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Summary We construct a codon space in which a given DNA sequence can be plotted as a function of its base composition in each of the three codon positions. We demonstrate that the base composition is very highly nonrandom, with sequences from more primitive organisms having the least random compositions. By using cluster analysis on the points plotted in codon space we show that there is a strong correlation between base composition and type of organism, with the most primitive organisms having the highest A or T content in the second and third codon positions. A smooth transition toward lower A+T and higher G+C content is observed in the second and third codon positions as the evolutionary complexity of the organism increases. Besides this general trend, more detailed structure can be observed in the clustering that will become clearer as the data base is increased.  相似文献   

The hydrogen storage capacity of C(3)Ti and C(3)Ti(+) complex was studied using second order M?ller-Plesset (MP2) and density functional theory (DFT) methods with different exchange and correlation functionals. Four and five H(2) molecules can be adsorbed on C(3)Ti and C(3)Ti(+) complex respectively at all the levels of theory used. This corresponds to the gravimetric H(2) uptake capacity of 8.77 and 10.73 wt % for the former and the latter respectively. The nature of interactions between different molecules in H(2) adsorbed complexes is also studied using many-body analysis approach. In the case of C(3)Ti(4H(2)) complex, total five-body interactions is negligible whereas for C(3)Ti(+)(5H(2)) relaxation energy is negligible. All the many-body energies have significant contribution to the binding energy of a respective complex. Atom-centered density matrix propagation molecular dynamics simulations were carried out using different methods to confirm whether H(2) molecules remain adsorbed on C(3)Ti and C(3)Ti(+) complex at room temperature. Adsorption Gibbs free energies show that four and five H(2) molecule adsorption on C(3)Ti and C(3)Ti(+) at room temperature is energetically favorable and unfavorable respectively using MP2 as well as DFT methods used here. H(2) adsorption is thermodynamically favorable over a wide range of temperature on the C(3)Ti than C(3)Ti(+)complex.  相似文献   

Counting individual RNA or DNA molecules is difficult because they are hard to copy quantitatively for detection. To overcome this limitation, we applied unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), which make each molecule in a population distinct, to genome-scale human karyotyping and mRNA sequencing in Drosophila melanogaster. Use of this method can improve accuracy of almost any next-generation sequencing method, including chromatin immunoprecipitation-sequencing, genome assembly, diagnostics and manufacturing-process control and monitoring.  相似文献   

The effect of electric field (EF) in a newly designed molecular nanowire 9,10-dimethoxy-2,6-bis(2-p-tolylethynyl)anthracene has been analysed theoretically from the structural and electronic charge transport properties using quantum chemical and charge density calculations. The applied EF (0–0.36 VÅ? 1) alters the molecular conformation, charge density distribution, electrostatic properties and the electronic energy levels of the molecule. Furthermore, the applied EF decreases the highest occupied molecular orbital–lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gap significantly from 1.775 to 0.258 eV and it also induces polarisation in the molecule, which leads to increase the dipole moment of the molecule. The electrostatic potential for various levels of applied EF reveals the charge-accumulated regions of the molecule. The IV characteristics of the molecule have been studied against various applied fields using Landauer formalism.  相似文献   

(13)C-labeled amorphous cellulose and (13)C NMR chemical shifts by 2D (13)C-(13)C correlation spectroscopy were obtained in the regenerated solid-state from ionic liquids. On the basis of the assigned chemical shifts, combined with information from molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry computer simulations a twisted structure for amorphous cellulose is proposed exposing more hydrophilic surface than that of extended crystalline cellulose.  相似文献   

