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The purpose of the study was to investigate the potentialities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the complex of prenatal radiation diagnosis of fetal malformations. Twenty-eight female patients with suspected fetal malformations were examined. Ultrasound study was supplemented by MRI according to a specially developed protocol. Various fetal CNS malformations were diagnosed. These included the Arnold-Chiari syndrome, the Dandy-Walker syndrome, occlusive hydrocephaly, lobular holoprosencephaly, porencephaly, diaphragmatic hernias, anomalies of the abdomen and retroperitoneal space, as well as anomalies of facial structures, including median clefts, and dacryocystocele. The use of MRI in the complex prenatal radiation diagnosis makes it possible to visualize fetal malformation more clearly, contributes to the more adequate prediction of the outcome of pregnancy and to the choice of a management policy for a female patient.  相似文献   

Developmental malformations are a major cause of childhood mortality and are typically characterized by lesions that allow survival of the embryo through gestation. The genetics of developmental malformations are powerfully studied by using high-throughput, phenotype-driven screens (e.g., following zebrafish or mouse mutagenesis) or by genotype-driven studies using transgenic or knockout mice. With regard to either approach, the mouse is anatomically and phylogenetically closer to humans than any other genetically tractable model organism. This is particularly important in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which have unique mammalian features. The identification of murine models of developmental malformations is, however, hindered by the opacity of the late gestational mouse embryo. In this review, we describe recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging that make it possible to rapidly identify malformations in the developing mouse embryo with high efficiency.  相似文献   

The non-secretor phenotype was significantly associated with the occurrence of renal scarring among patients with recurrent pyelonephritis. Girls (n = 77) with recurrent pyelonephritis were followed from the first known episode of infection for up to twelve years with repeated radiological investigations. They were divided into two categories: those with renal scars (n = 35) and those who did not develop scars (n = 42). There was a significant over-representation of non-secretors among the patients with scarring, (14/35, 40%) compared to the healthy controls (21.8%, P less than 0.05). The frequency of non-secretors among the girls who did not develop scars in spite of repeated episodes of acute pyelonephritis was not significantly different from the healthy controls (9/42, 21% n.s.). This study provides a basis for analysis of the influence of secretor state on host-parasite interaction in the urinary tract.  相似文献   

Secretor state and renal scarring in girls with recurrent pyelonephritis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The non-secretor phenotype was significantly associated with the occurrence of renal scarring among patients with recurrent pyelonephritis. Girls ( n = 77) with recurrent pyelonephritis were followed from the first known episode of infection for up to twelve years with repeated radiological investigations. They were divided into two categories: those with renal scars ( n = 35) and those who did not develop scars ( n = 42). There was a significant over-representation of non-secretors among the patients with scarring, (14/35, 40%) compared to the healthy controls (21.8%, P < 0.05). The frequency of non-secretors among the girls who did not develop scars in spite of repeated episodes of acute pyelonephritis was not significantly different from the healthy controls (9/42, 21%, n.s.). This study provides a basis for analysis of the influence of secretor state on host-parasite interaction in the urinary tract.  相似文献   

We report a 2 months old girl affected by renal hypoplasia, genital abnormalities, syndactyly and a pattern of minor anomalies. Although the pattern of malformations overlaps the Townwes-Brock syndrome and that reported by Green et al in 1996, differential diagnosis was made with other several syndromes including acral and renal anomalies.  相似文献   

Vascular malformations can usually be diagnosed on clinical grounds. They have a well-defined appearance on magnetic resonance imaging, which can effectively determine their tissue and flow characteristics. However, the role of cross-sectional imaging in the management of vascular malformations is not well defined. Most reviews suggest that magnetic resonance imaging should be reserved for cases in which the extent of the lesion cannot be estimated on physical examination. However, to date no group has compared the accuracy of physical examination alone to that of magnetic resonance imaging in determining this extent. A review was performed of all the patients evaluated for vascular malformations at the New York University Trunk and Extremity Vascular Anomalies Conference between July of 1994 and August of 1999. Patients who underwent magnetic resonance evaluation at other institutions and whose images were not available for review were excluded. All study patients either underwent magnetic resonance imaging examination at New York University Medical Center or had outside films reviewed at the center. The physical examination findings were compared with the magnetic resonance findings and the surgeon and radiologist made a joint decision about whether there was a correlation between the magnetic resonance and physical examination findings. Fifty-eight patients met the study criteria, 44 (76 percent) of whom were found to have more extensive disease on magnetic resonance examination than appreciated on physical examination. Of the 51 patients with low-flow vascular malformations (venous vascular malformations, lymphatic malformations, and capillary malformations), 39 (76 percent) had more extensive disease on magnetic resonance examination than on physical examination. Of the seven patients with high-flow arteriovenous malformations, five had more extensive disease on magnetic resonance. In all of the 44 patients whose magnetic resonance imaging findings did not correlate with those of the physical examination, therapeutic decision making was affected. Contrary to the conventional wisdom of published reviews, physical examination findings significantly underestimated the extent of vascular malformations in the majority of cases. Magnetic resonance imaging should be performed in all patients with vascular malformations of the trunk and extremities before therapy is planned. In an age when physicians are asked to justify their decisions, especially where the use of expensive diagnostic modalities is concerned, the situations in which these tests are indispensable must be clearly defined or else patients will be denied access to them.  相似文献   

