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Lake-sediment records were used to reconstruct human impact on the landscape around Lago Lucone (45°33′N, 10°29′E, 249 m a.s.l.), a former lake in the western amphitheatre system of the Lago di Garda. Presence of prehistoric human populations is attested by pile-dwelling settlements from the Early-Middle Bronze Age, with one settlement at a distance of only 100 m from the coring site. Pollen, plant-macrofossil and microscopic charcoal analyses were applied to a 250 cm sediment core with four dates providing the time control. A mixed oak forest that was important during the Early-Middle Holocene was cleared and replaced by open vegetation during the Bronze Age (∼2000–1100 b.c.) when open lands were estimated to have covered more than 60% of the total relevant pollen-source area. During a phase of high human impact, independent climatic proxies suggest warm and dry climatic conditions. Later, ca. 1100 b.c., palaeobotanical evidence indicates a sharp decrease in human pressure in the Lago Lucone area. The comparison with other sedimentary palaeocultural records shows that the period 1300–1100 b.c. was characterised by general declines of agricultural activities both south and north of the Alps. These declines have been previously attributed to a change towards wetter and colder climatic conditions in and around the Alps. However, the decline in human impact around Lago Lucone cannot be exclusively attributed to climatic variation. Therefore other forcing factors independent of climatic changes, such as cultural crises or changes in spatial organisation of the habitats, cannot be ruled out under the present state of knowledge.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of the remains of cereals and pine has been studied, from three different chronological phases from 2140 to 1500 cal bc at the Terlinques site, southeast Iberian Peninsula. The δ13C values range between ?24.91 and ?21.19 ‰ (V-PDB), with an average of ?23.05 ‰ (STD = 0.69). The archaeological cereals show an average isotopic discrimination (Δ13C) with the past atmospheric CO2 of 16.96 ‰, which is much greater than the average Δ13C of 13.89 ‰ of the rainfed Triticeae (wheat and barley) in modern times. However, considering the effect of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, which is included in the WUEi (intrinsic water-use efficiency), this difference is even greater, 77 for archaeological samples versus 144 for present-day rainfed cereals. This could represent some of the earliest evidence of the use of irrigation techniques in Europe. Modern cereals which have been irrigated show a general Δ13C average of 17.17 ‰, very similar to those of the middle Holocene. However, when the WUEi is calculated, the value of 108 indicates that present-day irrigated cereals are more stressed than the archaeological samples. For comparison, we have included pine trees, since these have an extensive root development which is capable of reaching the water table. In the past, both cereals and pine present similar WUEi values (77 vs. 72), however at present only irrigated cereals show similar WUEi values to pine (108 vs. 107). This again suggests irrigation of cereals in the past. The processes of climatic degradation towards drier conditions which started in the middle Holocene could be responsible for the use of land near water sources, on riverbanks and near shallow lakes. According to the isotopic and plant macrofossil data, irrigation or water management techniques were used at the Terlinques site, located close to the Laguna de Villena, a lake which has now dried out.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - This paper is a palaeoenvironmental investigation into prehistoric farming activity in the southern Burren, a distinctive karst landscape in western...  相似文献   

Vegetation and environmental change from late Bronze Age to the Roman period in north-west Portugal is reconstructed on the basis of charcoal analyses. The site was occupied by people of the Castrejo culture, i.e. an Iron Age culture that developed in the north-west Iberian peninsula. The pattern of exploitation of natural wood resources by local populations during this period appears to be similar during the three phases of occupation. The frequencies of light-demanding plant species, mostly Leguminosae, testify to considerable destruction and degeneration of the climax woodlands. The preference of particular wood for specific uses, such as roofing, is discussed and the Holocene history of selected trees within the wider region is considered.  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古中南部地区青铜—早期铁器时代5个考古地点出土人骨的龋病患病情况做了研究, 在与其他国内材料对比的基础上, 探讨了文化类型与龋病患病率之间的关系。龋病在以农业经济为主的人群中患病率最高, 在农牧兼营的人群中龋病率其次, 在以畜牧业为生的游牧人群中患病率最低。龋病是反映内蒙古地区该时段古代居民经济模式的一个有效指标。  相似文献   

