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The concentrations of dolichol and cholesterol in livers of rats maintained for 2 weeks on a diet enriched with cholesterol (1%) were significantly higher than those in animals on a normal diet. The incorporation of radioactive mevalonate into dolichol and into a dolichyl diphosphate oligosaccharide fraction by liver slices of the cholesterol-fed animals was increased over that of the control group. However, the incorporation of radioactive mevalonate into cholesterol was decreased, as was the incorporation of radioactive acetate into both dolichol and, more markedly, cholesterol. These results are consistent with cholesterol feeding causing partial inhibition of the cholesterol-biosynthetic pathway both at β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and at a step after farnesyl pyrophosphate formation, resulting in a greater flux of mevalonate to dolichol and an increase in pool sizes of precursors of β-hydroxy-β-methylglutaryl coenzyme A. Maximal activity of glycosyl transfer to dolichyl phosphate was greater in microsomal preparations from livers of cholesterol-fed animals compared with those of control animals. A corresponding higher degree of in vitro glycosylation of endogenous protein was also observed. It is concluded that the cholesterol-enriched diet caused an increase in the biosynthesis and concentration of dolichyl monophosphate which resulted in a higher level of N-glycosylation of protein. These effects were complicated by differences in the kinetics of glycosyl transfer and in its response to exogenous dolichyl monophosphate.  相似文献   

The chick oviduct system has been employed to study whether dolichol esters might serve as a storage form of dolichol to be converted to dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) during periods when Dol-P levels increase. Chicken oviduct membranes catalyze the hydrolysis of dolichyl-[14C]oleate; the reaction is dependent on detergent (0.04% NP-40 is optimal), is unaffected by divalent cations and EDTA, and exhibits a pH optimum of 6.0. Oviduct membranes also hydrolyze cholesteryl-[14C]oleate, which exhibits similar properties except the pH optimum is 5.0-5.5. Neither Dol-[14C]palmitate nor Chol-[14C]palmitate is hydrolyzed by membranes. Chol-ester hydrolysis is more sensitive to heat-denaturation than is Dol-ester hydrolysis. Esterase activity was assayed in membranes prepared from immature chicks, chicks treated with diethylstilbestrol, chicks withdrawn from diethylstilbestrol, and mature hens. The highest esterase specific activity was observed in membranes obtained from chicks withdrawn from hormone. In order to characterize the fatty acid composition of Dol-esters they were purified from mature hen oviducts by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Fractogel ORPVA-6000, reverse-phase HPLC, and TLC. About 15-25% of oviduct dolichol is in the esterified form. Fatty acid analysis revealed that approximately 85% of the dolichol was esterified to oleic acid. The fact that the highest esterase activity is found in membranes from chicks withdrawn from hormone and that only 20% of the dolichol is esterified argues against a role for Dol-esters as a reservoir of dolichol for conversion to Dol-P.  相似文献   

Hen oviduct membranes catalyze the transfer of xylose-[14C] from UDP-xylose-[14C] into a xylosyl lipid; a product tentatively identified as an oligosaccharide lipid; and glycoprotein(s). The synthesis of the xylosyl lipid is stimulated by exogenous dolichol phosphate. This finding, along with studies on the chemical properties of the xylosyl lipid, suggests that it has the structure xylosyl phosphoryl polyisoprenol. When exogenous, partially purified [14C]-xylosyl lipid is incubated with the membrane preparation, label is found in the oligosaccharide lipid and in glycoprotein(s).  相似文献   

Estrogen-induced chick oviduct differentiation is accompanied by an increased capacity for protein glycosylation. A portion of this increase has been attributed to increased levels of dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P). Hormone withdrawal leads to an apparent decrease in Dol-P. Dol-P metabolism in the oviduct has been studied, and one of the enzymes having a direct effect on Dol-P, Dol-P phosphatase is herein described. Dol-P phosphatase has a pH optimum of 6.0, does not require a metal ion, and is inhibited by Mn2+ at concentrations greater than 5 mM. Inhibitor studies indicate that Dol-P hydrolysis is inhibited by polyprenyl phosphates having both saturated and unsaturated alpha-isoprene residues, but not by the corresponding alcohols. The enzyme is also inhibited by phosphatidic acid unless 2 mM Mn2+ is included in the incubations. Under these conditions Dol-P hydrolysis is only slightly inhibited (less than 10%), but phosphatidate inhibition is totally eliminated. Oviduct membranes also possess phosphatidate phosphatase, but this enzyme is distinct from Dol-P phosphatase based on thermolability, metal ion sensitivity, and sulfhydryl reagent sensitivity. Studies of enzyme activity in response to estrogen treatment reveal that both Dol-P phosphatase and phosphatidate phosphatase have maximal specific activity early in the differentiation process (peaking after 3 days of treatment), and low specific activity in fully differentiated oviducts, including laying hen oviduct. Hormone withdrawal elicits a small increase in specific activity of both phosphatases. The hormone effects suggest that Dol-P phosphatase may be a biosynthetic enzyme.  相似文献   

