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Stipa narynica M. Nobis sp. nov. from the western Tian‐Shan Mts (western Kyrgyzstan) is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Smirnovia Tzvel. Morphologically the species is similar to S. aktauensis, a species from which it is easily distinguished by its longer glumes (41–)44–55(–62) mm vs 35–45 mm, longer anthecium (11.5–) 12.0–14.2(–14.8) mm vs 9.5–11.2(–11.7) mm, longer hairs on the seta (5.5–)6.0–8.0(–8.5) mm vs (3.0–)3.8–5.5(–6.0) mm and by the top of the lemma which in S. narynica is either glabrous or with a poorly developed ring of short hairs, while in S. aktauensis, the top of lemma is always distinctly and densely pilose. The lemma and leaf blade structure of both species were examined by means of SEM. The main features differentiating S. narynica and S. aktauensis and distribution of the taxa are presented. An original key to the middle Asiatic species of the sect. Smirnovia, the most similar to Stipa narynica is provided.  相似文献   

Deyeuxia sorengii B. Paszko & W. L. Chen, a new species of Deyeuxia from the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to D. zangxiensis P. C. Kuo & S. L. Lu, but differs from it by having a well‐developed and conspicuously hairy rachilla prolongation and a straight awn. Deyeuxia sorengii occurs in alpine meadows of central Xizang and central Qinghai. The first records of Deyeuxia zangxiensis are reported from western and eastern Xinjiang and northeastern Qinghai (China).  相似文献   

Stipa zeravshanica M. Nobis sp. nov. from the western Pamir Alai Mts (Tajikistan) is described and illustrated. Morphologically, the new species is similar to S. gracilis, but it is easily distinguishable by pilose (vs. glabrous) lower part of the awn, and generally somewhat longer ligules of the vegetative shoots. Epidermal patterns of the lemma in S. zeravshanica and three other closely related taxa, namely S. gracilis, S. himalaica and S. orientalis, were examined by means of SEM. The main macro‐morphological and micro‐morphological characteristics differentiating all mentioned species are presented. Additionally, a lectotype for S. gracilis is designated. Based on phytosociological relevés prepared during field investigation in the western Pamir Alai Mts, a new plant association Asperulo albiflorae–Stipetum zeravshanicae, occurring on shelves and rocky crevices is also described.  相似文献   

Platanoid capitate infructescences are described as a new species Friisicarpus sarbaensis. Infructescences of Friisicarpus N. Maslova et Herman have been first found in the Cretaceous of Kazakhstan. A joint burial of Friisicarpus infructescences and other platanoid reproductive structures as well as Platanus-like leaves are discussed. This indicates a considerable role of the group in the Cretaceous flora of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Maclurochloa K. M. Wong (Gramineae: Bambusoideae) is a genus of clambering bamboos with dry caryopses. It was thought to be monotypic in Peninsular Malaysia, but here we report one more species from Vietnam which is new to science: Maclurochloa tonkinensis H. N. Nguyen et V. T. Tran sp. nov. Maclurochloa tonkinensis is most similar to M. montana (Ridl.) K. M. Wong from which differs mainly by having internodes 50–58 × 3.0–3.5 cm and culm leaves with auriculate sheaths and erect blade.  相似文献   

Centotheca ganeshaiahiana M. V. Ramana, Alok Chorghe, Prasanna & Sanjappa, a new species from Saddle Peak National Park, north Andaman, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India is described and illustrated. It is closely allied to C. uniflora Swallen, a Vietnamese species, but differs mainly in shorter culms, leaf blades and inflorescences, longer pedicels, spikelets with 2 fertile florets and lemmas with bulbous based hairs.  相似文献   

Two new species of Sageretia Brongn. (Rhamnaceae), S. santapaui Pusalkar & D. K. Singh and S. devendrae Pusalkar, are described and illustrated. Both species are allied to S. thea (Osbeck) M. C. Johnst., but differs in the pubescence of young branches, leaf shape, leaf margins, stipule shape, inflorescence type, length of the inflorescence, number and arrangement of flowers, bracteole number and shape.  相似文献   