It is well established that the fully formed polymerase active site of the DNA repair enzyme, polymerase beta (pol beta), including two bound Mg2+ cations and the nucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) substrate, exists at only one point in the catalytic cycle just prior to the chemical nucleotidyl transfer step. The structure of the active conformation has been the subject of much interest as it relates to the mechanism of the chemical step and also to the question of fidelity assurance. Although crystal structures of ternary pol beta-(primer-template) DNA-dNTP complexes have provided the main structural features of the active site, they are necessarily incomplete due to intentional alterations (e.g., removal of the 3'OH groups from primer and substrate) needed to obtain a structure from midcycle. Working from the crystal structure closest to the fully formed active site [Protein Data Bank (PDB) code: 1bpy], two molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the solvated ternary complex were performed: one with the missing 3'OHs restored, via modeling, to the primer and substrate, and the other without restoration of the 3'OHs. The results of the simulations, together with ab initio optimizations on simplified active-site models, indicate that the missing primer 3'OH in the crystal structure is responsible for a significant perturbation in the coordination sphere of the catalytic cation and allow us to suggest several corrections and additions to the active-site structure as observed by crystallography. In addition, the calculations help to resolve questions raised regarding the protonation states of coordinating ligands.  相似文献   

The present study involves the utilization of replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) methodology to explore the conformational space of Neuromedin C (NMC) using implicit (REMDimplicit) and explicit (REMDexplicit) water models. Comparison of the structures obtained from these simulations indicate that REMDexplicit trajectory display a greater tendency to induce β‐turns and bent structures as compared to those obtained from the REMDimplicit simulation. Moreover, two additional MD trajectories performed using Langevin (MDLang) and Berendsen (MDBerend) algorithms under generalized born (GB) solvent conditions were also suitably competent to sample similar kinds of conformations, although the extent of beta turns was low compared to those observed in REMDexplicit simulation. Finally, the comparison of results obtained from all the trajectories and those derived from the NMR studies of Ni(II) complex of NMC indicates that the REMD under explicit conditions is more efficient in sampling the conformations, and show good agreement with the experimental results. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis can be a useful tool for exploratory data analysis to uncover natural groupings in data, and initiate new ideas and hypotheses about such groupings. When applied to short-term assay results, it provides and improves estimates for the sensitivity and specificity of assays, provides indications of association between assays and, in turn, which assays can be substituted for one another in a battery, and allows a data base containing test results on chemicals of unknown carcinogenicity to be linked to a data base for which animal carcinogenicity data are available. Cluster analysis was applied to the Gene-Tox data base (which contains short-term test results on chemicals of both known and unknown carcinogenicity). The results on chemicals of known carcinogenicity were different from those obtained when the entire data base was analyzed. This suggests that the associations (and possibly the sensitivities and specificities) which are based on chemicals of known carcinogenicity may not be representative of the true measures. Cluster analysis applied to the total data base should be useful in improving these estimates. Many of the associations between the assays which were found through the use of cluster analysis could be 'validated' based on previous knowledge of the mechanistic basis of the various tests, but some of the associations were unsuspected. These associations may be a reflection of a non-ideal data base. As additional data becomes available and new clustering techniques for handling non-ideal data bases are developed, results from such analyses could play an increasing role in strengthening prediction schemes which utilize short-term tests results to screen chemicals for carcinogenicity, such as the carcinogenicity and battery selection (CPBS) method (Chankong et al., 1985).  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Soft spot analysis helps evaluate the site of the metabolic lability that impacts the bio-availability of the drug. However, given its laborious and time consuming...  相似文献   

Flephedrone is an analogue of cathinone - chemically similar to ephedrine, cathine and other amphetamines. Conformations of all isomers of flephedrone have been studied at the quantum-chemical level. Calculations have been performed using DFT and MP2 methods with two basis sets - 6-31G and 6-31G(d,p). Results show that there are low energy conformers for the ortho, meta, and para isomers that are connected by way of low-barrier transition states. Boltzmann distribution of population predicts the highest population for the 1-meta conformer with a 10 % increase in solution. The molecular electrostatic potential surface data for each molecule has been calculated revealing likely reaction sites.  相似文献   


