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NMR structure of the WIF domain of the human Wnt-inhibitory factor-1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The human Wnt-binding protein Wnt-inhibitory factor-1 (WIF-1) comprises an N-terminal WIF module followed by five EGF-like repeats. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of the WIF domain of WIF-1 determined by NMR spectroscopy. The fold consists of an eight-stranded beta-sandwich reminiscent of the immunoglobulin fold. Residual detergent (Brij-35) used in the refolding protocol was found to bind tightly to the WIF domain. The binding site was identified by intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects observed between the WIF domain and the alkyl chain of the detergent. The results point to a possible role of WIF domains as a recognition motif of Wnt and Drosophila Hedgehog proteins that are activated by palmitoylation.  相似文献   

The circadian input kinase (CikA) is a major element of the pathway that provides environmental information to the circadian clock of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. CikA is a polypeptide of 754 residues and has three recognizable domains: GAF, histidine protein kinase, and receiver-like. This latter domain of CikA lacks the conserved phospho-accepting aspartyl residue of bona fide receiver domains and is thus a pseudo-receiver (PsR). Recently, it was shown that the PsR domain (1) attenuates the autokinase activity of CikA, (2) is necessary to localize CikA to the cell pole, and (3) is necessary for the destabilization of CikA in the presence of the quinone analog 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB). The solution structure of the PsR domain of CikA, CikAPsR, is presented here. A model of the interaction between the PsR domain and HPK portion of CikA provides a potential explanation for how the PsR domain attenuates the autokinase activity of CikA. Finally, a likely quinone-binding surface on CikAPsR is shown here.  相似文献   

Neurotrypsin is a multidomain protein that serves as a brain-specific serine protease. Here we report the NMR structure of its kringle domain, NT/K. The data analysis was performed with the BACUS (Bayesian analysis of coupled unassigned spins) algorithm. This study presents the first application of BACUS to the structure determination of a 13C unenriched protein for which no prior experimental 3D structure was available. NT/K adopts the kringle fold, consisting of an antiparallel beta-sheet bridged by an overlapping pair of disulfides. The structure reveals the presence of a surface-exposed left-handed polyproline II helix that is closely packed to the core beta-structure. This feature distinguishes NT/K from other members of the kringle fold and points toward a novel functional role for a kringle domain. Functional divergence among kringle domains is discussed on the basis of their surface and electrostatic characteristics.  相似文献   

