which show that negatively charged tetrahedral adducts of the boronic acid substrate analogues are formed at the active sites of these enzymes. When combined with similar nuclear magnetic resonance data for the binding of N-acetyl-l-tryptophan to chymotrypsin Aδ, they suggest that a direct interaction occurs between the active site histidine and the atom occupying the leaving group position of the substrate, presumably a hydrogen bond.The His-Asp proton resonance was also monitored in complexes of chymotrypsin Aδ with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor over the pH range 4 to 9. In the complex the low field proton resonance had a field position of ?14.9 parts per million over the pH range 4 to 9 indicating that His57 is in the neutral form, similar to the active enzyme at high pH.  相似文献   

A general scheme is proposed for the determination of spatial protein structures by proton nuclear magnetic resonance. The scheme relies on experimental observation by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques of complete throughbond and through-space proton-proton connectivity maps. These are used to obtain sequential resonance assignments for the individual residues in the amino acid sequence and to characterize the spatial polypeptide structure by a tight network of semi-quantitative, intramolecular distance constraints.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding of ribonuclease A has been studied in solutions of 25, 35 and 50% methanol (vv), using 360 MHz proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Several observations indicate that the native structure of the protein in methanol cryosolvents is very similar to that in aqueous solution. A detailed analysis of the unfolding process has been made using the C-2 protons of the imidazole side-chains of the four histidine residues. As denaturation proceeds new resonances appear, whose chemical shifts correspond to neither native nor fully unfolded species. These have been assigned to particular His residues by selective deuteration studies. The thermal denaturation transitions reveal a multiphasic process in each of the solvents, and become less co-operative with increasing concentrations of methanol. The denaturation is fully reversible with no evidence of hysteresis.The new resonances that appear during the unfolding process are attributed to partially folded species, which are stabilized by the presence of the relatively hydrophobic methanol. Based on the temperature dependence of the chemical shifts and the relative areas of the various resonances, a detailed sequence of events has been proposed to describe the unfolding process. Key features include the initial general loosening of the two domains, the subsequent movement of the upper S-peptide region (residues 13 to 25) away from the main body of the protein, followed by partial separation of the sheet structure and full exposure of the N-terminal helix, leading to complete separation of the “winged domains”, and ultimately the loss of the residual sheet and helix structure.  相似文献   

High resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance has been used to observe protons at the active site of chymotrypsin Aδ and at the same region of chymotrypsinogen A. A single resonance with the intensity of one proton is located in the low field region of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum. This resonance is observed in H2O solutions but not in 2H2O. On going from low to high pH the resonance titrates upfield 3 parts per million in both proteins and has a pK of 7.5. The titration can be prevented by alkylating His57 with either of two active site directed chloromethyl ketones. Using these data the proton resonance has been assigned to a proton in a hydrogen bond between His57 and Asp102. Further confirmation of this assignment lies in the observation of a similar resonance in this same low field region of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of trypsin, trypsinogen, subtilisin BPN′ and α-lytic protease all of which have the Asp-His-Ser triad at their active sites.This proton resonance in chymotrypsin Aδ was used as a probe to monitor the charge state of the active site upon formation of a stable acyl-enzyme analogue N2(N-acetylalanyl)-N1benzoylcarbazoyl-chymotrypsin Aδ. In this derivative the His-Asp proton resonance titrates from the same low pH end point as in the native enzyme, ?18 parts per million, to a new high pH end point of ?14.4 parts per million (versus ?15.0 parts per million in the native enzyme). The difference of 0.6 parts per million in the high pH end points between the native and acyl enzyme is interpreted as supporting the suggestion that a hydrogen bond exists between Ser195 and His57 in the native enzyme and zymogen.We conclude from these studies that the charge relay system from Asp102 across His57 to Ser195 is intact in chymotrypsin Aδ and chymotrypsinogen A, and that, in the native enzyme, it slightly polarizes Ser195.  相似文献   

Relaxation times and integrated intensities have been obtained from dipolar decoupled 13C magnetic resonance spectra of reconstituted fibrils of chick calvaria collagen enriched at the glycine Ca and C′ positions. The data obtained are consistent with a model in which collagen molecules reorient about the long axis of the helix with a rotational diffusion constant (R1) of ~107 s?1, a value similar to that expected for the helix in solution. Data obtained from natural abundance 13C spectra of native (crosslinked) calf achilles tendon and rat tail tendon provide evidence of rapid anisotropic reorientation for at least 75% of the carbons in these tissues. Hence, our preliminary data indicate that, in these materials, the intermolecular interactions in the fibrilar collagen lattice can accommodate rapid reorientation at a majority of carbon sites.  相似文献   

In the present study, the conformational behaviour of methylated pectic disaccharide 4-O-alpha-D-galactopyranurosyl 1-O-methyl-alpha-D-galactopyranuronic 6,6'-dimethyl diester 1 has been completely characterized through combined n.m.r. and molecular modelling studies. The 1H-1H n.O.e. across the glycosidic bond was measured by both steady-state and transient 1D and 2D experiments. In parallel, the complete conformational analysis of the disaccharide has been achieved with the MM3 molecular mechanics method. The conformation of the pyranose ring is confirmed by the excellent agreement between the experimental and calculated intracyclic scalar coupling constants. The iso-energy contours displayed on the 'relaxed' map indicate an important flexibility about the glycosidic linkage. There is no significant influence of the methoxyl group on the conformational behaviour of the disaccharide. The theoretical n.m.r. data were calculated taking into account all the accessible conformations and using the averaging methods appropriate for slow internal motions. 3JC-H coupling constants were calculated using an equation suitable for C-O-C-H segments. The agreement between experimental and theoretical data is excellent. Within the potential energy surface calculated for the disaccharide, several conformers can be identified. When these conformations are extrapolated to a regular polymer structure, they generate pectins with right- and left-handed chirality along with a two-fold helix. These different types of helical structure are the result of small changes in conformation, without any drastic variation of the fibre repeat.  相似文献   

