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We report a morphologic study of the heart inflow tract of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi. Attention was paid to the atrium, the sinus venosus, the pulmonary vein, and the atrioventricular (AV) plug, and to the relationships between all these structures. The atrium is divided caudally into two lobes, has a common part above the sinus venosus, and appears attached to the dorsal wall of the ventricle and outflow tract through connective tissue covered by the visceral pericardium. The pulmonary vein enters the sinus venosus and runs longitudinally toward the AV plug. Then it fuses with the pulmonalis fold and disappears as an anatomic entity. However, the oxygenated blood is directly conveyed into the left atrium by the formation of a pulmonary channel. This channel is formed cranially by the pulmonalis fold, ventrally by the AV plug, and caudally and dorsally by the atrial wall. The pulmonalis fold appears as a wide membranous fold which arises from the left side of the AV plug and extends dorsally to form the roof of the pulmonary channel. The pulmonalis fold also forms the right side of the pulmonary channel and sequesters the upper left corner of the sinus venosus from the main circulatory return. The AV plug is a large structure, firmly attached to the ventricular septum, which contains a hyaline cartilaginous core surrounded by connective tissue. The atrium is partially divided into two chambers by the presence of numerous pectinate muscles extended between the dorsal wall of the atrium and the roof of the pulmonary channel. Thus, partial atrial division is both internal and external, precluding the more complete division seen in amphibians. The present report, our own unpublished observations on other Protopterus, and a survey of the literature indicate that not only the Protopterus, but also other lungfish share many morphologic traits.  相似文献   

We report a morphologic study of the heart ventricle and outflow tract of the African lungfish Protopterus dolloi. The ventricle is saccular and appears attached to the anterior pericardial wall by a thick tendon. An incomplete septum divides the ventricle into two chambers. Both the free ventricular wall and the incomplete ventricular septum are entirely trabeculated. Only a thin rim of myocardium separates the trabecular system from the subepicardial space. The outflow tract consists of proximal, middle, and distal portions, separated by two flexures, proximal and distal. The proximal outflow tract portion is endowed with a layer of compact, well-vascularized myocardium. This portion is homologous to the conus arteriosus observed in the heart of most vertebrates. The middle and distal outflow tract portions are arterial-like, thus being homologous to the bulbus arteriosus. However, the separation between the muscular and arterial portions of the outflow tract is not complete in the lungfish. A thin layer of myocardium covers the arterial tissue, and a thin layer of elastic tissue underlies the conus myocardium. Two unequal ridges composed of loose connective tissue, the spiral and bulbar folds, run the length of the outflow tract. They form an incomplete division of the outflow tract, but fuse at the distal end. The two folds are covered by endocardium and contain collagen, elastin, and fibroblast-like cells. They appear to be homologous to the dextro-dorsal and sinistro-ventral ridges observed during the development of the avian and mammalian heart. Two to three rows of vestigial arterial-like valves appear in the dorsal and ventral aspects of the conus. These valves are unlikely to have a functional role. The possible functional significance of the "gubernaculum cordis," the thick tendon extending between the anterior ventricular surface and the pericardium, is discussed.  相似文献   

The basic physiology of water balance and kidney function was characterized in two species of African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi and Protopterus annectens. Diffusive water efflux rate constants were low (0.13 h(-1)-0.38 h(-1) in various series) relative to values in freshwater teleost fish. Efflux rate constants increased approximately 3-fold after feeding in both species, and were greatly decreased after 8 months terrestrialization (P. dolloi only tested). Urine flow rates (UFR, 3.9-5.2 mL kg(-1) h(-1)) and glomerular filtration rates (GFR, 6.6-9.3 mL kg(-1) h(-1)) were quite high relative to values in most freshwater teleosts. However urinary ion excretion rates were low, with net re-absorption of >99% Na(+), >98% Cl(-), and >78% Ca(2+) from the primary filtrate, comparable to teleosts. Net water re-absorption was significantly greater in P. dolloi (56%) than in P. annectens (23%). We conclude that renal function in lungfish is similar to that in other primitive freshwater fish, but there is an interesting dichotomy between diffusive and osmotic permeabilities. Aquatic lungfish have low diffusive water permeability, an important pre-adaptation to life on land, and in accord with greatly reduced gill areas and low metabolic rates. However osmotic permeability is high, 4-12 times greater than diffusive permeability. A role for aquaporins in this dichotomy is speculated.  相似文献   

