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Cells mitigate ER stress through the unfolded protein response (UPR). Here, we report formation of ER whorls as an effector mechanism of the ER stress response. We found that strong ER stress induces formation of ER whorls, which contain ER-resident proteins such as the Sec61 complex and PKR-like ER kinase (PERK). ER whorl formation is dependent on PERK kinase activity and is mediated by COPII machinery, which facilitates ER membrane budding to form tubular-vesicular ER whorl precursors. ER whorl precursors then go through Sec22b-mediated fusion to form ER whorls. We further show that ER whorls contribute to ER stress-induced translational inhibition by possibly modulating PERK activity and by sequestering translocons in a ribosome-free environment. We propose that formation of ER whorls reflects a new type of ER stress response that controls inhibition of protein translation.Subject terms: Endoplasmic reticulum, Collective cell migration  相似文献   

The COPII coat produces ER-derived transport vesicles. Recent findings suggest that the COPII coat is a highly dynamic polymer and that efficient capture of cargo molecules into COPII vesicles depends on several parameters, including export signals, membrane environment, metabolic control and the presence of a repertoire of COPII subunit homologues.  相似文献   

Trafficking of newly synthesized cargo through the early secretory pathway defines and maintains the intracellular organization of eukaryotic cells as well as the organization of tissues and organs. The importance of this pathway is underlined by the increasing number of mutations in key components of the ER export machinery that are causative of a diversity of human diseases. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms that dictate cargo selection during vesicle budding. While, in vitro reconstitution assays, unicellular organisms such as budding yeast, and mammalian cell culture still have much to offer in terms of gaining a full understanding of the molecular basis for secretory cargo export, such assays have to date been limited to analysis of smaller, freely diffusible cargoes. The export of large macromolecular complexes from the ER such as collagens (up to 300 nm) or lipoproteins (~500 nm) presents a clear problem in terms of maintaining both selectivity and efficiency of export. It has also become clear that in order to translate our knowledge of the molecular basis for ER export to a full understanding of the implications for normal development and disease progression, the use of metazoan models is essential. Combined, these approaches are now starting to shed light not only on the mechanisms of macromolecular cargo export from the ER but also reveal the implications of failure of this process to human development and disease.  相似文献   


Trafficking of newly synthesized cargo through the early secretory pathway defines and maintains the intracellular organization of eukaryotic cells as well as the organization of tissues and organs. The importance of this pathway is underlined by the increasing number of mutations in key components of the ER export machinery that are causative of a diversity of human diseases. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms that dictate cargo selection during vesicle budding. While, in vitro reconstitution assays, unicellular organisms such as budding yeast, and mammalian cell culture still have much to offer in terms of gaining a full understanding of the molecular basis for secretory cargo export, such assays have to date been limited to analysis of smaller, freely diffusible cargoes. The export of large macromolecular complexes from the ER such as collagens (up to 300 nm) or lipoproteins (~500 nm) presents a clear problem in terms of maintaining both selectivity and efficiency of export. It has also become clear that in order to translate our knowledge of the molecular basis for ER export to a full understanding of the implications for normal development and disease progression, the use of metazoan models is essential. Combined, these approaches are now starting to shed light not only on the mechanisms of macromolecular cargo export from the ER but also reveal the implications of failure of this process to human development and disease.  相似文献   

Transport of secretory proteins out of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is mediated by vesicles generated by the COPII coat complex. In order to understand how cargo molecules are selected by this cytoplasmic coat, we investigated the functional role of the Sec24p homolog, Lst1p. We show that Lst1p can function as a COPII subunit independently of Sec24p on native ER membranes and on synthetic liposomes. However, vesicles generated with Lst1p in the absence of Sec24p are deficient in a distinct subset of cargo molecules, including the SNAREs, Bet1p, Bos1p and Sec22p. Consistent with the absence of any SNAREs, these vesicles are unable to fuse with Golgi membranes. Furthermore, unlike Sec24p, Lst1p fails to bind to Bet1p in vitro, indicating a direct correlation between cargo binding and recruitment into vesicles. Our data suggest that the principle role of Sec24p is to discriminate cargo molecules for incorporation into COPII vesicles.  相似文献   

