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Expansion of the host range in phytophagous insects depends on their ability to form an association with a novel plant through changes in host‐related traits. Phenotypic plasticity has important effects on initial survival of individuals faced with a new plant, as well as on the courses of evolutionary change during long‐term adaptation to novel conditions. Using experimental populations of the seed beetle that evolved on ancestral (common bean) or novel (chickpea) host and applying reciprocal transplant at both larval and adult stage on the alternative host plant, we studied the relationship between the initial (plastic) phases of host‐shift and the subsequent stages of evolutionary divergence in life‐history strategies between populations exposed to the host‐shift process. After 48 generations, populations became well adapted to chickpea by evolving the life‐history strategy with prolonged larval development, increased body mass, earlier reproduction, shorter lifespan and decreased plasticity of all traits compared with ancestral conditions. In chickpea‐adapted beetles, negative fitness consequences of low plasticity of pre‐adult development (revealed as severe decrease in egg‐to‐adult viability on beans) exhibited mismatch with positive effects of low plasticity (i.e. low host sensitivity) in oviposition and fecundity. In contrast, beetles adapted to the ancestral host showed high plasticity of developmental process, which enabled high larval survival on chickpea, whereas elevated plasticity in adult behaviour (i.e. high host sensitivity) resulted in delayed reproduction and decreased fecundity on chickpea. The analysis of population growth parameters revealed significant fluctuation during successive phases of the host‐shift process in A. obtectus.  相似文献   

Woody encroachment is becoming common in tropical savannas. We studied natural seed rain and performed seed addition experiments in a Brazilian savanna that had not been burned for several decades. We found greater abundance of fire‐sensitive species in the seed rain, likely contributing to woody encroachment. Flexible fire management policies that allow for natural and prescribed fires may be required to maintain savanna diversity.  相似文献   

1. Valuable insights into mechanisms of community responses to environmental change can be gained by analysing in tandem the variation in functional and taxonomic composition along environmental gradients. 2. We assess the changes in species and functional trait composition (i.e. dominant traits and functional diversity) of diverse bee communities in contrasting fire-driven systems in two climatic regions: Mediterranean (scrub habitats in Israel) and temperate (chestnut forests in southern Switzerland). 3. In both climatic regions, there were shifts in species diversity and composition related to post-fire age. In the temperate region, functional composition responded markedly to fire; however, in the Mediterranean, the taxonomic response to fire was not matched by functional replacement. 4. These results suggest that greater functional stability to fire in the Mediterranean is achieved by replacement of functionally similar species (i.e. functional redundancy) which dominate under different environmental conditions in the heterogeneous landscapes of the region. In contrast, the greater functional response in the temperate region was attributed to a more rapid post-fire vegetation recovery and shorter time-window when favourable habitat was available relative to the Mediterranean. 5. Bee traits can be used to predict the functional responses of bee communities to environmental changes in habitats of conservation importance in different regions with distinct disturbance regimes. However, predictions cannot be generalized from one climatic region to another where distinct habitat configurations occur.  相似文献   

The study of protistan functional diversity is crucial to understand the dynamics of oceanic ecological processes. We combined the metabarcoding data of various coastal ecosystems and a newly developed trait-based approach to study the link between taxonomic and functional diversity across marine protistan communities of different size-classes. Environmental DNA was extracted and the V4 18S rDNA genomic region was amplified and sequenced. In parallel, we tried to annotate the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from our metabarcoding dataset to 30 biological traits using published and accessible information on protists. We then developed a method to study trait correlations across protists (i.e. trade-offs) in order to build the best functional groups. Based on the annotated OTUs and our functional groups, we demonstrated that the functional diversity of marine protist communities varied in parallel with their taxonomic diversity. The coupling between functional and taxonomic diversity was conserved across different protist size classes. However, the smallest size-fraction was characterized by wider taxonomic and functional groups diversity, corroborating the idea that nanoplankton and picoplankton are part of a more stable ecological background on which larger protists and metazoans might develop.  相似文献   