Five parvalbumins have been isolated from the white muscles of the lungfish. They can be divided into two sub families showing typical amino acid compositions, C-terminal amino acid residues, peptide maps and immuno-reactivity. The red muscles including the cardiac muscle also contain parvalbumins in amounts roughly inversely related to the concentration of myoglobin in the muscle. Parvalbumins have also been detected in the brain and kidney.  相似文献   

The slender African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, does not aestivate in a subterranean mud cocoon, but is capable of aestivating inside a layer of dried mucus on land during drought. In this study, we aimed to elucidate if a slight increase in salinity in association with changes in the ionic composition could act as signals for P. dolloi to decrease endogenous ammonia production, in preparation for aestivation when the external medium dries up. Specimens of P. dolloi exposed to 3 per thousand water for 6 days exhibited consistently lower daily urea excretion rate than the freshwater control. This led to significant decreases in the cumulative total nitrogenous wastes excreted on days 3, 5 and 6. On day 6, there were decreases in urea contents in various tissues and organs. Taken together, these results suggest that there was a decrease in the rate of urea synthesis, the magnitude of which was greater than the decrease in the rate of urea excretion, and therefore resulted in decreases in internal urea contents. A decrease in the rate of urea synthesis should result in a decrease in the rate of glutamine utilization, and subsequently led to the accumulations of glutamine and/or ammonia. However, there were no changes in contents of glutamine and ammonia in various tissues and organs in the experimental animals. A logical explanation for this is that there must be a simultaneous reduction in ammonia production; if not, ammonia would accumulate due to the decrease in rate of urea synthesis. Since fish were unfed during the experiment, endogenous ammonia must be derived mainly from amino acid catabolism. Therefore, these results suggest that a suppression of amino acid catabolism occurred in specimens exposed to 3 per thousand for 6 days. The differences in effects of freshwater and 3 per thousand water on endogenous ammonia production could not be due to food deprivation because both groups of fish were fasted for the same period. Because control and experimental fish were kept in water and because there were no changes in the wet mass of the fish and blood osmolality before and after the experiment, dehydration did not occur. Furthermore, both groups of fish have comparable blood pH, pO2 and pCO2 on day 6 as they had free access to air, and therefore CO2 retention could be eliminated as the initiating factor of suppressed endogenous ammonia production. In conclusion, our results suggest that P. dolloi could respond to increases in salinity and changes in ionic composition in the external medium by suppressing ammonia production in preparation for aestivation when the water dries up.  相似文献   

Under aquatic conditions, Protopterus dolloi is ammoniotelic, excreting only small amounts of urea-N. However, upon return to water after 30 d estivation in air, the lungfish excretes only small amounts of ammonia-N but massive amounts of urea-N. A similar pattern is seen after 21-30 d of terrestrialization, a treatment in which the lungfish is air exposed but kept moist throughout. After both treatments, the time course of urea-N excretion is biphasic with an immediate increase, then a fall, and finally a second larger increase that peaks at about 12 h and may be prolonged for several days thereafter. Urea-N excretion rates during the second peak reach 2,000-6,000 micromol N kg(-1) h(-1), two to three orders of magnitude greater than rates in most fish and comparable only to rates in species known to employ UT-A type facilitated diffusion urea transporters. Divided chamber studies and measurements of the clearance rates of [3H]-PEG-4000 (a glomerular filtration and paracellular diffusion marker) and two structural analogs of urea ([14C]-acetamide and [14C]-thiourea) were performed to characterize the two peaks of urea-N excretion. The smaller first peak was almost equally partitioned between the head (including internal and external gills) and the body compartment (including urinary opening), was accompanied by only a modest increase in [14C]-acetamide clearance equal to that in [14C]-thiourea clearance, and could be accounted for by a large but short-lasting increase in [3H]-PEG-4000 clearance (to about fivefold the terrestrial rate). The delayed, much larger second peak in urea-N excretion represented an elevated efflux into both compartments but occurred mainly (72%) via the body rather than the head region. This second peak was accompanied by a substantial increase in [14C]-acetamide clearance but only a modest further rise in [14C]-thiourea clearance. The acetamide to thiourea permeability ratio was typical of UT-A type transporters in other fish. [3H]-PEG-4000 clearance was stable at this time at about double the terrestrial rate, and excretion rates of urea and its analogs were many fold greater than could be accounted for by [3H]-PEG-4000 clearance. We conclude that the first peak may be explained by elevated urinary excretion and paracellular diffusion across the gills upon resubmergence, while the second peak is attributable to a delayed and prolonged activation of a UT-A type facilitated diffusion mechanism, primarily in the skin and perhaps also in branchial epithelia.  相似文献   