We examined changes in the levels of the dolichol forms in Chinese hamster ovary cells containing alterations in the levels of activity of two enzymes in the oligosaccharyl-P-P-dolichol biosynthetic pathway, namely UDP-GlcNAc:dolichyl phosphate:GlcNAc-phosphotransferase (GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase) and mannosylphosphoryldolichol (Man-P-Dol) synthase. Under normal conditions in wild type cells, Glc3Man9GlcNAc2-pyrophosphoryldolichol was the most abundant form. Of the other anionic forms of dolichols, dolichyl phosphate, Man-P-Dol, glucosylphosphoryldolichol, and Man5GlcNAc2-pyrophosphoryl dolichol were approximately equally abundant. When 3E11 cells (a tunicamycin-resistant Chinese hamster ovary line containing 15 times more GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase activity than wild type), B4-2-1 cells (a mutant lacking Man-P-Dol synthase activity), and wild type cells incubated with or without tunicamycin were utilized, significant changes in the levels of most of the anionic dolichol derivatives, with the exception of dolichyl phosphate, were found. Since changes in dolichyl phosphate levels were not detected under a variety of conditions where the levels of enzyme activity utilizing this substrate were varied, all three enzymes appear to have access to the same pool of dolichyl phosphate, and further, to have similar Km values for dolichyl phosphate.  相似文献   

Oviduct membranes from chicks treated with diethylstilbestrol have a fully induced level of an enzyme that transfers mannose from GDP-Man to form mannosylphosphoryldolichol (Lucas, J.J. and Levin, E. (1977) J. Biol. Chem.252, 4330--4336). Withdrawal of diethylstilbestrol for 5 days causes a decrease in oviduct weight, lysozyme, and 60% of the mannosyltransferase activity. Chicks withdrawn from treatment for 10 days followed by secondary stimulation with diethylstilbestrol exhibit a more rapid increase in the mannosyltransferase activity than chicks that have not been previously treated with diethylstilbestrol. Further experiments indicate that the decrease in mannosylphosphoryldolichol synthesis after hormonal withdrawal may be the result of decreased levels of endogenous dolichyphosphate in the membrane preparations.  相似文献   

Oviduct tissue slices were incubated with [3H]-leucine or [3H]-mannose in the presence and absence of tunicamycin, a specific inhibitor of lipid-mediated protein glycosylation. Conditions were established where tunicamycin had maximal effect on [3H]-mannose incorporation (greater than 90% inhibition) but a minimal effect on [3H]-leucine incorporation (less than 10% inhibition) into total TCA-insoluble products. Analysis of incubated tissues by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that in the absence of tunicamycin, [3H]-mannose was incorporated into only a few proteins, of which ovalbumin represented the major radiolabeled component. Tunicamycin markedly reduced the incorporation of [3H]-mannose into ovalbumin and other oviduct glycoproteins. In contrast, analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that [3H]-leucine was incorporated into a variety of proteins in the absence of tunicamycin. The radioactivity profile of some of these proteins was shifted toward lower Mr when oviduct slices were incubated in the presence of tunicamycin, with only a minimal decrease in protein labeling. Light microscopic autoradiograms of tissue incubated with [3H]-leucine in either the presence or absence of tunicamycin exhibited extensive labeling of tubular gland and epithelial cells. In the absence of tunicamycin, these cell types also become markedly labeled with [3H]-mannose; however, incorporation of label in both cell types was substantially reduced in the presence of tunicamycin. Qualitatively, labeling of tubular gland cells appeared greater than that of epithelial cells, largely due to the concentration of silver grains over the dense population of secretory vesicles in the tubular gland cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of dolichyl monophosphate on the permeability properties of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers to alkaline cations, Ca2+ and glucose has been determined by stop-flow spectrophotometry. The results show that, in con trast to free dolichol effects, the monophosphate derivative increased the permeability following a decreasing order of the permeating particle size. Phase diagrams indicate that dolichyl monophosphate is fully incorporated into the phosphatidylcholine bilayer around 0.75% weight/weight ratio. For these ratios, the permeation of ions is higher in the gel than in the liquid crystalline state.  相似文献   

The effect of dolichyl monophosphate on the permeability properties of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers to alkaline cations, Ca2+ and glucose has been determined by stop-flow spectrophotometry. The results show that, in contrast to free dolichol effects, the monophosphate derivative increased the permeability following a decreasing order of the permeating particle size. Phase diagrams indicate that dolichyl monophosphate is fully incorporated into the phosphatidylcholine bilayer around 0.75% weight/weight ratio. For these ratios, the permeation of ions is higher in the gel than in the liquid crystalline state.  相似文献   

The ionic permeability coefficients, ionic transference numbers, activation energy of ion transport and breakdown voltage of bilayer lipid membranes made from dioleoylphosphatidylcholine or its mixtures with dolichyl 12-phosphate have been studied. The electrical measurements showed that dolichyl phosphate in phospholipid bilayers decreases membrane permeability, changes membrane ionic selectivity and increases membrane stability. These results are discussed in light of the aggregation behavior and the intramolecular clustering of a dolichyl phosphate molecule in phospholipid membranes. From our data we suggest that the hydrophilic part of dolichyl phosphate molecules regulates their behavior in membranes.  相似文献   

