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Berendse  F.  Lammerts  E. J.  Olff  H. 《Plant Ecology》1998,137(1):71-78
Vegetation and soil development during succession in coastal dune slacks on Terschelling island, the Netherlands, was investigated, by comparing neighbouring ecosystems on similar substrates that had been developing for 1, 5, 35 and 76 years since the vegetation and organic soil layer had been removed. In this successional sequence, soil organic matter accumulated rapidly due to the production of litter and dead roots. N mineralization was extremely low, increasing from 0.2 g m-2 yr-1 after 5 years to 0.8 g m-2 yr-1 after 76 years. It was accompanied by a decline in the pH (KCl) in the upper 10 cm of the soil from 6.8 to 4.4. Most of the above-ground biomass accumulated in the shrub species Oxycoccus macrocarpos and Salix repens. The 5- year-old plots harboured many plant species (18 species per 0.25 m2), but plant species diversity was much lower in the older plots. It is concluded that most changes in species composition and the decline in diversity occurred because early successional plant species were gradually outshaded by the thick litter layer and the accumulated shrub biomass.  相似文献   

The patches of Paspalum quadrifarium-dominated grasslands found atpresent could be remnants of the vegetation that defined the Pampas landscape inthe past. The mere presence of such physical structures should lead to systemsin which many other species are dependent upon both the autogenic creation ofsurface area for living space and the autogenic and allogenic modulation ofresources controlled by these structures. We carried out amensurative–comparative study in naturally occurring sites dominated byP. quadrifarium that occupy different positions within thelandscape in the Flooding Pampa. We found different species assemblages in thesestructurally homogeneous stands, related to the edaphic and topographicgradients. The comparison with sites from similar positions in the landscapewhere this native tussock-grass was absent showed that the dominance ofP. quadrifarium is a minor determinant of floristicdifferences, which are mainly controlled by abiotic factors. We assigned thesedominated grassland stands to previously delimited vegetation units for theFlooding Pampa grasslands and we compared them with the vegetation unitsassigned, in terms of composite properties of the community that may beindicators of ecosystem processes, such as biological invasions andproductivity. Our results show that this native tussock grass is associated withhigher floristic richness, higher representation of perennials and grasses andlower presence of alien plants. This homogeneous pattern of variation across thevegetation units would suggest that, despite the absence of dramatic changes incommunity composition, the dominance of this tussock grass plays an importantrole in structuring species diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Kitahara and Fujii, in 1994, analyzed the butterfly communities along a gradient of human disturbance by applying the generalist/specialist concept. Butterfly species were classified into generalist or specialist species based on their voltinism (seasonal time dimension) and potential larval resource breadth (food dimension). The community structure and species composition showed the systematic changes along the gradient. To verify the generality of those trends, we monitored five grassland butterfly communities with varying degrees of human disturbance twice a month during 1985 by the line transect method at the foot of Mt. Fuji, central Japan, and analyzed their structure in a manner similar to that employed by Kitahara and Fujii. Most results were consistent with the patterns recognized by Kitahara and Fujii. The route (community) order based on increasing human disturbance was strongly and negatively correlated with butterfly species richness but with neither butterfly species diversity (H′) nor evenness (J′). Also, the degree of human disturbance was significantly and negatively correlated with the number of specialist species, but not with that of generalists, in a community. Butterfly species richness was more strongly correlated with the number of specialist species than with that of generalists. Our analyses also showed that the generalist species were distributed more widely over the communities than were the specialists. However, in contrast to the trend revealed by Kitahara and Fujii, there was no significant difference in the population densities and in the spatial population variability between the two species groups. As a whole, our analyses confirmed the consistency of most community patterns detected by Kitahara and Fujii. The causes of the inconsistencies in some patterns were thought to be mainly the present habitat conditions with a relatively short growing season at high altitudes. Received: October 19, 1999 / Accepted: June 5, 2000  相似文献   

