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【目的】水稻白叶枯病是一种严重危害水稻的细菌性病害,培育抗性品种是治理该病害的重要途径。因此,明确云南水稻材料对检疫性病害水稻白叶枯病的抗性,可以为该病害的防治与监测、水稻栽培的合理布局和良好抗性资源的获取提供依据。【方法】采用剪叶接种法测定云南稻区30个品种对7个不同致病型白叶枯病菌的抗性。【结果】在供试的30个云南水稻品种中,2个品种(玉粳16和JS42糯稻)对7个不同致病型菌株均表现为抗性;15个品种对7个致病型菌株均表现感病;对HEN11、SCYC-6、YN7、YN11、FUJ、YN241和PX099等7个致病型菌株表现抗性的水稻品种分别占26.67%、16.67%、23.33%、13.33%、6.67%、10.00%和20.00%。此外,区试材料的抗性比例高于主栽品种,地方稻未发现抗性品种。【结论】现在生产上的大部分水稻品种对优势致病型病原菌入侵的抵抗能力降低甚至丧失。针对云南地区的优势致病小种FUJ筛选得到2个抗性品种:玉粳16和JS42糯稻。  相似文献   

【目的】白叶枯病和稻瘟病是最主要的水稻病害,Xa21是水稻白叶枯病抗性基因,Pi-d2是稻瘟病抗性基因,二者都编码类受体激酶蛋白质。本研究旨在毕赤酵母系统中表达XA21和PI-D2激酶蛋白质。【方法】用Xa21和Pi-d2的激酶区PCR产物,构建了pPICZαA-Xa21K、pPICZαA-Pi-d2K重组质粒,酶切及测序验证后,将重组质粒线性化,转化到毕赤酵母菌株中,系统地比较了不同酵母菌株(KM71、GS115、X33),不同甲醇浓度(1%、2%、3%),不同pH(pH5、pH6、pH7、pH8)值,不同诱导时间(24h、48h、72h)条件下激酶蛋白质的表达情况。【结果】XA21和PI-D2激酶蛋白质可以在毕赤酵母中表达,但表达的蛋白质不能分泌到培养基上清中,而只能在菌体中检测到,对表达条件的系统比较发现,毕赤酵母菌株KM71和X33、2%的甲醇诱导浓度、pH5和48h以上的诱导时间有利于激酶蛋白质的表达,最后我们在酵母裂解物上清中获得了纯化的考染可见的激酶蛋白质。【结论】在毕赤酵母中表达了XA21和PI-D2激酶蛋白质,为下一步生化特性研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

  • Oxalic acid is widely distributed in biological systems and known to play functional roles in plants. The gene AAE3 was recently identified to encode an oxalyl‐CoA synthetase (OCS) in Arabidopsis that catalyses the conversion of oxalate and CoA into oxalyl‐CoA. It will be particularly important to characterise the homologous gene in rice since rice is not only a monocotyledonous model plant, but also a staple food crop.
  • Various enzymatic and biological methods have been used to characterise the homologous gene.
  • We first defined that AAE3 in the rice genome (OsAAE3) also encodes an OCS enzyme. Its Km for oxalate is 1.73 ± 0.12 mm , and Vm is 6824.9 ± 410.29 U·min?1·mg protein?1. Chemical modification and site‐directed mutagenesis analyses identified thiols as the active site residues for rice OCS catalysis, suggesting that the enzyme might be regulated by redox state. Subcellular localisation assay showed that the enzyme is located in the cytosol and predominantly distributed in leaf epidermal cells. As expected, oxalate levels increased when OCS was suppressed in RNAi transgenic plants. More interestingly, OCS‐suppressed plants were more susceptible to bacterial blight but more resistant to Al toxicity.
  • The results demonstrate that the OsAAE3‐encoded protein also acts as an OCS in rice, and may play different roles in coping with stresses. These molecular, enzymatic and functional data provide first‐hand information to further clarify the function and mechanism of OCS in rice plants.

Rice sheath blight disease, caused by the basidiomycetous necrotroph Rhizoctonia solani, became one of the major threats to the rice cultivation worldwide, especially after the adoption of high‐yielding varieties. The pathogen is challenging to manage because of its extensively broad host range and high genetic variability and also due to the inability to find any satisfactory level of natural resistance from the available rice germplasm. It is high time to find remedies to combat the pathogen for reducing rice yield losses and subsequently to minimize the threat to global food security. The development of genetic resistance is one of the alternative means to avoid the use of hazardous chemical fungicides. This review mainly focuses on the effort of better understanding the host–pathogen relationship, finding the gene loci/markers imparting resistance response and modifying the host genome through transgenic development. The latest development and trend in the R. solani–rice pathosystem research with gap analysis are provided.  相似文献   