Mutations in the anion exchanger pendrin are responsible for Pendred syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease characterized by deafness and goitre. Pendrin is highly expressed in kidney collecting ducts, where it acts as a chloride/bicarbonate exchanger and thereby contributes to the regulation of acid-base homoeostasis and blood pressure. The present study aimed to characterize the intrinsic properties of pendrin. Mouse pendrin was transfected in HEK (human embryonic kidney) 293 and OKP (opossum kidney proximal tubule) cells and its activity was determined by monitoring changes in the intracellular pH induced by variations of transmembrane anion gradients. Combining measurements of pendrin activity with mathematical modelling we found that its affinity for Cl-, HCO3- and OH- varies with intracellular pH, with increased activity at low intracellular pH. Maximal pendrin activity was also stimulated at low extracellular pH, suggesting the presence of both intracellular and extracellular proton regulatory sites. We identified five putative pendrin glycosylation sites, only two of which are used. Mutagenesis-induced disruption of pendrin glycosylation did not alter its cell-surface expression or polarized targeting to the apical membrane and basal activity, but fully abrogated its sensitivity to extracellular pH. The hither to unknown regulation of pendrin by external pH may constitute a key mechanism in controlling ionic exchanges across the collecting duct and inner ear.  相似文献   

The Sindbis virus glycoproteins, E1 and E2, comprise a useful model system for evaluating the effects of local protein structure on the processing of N-linked oligosaccharides by Golgi enzymes. The conversion of oligomannose to N-acetyllactosamine (complex) oligosaccharides is hindered to different extents at the four glycosylation sites, so that the complex/oligomannose ratio decreases in the order E1-Asn139 greater than E2-Asn196 greater than E1-Asn245 greater than E2-Asn318. The processing steps most susceptible to interference were deduced from the oligosaccharide compositions at hindered sites in virus from baby hamster kidney cells (BHK), chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF), and normal and hamster sarcoma virus (HSV)-transformed hamster fibroblasts (Nil-8). Persistence of Man6-9GlcNAc2 was taken to indicate interference with alpha 2-mannosidase(s) I (alpha-mannosidase I), Man5GlcNAc2, with UDP-GlcNAc:alpha-D-mannoside beta 1----2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GlcNAc transferase I), and unbisected hybrid glycans, with GlcNAc transferase I-dependent alpha 3(alpha 6)-mannosidase (alpha-mannosidase II). Taken together, the results indicate that all four sites acquire a precursor oligosaccharide with equally high efficiency, but alpha-mannosidase I, GlcNAc transferase I, and alpha-mannosidase II are all impeded at E2-Asn318 and, to a lesser extent, at E1-Asn245. In contrast, sialic acid and galactose transfer to hybrid glycans (in BHK cells) is virtually quantitative even at E2-Asn318. E2-Asn318 carried no complex oligosaccharides, but the structures of those at E1-Asn245 indicate almost complete GlcNAc transfer by UDP-GlcNAc:alpha-D-mannoside beta 1----2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II (GlcNAc transferase II), galactosylation, and sialylation. Because the E2-Asn318 and E1-Asn245 glycans have previously been shown to be less accessible to a steric probe than those at E2-Asn196 or E1-Asn139, a simple explanation for these results would be that alpha-mannosidase I, GlcNAc transferase I, and alpha-mannosidase II are more susceptible to steric hindrance than are the later processing steps examined. Finally, in addition to these site-specific effects, the overall extent of viral oligosaccharide processing varied with host and cellular growth status. For example, alpha-mannosidase I processing is more complete in BHK cells compared to CEF, and in confluent Nil-8 cells compared to subconfluent or HSV-transformed Nil-8 cells.  相似文献   

The activity of the prostaglandin synthetase system in the ampulla and isthmus of the rabbit oviduct has been studied . Thirty hours after an injection of estrogen the isthmus produced significantly more total prostaglandins following 9 minutes of incubation than the ampulla. These values were not, however, significantly different from those observed following 9 minutes of incubation in the same portions of the oviducts of estrous or castrate animals. Furthermore, the total yields of prostaglandins at thirty minutes did not differ significantly between treatment groups.  相似文献   

Preincubation of a hen oviduct membrane preparation with UDP-Nactyl[14C]glucosamine and bacitracin, followed by incubation with GDP-mannose, leads to formation of a chloroform/methanol (2/1)-extractable glycolipid. Treatment of the lipid with mild acid results in the release of a trisaccharide shown to have the structure beta-mannosyl-N-acetylglucosamineyl-N-acetylglucosamine. Incubation of purified trisaccharide-lipid with oviduct membranes in the presence of sodium deoxycholate, Mn2+, and GDP-mannose leads to formation of a labeled glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 25,000...  相似文献   

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