The assignment of the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with the use of two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance techniques at 500 MHz is described. The assignments are based entirely on the known amino acid sequence and the nuclear magnetic resonance data. Individual resonance assignments were obtained for all backbone and Cβ protons, with the exception of those of Arg1, Pro2, Pro13 and the amide proton of Gly37. The side-chain resonance assignments are complete, with the exception of Pro2 and Pro13, the Nδ protons of Asn44 and the peripheral protons of the lysine residues and all but two of the arginine residues.  相似文献   

The effect of sequence on the binding of 9-aminoacridine to DNA has been investigated by studying its interaction with deoxydinucleoside phosphates of different sequences using proton nuclear magnetic resonance. Quantitative binding information can be obtained by comparison of the proton chemical shift behavior of 9-aminoacridine upon addition of dinucleoside phosphate to various models for the interaction using least-squares computer fitting procedures. The simplest model that fits the data includes (1) dimerization of 9-aminoacridine and (2) a mixture of 1:1 and 2:1 (dinucleoside phosphate/9-aminoacridine) complexes. The computed parameters allow comparison of binding constants and stereochemistry for different sequences. The 1:1 complexes seem to involve interaction of the ring nitrogen with the backbone phosphate and stacking of one or both chromophores on the acridine; preference in binding is observed for alternating (purine-pyrimidine or pyrimidine-purine) over non-alternating (purine-purine) dinucleoside phosphates. The 2:1 complexes involve intercalation of the acridine between two complementary dinucleoside phosphate strands with weak sequence preferences in binding. The stereochemistry of intercalation differs between non-alternating purine-purine sequences and the alternating pyrimidine-purine or purine-pyrimidine sequences in having the 9-aminoacridine stacked with the purines of one strand rather than straddling the purines on opposite strands. The difference in stereochemistry could possibly be a determining factor in frameshift sequence specificity.  相似文献   

A procedure is described to determine the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules from nuclear magnetic resonance data. This procedure combines model building with a restrained molecular dynamics algorithm, in which distance information from nuclear Overhauser effects is incorporated in the form of pseudo potentials. The method has been applied to the N-terminal DNA-binding domain or headpiece (amino acid residues 1 to 51) of the lac repressor from Escherichia coli, for which no crystal structure is available. The relative orientation of the three helices of the headpiece is similar to that of the three homologous helices found in the cI repressor of bacteriophage lambda.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of a palindromic oligonucleotide (C-G-T-A-C-T-A-G-T-T-A-A-C-T-A-G-T-A-C-G) representative of the operator sequence and containing the Pribnow box of the trp operon of Escherichia coli was investigated. The resonances of the imino protons and of the H2 protons of the adenosine residues were all assigned. The opening rate constants of the base-pairs were calculated by monitoring the exchange rate of the observable imino protons (nine out of ten), using selective temperature (T1) measurements, which avoid the complication of cross-relaxation and spin diffusion. These measurements have to be performed in conditions where the exchange process is much faster than the opening and closing of the base-pairs, so that the observed exchange rate is equal to the opening rate. It is shown that the catalysis of the exchange process by phosphate dianions is not very efficient (kB approximately equal to 7 X 10(4) M-1 S-1). Hence, in phosphate buffer, the necessary opening-rate limiting condition is met only at high pH values (approximately equal to 9.5) where efficient catalysis by OH- takes place, or at very high buffer concentration. While G X C base-pairs show very little exchange, acting in the sequence as molecular "staples", the A X T base-pairs that are protected from the fraying have very different opening and closing rates, depending on the sequence. Although it seems possible that the opening process could occur at the base-pair level, it is localized at most to two base-pairs in that particular sequence. The activation energies for the opening process of all non-fraying base-pairs are very similar (19 +/- 1 kcal mol-1; 1 cal = 4.184 J), and the differences in the opening rates are essentially due to differences in the activation entropies. With regard to the role of this sequence in the promoter, it is observed that the end of the Pribnow box exchanges relatively easily, and that the activation parameters for the "breathing" process and for the isomerization step of the promoter--RNA polymerase are not very different.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to determine the three-dimensional structure of a protein molecule from such a set of distance constraints as can be determined by nuclear magnetic resonance studies. The currently popular methods for distance geometry based on the use of the metric matrix are applicable only to small systems. The method developed here is applicable to large molecules, such as proteins, with all atoms treated explicitly. This method works in the space of variable dihedral angles and determines a three-dimensional structure by minimization of a target function. We avoid difficulties hitherto inherent in this type of approach by two new devices: the use of variable target functions; and a method of rapid calculation of the gradient of the target functions. The method is applied to the determination of the structures of a small globular protein, bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, from several artificial sets of distance constraints extracted from the X-ray crystal structure of this molecule. When a good set of constraints was available for both short- and long-range distances, the crystal structure was regenerated nearly exactly. When some ambiguities, such as those expected in experimental information, are allowed, the protein conformation can be determined up to a few local deformations. These ambiguities are mainly associated with the low resolving power of the short-range information.  相似文献   

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