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Abiotic stress in plants causes accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to the need for new protein synthesis to defend against ROS and to replace existing proteins that are damaged by oxidation. Functional plant ribosomes are critical for these activities, however we know little about the impact of oxidative stress on plant ribosome abundance, turnover, and function. Using Arabidopsis cell culture as a model system, we induced oxidative stress using 1 µm of H2O2 or 5 µm menadione to more than halve cell growth rate and limit total protein content. We show that ribosome content on a total cell protein basis decreased in oxidatively stressed cells. However, overall protein synthesis rates on a ribosome abundance basis showed the resident ribosomes retained their function in oxidatively stressed cells. 15N progressive labelling was used to calculate the rate of ribosome synthesis and degradation to track the fate of 62 r‐proteins. The degradation rates and the synthesis rates of most r‐proteins slowed following oxidative stress leading to an ageing population of ribosomes in stressed cells. However, there were exceptions to this trend; r‐protein RPS14C doubled its degradation rate in both oxidative treatments. Overall, we show that ribosome abundance decreases and their age increases with oxidative stress in line with loss of cell growth rate and total cellular protein amount, but ribosome function of the ageing ribosomes appeared to be maintained concomittently with differences in the turnover rate and abundance of specific ribosomal proteins. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD012840.  相似文献   

Stress responses in plants imply spatio‐temporal changes in enzymes and metabolites, including subcellular compartment‐specific re‐allocation processes triggered by sudden changes in environmental parameters. To investigate interactions of primary metabolism with abiotic stress, the gin2‐1 mutant, defective in the sugar sensor hexokinase 1 (HXK1) was compared with its wildtype Landsberg erecta (Ler) based on time resolved, compartment‐specific metabolome and proteome data obtained over a full diurnal cycle. The high light sensitive gin2‐1 mutant was substantially delayed in subcellular re‐distribution of metabolites upon stress, and this correlated with a massive reduction in proteins belonging to the ATP producing electron transport chain under high light, while fewer changes occurred in the cold. In the wildtype, compounds specifically protecting individual compartments could be identified, e.g., maltose and raffinose in plastids, myo‐inositol in mitochondria, but gin2‐1 failed to recruit these substances to the respective compartments, or responded only slowly to high irradiance. No such delay was obtained in the cold. At the whole cell level, concentrations of the amino acids, glycine and serine, provided strong evidence for an important role of the photorespiratory pathway during stress exposure, and different subcellular allocation of serine may contribute to the slow growth of the gin2‐1 mutant under high irradiance.  相似文献   

Plants are highly capable of recognizing and defending themselves against invading microbes. Adapted plant pathogens secrete effector molecules to suppress the host's immune system. These molecules may be recognized by host‐encoded resistance proteins, which then trigger defense in the form of the hypersensitive response (HR) leading to programmed cell death of the host tissue at the infection site. The three proteins PEN1, PEN2 and PEN3 have been found to act as central components in cell wall‐based defense against the non‐adapted powdery mildew Blumeria graminis fsp. hordei (Bgh). We found that loss of function mutations in any of the three PEN genes cause decreased hypersensitive cell death triggered by recognition of effectors from oomycete and bacterial pathogens in Arabidopsis. There were considerable additive effects of the mutations. The HR induced by recognition of AvrRpm1 was almost completely abolished in the pen2 pen3 and pen1 pen3 double mutants and the loss of cell death could be linked to indole glucosinolate breakdown products. However, the loss of the HR in pen double mutants did not affect the plants' ability to restrict bacterial growth, whereas resistance to avirulent isolates of the oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis was strongly compromised. In contrast, the double and triple mutants demonstrated varying degrees of run‐away cell death in response to Bgh. Taken together, our results indicate that the three genes PEN1, PEN2 and PEN3 extend in functionality beyond their previously recognized functions in cell wall‐based defense against non‐host pathogens.  相似文献   

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