The African slender lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, is highly adapted to withstand periods of drought by secreting a mucous cocoon and estivating for periods of months to years. Estivation is similar to the diapause and hibernation of other animal species in that it is characterized by negligible activity and a profoundly depressed metabolic rate. As is typically observed in quiescent states, estivating P. dolloi are resistant to environmental stresses. We tested the hypothesis that P. dolloi enhances stress resistance during estivation by upregulating intracellular antioxidant defences in brain and heart tissues. We found that most of the major intracellular antioxidant enzymes, including the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase, cytosolic superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, were upregulated in brain tissue of lungfish that had estivated for 60 days. Several of these enzymes were also elevated in heart tissue of estivators. These changes were not due to food deprivation, as they did not occur in a group of fish that were deprived of food but maintained in water for the same period of time. We found little evidence of tissue oxidative damage in estivators. Products of lipid peroxidation (4-hydroxynonenal adducts) and oxidative protein damage (carbonylation) were similar in estivating and control lungfish. However, protein nitrotyrosine levels were elevated in brain tissue of estivators. Taken together, these data indicate that estivating P. dolloi have enhanced oxidative stress resistance in brain and heart due to a significant upregulation of intracellular antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiration and activities of key metabolic enzymes from liver and white skeletal muscle were compared between control aquatic slender lungfish Protopterus dolloi , and those exposed to air for 5 months. Activities of citrate synthase, glycogen phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase in liver were not affected by air-exposure. In muscle, air-exposure reduced citrate synthase and pyruvate kinase activities (relative to tissue wet mass) by 63 and 50%, respectively. Liver carnitine palmitoyl transferase activity (relative to mitochondrial protein) decreased by half following air-exposure, but there was no change in muscle. In mitochondria isolated from muscle, state 3 and state 4 respiration were reduced by 74 and 89%, respectively following air-exposure, but liver mitochondria were not affected. In liver, air-exposure increased activities of ornithine-urea cycle enzymes including glutamine synthase, carbamoyl-phosphate synthase III and arginase, by 1·9- to 4·2-fold. Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase III activity could not be detected in muscle, indicating that urea is not synthesized in this tissue. These data suggest that skeletal muscle metabolism is downregulated in air-exposure, conserving energy and protein during a period when the animals cannot forage. In contrast, ATP production capacities in the liver are maintained, and this may permit expensive urea biosynthesis to continue during aerial exposure.  相似文献   