 Microsatellite and sequence-tagged site (STS) markers tightly linked to the bacterial leaf blight (BLB) resistance gene xa-5 were identified in this study. A survey was conducted to find molecular markers that detected polymorphisms between the resistant (IRBB5) and susceptible (‘IR24’) nearly isogenic lines for xa-5, and between Chinsurah Boro II (CBII), an alternative source of xa-5, and a widely planted variety (‘IR64’) that lacks xa-5. Two F2 populations, from the crosses ‘IR24’×IRBB5 and CBIIבIR64’, were used to estimate linkage based on marker genotype and reaction to disease inoculation with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Two RFLP clones, RZ390 and RG556, were found to co-segregate with xa-5 and were converted into STS markers. A microsatellite marker, RM390, was developed based on a simple sequence repeat in the 5′ untranslated region of the cDNA probe, RZ390, and found to co-segregate with resistance. Two other microsatellites, RM122 and RM13, were located 0.4 cM and 14.1 cM away from xa-5. A germplasm survey of diverse lines containing BLB resistance genes using automated fluorescent detection indicated the range of allelic diversity for each of the microsatellite loci linked to xa-5 and confirmed their usefulness in following genes through the narrow crosses typical of a breeding program. The limited number of alleles observed at the microsatellite loci linked to the resistance gene in 35 xa-5-containing accessions suggested either a single ancestral origin or a few independent origins of the xa-5 gene. PCR-based markers, like the ones developed in this study, are economical and easy to use, and have applicability in efforts to pyramid the recessive xa-5 gene with other BLB resistance genes. Received: 27 September 1996/Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae delivers a plethora of effector proteins into host cells to sabotage immune responses and modulate physiology to favor infection. The P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 effector HopF2 suppresses Arabidopsis innate immunity triggered by multiple microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMP) at the plasma membrane. We show here that HopF2 possesses distinct mechanisms for suppression of two branches of MAMP‐activated MAP kinase (MAPK) cascades. In addition to blocking MKK5 (MAPK kinase 5) activation in the MEKK1 (MAPK kinase kinase 1)/MEKKs–MKK4/5–MPK3/6 cascade, HopF2 targets additional component(s) upstream of MEKK1 in the MEKK1–MKK1/2–MPK4 cascade and the plasma membrane‐localized receptor‐like cytoplasmic kinase BIK1 and its homologs. We further show that HopF2 directly targets BAK1, a plasma membrane‐localized receptor‐like kinase that is involved in multiple MAMP signaling. The interaction between BAK1 and HopF2 and between two other P. syringae effectors, AvrPto and AvrPtoB, was confirmed in vivo and in vitro. Consistent with BAK1 as a physiological target of AvrPto, AvrPtoB and HopF2, the strong growth defects or lethality associated with ectopic expression of these effectors in wild‐type Arabidopsis transgenic plants were largely alleviated in bak1 mutant plants. Thus, our results provide genetic evidence to show that BAK1 is a physiological target of AvrPto, AvrPtoB and HopF2. Identification of BAK1 as an additional target of HopF2 virulence not only explains HopF2 suppression of multiple MAMP signaling at the plasma membrane, but also supports the notion that pathogen virulence effectors act through multiple targets in host cells.  相似文献   

Rice blast disease, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, is the most devastating disease of rice. In our ongoing characterization of the defence mechanisms of rice plants against M. oryzae, a terpene synthase gene OsTPS19 was identified as a candidate defence gene. Here, we report the functional characterization of OsTPS19, which is up‐regulated by M. oryzae infection. Overexpression of OsTPS19 in rice plants enhanced resistance against M. oryzae, while OsTPS19 RNAi lines were more susceptible to the pathogen. Metabolic analysis revealed that the production of a monoterpene (S)‐limonene was increased and decreased in OsTPS19 overexpression and RNAi lines, respectively, suggesting that OsTPS19 functions as a limonene synthase in planta. This notion was further supported by in vitro enzyme assays with recombinant OsTPS19, in which OsTPS19 had both sesquiterpene activity and monoterpene synthase activity, with limonene as a major product. Furthermore, in a subcellular localization experiment, OsTPS19 was localized in plastids. OsTPS19 has a highly homologous paralog, OsTPS20, which likely resulted from a recent gene duplication event. We found that the variation in OsTPS19 and OsTPS20 enzyme activities was determined by a single amino acid in the active site cavity. The expression of OsTPS20 was not affected by M. oryzae infection. This indicates functional divergence of OsTPS19 and OsTPS20. Lastly, (S)‐limonene inhibited the germination of M. oryzae spores in vitro. OsTPS19 was determined to function as an (S)‐limonene synthase in rice and plays a role in defence against M. oryzae, at least partly, by inhibiting spore germination.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties of storage starch largely determine rice grain quality and food characteristics. Therefore, modification of starch property is effective to fine‐tune cooked rice textures. To obtain new resources with modified starch property as breeding materials, we screened a mutant population of a japonica cultivar Nipponbare and found two independent mutant lines, altered gelatinization (age)1 and age2, with moderate changes in starch gelatinization property. A combination of conventional genetic analyses and the latest mapping method, MutMapPlus, revealed that both of these lines harbour novel independent mutant alleles of starch branching enzyme IIb (BEIIb) gene. In age1, amino acid substitution of Met‐723 to Lys completely abolished BEIIb enzyme activity without significant reduction in its protein level. A transposon insertion in an intron of BEIIb gene reduced BEIIb protein level and activity in age2. Production of a series of the mutant lines by combining age alleles and indica‐type starch synthase IIa allele established stepwise alteration of the physicochemical properties of starch including apparent amylose content, thermal property, digestibility by α‐amylase and branched structures of amylopectin. Consistent with the alteration of starch properties, the results of a sensory evaluation test demonstrated that warm cooked rice of the mutants showed a variety of textures without marked reduction in overall palatability. These results suggest that a series of the mutant lines are capable of manipulation of cooked rice textures.  相似文献   

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