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For whole-genome analysis in a basal chordate (protochordate), we used F1 pseudo-testcross mapping strategy and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to construct primary linkage maps of the ascidian tunicate Ciona intestinalis. Two genetic maps consisted of 14 linkage groups, in agreement with the haploid chromosome number, and contained 276 and 125 AFLP loci derived from crosses between British and Neapolitan individuals. The two maps covered 4218.9 and 2086.9 cM, respectively, with an average marker interval of 16.1 and 18.9 cM. We observed a high recombinant ratio, ranging from 25 to 49 kb/cM, which can explain the high degree of polymorphism in this species. Some AFLP markers were converted to sequence tagged sites (STSs) by sequence determination, in order to create anchor markers for the fragmental physical map. Our recombination tools provide basic knowledge of genetic status and whole genome organization, and genetic markers to assist positional cloning in C. intestinalis.  相似文献   

 With the use of the monoclonal antibody UA301, which specifically recognizes the nervous system in ascidian larvae, the neuronal connections of the peripheral and central nervous systems in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis were observed. Three types of peripheral nervous system neurons were found: two located in the larval trunk and the other in the larval tail. These neurons were epidermal and their axons extended to the central nervous system and connected with the visceral ganglion directly or indirectly. The most rostral system (rostral trunk epidermal neurons, RTEN) was distributed bilateral-symmetrically. In addition, presumptive papillar neurons in palps were found which might be related to the RTEN. Another neuron group (apical trunk epidermal neurons, ATEN) was located in the apical part of the trunk. The caudal peripheral nervous system (caudal epidermal neurons, CEN) was located at the dorsal and ventral midline of the caudal epidermis. In the larval central nervous system, two major axon bundles were observed: one was of a photoreceptor complex and the other was connected with RTEN. These axon bundles joined in the posterior sensory vesicle, ran posteriorly through the visceral ganglion and branched into two caudal nerves which ran along the lateral walls of the caudal nerve tube. In addition, some immunopositive cells existed in the most proximal part of the caudal nerve tube and may be motoneurons. Received: 8 September 1997 / Accepted: 14 December 1997  相似文献   

Microinjection of the Minos transposon is the only reported technique for generating stable transgenic lines in the cosmopolitan ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. To establish a more amenable method for generating stable transgenic Ciona, we examined the possibility of using electroporation of DNA into eggs. From 0-44.4% of electroporated individuals transmitted transgenes to the next generation. The transgene was integrated into one chromosome and multiple copies of the transgene were inserted into one site of the chromosome, indicating that electroporation is an easy and powerful technique for achieving stable transgenesis in C. intestinalis. Together with possible inland culture of this ascidian, this technique will be useful for generating stable lines which have reporter gene expression in a specific tissue or organ and the generation of transposase-expressing stable transgenic (jump-starter) lines and mutator lines which contain a lot of Minos transposons in an insertion position.  相似文献   

The sensory vesicle of ascidians is thought to be homologous to the vertebrate forebrain and midbrain (Development 125 (1998) 1113). Here we report the isolation of two sensory vesicle markers in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, which are homologs of vertebrate otx and gsx homeobox genes. By using these markers to analyze the induction of anterior neural tissue in Ciona, we find that the restriction of anterior neural fate to the progeny of the anterior animal blastomeres is due to a combination of two factors. The vegetal blastomeres show a differential inducing activity along the anterior-posterior axis, while the competence to respond to this inducing signal is markedly higher in the anterior animal blastomeres than in the posterior animal blastomeres. This differential competence to respond is also observed in response to bFGF, a candidate neural inducer in ascidians (J. Physiol. 511.2 (1998) 347) and can be detected by the gastrula stage. Our results, however, indicate that bFGF can only induce a subset of the responses of the endogenous inducer, suggesting that additional signals in the embryo are necessary to induce a fully patterned nervous system.  相似文献   

An integrated genome database is essential for future studies of functional genomics. In this study, we update cDNA and genomic resources of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis, and provide an integrated database of the genomic and cDNA data by extending a database published previously. The updated resources include over 190,000 ESTs (672,396 in total together with the previous ESTs) and over 1,000 full-insert sequences (6,773 in total). In addition, results of mapping information of the determined scaffolds onto chromosomes, ESTs from a full-length enriched cDNA library for indication of precise 5'-ends of genes, and comparisons of SNPs and indels among different individuals are integrated into this database, all of these results being reported recently. These advances continue to increase the utility of Ciona intestinalis as a model organism whilst the integrated database will be useful for researchers in comparative and evolutionary genomics.  相似文献   