Vascular malformations are anatomically subdivided according to the predominant channel anomaly into either capillary, arterial, venous, lymphatic, or combinations. They can be further subdivided into high- or low-flow malformations. Any lesion that has an arterial component is considered a high-flow malformation. Once the diagnosis of a vascular malformation is made, it is of paramount importance to define not only the flow characteristics but also the full range of extension, because the prognosis and appropriate treatment vary substantially for each type of anomaly. The two most useful noninvasive imaging techniques for assessing vascular malformations are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography. The aim of this review is to give surgeons involved in treating patients with vascular malformations an opportunity to gain some background on MRI scans when assessing vascular malformations. Although MRI is a powerful modality for assessing vascular malformations, we will also discuss some of the limitations of MRI. We further suggest a diagnostic flow chart developed on the basis of MRI features designed to help determine the composition of a vascular birthmark when intervention is anticipated.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve patients presenting with various clinicopathological syndromes related to chromosomal diseases have been evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging. They include patients with trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, 4p-syndrome, 5p-syndrome, and 7p-syndrome. In all these patients karyotype studies were performed demonstrating the chromosomal aberrations. All patients were examined using magnetic resonance imaging to evaluate the head and neck malformations which may be specifically associated with their chromosomal anomaly. We were particularly interested in brain abnormalities and the morphological findings correlated with some pathologic anatomical findings. A review of the literature on neuropathological data is reported and compared with the in vivo anatomical results obtained using this highly anatomical non-ionising and non-invasive investigative procedure. Particular interest is paid to trisomy 21 in which all recognizable stereotyped morphological skull and brain malformations are depicted with magnetic resonance and some other malformations demonstrated such as the excessive forward bending and ascension of the brainstem which correlated well with a simian cephalic organization.  相似文献   

In the paper providing the data available in the literature and many years' experience gained by the Department of the Moscow Regional Clinical Research Institute, the authors describe the potentialities of the currently available radiation techniques in the diagnosis of surgical endocrine diseases. The incidence of various organ dysfunctions is presented. The authors also consider the introscopic symptoms of various endocrinopathies and outline the common specific features of the ultrasound, computed tomographic, and magnetic resonance imaging pattern of individual masses (including adipose tissue cysts and tumors). Emphasis is laid on the leading role of ultrasonography (USG) in the diagnosis of thyroid and parathyroid diseases and on the priorities of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in visualIzing the abnormal thymus, mediastinally ectopic glands, and pituitary tumors. The capacities of each technique in the diagnosis of endocrine space lesions of the pancreas and adrenals are defined. The increase in the frequency of endocrine abnormalities accidentally identified at USG, CT, and MRI, which is noted in the paper, fosters the development of new trends in endocrinology and points to the need for screening surveys (particularly patients who live in poor environmental areas).  相似文献   

Chronic juvenile arthritis (CJA) is the most common inflammatory disease of joints in children. There are numerous studies showing the limited informative value of X-ray in the evaluation of CJA progression. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using intravenous gadolinium is currently in the foreground in diagnosing arthritis in children, in infants in particular. Knee joints are most frequently afflicted in CJA, showing significant manifestations of the disease. The purpose of the study was to describe the patterns of changes in the nonossified epiphyseal and articular cartilages in the distal epiphyses of femurs in the knee joints of patients with manifestations of chronic juvenile arthritis and to define the role of contrast-enhanced MRI in evaluating the epiphyseal changes in this disease. Sixty-nine patients aged 1.5-14 years who have clinical laboratory and ultrasound signs of CJA lasting 6 months to 5 years underwent contrast-enhanced MRI for the evaluation of changes in the articular and nonossified epiphyseal cartilages. Intravenous contrast enhancement identified several specific features and patterns of epiphyseal changes: subchondral hyperemia of epiphyses and recorded thickened epiphyseal chondral vascular channels, chondral and osteochondral erosions as manifestations of changes in the growing epiphyseal cartilage and articular one in children with chronic arthritis. Thus, contrast-enhanced MRI allows differentiation of different patterns of epiphyseal changes in CJA.  相似文献   

