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Cercidiphylloxylon spenceri(Brett)Pearson is described from the Lizigou Formation,Palaeocene in China.The growth rings are distinct; pores are diffuse,solitary,with somewhat angular outlines in cross section;vessel elements long with long scalariform perforation plates; intervessel pitting is opposite to scalariform; fibertracheids are present; axial parenchyma is scarce; rays are mostly biseriate and heterogeneous.All wood characters of the fossil specimen fall into the range of those of extant Cercidiphyllum(Cercidiphyllaceae).The finding is one of the earliest fossil wood records of Cercidiphyllaceae.  相似文献   

Nyssidium jiayinense , a new species of the extinct genus JSyssidium , Cercidiphyllaceae, is described from the Palaeocene of north-east China. The infructescences of the fossil are paniculate with 14–22 follicles in individual racemose branches. The follicles occur in pairs with opposite ventral sutures. The follicle wall is three-layered, with a thin epidermis. Mesocarp fibres are longitudinal and endocarp fibres transverse. The distinct features of the infructescence structure differ from all other fossil Cercutiphyllum-like plants and living Cercidiphyllum . The fossil provides new morphological evidence supporting the hypothesis that the follicle clusters in extant Cercidiphyllum evolved by reduction from an elongated inflorescence.  相似文献   


A new Megalopidae (Teleostei, Elopomorpha, Elopiformes), Protarpon boualii sp. nov., is described on the basis of two neurocrania gathered from the Lower Palaeocene (Danian) beds of the Oulad Abdoun basin, in Morocco. Its inclusion in the family Megalopidae and the genus Protarpon is supported by the L-shaped pterotics, the flat skull roof, the well developed epiotic processes and the roofed dilatator fossae. It differs from Protarpon priscus and P. oblongus from the Ypresian of the London Clay Formation (England) mainly by the proportions of the subtemporal and the post-temporal fossa openings, the proportions of skull roof bones and its larger size. Protarpon boualii sp. nov. represents the first fossil occurrence of a megalopid in North Africa. Its close phylogenetic relationships with forms from the London Clay Formation highlight the strong biogeographical affinities between the faunas of these two localities during the Palaeocene-Eocene period.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D5FEE8B3-B220-461F-B635-31DD7F2CF921  相似文献   

Floral morphogenesis and the development of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb.et Zucc.were observed by scanning electronmicroscopy(SEM).The results showed that the pistillate inflorescences were congested spikes with the flowers arrangedopposite.Great differences between the so-called"bract"and the vegetative leaf were observed both in morphogenesis andmorphology.In morphogenesis,the"bract"primordium is crescent-shaped,truncated at the apex and not conduplicate,has no stipule primordium at the base but does have some inconspicuous teeth in the margin that are not glandular.Theleaf primordium is triangular,cycloidal at the apex,conduplicate,has two stipule primordia at the base,has one gland-toothat the apex occurring at first and some gland-teeth in the margin that occur later.In morphology,the"bract"is also differentto the vegetative leaf in some characteristics that were also illustrated in the present paper.Based on the hypothesis thatthe bract is more similar to the vegetative leaf than the tepal,we considered that the so-called"bract"of C.japonicum mightbe the tepal of the pistillate flower in morphological nature.Therefore,each pistillate flower contains a tepal and a carpel.We did not find any trace of other floral organs in the morphogenesis of the pistillate flower.Therefore we consideredthat the unicarpellate status of extant Cercidiphyllum might be to highly reduce and advance characteristics that make theextant Cercidiphyllum isolated from both fossil Cercidiphyllum-like plants and its extant affinities.  相似文献   

Floral morphogenesis and the development of Cercidiphyllumjaponicum Sieb. et Zucc. were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the pistillate inflorescences were congested spikes with the flowers arranged opposite. Great differences between the so-called "bract" and the vegetative leaf were observed both in morphogenesis and morphology. In morphogenesis, the "bract" primordium is crescent-shaped, truncated at the apex and not conduplicate, has no stipule primordium at the base but does have some inconspicuous teeth in the margin that are not glandular. The leaf primordium is triangular, cycloidal at the apex, conduplicate, has two stipule primordia at the base, has one gland-tooth at the apex occurring at first and some gland-teeth in the margin that occur later. In morphology, the "bract" is also different to the vegetative leaf in some characteristics that were also illustrated in the present paper. Based on the hypothesis that the bract is more similar to the vegetative leaf than the tepal, we considered that the so-called "bract" of C.japonicum might be the tepal of the pistillate flower in morphological nature. Therefore, each pistillate flower contains a tepal and a carpel. We did not find any trace of other floral organs in the morphogenesis of the pistillate flower. Therefore we considered that the unicarpellate status of extant Cercidiphyllum might be to highly reduce and advance characteristics that make the extant Cercidiphyllum isolated from both fossil Cercidiphyllum-like plants and its extant affinities.  相似文献   

