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The smm1 mutation suppresses defects in mitochondrial distribution and morphology caused by the mdm1-252 mutation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cells harboring only the smm1 mutation themselves display temperature-sensitive growth and aberrant mitochondrial inheritance and morphology at the nonpermissive temperature. smm1 maps to RSP5, a gene encoding an essential ubiquitin-protein ligase. The smm1 defects are suppressed by overexpression of wild-type ubiquitin but not by overexpression of mutant ubiquitin in which lysine-63 is replaced by arginine. Furthermore, overexpression of this mutant ubiquitin perturbs mitochondrial distribution and morphology in wild-type cells. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the ubiquitin ligase activity of Rsp5p is essential for its function in mitochondrial inheritance. A second mutation, smm2, which also suppressed mdm1-252 defects, but did not cause aberrant mitochondrial distribution and morphology, mapped to BUL1, encoding a protein interacting with Rsp5p. These results indicate that protein ubiquitination mediated by Rsp5p plays an essential role in mitochondrial inheritance, and reveal a novel function for protein ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Organisation of the cell nucleus is crucial for the regulation of gene expression but little is known about how nuclei are structured. To address this issue, we designed a genomic screen to identify factors involved in nuclear architecture in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This screen is based on microscopic monitoring of nuclear pore complexes and nucleolar proteins fused with the green fluorescent protein in a collection of approximately 400 individual deletion mutants. Among the 12 genes identified by this screen, most affect both the nuclear envelope and the nucleolar morphology. Corresponding gene products are localised preferentially to the nucleus or close to the nuclear periphery. Interestingly, these nuclear morphology alterations were associated with chromatin-silencing defects. These genes provide a molecular context to explore the functional link between nuclear architecture and gene silencing.  相似文献   

Myo4p is a nonessential type V myosin required for the bud tip localization of ASH1 and IST2 mRNA. These mRNAs associate with Myo4p via the She2p and She3p proteins. She3p is an adaptor protein that links Myo4p to its cargo. She2p binds to ASH1 and IST2 mRNA, while She3p binds to both She2p and Myo4p. Here we show that Myo4p and She3p, but not She2p, are required for the inheritance of cortical ER in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Consistent with this observation, we find that cortical ER inheritance is independent of mRNA transport. Cortical ER is a dynamic network that forms cytoplasmic tubular connections to the nuclear envelope. ER tubules failed to grow when actin polymerization was blocked with the drug latrunculin A (Lat-A). Additionally, a reduction in the number of cytoplasmic ER tubules was observed in Lat-A-treated and myo4Delta cells. Our results suggest that Myo4p and She3p facilitate the growth and orientation of ER tubules.  相似文献   

Movement and positional control of mitochondria and other organelles are coordinated with cell cycle progression in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recent studies have revealed a checkpoint that inhibits cytokinesis when there are severe defects in mitochondrial inheritance. An established checkpoint signaling pathway, the mitotic exit network (MEN), participates in this process. Here, we describe mitochondrial motility during inheritance in budding yeast, emerging evidence for mitochondrial quality control during inheritance, and organelle inheritance checkpoints for mitochondria and other organelles.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae peroxisomal membrane protein Pex11p has previously been implicated in peroxisome proliferation based on morphological observations of PEX11 mutant cells. Pex11p-deficient cells fail to increase peroxisome number in response to growth on fatty acids and instead accumulate a few giant peroxisomes. We report that mutants deficient in genes required for medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) beta-oxidation display the same phenotype as Pex11p-deficient cells. Upon closer inspection, we found that Pex11p is required for MCFA beta-oxidation. Disruption of the PEX11 gene results in impaired formation of MCFA-CoA esters as measured in intact cells, whereas their formation is normal in cell lysates. The sole S. cerevisiae MCFA-CoA synthetase (Faa2p) remains properly localized to the inner leaflet of the peroxisomal membrane in PEX11 mutant cells. Therefore, the in vivo latency of MCFA activation observed in Pex11p-deficient cells suggests that Pex11p provides Faa2p with substrate. When PEX11 mutant cells are shifted from glucose to oleate-containing medium, we observed an immediate deficiency in beta-oxidation of MCFAs whereas giant peroxisomes and a failure to increase peroxisome abundance only became apparent much later. Our observations suggest that the MCFA oxidation pathway regulates the level of a signaling molecule that modulates the number of peroxisomal structures in a cell.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Golgi elements are present in the bud very early in the cell cycle. We have analyzed this Golgi inheritance process using fluorescence microscopy and genetics. In rapidly growing cells, late Golgi elements show an actin-dependent concentration at sites of polarized growth. Late Golgi elements are apparently transported into the bud along actin cables and are also retained in the bud by a mechanism that may involve actin. A visual screen for mutants defective in the inheritance of late Golgi elements yielded multiple alleles of CDC1. Mutations in CDC1 severely depolarize the actin cytoskeleton, and these mutations prevent late Golgi elements from being retained in the bud. The efficient localization of late Golgi elements to the bud requires the type V myosin Myo2p, further suggesting that actin plays a role in Golgi inheritance. Surprisingly, early and late Golgi elements are inherited by different pathways, with early Golgi elements localizing to the bud in a Cdc1p- and Myo2p-independent manner. We propose that early Golgi elements arise from ER membranes that are present in the bud. These two pathways of Golgi inheritance in S. cerevisiae resemble Golgi inheritance pathways in vertebrate cells.  相似文献   