Question: What are the effects of fire in native shrubland communities and in pine plantations established in these shrublands? Location: Northern Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We surveyed four sites in Chall‐Huaco valley, located in northwest Patagonia. Each site was a vegetation mosaic composed of an unburned Pinus ponderosa plantation, a plantation burned in 1996, and an unburned matorral and a matorral burned by the same fire. We recorded the cover of all vascular plant species. We also analysed species richness, total cover, proportion of exotic species, abundance of woody species and herb species, cover of exotic species, abundance of woody and herb species and differences in composition of species. For both shrubs and tree species we recorded the main strategy of regeneration (by resprouting or by seed). Results: We found that fire had different effects on native matorral and pine plantations. Five years after fire, plantations came to be dominated by herbs and exotic species, showing differences in floristic composition. In contrast, matorral communities remained very similar to unburned matorral in terms of species richness, proportion of woody species, and herb species and proportion of exotics. Also, pine plantations were primarily colonized by seedlings, while matorrals were primarily colonized by resprouting. Conclusions: Matorrals are highly fire resilient communities, and the practice of establishing plantations on matorrals produces a strong reduction in the capacity of matorral to return to its original state. The elimination of shrubs owing to the effect of plantations can hinder regeneration of native ecosystems. Burned plantations may slowly develop into ecosystems similar to the native ones, or they may produce a new ecosystem dominated by exotic herbs. This study shows that plantations of exotic conifers affect native vegetation even after they have been removed, as in this case by fire.  相似文献   

Large‐scale wildfires are expected to accelerate forest dieback in Amazônia, but the fire vulnerability of tree species remains uncertain, in part due to the lack of studies relating fire‐induced mortality to both fire behavior and plant traits. To address this gap, we established two sets of experiments in southern Amazonia. First, we tested which bark traits best predict heat transfer rates (R) through bark during experimental bole heating. Second, using data from a large‐scale fire experiment, we tested the effects of tree wood density (WD), size, and estimated R (inverse of cambium insulation) on tree mortality after one to five fires. In the first experiment, bark thickness explained 82% of the variance in R, while the presence of water in the bark reduced the difference in temperature between the heat source and the vascular cambium, perhaps because of high latent heat of vaporization. This novel finding provides an important insight for improving mechanistic models of fire‐induced cambium damage from tropical to temperate regions. In the second experiment, tree mortality increased with increasing fire intensity (i.e. as indicated by bark char height on tree boles), which was higher along the forest edge, during the 2007 drought, and when the fire return interval was 3 years instead of one. Contrary to other tropical studies, the relationship between mortality and fire intensity was strongest in the year following the fires, but continued for 3 years afterwards. Tree mortality was low (≤20%) for thick‐barked individuals (≥18 mm) subjected to medium‐intensity fires, and significantly decreased as a function of increasing tree diameter, height and wood density. Hence, fire‐induced tree mortality was influenced not only by cambium insulation but also by other traits that reduce the indirect effects of fire. These results can be used to improve assessments of fire vulnerability of tropical forests.  相似文献   

When investigating the fields of biogeography and macroecology, climate‐ and productivity‐related variables are frequently identified as the strongest correlates of species‐diversity patterns. These variables have been usually merged under the climate/productivity hypothesis and describe the direct and indirect actions of climate on species. Being among the most vulnerable ecosystems to climate change, streams and rivers are expected to be influenced both by climatic and trophic (i.e. productivity‐related) factors. We propose here to distinguish the relative influence of the two processes on large‐scale, long‐term changes in the functional diversity of freshwater invertebrate communities over two decades in France. To this end, we designed two functional indices using invertebrate traits to surrogate the respective mechanisms: climate vulnerability and feeding specialisation. Using geographically weighted regression (GWR) models, we showed that trends in both indices, along with the initial regional species‐pools, have significantly contributed to the overall long‐term increase in functional diversity of invertebrate communities. In addition, we highlighted a strong geographical differentiation in the contribution patterns with the climate vulnerability effect decreasing with latitude and the feeding specialisation effect being higher in headwaters than in large rivers. Finally, taking into account this non‐stationarity in the ecological processes and responses using GWR models allowed explaining about 75% of the long‐term changes in the community diversity. Consequently, this study offers sound perspectives in predicting the future patterns of trends in functional diversity of communities under different scenarios of environmental changes, like climate and/or land‐use.  相似文献   