Although urea production and metabolism in lungfish have been thoroughly studied, we have little knowledge of how internal osmotic and electrolyte balance are controlled during estivation or in water. We tested the hypothesis that, compared with the body surface of teleosts, the slender African lungfish (Protopterus dolloi) body surface was relatively impermeable to water, Na(+), and Cl(-) due to its greatly reduced gills. Accordingly, we measured the tritiated water ((3)H-H(2)O) flux in P. dolloi in water and during air exposure. In water, (3)H-H(2)O efflux was comparable with the lowest measurements reported in freshwater teleosts, with a rate constant (K) of 17.6% body water h(-1). Unidirectional ion fluxes, measured using (22)Na(+) and (36)Cl(-), indicated that Na(+) and Cl(-) influx was more than 90% lower than values reported in most freshwater teleosts. During air exposure, a cocoon formed within 1 wk that completely covered the dorsolateral body surface. However, there were no disturbances to blood osmotic or ion (Na(+), Cl(-)) balance, despite seven- to eightfold increases in plasma urea after 20 wk. Up to 13-fold increases in muscle urea (on a dry-weight basis) were the likely explanation for the 56% increase in muscle water content observed after 20 wk of air exposure. The possibility that muscle acted as a "water reservoir" during air exposure was supported by the 20% decline in body mass observed during subsequent reimmersion in water. This decline in body mass was equivalent to 28 mL water in a 100-g animal and was very close to the calculated net water gain (approximately 32 mL) observed during the 20-wk period of air exposure. Tritiated water and unidirectional ion fluxes on air-exposed lungfish revealed that the majority of water and ion exchange was via the ventral body surface at rates that were initially similar to aquatic rates. The (3)H-H(2)O flux declined over time but increased upon reimmersion. We conclude that the slender lungfish body surface, including the gills, has relatively low permeability to water and ions but that the ventral surface is an important site of osmoregulation and ionoregulation. We further propose that an amphibian-like combination of ventral skin water and ion permeability, plus internal urea accumulation during air exposure, allows P. dolloi to extract water from its surroundings and to store water in the muscle when the water supply becomes limited.  相似文献   

The potential importance of carbohydrates and amino acids as fuels during periods of fasting and aestivation in the African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, were examined. No significant decreases in tissue glycogen levels were observed following 60 days of fasting or aestivation, suggesting lungfish may undergo 'glycogen sparing'. Yet glycogenolysis may be important during aestivation based on the differing responses of two flux-generating enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, hexokinase (HK) and pyruvate kinase (PK). PK is required for glycogen breakdown whereas HK is not. HK activity is significantly down-regulated in the heart and gill tissues during aestivation, while PK activity is sustained. The significant negative correlation between the activity of HK and glucose levels in the heart of aestivating lungfish suggests HK may be regulated by glucose concentrations. There was no indication of anaerobic glycolytic flux during aestivation as lactate did not accumulate in any of the tissues examined, and no significant induction of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)activity was observed. The increase in glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and aspartate aminotransferase (Asp-AT) activities in the liver of aestivating P. dolloi suggests some energy may be obtained via increased aminoacid catabolism, leading to the generation of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. These findings indicate the importance of both carbohydrate and amino acid fuel stores during aestivation in aphylogenetically ancient, air-breathing fish.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to elucidate how the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, ameliorated ammonia toxicity during 12 or 46 days of aestivation in air or in mud. Twelve days of aestivation in air led to significant increases in contents of urea, but not ammonia, in tissues of P. annectens. The estimated rate of urea synthesis increased 2.7-fold despite the lack of changes in the activities of hepatic ornithine–urea cycle enzymes, but there was only a minor change in the estimated rate of ammonia production. After 46 days of aestivation in air, the ammonia content in the liver decreased significantly and contents of urea in all tissues studied increased significantly, indicating that the fish shifted to a combination of increased urea synthesis (1.4-fold of the day 0 value) and decreased ammonia production (56% of the day 0 value) to defend against ammonia toxicity. By contrast, 12 days of aestivation in mud produced only minor increases in tissue urea contents, with ammonia contents remained unchanged. This was apparently achieved through decreases in urea synthesis and ammonia production (40 and 15%, respectively, of the corresponding day 0 value). Surprisingly, 46 days of aestivation in mud resulted in no changes in tissue urea contents, indicating that profound suppressions of urea synthesis and ammonia production (2.6 and 1.2%, respectively, of the corresponding day 0 value) had occurred. This is the first report on such a phenomenon, and the reduction in ammonia production was so profound that it could be the greatest reduction known among animals. Since fish aestivated in mud had relatively low blood pO2 and muscle ATP content, they could have been exposed to hypoxia, which induced reductions in metabolic rate and ammonia production. Consequently, fish aestivating in mud had a lower dependency on increased urea synthesis to detoxify ammonia, which is energy intensive, than fish aestivating in air.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (1) determine if ammonia (as NH(4)Cl) injected intra-peritoneally into the ureogenic slender African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, was excreted directly rather than being converted to urea; (2) examine if injected urea was retained in this lungfish, leading to decreases in liver arginine and brain tryptophan levels, as observed during aestivation on land; and (3) elucidate if increase in internal ammonia level would affect urea excretion, when ammonia and urea are injected simultaneously into the fish. Despite being ureogenic, P. dolloi rapidly excreted the excess ammonia as ammonia within the subsequent 12 h after NH(4)Cl was injected into its peritoneal cavity. Injected ammonia was not detoxified into urea through the ornithine-urea cycle, probably because it is energetically intensive to synthesize urea and because food was withheld before and during the experiment. In addition, injected ammonia was likely to stay in extracellular compartments available for direct excretion. At hour 24, only a small amount of ammonia accumulated in the muscle of these fish. In contrast, when urea was injected intra-peritoneally into P. dolloi, only a small percentage (34%) of it was excreted during the subsequent 24-h period. A significant increase in the rate of urea excretion was observed only after 16 h. At hour 24, significant quantities of urea were retained in various tissues of P. dolloi. Injection with urea led to an apparent reduction in endogenous ammonia production, a significant decrease in the hepatic arginine content, and a significantly lower level of brain tryptophan in this lungfish. All three phenomena had been observed previously in aestivating P. dolloi. Hence, it is logical to deduce that urea synthesis and accumulation could be one of the essential factors in initiating and perpetuating aestivation in this lungfish. Through the injection of NH(4)Cl + urea, it was demonstrated that an increase in urea excretion occurred in P. dolloi within the first 12 h post-injection, which was much earlier than that of fish injected with urea alone. These results suggest that urea excretion in P. dolloi is likely to be regulated by the level of internal ammonia in its body.  相似文献   