Question: Is there any effect of cutting frequency and liming on P and K availability in the soil, biomass production and plant species composition after cessation of fertilizer application? Location: Eifel Mountains, SW Germany. Methods: The long‐term Grassland Extensification and Nutrient Depletion Experiment was established on a fertilized and mown pasture (Lolio‐Cynosuretum) in 1993. Treatments were: (1) two cuts per year without liming, (2) two cuts with liming, (3) four cuts without liming, (4) four cuts with liming and (5) continued intensive mowing as the control. Results: From 1993 to 2006, the plant available P concentration in the soil decreased substantially, whereas K concentration decreased only slightly. Biomass production decreased from 7 to 5 t DM ha?1. These trends were affected by cessation of NPK fertilizer application but not by cutting frequency or liming. In 2007, substantial differences in species composition between the control and the two‐cut and four‐cut treatments were recorded, whereas liming had no effect. Higher species richness was recorded in cut treatments compared to the control, but no effects of cutting frequency or liming were observed. Ellenberg indicator values indicated that soil nutrients influenced changes in species composition only marginally. Conclusions: The decrease in productivity and available soil P and K in favor of species richness was not achieved to any greater extent by four cuts than by two cuts, or by lime application. Although species richness slightly increased, we conclude that the restoration of low productive grasslands cannot be achieved by cutting management.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied the distribution of litter in a shrubland of the Negev with a semi‐arid Mediterranean climate of less than 200 mm of rainfall per year. Our focus was on the effects of litter on properties of landscape patches relevant to ecosystem processes (water runoff and soil erosion), annual plant community responses (seedling density, biomass production and species richness), and animal activity (soil disturbance by termites). Three 60‐m transects, extending across a pair of opposing north‐ and south‐facing slopes and their drainage channel, showed that litter accumulates not only under shrubs, but to a lesser extent also on the crusted inter‐shrub open areas. We used 35 experimental units (‘cells’, 0.5m × 1 m), each containing a crust and a shrub patch. Because runoff flows from crusted patches and is intercepted by shrub patches, the latter were in the lower third of the cells. Leaf litter was added in single and double amounts providing ca. 0.5 and 1.0 cm litter depth, to either, both, or none of the patches. Litter addition significantly decreased the amount of runoff, regardless of the location and amount of litter applied. Litter on the crust increased species number and seedling density of species with low abundance. Adding a double litter layer increased annual plant biomass production, while a single amount had no effect. Litter addition to the shrub patch affected neither biomass nor species richness. Litter addition to both patches at both quantities caused a large increase in termite activity. Termites caused disturbance by disrupting the crust, which may contribute to the reduction in runoff amounts. In the open, flat crust patches, annual plant communities are limited in their productivity and species richness, as there are few structures stopping the outflow of water, soil and seeds. Litter adds such structures, but affects the plant communities only when added to litter‐free crust. Litter accumulation and its patchy distribution have large impacts on landscape patch properties affecting resource distribution, plant productivity and diversity, and animal activity. Therefore, understanding litter distribution in relation to the patchy structure of the landscape of semi‐arid shrubland should be viewed as an important component of shrubland management.  相似文献   

Aims Mediterranean coastal dunes are habitats of great conservation interest, with a distinctive and rich flora. In the last century, Acacia spp., native from Australia, have been introduced in Portugal, with the objective of stabilizing sand dunes, and since have become dominant in numerous sand dune habitats. This invasion process led to the reduction of native plant species richness, changed soil characteristics and modified habitat's microclimatic characteristics. The aim of this research was to typify and compare, in Mediterranean sand dune ecosystems, the ecophysiological responses to drought of Helichrysum italicum and Corema album, two native species, and Acacia longifolia, an exotic invasive species. We addressed the following specific objectives: (i) to compare water relations and water use efficiencies, (ii) to evaluate water stress, (iii) to assess water use strategies and water sources used by plants and (iv) to evaluate the morphological adaptations at leaf and phyllode level. Methods In order to obtain an integrative view of ecophysiological patterns, water relations and performance measuring methods have been applied: predawn (ψ PD) and midday (ψ MD) water potential, chlorophyll a fluorescence, oxygen isotopic composition of xylem, rain and groundwater (δ 18 O) and leaf carbon isotopic discrimination (Δ 13 C). The leaf characteristics of the three species, as well as the histochemistry of non-glandular trichome cell walls, were also studied to identify morpho-traits related to drought resistance.Important findings The results support our initial hypothesis: although A. longifolia clearly possesses a degree of resistance to water stress, such ability is provided by a different water strategy, when compared to native species. Natives relied on morphological adaptations to restrict water loss, whereas the invasive species adjusted the water uptake as a way to balance their limited ability of restricting water loss. We corroborate that woody native species (i) have a conservative water-saving strategy and minor seasonal variations relative to invasive species, (ii) use enriched water sources during drought periods, indicating different water sources and root systems comparing with invasive species and (iii) present drought leaf morpho-functional adaptations related with limiting water loss. Comparing the physiological performance of invasive and native species can offer causal explanations for the relative success of alien plant invasions on sand dunes ecosystems.  相似文献   