Among-site variation in metacommunities (beta diversity) is typically correlated with the distance separating the sites (spatial lag). This distance decay in similarity pattern has been linked to both niche-based and dispersal-based community assembly hypotheses. Here we show that beta diversity patterns in community composition, when supplemented with functional-trait information, can be used to diagnose assembly processes. First, using simulated data, we show how the relationship between distance decay patterns in taxonomic and functional measures of community composition can be used to predict the influence of a given trait on community assembly. We then use the patterns generated by the simulation as a template to show that the sorting of benthic macroinvertebrate metacommunities in headwater streams is likely influenced by different sets of functional traits at regional and local scales. We suggest that functional-trait databases and spatially referenced taxonomic surveys can be used to predict the spatial scales at which different aspects of interspecific functional variation are involved in niche-based community assembly while accounting for the influence of dispersal-based community assembly processes.  相似文献   

Ecosystem restoration provides unique opportunities to study community dynamics under succession and can reveal how consumer communities re-assemble and respond to successional changes. Studying community dynamics from both taxonomic and functional trait perspectives also may provide more robust assessments of restoration progress or success and allow cross-system comparisons. We studied ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities for three years in a restored grassland chronosequence with sites from 0 to 28 years old. We measured traditional community metrics (abundance, richness, Shannon diversity) and functional trait metrics based on species’ body length, wing morphology, activity time, phenology, and diet. Communities had high species richness and abundance in early successional stages, but these declined in later stages to low levels comparable to an adjacent grassland remnant. Species composition also shifted with time, converging with the remnant. Although functional richness, like species richness, declined as succession progressed, functional divergence quickly increased and was maintained over time, suggesting niche differentiation in established communities. Young sites were typified by small, macropterous, phytophagous species, while older sites contained larger species more likely to be flightless and carnivorous. Prescribed burns also affected traits, decreasing prevalence of larger species. This study demonstrates that functionally diverse consumer communities can self-assemble under restoration practices. In a relatively short amount of time both morphological and trophic level diversity are established. However, prescribed fire intended to control non-desirable plants may also shape beetle community functional composition, and restoration managers should consider if plant community benefits of fire outweigh potential declines in consumer function.  相似文献   

The primary goal of restoration is to create self‐sustaining ecological communities that are resilient to periodic disturbance. Currently, little is known about how restored communities respond to disturbance events such as fire and how this response compares to remnant vegetation. Following the 2003 fires in south‐eastern Australia we examined the post‐fire response of revegetation plantings and compared this to remnant vegetation. Ten burnt and 10 unburnt (control) sites were assessed for each of three types of vegetation (direct seeding revegetation, revegetation using nursery seedlings (tubestock) and remnant woodland). Sixty sampling sites were surveyed 6 months after fire to quantify the initial survival of mid‐ and overstorey plant species in each type of vegetation. Three and 5 years after fire all sites were resurveyed to assess vegetation structure, species diversity and vigour, as well as indicators of soil function. Overall, revegetation showed high (>60%) post‐fire survival, but this varied among species depending on regeneration strategy (obligate seeder or resprouter). The native ground cover, mid‐ and overstorey in both types of plantings showed rapid recovery of vegetation structure and cover within 3 years of fire. This recovery was similar to the burnt remnant woodlands. Non‐native (exotic) ground cover initially increased after fire, but was no different in burnt and unburnt sites 5 years after fire. Fire had no effect on species richness, but burnt direct seeding sites had reduced species diversity (Simpson's Diversity Index) while diversity was higher in burnt remnant woodlands. Indices of soil function in all types of vegetation had recovered to levels found in unburnt sites 5 years after fire. These results indicate that even young revegetation (stands <10 years old) showed substantial recovery from disturbance by fire. This suggests that revegetation can provide an important basis for restoring woodland communities in the fire‐prone Australian environment.  相似文献   