The ultimobranchial glands of juvenile African lungfish (Protopterus dolloi) (14 individuals; total body length 25-205 mm) were immunohistochemically examined. In individuals larger than 36 mm, one ultimobranchial gland was close to the left afferent branchial arteries. The topography of the ultimobranchial gland was similar to that of salamanders and sharks, but not to teleosts. With body growth, the ultimobranchial gland was vascularized and the parenchymal cells were gradually immunostained with anti-calcitonin antibody. In all individuals examined, the ultimobranchial gland existed only on the left side of the pharynx. These observations are discussed from a phylogenetic viewpoint.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the rate of urea synthesis in Protopterus aethiopicus was up-regulated to detoxify ammonia during the initial phase of aestivation in air (day 1-day 12), and that a profound suppression of ammonia production occurred at a later phase of aestivation (day 35-day 46) which eliminated the need to sustain the increased rate of urea synthesis. Fasting apparently led to a greater rate of nitrogenous waste excretion in P. aethiopicus in water, which is an indication of increases in production of endogenous ammonia and urea probably as a result of increased proteolysis and amino acid catabolism for energy production. However, 46 days of fasting had no significant effects on the ammonia or urea contents in the muscle, liver, plasma and brain. In contrast, there were significant decreases in the muscle ammonia content in fish after 12, 34 or 46 days of aestivation in air when compared with fish fasting in water. Ammonia was apparently detoxified to urea because urea contents in the muscle, liver, plasma and brain of P. aethiopicus aestivated for 12, 34 or 46 days were significantly greater than the corresponding fasting control; the greatest increases in urea contents occurred during the initial 12 days. There were also significant increases in activities of some of the hepatic ornithine-urea cycle enzymes from fish aestivated for 12 or 46 days. Therefore, contrary to a previous report on P. aethiopicus, our results demonstrated an increase in the estimated rate of urea synthesis (2.8-fold greater than the day 0 fish) in this lungfish during the initial 12 days of aestivation. However, the estimated rate of urea synthesis decreased significantly during the next 34 days. Between day 35 and day 46 (12 days), urea synthesis apparently decreased to 42% of the day 0 control value, and this is the first report of such a phenomenon in African lungfish undergoing aestivation. On the other hand, the estimated rate of ammonia production in P. aethiopicus increased slightly (14.7%) during the initial 12 days of aestivation as compared with that in the day 0 fish. By contrast, the estimated rate of ammonia production decreased by 84% during the final 12 days of aestivation (day 35-day 46) compared with the day 0 value. Therefore, it can be concluded that P. aethiopicus depended mainly on increased urea synthesis to ameliorate ammonia toxicity during the initial phase of aestivation, but during prolonged aestivation, it suppressed ammonia production profoundly, eliminating the need to increase urea synthesis which is energy-intensive.  相似文献   