The single extant species of the anuran genus Latonia lives in Israel, but in the fossil record the genus is known mainly from Europe, spanning from the Oligocene to the early Pleistocene. Here we describe new remains of Latonia from the early to late Miocene of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula), coming from the following localities: Sant Mamet (MN4), Sant Quirze and Trinxera del Ferrocarril (MN7+8), and Castell de Barberà, Can Poncic 1 and Can Llobateres 1 (MN9). Fossils from the late Aragonian and early Vallesian are attributed to Latonia gigantea mainly because of the morphology of the ornamentation that covers the maxillae. In turn, an ilium from Sant Mamet is not diagnostic at the specific level and is assigned only to the genus Latonia. The newly reported remains represent the first record of L. gigantea in the Iberian Peninsula, where Latonia was previously known by a single report of Latonia cf. ragei from Navarrete del Río (MN2) and remains from other localities unassigned to species. Moreover, the Vallès-Penedès remains represent one of the southernmost records of the species known thus far. The presence of Latonia in these localities confirms the humid and warm environment suggested by the recorded mammal fauna.  相似文献   

Fossil leaves and bracteate fruits are described from a new Upper Palaeocene locality in the Reading Beds near Newbury, southern England. The leaves are assigned to Craspedodromophyllum acutum Crane and correspond in many respects to those of living Betulaceae. The bracts and fruits are assigned to Palaeocarpinus laciniata Crane, which although referable to the Coryleae exhibits a novel combination of the characters of several living genera, particularly Corylus and Carpinus. An argument is presented for the association of these organs as a reconstructed fossil plant which is an extinct member of the Betulaceae. The evolution and fossil record of the Betulaceae are discussed, the late Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene being regarded as the time at which the characters of modern genera were beginning to differentiate. Carpinus appears to have undergone a major Eurasian diversification during the late Palaeogene and early Neogene. Dispersal in Palaeocarpinus laciniata was probably less specialized than in most extant Coryleae.  相似文献   

The hemipelagic domain of the ancient southern continental margin of Iberia is home to a strongly condensed pelagic succession (6–15 cm thick) characterized by the presence of phosphate stromatolites. This succession, probably generated in the slope of the continental margin, records a period of some 9 Ma, corresponding to the latest Maastrichtian to Late Thanetian interval. A microstratigraphical analysis allows for characterizing and biostratigraphically dating six successive developmental stages in the succession, which outline the main environmental evolution of the depositional setting. The first of them determined the generation of a submarine hardground during the latest Maastrichtian to earliest Danian interval. The other five are represented by five successive microstratigraphical, unconformity-bounded, genetic units, respectively Early–Middle Danian, Late Danian–Early Selandian, intra-Selandian, Late Selandian–Early Thanetian, and Middle–?Late Thanetian in age. The three oldest units are characterized by the accretion of phosphate stromatolites, favoured by very low rates of pelagic sedimentation and by a microbially mediated extra input of phosphate. The two youngest units are dominated by carbonate deposition, which has always taken place at very low rates. Condensed sedimentation was abruptly interrupted at the end of the Palaeocene (?latest Thanetian), when the condensed succession and its hosting substrate were gravitationally slumped and re-deposited at the base of the slope in the form of a mega-debris flow that can be now observed in Sierra de Aixorta (Alicante, SE Spain). The Aixorta pelagic phosphatic stromatolites are among the youngest ever described, and their existence suggests that the oceanographic conditions necessary for their development prevailed during most of the Palaeocene, but disappeared during the Late Selandian, never to return.  相似文献   

New choristoderan fossils from the Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada, are described: incomplete maxillae and dentaries from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation, Alberta, extend the range of the primitive Cteniogenys from the Jurassic in the North American Western Interior; an incomplete dentary from the Palaeocene Ravenscrag Formation, Saskatchewan, comprises the first occurrence of the crocodile-like Simoedosaurus in Canada and the earliest record of the genus; well-preserved skulls and mandibles from the Oldman and Horseshoe Canyon formations, Alberta, document a new species of Champsosaurus and clarify the status of previously known species of the genus. New information about Asian choristoderes supports a Tchoiria- ( Ikechosaurus + Simoedosaurus ) relationship, contrary to previous work. Choristoderes share no convincing synapomorphies with either Lepidosauromorpha or Archosauromorpha, but occupy a more basal position within Diapsida, possibly as a sister-taxon with Neodiapsida (Younginiformes + Sauria).  相似文献   

