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DEFORMED ROOT AND LEAVES1 (DRL1) is an Arabidopsis homologue of the yeast TOXIN TARGET4 (TOT4)/KILLER TOXIN‐INSENSITIVE12 (KTI12) protein that is physically associated with the RNA polymerase II‐interacting protein complex named Elongator. Mutations in DRL1 and Elongator lead to similar morphological and molecular phenotypes, suggesting that DRL1 and Elongator may functionally overlap in Arabidopsis. We have shown previously that Elongator plays an important role in both salicylic acid (SA)‐ and jasmonic acid (JA)/ethylene (ET)‐mediated defence responses. Here, we tested whether DRL1 also plays a similar role as Elongator in plant immune responses. Our results show that, although DRL1 partially contributes to SA‐induced cytotoxicity, it does not play a significant role in SA‐mediated expression of PATHOGENESIS‐RELATED genes and resistance to the virulent bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola ES4326. In contrast, DRL1 is required for JA/ET‐ and necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea‐induced defence gene expression and for resistance to B. cinerea and Alternaria brassicicola. Furthermore, unlike the TOT4/KTI12 gene which, when overexpressed in yeast, confers zymocin resistance, a phenotype of the tot4/kti12 mutant, overexpression of DRL1 does not change B. cinerea‐induced defence gene expression and resistance to this pathogen. Finally, DRL1 contains an N‐terminal P‐loop and a C‐terminal calmodulin (CaM)‐binding domain and is a CaM‐binding protein. We demonstrate that both the P‐loop and the CaM‐binding domain are essential for the function of DRL1 in B. cinerea‐induced expression of PDF1.2 and ORA59, and in resistance to B. cinerea, suggesting that the function of DRL1 in plant immunity may be regulated by ATP/GTP and CaM binding.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) acts antagonistically to jasmonic acid (JA) in plant immunity. We previously reported that CATALASE2 (CAT2) promotes JA-biosynthetic acyl-CoA oxidase (ACX) activity to enhance plant resistance to necrotrophic Botrytis cinerea, and SA represses JA biosynthesis through inhibiting CAT2 activity, while the underlying mechanism remains to be further elucidated. Here, we report that the truncated CAT2 N-terminus (CAT2-N) interacts with and promotes ACX2/3, and CAT2-N-overexpressing plants have increased JA accumulation and enhanced resistance to Bcinerea B05.10, but compromised antagonism of SA on JA. Catalase inhibitor treatment or mutating CAT2 active amino acids abolished CAT2 H2O2-decomposing activity but did not affect its promotion of ACX2/3 activity via interaction. CAT2-N, a truncated protein with no catalase activity, interacted with and promoted ACX2/3. Overexpressing CAT2-N in Arabidopsis plants resulted in increased ACX activity, higher JA accumulation, and stronger resistance to Bcinerea B05.10 infection. Additionally, SA dramatically repressed JA biosynthesis and resistance to Bcinerea in the wild type but not in the CAT2-N-overexpressing plants. Together, our study reveals that CAT2-N can be utilized as an accelerator for JA biosynthesis during plant resistance to Bcinerea B05.10, and this truncated protein partly relieves SA repression of JA biosynthesis in plant defence responses.  相似文献   