The potential importance of lipids and ketone bodies as fuels in the African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, and the role of oxidative metabolism, were examined under control, fasted and aestivated conditions. In aestivating but not fasting lungfish, the activities of citrate synthase (CS) and cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) (enzymes of oxidative metabolism) showed tissue-specific changes. Significant reductions in CS activity occurred in the kidney, heart, gill and muscle, and in CCO in the liver and kidney tissues. Aestivation, but not fasting, also had a tissue-specific effect on mitochondrial state 3 respiration rates (using succinate as a substrate), with a >50% reduction in the liver, yet no change within muscle mitochondria. There is no indication that enzymes involved in lipid catabolism are up-regulated during periods of fasting or aestivation; however, both 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase (HOAD) and carnitine palmitoyl CoA transferase (CPT) activities were sustained in the liver despite the approximately 42% reduction in CCO activity, potentially indicating lipid metabolism is of importance during aestivation. Lungfish are able to utilize both the d- and l-stereoisomers of the ketone body beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-HB); however, beta-HB does not appear to be an important fuel source during aestivation or fasting as no changes were observed in beta-HB tissue levels. This study demonstrates that an important aspect of metabolic depression during aestivation in lungfish is the tissue-specific down regulation of enzymes of aerobic metabolism while maintaining the activities of enzymes in pathways that supply substrates for aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

The African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus lives in freshwater, is an obligatory air breather, and exhibits high tolerance of environmental ammonia. This study aimed at elucidating the strategies adopted by C. gariepinus to defend against ammonia toxicity during ammonia exposure. No carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) I or III activities were detected in the liver or muscle of the adult C. gariepinus. In addition, activities of other ornithine-urea cycle (OUC) enzymes, especially ornithine transcarbamylase, were low in the liver, indicating that adult C. gariepinus does not have a "functional" hepatic OUC. After being exposed to 50 or 100 mM NH4Cl for 5 d, there was no induction of hepatic OUC enzymes and no accumulation of urea in tissues of the experimental animals. In addition, the rate of urea excretion remained low and unchanged. Hence, ammonia exposure did not induce ureogenesis or ureotely in C. gariepinus as suggested elsewhere for another obligatory air-breathing catfish of the same genus, Clarias batrachus, from India. Surprisingly, the local C. batrachus did not possess any detectable CPS I or III activities in the liver or muscle as had been reported for the Indian counterpart. There were no changes in levels of alanine in the muscle, liver, and plasma of C. gariepinus exposed to 50 or 100 mM NH4Cl for 5 d; neither were there any changes in the glutamine levels in these tissues. Yet even after being exposed to 100 mM NH4Cl for 5 d, there was no significant increase in the level of ammonia in the muscle, which constitutes the bulk of the specimen. In addition, the level of ammonia accumulated in the plasma was relatively low compared to other tropical air-breathing fishes. More importantly, for all NH4Cl concentrations tested (10, 50, or 100 mM), the plasma ammonia level was maintained relatively constant (2.2-2.4 mM). These results suggest that C. gariepinus was able to excrete endogenous ammonia and infiltrated exogenous ammonia against a very steep ammonia gradient. When exposed to freshwater (pH 7.0) with or without 10 mM NH4Cl, C. gariepinus was able to excrete ammonia continuously to the external medium for at least 72 h. This was achieved while the plasma NH4+ and NH3 concentrations were significantly lower than those of the external medium. Diffusion trapping of NH3 through boundary layer acidification can be eliminated as the pH of the external medium became more alkaline instead. These results represent the first report on a freshwater fish (C. gariepinus) adopting active excretion of ammonia (probably NH4+) as a major strategy to defend against ammonia toxicity when exposed to environmental ammonia.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) isolated from plasma of the African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, contains four amino acid substitutions compared with BK from mammals (Arg(1)-->Tyr, Pro(2)-->Gly, Pro(7)-->Ala, Phe(8)-->Pro). Bolus intra-arterial injections of synthetic lungfish BK (1-1000 pmol/kg body wt.) into unanaesthetised, juvenile lungfish (n=5) produced a dose-dependent increase in arterial blood pressure and pulse pressure. The maximum pressor response occurred 2-3 min after injection and persisted for up to 15 min. The threshold dose producing a significant (P<0.01) rise in pressure was 50 pmol/kg and the maximum increase, following injection of 300 pmol/kg, was 9.3 +/- 2.3 mmHg. Injection of the higher doses of lungfish BK produced a significant (P<0.05) increase in heart rate (2.8 +/- 0.8 beats/min at 100 pmol/kg). In contrast, bolus intra-arterial injections of mammalian BK, in doses up to 1000 pmol/kg, produced no significant cardiovascular effects in the lungfish. The data support the existence of a functioning kallikrein-kinin system in the lungfish and demonstrate that the ligand-binding properties of the receptor(s) mediating the cardiovascular actions of lungfish BK are appreciably different from mammalian B1 and B2 receptors.  相似文献   