The analysis of archaeological charcoal is used to reconstruct the wood resources in north-west Portugal from the late Bronze Age to the Roman period. In this paper, the results obtained from 12 sites are considered, and their implications for interpreting historical human behaviour towards the natural environment and vegetation are discussed. The results indicate a similar kind of exploitation of the vegetation by different populations which used a similar range of wood resources. Fifty-one taxa are identified and three main natural biotopes are distinguished, including mixed oak forest, wasteland vegetation and riparian forest. The large number of taxa identified seems to testify to the existence of a good sampling of the woody vegetation growing in the proximity of the settlements. Both dry and fresh wood were used, and the value and possible uses are suggested for some of the most frequent taxa identified.  相似文献   

Vegetation changes during the late Holocene are interpreted from four fossil pollen sequences from two caves at the Los Toldos archaeological locality, Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Taphonomic processes are particularly taken into account in order to analyze the effects on the fossil pollen records of biotic factors such as human occupation and animals, and abiotic ones such as volcanic ash fall. Fossil pollen assemblages are interpreted using local modern pollen data. The main vegetation change occurred at ca. 3750 uncal b.p., when a shrub steppe of Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae with Schinus, Ephedra frustillata and a high proportion of grasses was replaced by a shrub steppe of Colliguaja integerrima and Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae. This change is synchronous with an archaeological record change and could be related either to moderate climatic variations or the effects of ash fall on the environment. Plant communities similar to the present-day ones were established in the Los Toldos area from ca. 3750 uncal b.p.  相似文献   

A palaeoecological study was conducted close to the forest limit in the northern Scandinavian mountain range. The aim was to elucidate the degree to which human impact has affected the vegetation at Hiednikvalta, a Stállo settlement site. Stállo settlements consist of round hut foundations that have a hearth in the middle and are surrounded by a low turf wall. They were probably established by Sámi people using the mountain areas for hunting and/or reindeer herding. In order to separate the effects of humans and climate on the vegetation, a reference area approach was adopted, i.e. the vegetation development at the Stállo settlement site Hiednikvalta was compared with the vegetation development in a forested reference area Avvuhatjåhkkå, at the same altitude as Hiednikvalta but with no archaeological remains of settlements. Peat stratigraphies were retrieved at the two sites and pollen analysis, loss-on-ignition (LOI), pollen accumulation rates (PAR), macrofossil analysis and Betula pollen size statistics were all examined. The results indicate that Hiednikvalta was forested with Betula trees prior to the Stállo settlement period, which occurred between the eighth and thirteenth centuries. Human activities resulted in a decrease in tree cover at the site, as found in a previous study at Adamvalta, another Stállo settlement site in the region. However, the magnitude of vegetation change, and the post-Stállo vegetation development differed between the two areas, suggesting that site-specific factors are important. The use of reference areas in palynological studies is also discussed.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene extinctions are of interest to paleontological and anthropological research. In North America and Australia, human occupation occurred during a short period of time and overexploitation may have led to the extinction of mammalian megafauna. In northern Eurasia megafaunal extinctions are believed to have occurred over a relatively longer period of time, perhaps as a result of changing environmental conditions, but the picture is much less clear. To consider megafaunal extinction in Eurasia, we compare differences in the geographical distribution and commonness of extinct and extant species between paleontological and archaeological localities from the late middle Pleistocene to Holocene. Purely paleontological localities, as well as most extinct species, were distributed north of archaeological sites and of the extant species, suggesting that apart from possible differences in adaptations between humans and other species, humans could also have a detrimental effect on large mammal distribution. However, evidence for human overexploitation applies only to the extinct steppe bison Bison priscus. Other human-preferred species survive into the Holocene, including Rangifer tarandus, Equus ferus, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, Equus hemionus, Saiga tatarica, and Sus scrofa. Mammuthus primigenius and Megaloceros giganteus were rare in archaeological sites. Carnivores appear little influenced by human presence, although they become rarer in Holocene archaeological sites. Overall, the data are consistent with the conclusion that humans acted as efficient hunters selecting for the most abundant species. Our study supports the idea that the late Pleistocene extinctions were environmentally driven by climatic changes that triggered habitat fragmentation, species range reduction, and population decrease, after which human interference either by direct hunting or via indirect activities probably became critical.  相似文献   