Areas of 2,800–3,000 m a.s.l. represent the alpine-nival ecotone in the Alps. This transition zone connecting the closed swards of the alpine belt and the scattered vegetation of the nival belt may show particularly strong climate warming driven fluctuations in plant species richness compared to the nival belt. To test this hypothesis, 12 summits within this range were investigated in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland in 2004. Complete lists of vascular plant species consisting of 5–70 species were collected on each summit and the elevation of the uppermost occurrence of each species was recorded. These data were compared to historical records over 120 years in age. Within this time, vascular plant species richness increased by 11% per decade on summits in the alpine-nival ecotone. Despite this considerable change, a comparison with nival summits did not support the hypothesis that species richness increase at the alpine-nival ecotone is higher than in the nival belt. A general trend of upward migration in the range of several metres per decade could be observed. Anemochorous species were more often found to be migrating than zoochorous or autochorous species and migration was higher on calcareous than on siliceous bedrock. A comparison between the summits with the adjacent slopes in our study revealed that changes in species number could be used as an indicator for climate-induced changes—if at all—only for the narrow summit areas.  相似文献   

In this review of sediment denitrification in estuaries and coastal ecosystems, we examine current denitrification measurement methodologies and the dominant biogeochemical controls on denitrification rates in coastal sediments. Integrated estimates of denitrification in coastal ecosystems are confounded by methodological difficulties, a lack of systematic understanding of the effects of changing environmental conditions, and inadequate attention to spatial and temporal variability to provide both seasonal and annual rates. Recent improvements in measurement techniques involving 15 N techniques and direct N2 concentration changes appear to provide realistic rates of sediment denitrification. Controlling factors in coastal systems include concentrations of water column NO 3 , overall rates of sediment carbon metabolism, overlying water oxygen concentrations, the depth of oxygen penetration, and the presence/absence of aquatic vegetation and macrofauna. In systems experiencing environmental change, either degradation or improvement, the importance of denitrification can change. With the eutrophication of the Chesapeake Bay, the overall rates of denitrification relative to N loading terms have decreased, with factors such as loss of benthic habitat via anoxia and loss of submerged aquatic vegetation driving such effects.  相似文献   

Studies on the effects of tropical rainforest fragmentation and disturbance have often focussed on plants and vertebrates such as birds and mammals and seldom on invertebrates, despite the latter being among the most biologically diverse groups in these ecosystems. Spiders are one such group of invertebrate predators that are known to be sensitive indicators of environmental change in tropical ecosystems. The present study assesses the spider community structure and responses to rainforest fragmentation and degradation and conversion to shade-coffee plantations in the Anamalai hills, southern Western Ghats, India. Ten rainforest fragments ranging in size from 11 ha to 2,600 ha under varying levels of degradation within the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and private lands of the Valparai plateau, and two shade-coffee plantation sites were sampled for spiders using visual searches along time-constrained belt transects between January and May 2005. Within a total sampled area of 5.76 ha, 4,565 individual spiders (4,300 detections) belonging to 156 morphospecies within 21 families and 8 functional groups were recorded. The estimated total number of understorey spider species in the study area was 192 (±5.15 SD) species, representing around 13% of the total number of spider species so far described from India. Overall spider density, species richness, and species density showed no trend in relation to fragment area across all sites. Specific comparisons among undisturbed sites indicated however that high altitude sites had fewer species than mid-altitude sites and fragments had fewer species than relatively larger continuous forest sites. In contrast to the lack of trend in overall species richness and abundance, species composition changed substantially in relation to habitat alteration and altitude. Cluster analysis of Bray-Curtis similarities among sites in spider species composition revealed four distinct clusters: high altitude undisturbed sites, mid-altitude disturbed sites with an undisturbed mid altitude site, mid-altitude highly disturbed sites with a disturbed site, and shade-coffee plantation sites. Spider species, such as Psechrus torvus and Tylorida culta, that contributed significantly to the dissimilarity between undisturbed and disturbed rainforest sites, and rainforest and shade-coffee sites were identified that serve as useful indicators of habitat alteration.  相似文献   