The tyrosine‐sulfated peptides PSKα and PSY1 bind to specific leucine‐rich repeat surface receptor kinases and control cell proliferation in plants. In a reverse genetic screen, we identified the phytosulfokine (PSK) receptor PSKR1 as an important component of plant defense. Multiple independent loss‐of‐function mutants in PSKR1 are more resistant to biotrophic bacteria, show enhanced pathogen‐associated molecular pattern responses and less lesion formation after infection with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. By contrast, pskr1 mutants are more susceptible to necrotrophic fungal infection with Alternaria brassicicola, show more lesion formation and fungal growth which is not observed on wild‐type plants. The antagonistic effect on biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogen resistance is reflected by enhanced salicylate and reduced jasmonate responses in the mutants, suggesting that PSKR1 suppresses salicylate‐dependent defense responses. Detailed analysis of single and multiple mutations in the three paralogous genes PSKR1, ‐2 and PSY1‐receptor (PSY1R) determined that PSKR1 and PSY1R, but not PSKR2, have a partially redundant effect on plant immunity. In animals and plants, peptide sulfation is catalyzed by a tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST). Mutants lacking TPST show increased resistance to bacterial infection and increased susceptibility to fungal infection, mimicking the triple receptor mutant phenotypes. Feeding experiments with PSKα in tpst‐1 mutants partially restore the defense‐related phenotypes, indicating that perception of the PSKα peptide has a direct effect on plant defense. These results suggest that the PSKR subfamily integrates growth‐promoting and defense signals mediated by sulfated peptides and modulates cellular plasticity to allow flexible adjustment to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Jasmonic acid (JA) is a natural hormone regulator involved in development,responses against wounding and pathogen attack.Upon perception of pathogens,JA is synthesized and mediates a signaling cascade ...  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis MEKK1‐MKK1/MKK2‐MPK4 kinase cascade is monitored by the nucleotide‐binding leucine‐rich‐repeat immune receptor SUMM2. Disruption of this kinase cascade leads to activation of SUMM2‐mediated immune responses. MEKK2, a close paralog of MEKK1, is required for defense responses mediated by SUMM2, the molecular mechanism of which is unclear. In this study, we showed that MEKK2 serves as a negative regulator of MPK4. It binds to MPK4 to directly inhibit its phosphorylation by upstream MKKs. Activation of SUMM2‐mediated defense responses induces the expression of MEKK2, which in turn blocks MPK4 phosphorylation to further amplify immune responses mediated by SUMM2. Intriguingly, MEKK2 locates in a tandem repeat consisting of MEKK1, MEKK2 and MEKK3, which was generated from a recent gene duplication event, suggesting that MEKK2 evolved from a MAPKKK to become a negative regulator of MAP kinases.  相似文献   

Plant immunity against pathogens is achieved through rapid activation of defense responses that occur upon sensing of microbe‐ or damage‐associated molecular patterns, respectively referred to as MAMPs and DAMPs. Oligogalacturonides (OGs), linear fragments derived from homogalacturonan hydrolysis by pathogen‐secreted cell wall‐degrading enzymes, and flg22, a 22‐amino acid peptide derived from the bacterial flagellin, represent prototypical DAMPs and MAMPs, respectively. Both types of molecules induce protection against infections. In plants, like in animals, calcium is a second messenger that mediates responses to biotic stresses by activating calcium‐binding proteins. Here we show that simultaneous loss of calcium‐dependent protein kinases CPK5, CPK6 and CPK11 affects Arabidopsis thaliana basal as well as elicitor‐ induced resistance to the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea, by affecting pathogen‐induced ethylene production and accumulation of the ethylene biosynthetic enzymes 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid (ACC) synthase 2 (ACS2) and 6 (ACS6). Moreover, ethylene signaling contributes to OG‐triggered immunity activation, and lack of CPK5, CPK6 and CPK11 affects the duration of OG‐ and flg22‐induced gene expression, indicating that these kinases are shared elements of both DAMP and MAMP signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls undergo dynamic structural and chemical changes during plant development and growth. Floral organ abscission and lateral root emergence are both accompanied by cell‐wall remodeling, which involves the INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION (IDA)‐derived peptide and its receptors, HAESA (HAE) and HAESA‐LIKE2 (HSL2). Plant cell walls also act as barriers against pathogenic invaders. Thus, the cell‐wall remodeling during plant development could have an influence on plant resistance to phytopathogens. Here, we identified IDA‐like 6 (IDL6), a gene that is prominently expressed in Arabidopsis leaves. IDL6 expression in Arabidopsis leaves is significantly upregulated when the plant is suffering from attacks of the bacterial Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) DC3000. IDL6 overexpression and knockdown lines respectively decrease and increase the Arabidopsis resistance to Pst DC3000, indicating that the gene promotes the Arabidopsis susceptibility to Pst DC3000. Moreover, IDL6 promotes the expression of a polygalacturonase (PG) gene, ADPG2, and increases PG activity in Arabidopsis leaves, which in turn reduces leaf pectin content and leaf robustness. ADPG2 overexpression restrains Arabidopsis resistance to Pst DC3000, whereas ADPG2 loss‐of‐function mutants increase the resistance to the bacterium. Pst DC3000 infection elevates the ADPG2 expression partially through HAE and HSL2. Taken together, our results suggest that IDL6‐HAE/HSL2 facilitates the ingress of Pst DC3000 by promoting pectin degradation in Arabidopsis leaves, and Pst DC3000 might enhance its infection by manipulating the IDL6‐HAE/HSL2‐ADPG2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Pectin is synthesized in a highly methylesterified form in the Golgi cisternae and partially de-methylesterified in muro by pectin methylesterases (PMEs). Arabidopsis thaliana produces a local and strong induction of PME activity during the infection of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. AtPME17 is a putative A. thaliana PME highly induced in response to B. cinerea. Here, a fine tuning of AtPME17 expression by different defence hormones was identified. Our genetic evidence demonstrates that AtPME17 strongly contributes to the pathogen-induced PME activity and resistance against B. cinerea by triggering jasmonic acid–ethylene-dependent PDF1.2 expression. AtPME17 belongs to group 2 isoforms of PMEs characterized by a PME domain preceded by an N-terminal PRO region. However, the biochemical evidence for AtPME17 as a functional PME is still lacking and the role played by its PRO region is not known. Using the Pichia pastoris expression system, we demonstrate that AtPME17 is a functional PME with activity favoured by an increase in pH. AtPME17 performs a blockwise pattern of pectin de-methylesterification that favours the formation of egg-box structures between homogalacturonans. Recombinant AtPME17 expression in Escherichia coli reveals that the PRO region acts as an intramolecular inhibitor of AtPME17 activity.  相似文献   