A new species of the grass genus Eragrostis Wolf, E. nilgiriensis C. P. Vivek, G. V. S. Murthy & V. J. Nair sp. nov. from Nilgiri district, Tamil Nadu, India is described and illustrated. The species is allied to E. barrelieri, but differs from it mainly by the primary panicle branches not spiculate up to base, leaves not glaucous, lemma shorter and acute and by a much smaller caryopsis. The new species is morphologically similar also to E. minor and E. nigra. A table listing differences between these species is provided.  相似文献   

Pleurospermum tripartitum Pu, R. Li & H. Li, a new species of Umbelliferae from western Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely similar to P. macrochlaenum K. T. Fu & Y. C. Ho, but differs by having unbranched stem, conspicuous calyx teeth, and white petals.  相似文献   

Stellaria devendrae sp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) is here described and illustrated from the Uttarakhand state of the Indian western Himalaya. It differs from the allied S. monosperma Buch.‐Ham. ex D. Don and S. paniculata Edgew. in having sub‐sessile, oblanceolate or obovate leaves with non amplexicaul, rounded to sub‐auricled leaf base; an inflorescence of a terminal, regularly and simply branched panicle of cymes; larger flowers (5–8 mm across); 5‐lobed floral disc; relatively larger sepals (4–7 mm long); petal lamina lobed for more than 1/2 to 4/5 of the lamina; filaments opposite sepals with prominent nectar glands at base; adjoining filaments not fused at base, and an inconspicuously reticulate‐papillate seed surface.  相似文献   

Ligusticum gongshanense Pu, R. Li & H. Li, a new species of Umbelliferae from western Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely similar to L. franchetii H. de Boissieu, but differs by having unbranched and light yellow stem, white petals, and styles shorter than stylopodium.  相似文献   

During a floristic survey in the Belgaum district, Karnataka state, some specimens of Rotala L. were collected from a lateritic plateau in western Ghats, India. The specimens did not match with any previously described species of Rotala, but closely resembled R. macrandra Koehne and R. rosea (Poir.) C. D. K. Cook ex H. Hara in their exserted stamens and styles. The new species is described and illustrated here as Rotala belgaumensis S. R. Yadav, Malpure & Chandore.  相似文献   

Sporobolus copei F. Verloove sp. nov. is described and illustrated. It has been known since at least the 1970s on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Until now it has been confused with both Sporobolus diandrus and S. indicus. Its origin and affinities are discussed. A status as very locally naturalised xenophyte seems most reasonable.  相似文献   

A new species, Tropaeolum sparrei Ståhl (Tropaeolaceae), is described from submontane cloud forest habitat in western Ecuador. It differs from T. papillosum Hughes (the species it resembles most) by having thinner, tomentose stems, smaller, glabrous or subglabrous leaves with the petiole inserted relatively closer to the lower leaf margin, and flowers with uniformly coloured and straight calyx spurs. In leaf shape it is also similar to T. repandum Heilborn, from which it differs in its larger flowers with entirely black petals and blue anthers.  相似文献   

Miscanthus subgen. Rubimons (B. S. Sun) Y. C. Liu et H. Peng, a new subgenus of Miscanthus Anderss. (Poaceae) is established and Miscanthus (Rubimons) villosus Y. C. Liu et H. Peng, a new species of this subgenus from southwest Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. paniculatus (B. S. Sun) S. L. Chen & Renvoize, but differs mainly by its villous panicle axis, long callus hair, lanceolate lower lemma and the consistently longer awn of the upper lemma.  相似文献   

Isachne edamalayarensis, a new species from southern Western Ghats in Kerala, India, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to Isachne oreades (Domin) Bor but can be distinguished by its large and glabrous leaves, unequal glumes, and shape and size of lower and upper glumes.  相似文献   

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