Many eukaryotic secretory proteins are selected for export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through their interaction with the Sec24p subunit of the coat protein II (COPII) coat. Three distinct cargo‐binding sites on yeast Sec24p have been described by biochemical, genetic and structural studies. Each site recognizes a limited set of peptide motifs or a folded structural domain, however, the breadth of cargo recognized by a given site and the dynamics of cargo engagement remain poorly understood. We aimed to gain further insight into the broader molecular function of one of these cargo‐binding sites using a non‐biased genetic approach. We exploited the in vivo lethality associated with mutation of the Sec24p B‐site to identify genes that suppress this phenotype when overexpressed. We identified SMY2 as a general suppressor that rescued multiple defects in Sec24p, and SEC22 as a specific suppressor of two adjacent cargo‐binding sites, raising the possibility of allosteric regulation of these domains. We generated a novel set of mutations in Sec24p that distinguish these two sites and examined the ability of Sec22p to rescue these mutations. Our findings suggest that co‐operativity does not influence cargo capture at these sites, and that Sec22p rescue occurs via its function as a retrograde SNARE.  相似文献   

During the budding of coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicles from transitional endoplasmic reticulum (tER) sites, Sec16 has been proposed to play two distinct roles: negatively regulating COPII turnover and organizing COPII assembly at tER sites. We tested these ideas using the yeast Pichia pastoris. Redistribution of Sec16 to the cytosol accelerates tER dynamics, supporting a negative regulatory role for Sec16. To evaluate a possible COPII organization role, we dissected the functional regions of Sec16. The central conserved domain, which had been implicated in coordinating COPII assembly, is actually dispensable for normal tER structure. An upstream conserved region (UCR) localizes Sec16 to tER sites. The UCR binds COPII components, and removal of COPII from tER sites also removes Sec16, indicating that COPII recruits Sec16 rather than the other way around. We propose that Sec16 does not in fact organize COPII. Instead, regulation of COPII turnover can account for the influence of Sec16 on tER sites.  相似文献   

Protein egress from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is driven by a conserved cytoplasmic coat complex called the COPII coat. The COPII coat complex contains an inner shell (Sec23/Sec24) that sorts cargo into ER-derived vesicles and an outer cage (Sec13/Sec31) that leads to coat polymerization. Once released from the ER, vesicles must tether to and fuse with the target membrane to deliver their protein and lipid contents. This delivery step also depends on the COPII coat, with coat proteins binding directly to tethering and regulatory factors. Recent findings have yielded new insight into how COPII-mediated vesicle traffic is regulated. Here we discuss the molecular basis of COPII-mediated ER–Golgi traffic, focusing on the surprising complexity of how ER-derived vesicles form, package diverse cargoes, and correctly target these cargoes to their destination.The port of entry into the secretory pathway is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Approximately one-third of the eukaryotic proteome traffics from this multifunctional organelle (Huh et al. 2003). This diverse set of cargo is translocated into the ER, folded, and modified before it travels to the Golgi, where further modifications occur. From the Golgi, cargo is sorted to other subcellular compartments to perform a variety of cellular functions. The highly conserved machinery required for these transport events was initially identified through genetic screens in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and insights into the function of this machinery were provided through the use of in vitro transport assays. Advances in microscopy, in particular, the use of GFP fusion proteins and live cell imaging, have also played a critical role in understanding the dynamics of membrane traffic. In this article, we describe the mechanistic advances that have helped us to understand how diverse cargo correctly traffics from the ER to the Golgi complex in lower and higher eukaryotes. Even though these mechanisms are largely conserved, they are more complex at the molecular and organizational levels in metazoans.  相似文献   

COPII and COPI mediate the formation of membrane vesicles translocating in opposite directions within the secretory pathway. Live-cell and electron microscopy revealed a novel mode of function for COPII during cargo export from the ER. COPII is recruited to membranes defining the boundary between the ER and ER exit sites, facilitating selective cargo concentration. Using direct observation of living cells, we monitored cargo selection processes, accumulation, and fission of COPII-free ERES membranes. CRISPR/Cas12a tagging, the RUSH system, and pharmaceutical and genetic perturbations of ER-Golgi transport demonstrated that the COPII coat remains bound to the ER–ERES boundary during protein export. Manipulation of the cargo-binding domain in COPII Sec24B prohibits cargo accumulation in ERES. These findings suggest a role for COPII in selecting and concentrating exported cargo rather than coating Golgi-bound carriers. These findings transform our understanding of coat proteins’ role in ER-to-Golgi transport.  相似文献   

Malhotra V  Erlmann P 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(17):3475-3480
COPII vesicles mediate the export of secretory cargo from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) exit sites. However, of 60-90 nm diameter COPII vesicles are too small to accommodate secreted molecules such as the collagens. The ER exit site-located proteins TANGO1 and cTAGE5 are required for the transport of collagens and therefore provide a means to understand the export of big cargo and the mechanism of COPII carrier size regulation commensurate with cargo dimensions.  相似文献   