Members of the MILDEW RESISTANCE LOCUS O (MLO) gene family confer susceptibility to powdery mildews in different plant species, and their existence therefore seems to be disadvantageous for the plant. We recognized that expression of the Arabidopsis MLO2 gene is induced after inoculation with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, promoted by salicylic acid (SA) signaling, and systemically enhanced in the foliage of plants exhibiting systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Importantly, distinct mlo2 mutant lines were unable to systemically increase resistance to bacterial infection after inoculation with P. syringae, indicating that the function of MLO2 is necessary for biologically induced SAR in Arabidopsis. Our data also suggest that the close homolog MLO6 has a supportive but less critical role in SAR. In contrast to SAR, basal resistance to bacterial infection was not affected in mlo2. Remarkably, SAR‐defective mlo2 mutants were still competent in systemically increasing the levels of the SAR‐activating metabolites pipecolic acid (Pip) and SA after inoculation, and to enhance SAR‐related gene expression in distal plant parts. Furthermore, although MLO2 was not required for SA‐ or Pip‐inducible defense gene expression, it was essential for the proper induction of disease resistance by both SAR signals. We conclude that MLO2 acts as a critical downstream component in the execution of SAR to bacterial infection, being required for the translation of elevated defense responses into disease resistance. Moreover, our data suggest a function for MLO2 in the activation of plant defense priming during challenge by P. syringae.  相似文献   

In land plants polar auxin transport is one of the substantial processes guiding whole plant polarity and morphogenesis. Directional auxin fluxes are mediated by PIN auxin efflux carriers, polarly localized at the plasma membrane. The polarization of exocytosis in yeast and animals is assisted by the exocyst: an octameric vesicle‐tethering complex and an effector of Rab and Rho GTPases. Here we show that rootward polar auxin transport is compromised in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana loss‐of‐function mutants in the EXO70A1 exocyst subunit. The recycling of PIN1 and PIN2 proteins from brefeldin–A compartments is delayed after the brefeldin‐A washout in exo70A1 and sec8 exocyst mutants. Relocalization of PIN1 and PIN2 proteins after prolonged brefeldin‐A treatment is largely impaired in these mutants. At the same time, however, plasma membrane localization of GFP:EXO70A1, and the other exocyst subunits studied (GFP:SEC8 and YFP:SEC10), is resistant to brefeldin‐A treatment. In root cells of the exo70A1 mutant, a portion of PIN2 is internalized and retained in specific, abnormally enlarged, endomembrane compartments that are distinct from VHA‐a1‐labelled early endosomes or the trans‐Golgi network, but are RAB‐A5d positive. We conclude that the exocyst is involved in PIN1 and PIN2 recycling, and thus in polar auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

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