Large insert genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries were constructed from a basal chordate, the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Insert analyses of randomly selected clones indicated that in the first library the mean insert size was 135 kb and predicted a 15-fold coverage of the Ciona genome, and in the second library the mean insert size was 165 kb and predicted a 5-fold coverage of the genome. These first large insert genomic libraries of the ascidian should increase the speed of genomic analyses of basal chordates.  相似文献   

The complex array of vestments which surrounds the ascidian oocyte indicates that spermatozoa of these urochordates may be highly modified to effect penetration through the egg-envelopes and to achieve successful fusion with the female gamete. Examination of the spermatozoa of Ciona intestinalis reveals, however, that they lack an acrosomal vesicle and do not possess detectable amounts of actin. Furthermore, the spermatozoa do not undergo observable morphological alterations when exposed to ammoniated seawater, a treatment known to produce aggregation and an acrosome reaction in other organisms. Ciona spermatozoa do contain significant quantities of proteases. It is hypothesized that the localization of these enzymes may be related to the ridge-like surface ornamentation which is observed as a component of the head region of Ciona spermatozoa.  相似文献   

In the just-metamorphosed juveniles of Ciona intestinalis, a round mass of tissue debris derived from the resorbed tadpole tail is situated in the broad space enclosed by the peritoneal membrane and the epidermis around the ventral side of the esophagus. In living juveni es, the origin of the gonad rudiment was traced back to the mass of tissue debris. Electron microscopically, the round mass was a clump of irregular-shaped phagocytotic cells engulfing degenerated cell fragments. On the surface of the cell clump, a small number of singly occurring round cells were found and identified as primordial germ cells on the basis of morphological continuity to obvious germ cells in later stages. Presence of nuage around the nucleus characterized the germ cells. In a few days the germ cells assembled to form a solid slender body (gonad rudiment) together with smaller somatic cells. The gonad rudiment left the space around the esophagus, moving into the narrow mesenteric space connecting the stomach and intestine on the fourth day after metamorphosis. It gradually increased in size by proliferation of the germ cells and somatic cells. The solid gonad rudiment changed into an oval vesicle with an eccentrically located cavity on about the seventh day after metamorphosis. The vesicle comprised a thinner wall made of a simple epithelium without germ cells and a thicker wall containing germ cells and somatic cells.  相似文献   

To explore the gene expression underlying spermatogenesis, a large-scale analysis has been done on the cDNAs from testis of the ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. A set of 5,461 expressed sequence tags was analyzed and grouped into 2,806 independent clusters. Approximately 30% of the clusters showed significant sequence matches to the proteins reported in DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL database including a set of proteins closely related to the gene regulation during spermatogenesis, functional and morphological changes of spermatogenic cells during spermiogenesis, and physiological functions of sperm, as well as those with housekeeping functions commonly expressed in other cells. Some clones show similarities to the proteins present in vertebrate lymphocytes, suggesting a primitive immune system in ascidians. We have also found some genes that are known to participate in hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis in vertebrates. The large majority of the genes expressed in Ciona testis show no significant matches to known proteins and the further analysis of these genes may shed new light on the molecular mechanism of spermatogenesis and sperm functions.  相似文献   

Summary: Targeted mutagenesis of genes‐of‐interest, or gene‐knockout, is a powerful method to address the functions of genes. Engineered nucleases have enabled this approach in various organisms because of their ease of use. The ascidian Ciona intestinalis is an excellent organism to analyze gene functions by means of genetic technologies. In our previous study, we reported mutagenesis of Ciona somatic cells with TALE nucleases (TALENs) by electroporating expression constructs. In this study, we report germ cell mutagenesis of Ciona by microinjecting mRNAs encoding TALENs. TALEN mRNAs introduced mutations to target genes in both somatic and germ cells. TALEN‐mediated mutations in the germ cell genome were inherited by the next generation. We conclude that knockout lines of Ciona that have disrupted target genes can be established through TALEN‐mediated germ cell mutagenesis. genesis 52:431–439, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Microfilaments in the contracting cortex during the bipolar ooplasmic segregation of Ciona intestinalis eggs were examined by two methods, staining with fluorescent phalloidin and decoration with myosin subfragment 1 (S1). Fluorescent (Fl-)phalloidin revealed prominent fluorescence in the contracting cortex between the surface constriction and the vegetal pole of fertilized eggs. The animal pole did not stain. After extraction in Triton X-100, the cortex appeared as a thin layer that easily separated from cytoplasmic mass, especially at the contracting stage after fertilization. This layer also stained strongly with Fl-phalloidin. S1-decoration confirmed that actin filaments were abundant in the thin layer of Triton-extracted cortex. The actin filaments are considered to compose a contractile network covering the vegetal side of the constriction.  相似文献   

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