The COPII coat complex mediates the formation of transport carriers at specialized sites of the endoplasmic reticulum (ERES). It consists of the Sar1p GTPase and the Sec23/24p and the Sec13/31p subcomplexes . Both stimulate the GTPase activity of Sar1p , which itself triggers coat disassembly. This built-in GAP activity makes the COPII complex in principle unstable and raises the question of how sufficient stability required for cargo capture and carrier formation is achieved. To address this, we analyzed COPII turnover at single ERES in living cells. The half times for Sar1p, Sec23p, and Sec24p turnover are 1.1, 3.7, and 3.9 s, respectively. Decreasing the amount of transport-competent cargo in the endoplasmic reticulum accelerates turnover of the Sec23/24p and slows down that of Sar1p. A mathematical model of COPII membrane turnover that reproduces the experimental in vivo FRAP kinetics and is consistent with existing in vitro data predicts that Sec23/24p remains membrane associated even after GTP hydrolysis by Sar1p for a duration that is strongly increased by the presence of cargo. We conclude that secretory cargo retains the COPII complex on membranes, after Sar1p release has occurred, and prevents premature disassembly of COPII during cargo sorting and transport carrier formation.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport is blocked in mammalian cells during mitosis; however, the mechanism underlying this blockade remains unknown. Since COPII proteins are involved in this transport pathway, we investigated at the biochemical level post-translational modifications of COPII components during the course of mitosis that could be linked to inhibition of ER-to-Golgi transport. By comparing biochemical properties of cytosolic COPII components during interphase and mitosis, we found that Sec24p isoforms underwent post-translational modifications resulting in an increase in their apparent molecular weight. No such modification was observed for the other COPII components Sec23p, Sec13p, Sec31p or Sar1p. Analyzing in more details Sec24p isoforms in interphase and mitotic conditions, we found that the interphase form of Sec24p was O-N-acetylglucosamine modified, a feature lost upon entering into mitosis. This mitotic deglycosylation was coupled to Sec24p phosphorylation, a feature likely responsible for the increase in apparent molecular weight of these molecules. These modifications correlated with an alteration in the membrane binding properties of Sec24p. These data suggest that when entering into mitosis, the COPII component Sec24p is simultaneously deglycosylated and phosphorylated, a process which may contribute to the observed mitotic ER-to-Golgi traffic block.  相似文献   

Active sorting at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) drives efficient export of fully folded secretory proteins into coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicles, whereas ER-resident and misfolded proteins are retained and/or degraded. A number of secretory proteins depend upon polytopic cargo receptors for linkage to the COPII coat and ER export. However, the mechanism by which cargo receptors recognize transport-competent cargo is poorly understood. Here we examine the sorting determinants required for export of yeast alkaline phosphatase (ALP) by its cargo receptor Erv26p. Analyses of ALP chimeras and mutants indicated that Erv26p recognizes sorting information in the lumenal domain of ALP. This lumenal domain sorting signal must be positioned near the inner leaflet of the ER membrane for Erv26p-dependent export. Moreover, only assembled ALP dimers were efficiently recognized by Erv26p while an ALP mutant blocked in dimer assembly failed to exit the ER and was subjected to ER-associated degradation. These results further refine sorting information for ER export of ALP and show that recognition of folded cargo by export receptors contributes to strict ER quality control.  相似文献   

The long‐standing paradigm that all peroxisomal proteins are imported post‐translationally into pre‐existing peroxisomes has been challenged by the detection of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) inside the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In mammals, the mechanisms of ER entry and exit of PMPs are completely unknown. We show that the human PMP PEX3 inserts co‐translationally into the mammalian ER via the Sec61 translocon. Photocrosslinking and fluorescence spectroscopy studies demonstrate that the N‐terminal transmembrane segment (TMS) of ribosome‐bound PEX3 is recognized by the signal recognition particle (SRP). Binding to SRP is a prerequisite for targeting of the PEX3‐containing ribosome?nascent chain complex (RNC) to the translocon, where an ordered multistep pathway integrates the nascent chain into the membrane adjacent to translocon proteins Sec61α and TRAM. This insertion of PEX3 into the ER is physiologically relevant because PEX3 then exits the ER via budding vesicles in an ATP‐dependent process. This study identifies early steps in human peroxisomal biogenesis by demonstrating sequential stages of PMP passage through the mammalian ER.   相似文献   

The small GTPase Sar1p controls the assembly of the cytosolic COPII coat that mediates export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here we demonstrate that phospholipase D (PLD) activation is required to support COPII-mediated ER export. PLD activity by itself does not lead to the recruitment of COPII to the membranes or ER export. However, PLD activity is required to support Sar1p-dependent membrane tubulation, the subsequent Sar1p-dependent recruitment of Sec23/24 and Sec13/31 COPII complexes to ER export sites and ER export. Sar1p recruitment to the membrane is PLD independent, yet activation of Sar1p is required to stimulate PLD activity on ER membranes, thus PLD is temporally regulated to support ER export. Regulated modification of membrane lipid composition is required to support the cooperative interactions that enable selective transport, as we demonstrate here for the mammalian COPII coat.  相似文献   