Mallee‐heath and mallee communities occur in a mosaic across large areas of south‐western Australia, in topographically subdued and fire‐prone landscapes. Consequently, it could be expected that these communities would have historically experienced similar fire regimes, and would respond similarly to variation in aspects of the fire regime. We studied the response of mallee‐heath and mallee to time since the last fire, measuring species density, species–area relationships, diversity indices and vegetation structure. Floristic responses to time since fire accorded with the initial floristic composition model of plant succession, with declining species density and Shannon diversity with age in mallee‐heath. Mallee‐heath exhibited structural senescence when > approximately 45–55 years since fire, with increasing standing dead vegetation, bare ground and stagnating or declining size in sprouting Eucalyptus spp. Mallee showed no such evidence of senescence, and indeed continued to increase in stature beyond the mean fire interval but without the compositional change required to provide support for the relay floristic model of plant succession. These results indicate that mallee‐heath is a fire maintained community and as such is reliant upon periodic burning to maintain diversity and vigour. Mallee, in contrast, is modified but not maintained by fire (at least over the period of time since fire examined) and hence is less susceptible to fire interval effects. Indeed, structural attributes likely to be significant for fauna habitat and carbon sequestration continue to develop in mallee unburnt for 55 years or more. Different responses to time since fire will create challenges for management, particularly in fragmented landscapes where fire potentially interacts with other threatening processes.  相似文献   

1. Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus) and Rhagium inquisitor (Linnaeus) both colonise the cambial layer in newly dead Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. and thus are potential competitors. 2. Species interactions and in particular priority effects were investigated in an experiment with a replacement series design. Four pairs of adult beetles were released on each of 91 caged pine bolts (0.35 m long, 13 replicates). To test for priority effects, a 2‐week interval was used to separate the species. 3. The interrelationship in simultaneous coexistence was positive for A. aedilis and negative for R. inquisitor (+,?). Acanthocinus aedilis produced 161% more offspring per female in coexistence than alone. Rhagium inquisitor had lower offspring quality in coexistence where its larvae weighed 39% less than in one‐species bolts. 4. The interrelationship depended on arrival order. When A. aedilis had priority the interaction was again advantageous to A. aedilis (+,?) but when R. inquisitor had priority no species interaction occurred (0,0). Both species therefore fared better when having priority. 5. Facilitation in cerambycids is novel and the facilitative effect on A. aedilis could be oviposition incitement or resource enhancement by R. inquisitor.  相似文献   

Changes in leaf soluble proteome were explored in 3‐month‐old plants of metallicolous (M) and nonmetallicolous (NM) Agrostis capillaris L. populations exposed to increasing Cu concentrations (1–50 μM) to investigate molecular mechanisms underlying plant responses to Cu excess and tolerance of M plants. Plants were cultivated on perlite (CuSO4 spiked‐nutrient solution). Soluble proteins, extracted by the trichloroacetic acid/acetone procedure, were separated with 2‐DE (linear 4–7 pH gradient). Analysis of CCB‐stained gels (PDQuest) reproducibly detected 214 spots, and 64 proteins differentially expressed were identified using LC‐MS/MS. In both populations, Cu excess impacted both light‐dependent (OEE, cytochrome b6‐f complex, and chlorophyll a‐b binding protein), and ‐independent (RuBisCO) photosynthesis reactions, more intensively in NM leaves (ferredoxin‐NADP reductase and metalloprotease FTSH2). In both populations, upregulation of isocitrate dehydrogenase and cysteine/methionine synthases respectively suggested increased isocitrate oxidation and enhanced need for S‐containing amino‐acids, likely for chelation and detoxification. In NM leaves, an increasing need for energetic compounds was indicated by the stimulation of ATPases, glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and Calvin cycle enzymes; impacts on protein metabolism and oxidative stress increase were respectively suggested by the rise of chaperones and redox enzymes. Overexpression of a HSP70 may be pivotal for M Cu tolerance by protecting protein metabolism. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the dataset identifier PXD001930 ( http//proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001930 ).  相似文献   