Yeast transposon of class-1 -based vectors, allowing integration at a series of chromosomal loci by homologous recombination with resident transposons, were constructed. Using such vectors, we have introduced several copies of an expression cassette encoding the major hepatitis B surface protein as well as expression cassettes encoding the middle (M) or/and the large (L) surface protein into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In extracts of such strains, coassembly of the different proteins into a single lipoprotein structure is observed. This was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation of the major protein using monoclonal antibodies directed specifically against epitopes that are present only on the M or the L protein. These results show that hepatitis B surface antigen envelope proteins synthesized in yeast are able to assemble into structures composed of different polypeptides. This opens the possibility of producing in yeast a variety of particles carrying well-defined amounts of preS epitopes on their surface. Also, one can envisage the production of mixed particles containing different foreign epitopes on their surface, in defined relative abundance, which could be useful for vaccine applications.  相似文献   

Lipid bodies (LBs), also known as lipid droplets, have increasingly been recognized as functionally active organelles linked to diverse biological functions and human diseases. These organelles are actively formed in vivo within cells from the immune system, such as macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils, in response to different inflammatory conditions and are sites for synthesis and storage of inflammatory mediators. In this review, the authors discuss structural and functional aspects of LBs and current imaging techniques to visualize these organelles in cells engaged in inflammatory processes, including infectious diseases. The dynamic morphological aspects of LBs in leukocytes as inducible, newly formable organelles, elicitable in response to stimuli that lead to cellular activation, contribute to the evolving understanding of LBs as organelles that are critical regulators of different inflammatory diseases, key markers of leukocyte activation, and attractive targets for novel anti-inflammatory therapies.  相似文献   

New methods of safe biological pest control are required as a result of evolution of insect resistance to current biopesticides. Yeast strains being developed for conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol are potential host systems for expression of commercially valuable peptides, such as bioinsecticides, to increase the cost-effectiveness of the process. Spider venom is one of many potential sources of novel insect-specific peptide toxins. Libraries of mutants of the small amphipathic peptide lycotoxin-1 from the wolf spider were produced in high throughput using an automated integrated plasmid-based functional proteomic platform and screened for ability to kill fall armyworms, a significant cause of damage to corn (maize) and other crops in the United States. Using amino acid scanning mutagenesis (AASM) we generated a library of mutagenized lycotoxin-1 open reading frames (ORF) in a novel small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) yeast expression system. The SUMO technology enhanced expression and improved generation of active lycotoxins. The mutants were engineered to be expressed at high level inside the yeast and ingested by the insect before being cleaved to the active form (so-called Trojan horse strategy). These yeast strains expressing mutant toxin ORFs were also carrying the xylose isomerase (XI) gene and were capable of aerobic growth on xylose. Yeast cultures expressing the peptide toxins were prepared and fed to armyworm larvae to identify the mutant toxins with greatest lethality. The most lethal mutations appeared to increase the ability of the toxin alpha-helix to interact with insect cell membranes or to increase its pore-forming ability, leading to cell lysis. The toxin peptides have potential as value-added coproducts to increase the cost-effectiveness of fuel ethanol bioproduction. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During meiosis, chromosomes undergo dramatic changes in structural organization, nuclear positioning, and motion. Although the nuclear pore complex has been shown to affect genome organization and function in vegetative cells, its role in meiotic chromosome dynamics has remained largely unexplored. Recent work in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrated that the mobile nucleoporin Nup2 is required for normal progression through meiosis I prophase and sporulation in strains where telomere-led chromosome movement has been compromised. The meiotic-autonomous region, a short fragment of Nup2 responsible for its role in meiosis, was shown to localize to the nuclear envelope via Nup60 and to bind to meiotic chromosomes. To understand the relative contribution these 2 activities have on meiotic-autonomous region function, we first carried out a screen for meiotic-autonomous region mutants defective in sporulation and found that all the mutations disrupt interaction with both Nup60 and meiotic chromosomes. Moreover, nup60 mutants phenocopy nup2 mutants, exhibiting similar nuclear division kinetics, sporulation efficiencies, and genetic interactions with mutations that affect the telomere bouquet. Although full-length Nup60 requires Nup2 for function, removal of Nup60’s C-terminus allows Nup60 to bind meiotic chromosomes and promotes sporulation without Nup2. In contrast, binding of the meiotic-autonomous region to meiotic chromosomes is completely dependent on Nup60. Our findings uncover an inhibitory function for the Nup60 C-terminus and suggest that Nup60 mediates recruitment of meiotic chromosomes to the nuclear envelope, while Nup2 plays a secondary role counteracting the inhibitory function in Nup60’s C-terminus.  相似文献   