The interaction between the leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) and the intercellular adhesion molecule is thought to be mediated primarily via the inserted domain (I-domain) in the alpha-subunit. The activation of LFA-1 is an early step in triggering the adhesion of leukocytes to target cells decorated with intercellular adhesion molecules. There is some disagreement in the literature over the respective roles of conformational changes in the I-domain and of divalent cations (Mg(2+), Mn(2+)) in the activation of LFA-1 for intercellular adhesion molecule binding. X-ray crystallographic structures of the I-domains of LFA-1 and Mac-1 in the presence and absence of cations show structural differences in the C-terminal alpha-helix; this change was proposed to represent the active and inactive conformations of the I-domain. However, more recent X-ray results have called this proposal into question. The solution structure of the Mg(2+) complex of the I-domain of LFA-1 has been determined by NMR methods, using a model-based approach to nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy peak assignment. The protein adopts the same structure in solution as that of the published I-domain X-ray structures, but the C-terminal region, where the X-ray structures are most different from each other, is different again in the solution structures. The secondary structure of this helix is well formed, but NMR relaxation data indicate that there is considerable flexibility present, probably consisting of breathing or segmental motion of the helix. The conformational diversity seen in the various X-ray structures could be explained as a result of the inherent flexibility of this C-terminal region and as a result of crystal contacts. Our NMR data are consistent with a model where the C-terminal helix has the potential flexibility to take up alternative conformations, for example, in the presence and absence of the intercellular adhesion molecule ligand. The role of divalent cations appears from our results not to be as a direct mediator of a conformational change that alters affinity for the ligand. Rather, the presence of the cation appears to be involved in some other way in ligand binding, perhaps by acting as a bridge to the ligand and by modulation of the charge of the binding surface.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) of the human retinoic acid receptor-beta (hRAR-beta) has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and distance geometry (DG). The assignments of 1H and 15N resonances were carried out by the use of 1H homonuclear and 15N-1H heteronuclear two- and three-dimensional NMR experiments. The structure of RAR DBD has been obtained on the basis of distance constrains derived from NMR experiments. The structure shows that two "zinc-finger" domains of the protein are followed by two perpendicular alpha-helices and a short beta-sheet near the N-terminus. Apolar residues in both helices form a hydrophobic core. Binding models of RAR DBD to its inverted and direct repeat response elements have been constructed based on this three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) mediate thyroid hormone (T3)-dependent gene expression. The nuclear import and export signals that direct TR shuttling are well characterized, but little is known about factors modulating nuclear retention. We used fluorescence-based nucleocytoplasmic scoring and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in transfected cells to investigate whether Mediator subunits MED1 and MED13 play a role in nuclear retention of TR. When MED1 was overexpressed, there was a striking shift towards a greater nuclear localization of TRβ1 and the oncoprotein v-ErbA, subtypes with cytosolic populations at steady-state, and TRβ1 intranuclear mobility was reduced. For TRα1, there was no observable change in its predominantly nuclear distribution pattern or mobility. Consistent with a role for MED1 in nuclear retention, the cytosolic TRα1 and TRβ1 population were significantly greater in MED1−/− cells, compared with MED1+/+ cells. Exposure to T3 and epidermal growth factor, which induces MED1 phosphorylation, also altered TR intranuclear dynamics. Overexpression of miR-208a, which downregulates MED13, led to a more cytosolic distribution of nuclear-localized TRα1; however, overexpression of MED13 had no effect on TRβ1 localization. The known binding site of MED1 overlaps with a transactivation domain and nuclear export signal in helix 12 of TR's ligand-binding domain (LBD). Coimmunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that TR's LBD interacts directly with exportins 5 and 7, suggesting that binding of exportins and MED1 to TR may be mutually exclusive. Collectively, our data provide evidence that MED1 promotes nuclear retention of TR, and highlight the dual functionality of helix 12 in TR transactivation and nuclear export.  相似文献   

The Leader protein is a defining feature of picornaviruses from the Cardiovirus genus. This protein was recently shown to inhibit cellular nucleocytoplasmic transport through an activity mapped to its zinc-binding region. Here we report the three-dimensional solution structure determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of this domain (residues 5-28) from mengovirus. The domain forms a CHCC zinc-finger with a fold comprising a β-hairpin followed by a short α-helix that can adopt two different conformations. This structure is divergent from those of other eukaryotic zinc-fingers and instead resembles motifs found in a group of DNA-binding proteins from Archaea.  相似文献   

Human alpha(2)-macroglobulin-proteinase complexes bind to their receptor, the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP), through a discrete 138-residue C-terminal receptor binding domain (RBD), which also binds to the beta-amyloid peptide. We have used NMR spectroscopy on recombinantly expressed uniformly (13)C/(15)N-labeled human RBD to determine its three-dimensional structure in solution. Human RBD is a sandwich of two antiparallel beta-sheets, one four-strand and one five-strand, and also contains one alpha-helix of 2.5 turns and an additional 1-turn helical region. The principal alpha-helix contains two lysine residues on the outer face that are known to be essential for receptor binding. A calcium binding site (K(d) approximately 11 mM) is present in the loop region at one end of the beta-sandwich. Calcium binding principally affects this loop region and does not significantly perturb the stable core structure of the domain. The structure and NMR assignments will enable us to examine in solution specific binding of RBD to domains of the receptor and to beta-amyloid peptide.  相似文献   

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