Population reduction and disturbances may alter dispersal, mating patterns and gene flow. Rather than taking the common approach of comparing different populations or sites, here we studied gene flow via wind‐mediated effective pollen dispersal on the same plant individuals before and after a fire‐induced population drop, in a natural stand of Pinus halepensis. The fire killed 96% of the pine trees in the stand and cleared the vegetation in the area. Thirteen trees survived in two groups separated by ~80 m, and seven of these trees had serotinous (closed) prefire cones that did not open despite the fire. We analysed pollen from closed pre and postfire cones using microsatellites. The two groups of surviving trees were highly genetically differentiated, and the pollen they produced also showed strong among‐group differentiation and very high kinship both before and after the fire, indicating limited and very local pollen dispersal. The pollen not produced by the survivors also showed significant prefire spatial genetic structure and high kinship, indicating mainly within‐population origin and limited gene flow from outside, but became spatially homogeneous with random kinship after the fire. We suggest that postfire gene flow via wind‐mediated pollen dispersal increased by two putative mechanisms: (i) a drastic reduction in local pollen production due to population thinning, effectively increasing pollen immigration through reduced dilution effect; (ii) an increase in wind speeds in the vegetation‐free postfire landscape. This research shows that dispersal can alleviate negative genetic effects of population size reduction and that disturbances might enhance gene flow, rather than reduce it.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Biodiversity defines the variety of living organisms on this planet and is often quantified by the total number of species. However, species richness is insufficient in accounting for...  相似文献   

Questions: How does the time interval between subsequent stand‐replacing fire events affect post‐fire understorey cover and composition following the recent event? How important is fire interval relative to broad‐ or local‐scale environmental variability in structuring post‐fire understorey communities? Location: Subalpine plateaus of Yellowstone National Park (USA) that burned in 1988. Methods: In 2000, we sampled understorey cover and Pinus contorta density in pairs of 12–yr old stands at 25 locations. In each pair, the previous fire interval was either short (7–100 yr) or long (100–395 yr). We analysed variation in understorey species richness, total cover, and cover of functional groups both between site pairs (using paired t‐tests) and across sites that experienced the short fire intervals (using regression and ordination). We regressed three principal components to assess the relative importance of disturbance and broad or local environmental variability on post‐fire understorey cover and richness. Results: Between paired plots, annuals were less abundant and fire‐intolerant species (mostly slow‐growing shrubs) were more abundant following long intervals between prior fires. However, mean total cover and richness did not vary between paired interval classes. Across a gradient of fire intervals ranging from 7–100 yr, total cover, species richness, and the cover of annuals and nitrogen‐fixing species all declined while the abundance of shrubs and fire‐intolerant species increased. The few exotics showed no response to fire interval. Across all sites, broad‐scale variability related to elevation influenced total cover and richness more than fire interval. Conclusions: Significant variation in fire intervals had only minor effects on post‐fire understorey communities following the 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification in Europe during the past 30 years has led to changes in compositional and functional weed structure in agroecosystems as well as increases in the prominence of alien weeds. Irrigation is a major driver of agricultural intensification, particularly in semi‐arid zones of the Mediterranean. In the past few decades, irrigated land has expanded in semi‐arid agricultural lands in northeastern Spain. The goals of this study were to identify long‐term temporal changes in compositional and functional weed communities in annual (i.e. maize crops) and perennial (i.e. orchards) irrigated crops of this area and determine whether these changes differentially affect native and alien plants. Changes in the diversity, composition and functional groups of the weed communities in fruit‐tree orchards and maize crops were assessed using plant surveys in 1989 and 2009. During the studied period, a decrease was recorded in the diversity of native species in the fruit‐tree orchards; this decrease was accompanied by an increase in alien weed diversity and a general homogenisation of species in the weed community. In the maize crops, the diversity values of native and alien plants changed little during 20 years. The identification of functional groups revealed that most of the species whose cover increased in the fruit‐tree orchards were graminoid alien species that perform C4 photosynthesis and disperse seed via water or a combination of vectors. In the maize crops, the identified functional groups did not differ in the proportion of species whose cover changed between 1989 and 2009. Hence, in irrigated orchards the observed changes in the weed community and the prominence of alien species are mediated by the selection of a set of traits that let species to overcome management filters. Similarly, the stability of functional composition of weed communities in maize fields is the result of the selection of species functionally similar to the crop.  相似文献   

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