Translation fidelity in Saccharomyces yeasts is determined by genetic and epigenetic (prion) factors. A study was made of S. cerevisiae strains containing the nonchromosomal determinant [ISP +], described earlier. Some of its properties suggest that [ISP +] is a prion. [ISP +] is expressed phenotypically as an antisuppressor of two sup35 mutations and can be cured with guanidine chloride (GuHCl). It was shown that sup35 mutants containing [ISP +] carried additional sup45 mutations. These mutations caused amino acid substitutions in different regions of translation termination factor eRF1, encoded by SUP45. Strains bearing the sup35-25 mutation contained the sup45 mutation that caused amino acid substitution at position 400 of eRF1; strains bearing sup35-10 contained the mutation that altered eRF1 at position 75. Thus, the antisuppressor phenotype of the [ISP +] strains proved to depend on the interaction of sup35 and sup45 mutations, as well as on the GuHCl-curable epigenetic determinant. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 844–849. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

Li L  Zhang C  Xu D  Schläppi M  Xu ZQ 《Gene》2012,506(1):50-61
EARLI1 is an Arabidopsis gene with pleiotropic effects previously shown to have auxiliary functions in protecting plants against freezing-induced cellular damage and promoting germinability under low-temperature and salinity stresses. Here we determined whether recombinant EARLI1 protein has anti-fungal activity. Recombinant EARLI1 protein lacking its signal peptide was produced in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) using isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) induction and the prokaryotic expression vector pET28a. Expression of EARLI1 was analyzed by Western blotting and the protein was purified using affinity chromatography. Recombinant EARLI1 protein was applied to fungal cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium oxysporum, and membrane permeability was determined using SYTOX green. Full-length EARLI1 was expressed in S. cerevisiae from the GAL1 promoter using 2% galactose and yeast cell viability was compared to control cells. Our results indicated that application of recombinant EARLI1 protein to B. cinerea and F. oxysporum could inhibit the growth of the necrotrophic fungi. Besides, addition of the recombinant protein to liquid cultures of S. cerevisiae significantly suppressed yeast growth and cell viability by increasing membrane permeability, and in vivo expression of the secreted form of EARLI1 in S. cerevisiae also had a remarkable inhibition effect on the growth of yeast cells.  相似文献   

Lipid Replacement Therapy, the use of functional oral supplements containing cell membrane phospholipids and antioxidants, has been used to replace damaged, usually oxidized, membrane glycerophospholipids that accumulate during aging and in various clinical conditions in order to restore cellular function. This approach differs from other dietary and intravenous phospholipid interventions in the composition of phospholipids and their defense against oxidation during storage, ingestion, digestion and uptake as well as the use of protective molecules that noncovalently complex with phospholipid micelles and prevent their enzymatic and bile disruption. Once the phospholipids have been taken in by transport processes, they are protected by several natural mechanisms involving lipid receptors, transport and carrier molecules and circulating cells and lipoproteins until their delivery to tissues and cells where they can again be transferred to intracellular membranes by specific and nonspecific transport systems. Once delivered to membrane sites, they naturally replace and stimulate removal of damaged membrane lipids. Various chronic clinical conditions are characterized by membrane damage, mainly oxidative but also enzymatic, resulting in loss of cellular function. This is readily apparent in mitochondrial inner membranes where oxidative damage to phospholipids like cardiolipin and other molecules results in loss of trans-membrane potential, electron transport function and generation of high-energy molecules. Recent clinical trials have shown the benefits of Lipid Replacement Therapy in restoring mitochondrial function and reducing fatigue in aged subjects and patients with a variety of clinical diagnoses that are characterized by loss of mitochondrial function and include fatigue as a major symptom. This Article is Part of a Special Issue Entitled: Membrane Structure and Function: Relevance in the Cell's Physiology, Pathology and Therapy.  相似文献   

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