Human telomerase referred as ‘terminal transferase’ is a nucleoprotein enzyme which inhibits the disintegration of telomere length and act as a drug target for the anticancer therapy. The tandem repeating structure of telomere sequence forms the guanine-rich quadruplex structures that stabilize stacked tetrads. In our present work, we have investigated the interaction of quercetin with DNA tetrads using DFT. Geometrical analysis revealed that the influence of quercetin drug induces the structural changes into the DNA tetrads. Among DNA tetrads, the quercetin stacked with GCGC tetrad has the highest interaction energy of ?88.08?kcal/mol. The binding mode and the structural stability are verified by the absorption spectroscopy method. The longer wavelength was found at 380?nm and it exhibits bathochromic shift. The findings help us to understand the binding nature of quercetin drug with DNA tetrads and it also inhibits the telomerase activity. Further, the quercetin drug interacted with G-quadruplex DNA by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies for 100?ns simulation at different temperatures and different pH levels (T?=?298 K, 320?K and pH = 7.4, 5.4). The structural stability of the quercetin with G-quadruplex structure is confirmed by RMSD. For the acidic condition (pH = 5.4), the binding affinity is higher toward G-quadruplex DNA, this result resembles that the quercetin drug is well interacted with G-quadruplex DNA at acidic condition (pH = 7.4) than the neutral condition. The obtained results show that quercetin drug stabilizes the G-quadruplex DNA, which regulates telomerase enzyme and it potentially acts as a novel anti-cancer agent.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

The coenzyme Q (CoQ) molecule plays a critical role in the biochemical generation of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate. Various types of CoQ can be classified according to their number of isoprenoid units in the tail. In human beings, CoQ10 is produced and is necessary for the basic functioning of cells. CoQ10 exists in two forms, as ubiquinone (UQ) and as ubiquinol (UQH2), which have different roles in the body. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for the analysis of the effects of solvents on the structure of the UQ molecule are presented. Besides, semi-empirical molecular orbital PM3 calculation is applied to obtain structural and electronic properties of both the UQ and the UQH2 molecules. According to the MD simulation, the UQ molecule seems to be flexible both in vacuum and in water. On the other hand, the molecule stays more rigid in methanol. PM3 calculations show that both molecules are quite hydrophobic. Furthermore, UQ is chemically more reactive than UQH2, but the latter is kinetically more stable than the former.  相似文献   

The conformational space available to GnRH and lGnRH-III was compared using 5.2 ns constant temperature and pressure molecular dynamics simulations with explicit TIP3P solvation and the AMBER v. 5.0 force field. Cluster analysis of both trajectories resulted in two groups of conformations. Results of free energy calculations, in agreement with previous experimental data, indicate that a conformation with a turn from residues 5 through 8 is preferred for GnRH in an aqueous environment. By contrast, a conformation with a helix from residues 2 through 7 with a bend from residues 6 through 10 is preferred for lGnRH-III in an aqueous environment. The side chains of His2 and Trp3 in lGnRH-III occupy different regions of phase space and participate in weakly polar interactions different from those in GnRH. The unique conformational properties of lGnRH-III may account for its specific anti cancer activity.  相似文献   

We computationally examined the structure of anti-tumour bicyclic hexapeptide RA-VII. This peptide adopts three conformations (confs.), A, B and C, in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Although it was experimentally reported that the structure of conf. A is important for anti-tumour activity, the dynamics of confs. A, B and C are not well known. We performed quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of RA-VII in DMSO. The MD simulations indicated two different local stable structures for conf. C: a structure containing a bent 18-membered ring and another structure containing a rotated peptide bond between Tyr6 and d-Ala1. The root-mean-square fluctuation of the 14-membered ring for conf. A was larger than that for confs. B and C. Ala4 formed intramolecular hydrogen bonds more often in conf. A than in the other conformations. A large number of hydrogen bonds and large structural fluctuations are important for the anti-tumour activity of RA-VII. Our results for the structural change of conf. C and the analysis of the dynamics for confs. A, B and C may contribute to the design of new analogues of cyclic peptides.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of molecular chains using nano-kinematics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present algorithms for 3–D manipulation and conforma–tionalanalysis of molecular chains, when bond lengths, bond anglesand related dihedral angles remain fixed. These algorithms areuseful for local deformations of linear molecules, exact ringclosure in cyclic molecules and molecular embedding for shortchains. Other possible applications include structure prediction,protein folding, conformation energy analysis and 3D molecularmatching and docking. The algorithms are applicable to all serialmolecular chains and make no asssumptions about their geometry.We make use of results on direct and inverse kinematics fromrobotics and mechanics literature and show the correspondencebetween kinematics and conformational analysis of molecules.In particular, we pose these problems algebraically and computeall the solutions making use of the structure of these equationsand matrix computations. The algorithms have been implementedand perform well in practice. In particular, they take tensof milliseconds on current workstations for local deformationsand chain closures on molecular chains consisting of six orfewer rotatable dihedral angles  相似文献   


FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of 2,2′-bipyridine-3,3′-dicarboxylic acid (B3DA), 2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid (B4DA) and 2,2′-bipyridine-5,5′-dicarboxylic acid (B5DA) were recorded and analysed. The quantum chemical calculations of the title compounds begin with barrier potentials at different rotation angles around the C–C′ and C–Cα bonds in order to arrive conformation of lowest energy using DFT employing B3LYP functional with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. This confirmation was further optimised to get the global minimum geometry. The vibrational frequencies along with IR, Raman intensities were computed, the rms error between observed and calculated frequencies were 11.2 cm?1, 10.2 cm?1 and 12.2 cm?1 for B3DA, B4DA, and B5DA. An 87-element modified valence force field is derived by solving the inverse vibrational problem using Wilson’s GF matrix method. This force field is refined using 163 observed fundamentals employing in overlay least-squares technique. The average error between computed and experimental frequencies was found as 12.85 cm?1 using potential energy distribution (PED) and eigenvectors. By using the gauge-independent atomic orbital (GIAO) method calculate the 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts of the molecules and compared with experimental results. The first-order hyperpolarisability, HOMO and LUMO energies, molecular electrostatic potential (MESP) and natural orbital analysis (NBO) of titled compounds were evaluated using DFT.  相似文献   

We recently reported that chloroperoxidase (CPO) from Caldariomyces fumago showed atypical kinetic behavior for the oxidation of 4,6 dimethyl dibenzothiophene (DMDBT). In this work, we undertake the theoretical study of DMDBT docking into CPO's active site, in order to clarify its binding capacity and affinity using molecular interaction fields and quantum mechanical procedure. The results revealed that CPO has two substrate binding sites with similar affinities for DMDBT. This finding suggests that the atypical kinetic behavior of CPO for the oxidation of DMDBT might be due to the simultaneous binding of two DMDBT molecules during its reaction cycle. Finally, we extend these results to carbazole, a nitrogen-containing PAH, through experimental and theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Mao L  Hu X 《Biophysical journal》2004,86(5):3097-3111
The structural stabilization role of carotenoids in the formation of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes is investigated theoretically. The pi-pi stacking and CH-pi interactions between beta-carotenes and their surrounding chlorophylls (and/or aromatic residues) in Photosystem I (PS1) from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were studied by means of the supermolecular approach at the level of the second-order M?ller-Plesset perturbation method. PS1 features a core integral antenna system consisting of 22 beta-carotenes intertwined with 90 chlorophyll molecules. The binding environments of all 22 beta-carotenes were systematically analyzed. For 21 out of the 22 cases, one or more chlorophyll molecules exist within van der Waals' contacts of the beta-carotene molecule. The calculated strengths of pi-pi stacking interactions between the conjugated core of beta-carotene and the aromatic tetrapyrrole rings of chlorophyll are substantial, ranging from -3.54 kcal/mol for the perpendicular-positioned BCR4004...CHL1217 pair to -16.01 kcal/mol for the parallel-oriented BCR4007...CHL1122 pair. A strong dependence of the pi-pi stacking interaction energies on the intermolecular configurations of the two interacting pi-planes is observed. The parallel-oriented beta-carotene and chlorophyll pair is energetically much more stable than the perpendicular-positioned pair. The larger the extent of pi-pi overlapping, the stronger the interaction strength. In many cases, the beta-ring ends of beta-carotene molecules are found to interact with the tetrapyrrole rings of chlorophyll via CH-pi interactions. For the latter interactions, the calculated interaction strengths vary from -7.03 to -11.03 kcal/mol, depending on the intermolecular configuration. This work leads to the conclusion that pi-pi stacking and CH-pi interactions between beta-carotene and their surrounding chlorophylls and aromatic residues play an essential role in binding beta-carotenes in PS1 from S. elongatus. Consequently, the molecular basis of the structural stabilization function of carotenoids in formation of the photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes is established.  相似文献   

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