The release of signaling molecules from neurons must be regulated, to accommodate their highly polarized structure. In the developing Drosophila visual system, photoreceptor neurons secrete the epidermal growth factor receptor ligand Spitz (Spi) from their cell bodies, as well as from their axonal termini. Here we show that subcellular localization of Rhomboid proteases, which process Spi, determines the site of Spi release from neurons. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) localization of Rhomboid 3 is essential for its ability to promote Spi secretion from axons, but not from cell bodies. We demonstrate that the ER extends throughout photoreceptor axons, and show that this feature facilitates the trafficking of the Spi precursor, the ligand chaperone Star, and Rhomboid 3 to axonal termini. Following this trafficking step, secretion from the axons is regulated in a manner similar to secretion from cell bodies. These findings uncover a role for the ER in trafficking proteins from the neuronal cell body to axon terminus.  相似文献   

Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) causes hepatotoxicity in mammals, with its hepatocytic metabolism producing radicals that attack the intracellular membrane system and destabilize intracellular vesicle transport. Inhibition of intracellular transport causes lipid droplet retention and abnormal protein distribution. The intracellular transport of synthesized lipids and proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus is performed by coat complex II (COPII) vesicle transport, but how CCl4 inhibits COPII vesicle transport has not been elucidated. COPII vesicle formation on the ER membrane is initiated by the recruitment of Sar1 protein from the cytoplasm to the ER membrane, followed by that of the COPII coat constituent proteins (Sec23, Sec24, Sec13, and Sec31). In this study, we evaluated the effect of CCl4 on COPII vesicle formation using the RLC-16 rat hepatocyte cell line. Our results showed that CCl4 suppressed ER-Golgi transport in RLC-16 cells. Using a reconstituted system of rat liver tissue-derived cytoplasm and RLC-16 cell-derived ER membranes, CCl4 treatment inhibited the recruitment of Sar1 and Sec13 from the cytosolic fraction to ER membranes. CCl4-induced changes in the ER membrane accordingly inhibited the accumulation of COPII vesicle-coated constituent proteins on the ER membrane, as well as the formation of COPII vesicles, which suppressed lipid and protein transport between the ER and Golgi apparatus. Our data suggest that CCl4 inhibits ER-Golgi intracellular transport by inhibiting COPII vesicle formation on the ER membrane in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase E (CPE), an essential enzyme in the biosynthetic production line of most peptide hormones and neuropeptides, is predominantly expressed in endocrine tissues and in the nervous system. CPE is active in acidic environments where it cleaves the C’-terminal basic residues of peptide precursors to generate their bioactive form. Consequently, this highly conserved enzyme regulates numerous fundamental biological processes. Here, we combined live-cell microscopy and molecular analysis to examine the intracellular distribution and secretion dynamics of fluorescently tagged CPE. We show that, in non-endocrine cells, tagged-CPE is a soluble luminal protein that is efficiently exported from the ER via the Golgi apparatus to lysosomes. The C’-terminal conserved amphipathic helix serves as a lysosomal and secretory granule targeting and a secretion motif. Following secretion, CPE may be reinternalized into the lysosomes of neighboring cells.  相似文献   

The genetically amenable fungus Aspergillus nidulans is well suited for cell biology studies involving the secretory pathway and its relationship with hyphal tip growth by apical extension. We exploited live-cell epifluorescence microscopy of the ER labeled with the translocon component Sec63, endogenously tagged with GFP, to study the organization of ‘secretory’ ER domains. The Sec63 A. nidulans ER network includes brightly fluorescent peripheral strands and more faintly labeled nuclear envelopes. In hyphae, the most abundant peripheral ER structures correspond to plasma membrane-associated strands that are polarized, but do not invade the hyphal tip dome, at least in part because the subapical collar of endocytic actin patches constrict the cortical strands in this region. Thus the subapical endocytic ring might provide an attachment for ER strands, thereby ensuring that the growing tip remains ‘loaded’ with secretory ER. Acute disruption of secretory ER function by reductive stress-mediated induction of the unfolded protein response results in the reversible aggregation of ER strands, cessation of exocytosis and swelling of the hyphal tips. The secretory ER is insensitive to brefeldin A treatment and does not undergo changes during mitosis, in agreement with the reports that apical extension continues at normal rates during this period.  相似文献   

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