Xinjiang is at the crossroads between East and West Eurasia, and it harbors a relatively complex genetic history. In order to better understand the population movements and interactions in this region, mitochondrial and Y chromosome analyses on 40 ancient human remains from the Tianshanbeilu site in eastern Xinjiang were performed. Twenty‐nine samples were successfully assigned to specific mtDNA haplogroups, including the west Eurasian maternal lineages of U and W and the east Eurasian maternal lineages of A, C, D, F, G, Z, M7, and M10. In the male samples, two Y chromosome haplogroups, C* and N1 (xN1a, N1c), were successfully assigned. Our mitochondrial and Y‐chromosomal DNA analyses combined with the archaeological studies revealed that the Di‐qiang populations from the Hexi Corridor had migrated to eastern Xinjiang and admixed with the Eurasian steppe populations in the early Bronze Age. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:71–80, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

R C Griffin  D Donlon 《HOMO》2007,58(3):211-220
Dental enamel hypoplasias are increasingly being used in epidemiological studies as indicators of health within both modern and prehistoric populations. This symptom of growth disruption is used here to examine possible changes in health occurring at the transition between the Bronze Age and Iron Age in Jordan, through examination of enamel hypoplasias in skeletal remains from two tombs at the archaeological site of Pella. A small but not statistically significant difference in the prevalence and frequency of hypoplastic defects was found between the two time periods. These results suggest that the political and economic changes occurring at this time were not sufficiently stressful to cause a dramatic deterioration in health at the onset of the Early Iron Age.  相似文献   

Batadomba-lena, a rockshelter in the rainforest of southwestern Sri Lanka, has yielded some of the earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in South Asia. H. sapiens foragers were present at Batadomba-lena from ca. 36,000 cal BP to the terminal Pleistocene and Holocene. Human occupation was sporadic before the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Batadomba-lena’s Late Pleistocene inhabitants foraged for a broad spectrum of plant and mainly arboreal animal resources (monkeys, squirrels and abundant rainforest snails), derived from a landscape that retained equatorial rainforest cover through periods of pronounced regional aridity during the LGM. Juxtaposed hearths, palaeofloors with habitation debris, postholes, excavated pits, and animal and plant remains, including abundant Canarium nutshells, reflect intensive habitation of the rockshelter in times of monsoon intensification and biome reorganisation after ca. 16,000 cal BP. This period corresponds with further broadening of the economic spectrum, evidenced though increased contribution of squirrels, freshwater snails and Canarium nuts in the diet of the rockshelter occupants. Microliths are more abundant and morphologically diverse in the earliest, pre-LGM layer and decline markedly during intensified rockshelter use on the wane of the LGM. We propose that changing toolkits and subsistence base reflect changing foraging practices, from shorter-lived visits of highly mobile foraging bands in the period before the LGM, to intensified use of Batadomba-lena and intense foraging for diverse resources around the site during and, especially, following the LGM. Traces of ochre, marine shell beads and other objects from an 80 km-distant shore, and, possibly burials reflect symbolic practices from the outset of human presence at the rockshelter. Evidence for differentiated use of space (individual hearths, possible habitation structures) is present in LGM and terminal Pleistocene layers. The record of Batadomba-lena demonstrates that Late Pleistocene pathways to (aspects of) behavioural ‘modernity’ (composite tools, practice of symbolism and ritual, broad spectrum economy) were diverse and ecologically contingent.  相似文献   

In Near Eastern archaeology, studies on crop management during the early stages of civilisation have been based on cuneiform texts and only recently have geoarchaeological surveys and archaeobotanical studies tried to identify agricultural practices. Nevertheless, direct evidence for irrigation and water management is very rare and difficult to interpret. New possibilities for analysing these ways of management have been provided by stable carbon isotope analysis of ancient crops. In this study carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) was performed to assess the growing conditions of fossil cereal grains. Charred grains of emmer and barley recovered from the same site, Arslantepe in eastern Anatolia, over a 1,000 years long continuous sequence during the third millennium b.c. have been analysed and compared. The variation in water availability during grain filling, estimated by Δ13C, can be attributed to climate change and/or human practices. Distinguishing exactly which is to blame is complex but essential in reconstructing specific management practices. Variations in the 13C/12C ratio suggest that barley and emmer grew under different water regimes. In particular, a different management system was adopted between 3000 and 2800 cal. b.c. when emmer was sustained by human-induced water supply, whereas the more resistant barley was rain-fed and possibly assigned to more marginal terrains. Our results are compared with the stable carbon isotope data available for other Near Eastern sites. Emmer and barley records are also compared with deciduous oak Δ13C from Arslantepe in order to better understand the influence of environmental factors, climate and human impact.  相似文献   

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