Two studies were carried out in which 27 and 23 patients respectively with renal space-occupying lesions were assessed by different techniques and the results compared. Instead of proceeding to renal arteriography after the lesion had been found on urography, radionuclide and ultrasound scanning were used in the first study to clarify the nature of the lesions, while in the second study computed tomography was used as well. Results were good with all three methods, although ultrasonography and radionuclide scanning cannot resolve lesions of under 2 cm in diameter and the radiation dose with computed tomography is similar to that used in renal arteriography. Probably the best method of evaluating renal space-occupying lesions after urography is to use both ultrasound and radionuclide scanning. If further information is required computed tomography or arteriography is indicated.  相似文献   

The pattern of myelination over the cerebral cortex, termed myeloarchitecture, is an established and often-used feature to visualize cortical organization with histology in a variety of primate species. In this paper, we use in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and advanced image processing using surface rendering to visualize and characterize myeloarchitecture in a small nonhuman primate, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Through images made in four female adult marmosets, we produce a representative 3D map of marmoset myeloarchitecture and flatten and annotate this map to show the location and extent of a variety of major areas of the cortex, including the primary visual, auditory, and somatosensory areas. By treating our MRI data as a surface, we can measure the surface area of cortical areas, and we present these measurements here to summarize cortical organization in the marmoset.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in investigating patients suspected of having a lesion in the posterior cranial fossa. DESIGN--Randomised allocation of newly referred patients to undergo either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging; the alternative investigation was performed subsequently only in response to a request from the referring doctor. SETTING--A regional neuroscience centre serving 2.7 million. PATIENTS--1020 Patients recruited between April 1986 and December 1987, all suspected by neurologists, neurosurgeons, or other specialists of having a lesion in the posterior fossa and referred for neuroradiology. The groups allocated to undergo computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were well matched in distributions of age, sex, specialty of referring doctor, investigation as an inpatient or an outpatient, suspected site of lesion, and presumed disease process; the referring doctor''s confidence in the initial clinical diagnosis was also similar. INTERVENTIONS--After the patients had been imaged by either computed tomography or magnetic resonance (using a resistive magnet of 0.15 T) doctors were given the radiologist''s report and a form asking if they considered that imaging with the alternative technique was necessary and, if so, why; it also asked for their current diagnoses and their confidence in them. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Number of requests for the alternative method of investigation. Assessment of characteristics of patients for whom further imaging was requested and lesions that were suspected initially and how the results of the second imaging affected clinicians'' and radiologists'' opinions. RESULTS--Ninety three of the 501 patients who initially underwent computed tomography were referred subsequently for magnetic resonance imaging whereas only 28 of the 493 patients who initially underwent magnetic resonance imaging were referred subsequently for computed tomography. Over the study the number of patients referred for magnetic resonance imaging after computed tomography increased but requests for computed tomography after magnetic resonance imaging decreased. The reason that clinicians gave most commonly for requesting further imaging by magnetic resonance was that the results of the initial computed tomography failed to exclude their suspected diagnosis (64 patients). This was less common in patients investigated initially by magnetic resonance imaging (eight patients). Management of 28 patients (6%) imaged initially with computed tomography and 12 patients (2%) imaged initially with magnetic resonance was changed on the basis of the results of the alternative imaging. CONCLUSIONS--Magnetic resonance imaging provided doctors with the information required to manage patients suspected of having a lesion in the posterior fossa more commonly than computed tomography, but computed tomography alone was satisfactory in 80% of cases...  相似文献   

Altogether 23 patients with aneurysmal aortic lesions of various sites were investigated using MR-tomography. Sagittal and axial projections were used for visualization of the thoracic aorta, frontal and axial ones--for visualization of the abdominal aorta. As compared to radionuclide and x-ray methods of investigation, MR-tomography was characterized by a high informative value in the detection of aneurysmal lesions. Despite a limited number of patients the authors managed to diagnose aortic stratification which could be well visualized in the abdominal aorta.  相似文献   



The rate of recovery from the vegetative state (VS) is low. Currently, little is known of the mechanisms and cerebral changes that accompany those relatively rare cases of good recovery. Here, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the evolution of one VS patient at one month post-ictus and again twelve months later when he had recovered consciousness.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to optimize the diagnosis of fetal CNS and facial malformations, by using a complex of ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. A hundred and forty-four fetuses with suspected CNS and facial malformations were examined. The US study conducted by a specially developed protocol was supplemented by MRI (48 fetuses) also made by a specially developed protocol. Various fetal CNS malformations, such as neural tube defects, congenital endbrain malformations, cystic lesions, tumors, ventricular complex anomalies, defects of the face and eyes, multiple defects, including CNS and facial anomalies, were detected. With MRI, the diagnosis was changed in 33% of cases. The application of a complex of US and MRI studies enhances the efficiency of diagnosis of congenital CNS and facial malformations in the fetus. MRI in the diagnosis of fetal CNS and facial malformations has a number of advantages and should be used if there is some difficulty in establishing a diagnosis when an US study is performed.  相似文献   

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