M.Patel    F.I.Iftikar    E.M.Leonard    Y.K.Ip    C.M.Wood 《Journal of fish biology》2009,75(4):862-884
Basic ionoregulatory physiology was characterized in two species of African lungfish, slender African lungfish Protopterus dolloi and West African lungfish Protopterus annectens , largely under aquatic conditions. There were no substantive differences between the two species. Plasma [Na], [Cl] and [Ca] were only 60–80% of those typical of freshwater teleosts, and plasma Ca activity was particularly low. Unidirectional Na and Cl influx rates from water were also very low, only c . 10% of teleost values, whereas unidirectional Ca influx rates were comparable with teleost rates. Protopterus spp. were fed a 3% ration of bloodworms every 48 h. The bloodworm diet provided similar amounts of Na and Ca as uptake from water, but almost no Cl. Efflux rates of Na and Cl through the urine were greater than via the faeces, whereas the opposite was true for Ca. Net ion flux measurements and ionic balance sheet calculations indicated that (1) both water and dietary uptake routes are important for Na and Ca acquisition; (2) the waterborne route predominates for Cl uptake; (3) unidirectional ion effluxes across the body surface (gills and skin) rather than urine and faeces are the major routes of loss for Na, Cl and Ca. Tissues (muscle, liver, lung, kidney, intestine and heart) and plasma ions were also examined in P. dolloi 'terrestrialized' in air for up to 5 months, during which plasma ion concentrations (Na, Cl, Ca and Mg) did not change and there were only a few alterations in tissue ions, that is, increased [Na] in intestine, decreased [Cl] in kidney and increased [Ca] in liver and kidney.  相似文献   

Summary The lung of the African lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) is paired, long and cylindrical. It is situated on the dorsal aspect of the coelomic cavity ventral to the ribs. Much of the gas exchange tissue is found in the proximal aspect of the lung with the caudal part largely taken up by a centrally situated air-duct with a few large peripherally located alveoli. Interalveolar septa, arranged at differing hierarchical levels from the air-duct, subdivide the lung into alveoli, the gas exchange compartments. The alveolar surface is covered by some cells characterized by microvilli on their free surface, while others are devoid of such structures. The general organization of the lung of Protopterus aethiopicus is similar to that of the other genera of Dipnoi, Neoceratodus and Lepidosiren, with the interalveolar septa increasing the surface area for gas exchange through pulmonary compartmentation. The abundant septal smooth muscle fibres and elastic tissue may contribute to the physiomechanical compliance of the lung. The undifferentiated alveolar pneumocytes and the double capillary system, observed in Protopterus, in general appear to characterize the very primitive lungs of the lower air-breathing vertebrates.  相似文献   

Pancreatic enzymes of the African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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