The effects of global environmental changes on soil nitrogen (N) pools and fluxes have consequences for ecosystem functions such as plant productivity and N retention. In a 13‐year grassland experiment, we evaluated how elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), N fertilization, and plant species richness alter soil N cycling. We focused on soil inorganic N pools, including ammonium and nitrate, and two N fluxes, net N mineralization and net nitrification. In contrast with existing hypotheses, such as progressive N limitation, and with observations from other, often shorter, studies, elevated CO2 had relatively static and small, or insignificant, effects on soil inorganic N pools and fluxes. Nitrogen fertilization had inconsistent effects on soil N transformations, but increased soil nitrate and ammonium concentrations. Plant species richness had increasingly positive effects on soil N transformations over time, likely because in diverse subplots the concentrations of N in roots increased over time. Species richness also had increasingly positive effects on concentrations of ammonium in soil, perhaps because more carbon accumulated in soils of diverse subplots, providing exchange sites for ammonium. By contrast, subplots planted with 16 species had lower soil nitrate concentrations than less diverse subplots, especially when fertilized, probably due to greater N uptake capacity of subplots with 16 species. Monocultures of different plant functional types had distinct effects on N transformations and nitrate concentrations, such that not all monocultures differed from diverse subplots in the same manner. The first few years of data would not have adequately forecast the effects of N fertilization and diversity on soil N cycling in later years; therefore, the dearth of long‐term manipulations of plant species richness and N inputs is a hindrance to forecasting the state of the soil N cycle and ecosystem functions in extant plant communities.  相似文献   

River levels in Central Amazonia fluctuate up to 14 m annually, with the flooding period ranging from 50 to 270 days between the rising and falling phases. Vast areas of forest along the rivers contain plant species that are well adapted to annual flooding. We studied the effect of flooding level on tree species richness, diversity, density, and composition in lake, river, and stream habitats in Jaú National Park, Brazil. 3051 trees >10 cm diameter (at 1.3 m diameter at breast height, dbh) were measured and identified in 25 10 m × 40 m randomly selected plots in each habitat. Ordination methods and analysis of variance results showed that forested areas near lakes had significantly lower species richness of trees than riverine and streamside habitats. Plot species richness and diversity were strongly negatively correlated with the water level and duration of flooding. The drier (stream) habitat had more total species (54 species of trees) and more unique species of trees (6 tree species) than the riverine (52 tree species; 3 unique species) and lake (33 tree species; 3 unique species) habitats. Species composition overlap among habitats was surprisingly high (42.6–60.6% overlap), almost one-third of the species were found in all three habitat types, and few species were unique to each habitat. We conclude that: (1) duration of flooding has a strong impact on species richness, diversity and plant distribution patterns; (2) most species are adapted to a wide range of habitats and flood durations; and (3) while flood duration may decrease local diversity, it also creates and maintains high landscape-scale diversity by increasing landscape heterogeneity. Received: 20 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 January 1999  相似文献   

Microorganisms are largely responsible for soil nutrient cycling and energy flow in terrestrial ecosystems. Although soil microorganisms are affected by topography and grazing, little is known about how these two variables may interact to influence microbial processes. Even less is known about how these variables influence microorganisms in systems that contain large populations of free-roaming ungulates. In this study, we compared microbial biomass size and activity, as measured by in situ net N mineralization, inside and outside 35- to 40-year exclosures across a topographic gradient in northern Yellowstone National Park. The objective was to determine the relative effect of topography and large grazers on microbial biomass and nitrogen mineralization. Microbial C and N varied by almost an order of magnitude across sites. Topographic depressions that contained high plant biomass and fine-textured soils supported the greatest microbial biomass. We found that plant biomass accurately predicted microbial biomass across our sites suggesting that carbon inputs from plants constrained microbial biomass. Chronic grazing neither depleted soil C nor reduced microbial biomass. We hypothesize that microbial populations in grazed grasslands are sustained mainly by inputs of labile C from dung deposition and increased root turnover or root exudation beneath grazed plants. Mineral N fluxes were affected more by grazing than topography. Net N mineralization rates were highest in grazed grassland and increased from dry, unproductive to mesic, highly productive communities. Overall, our results indicate that topography mainly influences microbial biomass size, while mineral N fluxes (microbial activity) are affected more by grazing in this grassland ecosystem. Received: 4 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

Abstract. Distribution patterns of coastal sand dune plant communities in the Circeo National Park (Central Italy) are quantified and compared by measuring spatial connectivity and richness of community boundaries along the dune profile. The purpose of this study is: (1) to evaluate patchiness and frequency of spatial links between communities; (2) to identify the communities most sensitive to disturbance; and (3) to predict probable changes due to modification of spatial zonation. Data were obtained using belt transects across the Holocene coastal dune zone. Vegetation zonation from the seashore to the foredune slacks is analysed in relation to chorological, phytosociological and life‐form types. We found that under relatively undisturbed environmental conditions communities formed a sequence (communities 1 to 7), with the exception of a replacement community, which occupied gaps in the perennial vegetation. The spatial distribution of some communities was reduced as a consequence of disturbance; others became fragmented in small patches or even disappeared. In coastal environments with strong, complex gradients, the existence of certain communities depends on specific links (neighbourhood effects) and high connectivity values do not indicate better conservation conditions.  相似文献   

Plants in the Arctic and subarctic face the problems posed by herbivory in addition to short growth seasons, low temperatures and low nutrient availability. Herbivores control plant performance by removing biomass, by altering resource availability, by altering the physical environment, and by changing the balance of competition. The main difference between effects of herbivores in the Arctic and at lower latitudes may be the relatively greater importance of changes in resource availability and the physical environment resulting from herbivore activity, and their consequences for plant competitive abilities.Species responses to defoliation depend primarily on growth form. Artificial defoliation of graminoids has negative effects on most species, but in the field total effects of herbivores are often neutral or even positive, resulting in increased nitrogen concentrations in shoots in many species. Shrubs are less able to respond positively to herbivory than graminoids, and although there is some evidence that deciduous shrubs recover faster than evergreen ones, the difference is not great. However, effects of herbivores on shrubs are little studied, despite their importance in the herbivore diet.Responses of individual species to increased nutrient availability vary greatly, even within a growth form. Some graminoids and shrubs show strong positive responses to fertilization while others show little or no response. These species-specific effects suggest that herbivores can alter interspecific relationships through differential responses to fertilization. Herbivores may alter plant population dynamics by altering flower or seed production, by consuming seedlings, or by altering the availability of microsites. However, no study has adequately examined this for any arctic species.Changes in community composition following removal of herbivores are the result not only of selective removal of some plant species, but also of changes in microsite availability, nutrient availability, litter accumulation, and soil characteristics. Thus, the view that abiotic factors are the overwhelming determinants of community structure in low-productivity environments is compatible with the view that herbivores exercise their influence to a large extent by altering abiotic factors.Arctic herbivores often increase total above-ground nitrogen availability (and therefore food quality) in the plant community, but increased productivity as a result of herbivores is rare. The increase in nutrient availability is probably due in part to changes in soil temperature and soil moisture following a reduction in litter accumulation.Although our knowledge of effects of herbivory on individual plants and on communities is extensive, we lack information on effects at the population level. We also do not have an adequate understanding of impacts of herbivores at different spatial and temporal scales, something which is needed to be able to make predictions about longer-term impact of herbivores in these systems.  相似文献   

An ongoing field study of the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a brackish wetland on Chesapeake Bay, started in 1987, is unique as the longest continually running investigation of the effects of elevated CO2 on an ecosystem. Since the beginning of the study, atmospheric CO2 increased 18%, sea level rose 20 cm, and growing season temperature varied with approximately the same range as predicted for global warming in the 21st century. This review looks back at this study for clues about how the effects of rising sea level, temperature, and precipitation interact with high atmospheric CO2 to alter the physiology of C3 and C4 photosynthetic species, carbon assimilation, evapotranspiration, plant and ecosystem nitrogen, and distribution of plant communities in this brackish wetland. Rising sea level caused a shift to higher elevations in the Scirpus olneyi C3 populations on the wetland, displacing the Spartina patens C4 populations. Elevated CO2 stimulated carbon assimilation in the Scirpus C3 species measured by increased shoot and root density and biomass, net ecosystem production, dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, and methane production. But elevated CO2 also decreased biomass of the grass, S. patens C4. The elevated CO2 treatment reduced tissue nitrogen concentration in shoots, roots, and total canopy nitrogen, which was associated with reduced ecosystem respiration. Net ecosystem production was mediated by precipitation through soil salinity: high salinity reduced the CO2 effect on net ecosystem production, which was zero in years of severe drought. The elevated CO2 stimulation of shoot density in the Scirpus C3 species was sustained throughout the 28 years of the study. Results from this study suggest that rising CO2 can add substantial amounts of carbon to ecosystems through stimulation of carbon assimilation, increased root exudates to supply nitrogen fixation, reduced dark respiration, and improved water and nitrogen use efficiency.  相似文献   

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