A new genus of juglandaceous winged fruit, is described from the Reading Beds (Upper Palaeocene) of southern England. It comprises one of the earlier macrofossil records of the Juglandaceae, and is the earliest from the European Tertiary. The fruit represents an extinct genus related to the extant tribe Engelhardieae, but excluded from it by its simple unlobed bract. Cladistic analysis shows Casholdia to display generalized engelhardioid fruit morphology. It lacks the tri-lobed bract diagnostic of the Engelhardieae, and predates the first occurrence of such bracts in the fossil record. Casholdia adds to the mounting evidence indicating an early Palaeogene radiation of the Juglandaceae.  相似文献   

Rhododendron seeds from the Palaeocene of southern England   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seeds closely resembling those of some species of the extant genus Rhododendron L. have been recovered from the Reading Beds near Newbury, Berkshire. The fossils are assigned to Rhododendron newburyanum sp. noV. on the basis of detailed comparisons with seeds of extant Rhododendron species, other Ericaceae, and taxa with seeds of similar morphology.  相似文献   

A new family of damselflies, based on Latibasalia elongata gen. et sp. nov. and L. quispeae gen. et sp. nov., is erected from the Upper Palaeocene Maíz Gordo Formation, north-western Argentina. Latibasaliidae fam. nov. can be included in the Zygoptera: Caloptera: Eucaloptera: Amphipterygida: Amphipterygoidea. Its phylogenetic relationships within the clade Eucaloptera Bechly, 1996 are discussed. Within Amphipterygoidea, Latibasaliidae could be closely related to Pseudolestidae or to the 'thaumatoneurid' genera Petrolestes and Congqingia because they share the absence of secondary antenodal crossveins of first and second rows and the absence of antesubnodal crossveins. These characters could be potential synapomorphies of these taxa but they are somewhat homoplastic within the Zygoptera.  相似文献   

Silicified coniferous wood was collected from the Lanqi Formation (late Middle Jurassic in age) at Shebudaigou Village, Liaoning Province, China. Three taxa are identified, namely Pinoxylon dacotense Knowlton, Xenoxylon phyllocladoides Gothan, and Araucariopitys sp. Based on these new data, and those of other fossil plants reported previously from the same formation, we consider the climate during the deposition of the Lanqi Formation was subtropical, humid and seasonal. In this respect the Lanqi flora differs from the coeval Shimengou and Longmen floras from North China. The Longmen flora was deposited during more humid, subtropical conditions, while the Shimengou Formation indicates that the climate was warm temperate and dry. Our data would suggest that the Late Jurassic climatic pattern was initiated as early as the late Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Cercidiphyllum -like leaves, infructescences, fruits and seeds in the British early Tertiary is reviewed. Material previously described from the London Clay Formation, Lower Headon Beds (upper Barton Formation), Oldhaven Formation, and Woolwich and Reading Formation, are evaluated along with specimens from a new late Palaeocene locality in the Reading Beds. The leaves are assigned to Trochodendroides prestwichii; and infructescences, fruits and seeds, previously assigned to Carpolithus gardneri and Jenkinsella apocynoides , are united as a single species Nyssidium arcticum. The evidence that Trochodendroides and Nyssidium are parts of a single kind of fossil plant is supported, and the reconstructed ' Nyssidium plant' is compared with extant taxa, particularly extant Cercidiphyllum. The fossil plant shows a combination of characters not seen in any living genus, and the structure of the infructescence, as well as other features, precludes placing it within Cercidiphyllum. 'Nyssidium' and Cercidiphyllum are closely related. The morphological and sedimentological evidence indicates that 'Nyssidium' was an important colonizer of a variety of open flood-plain environments during the early Tertiary.  相似文献   

A new exceptionally brevirostrine dyrosaurid is described from the middle Palaeocene (58–60 million years ago) Cerrejón Formation, northeastern Colombia, based on four partial skulls and associated postcrania. This taxon is unique among dyrosaurids not only in skull shape, but also in having orbital tuberosities, and osteoderms that are dorsoventrally thick and unpitted, a trait otherwise unknown in Crocodylomorpha. Results from a cladistic analysis of Dyrosauridae suggest that the new taxon, together with Cretaceous–Palaeocene Chenanisuchus lateroculi from Africa and Cerrejonisuchus improcerus also from the Cerrejón Formation, are the most basal members of the family. Results from a biogeographic analysis indicate at least three independent dispersals of dyrosaurids from Africa to the New World occurred in the Late Cretaceous or early Palaeocene. Widely set orbits in the new taxon indicate a deviation from surface-based predation, characteristic of other dyrosaurids, to sub-surface predation, as in modern Gavialis. Tooth impressions found on turtle shells recovered from the same locality match well with teeth of the new taxon indicating possible predation.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:AB2B24A5-27CC-4D3F-B580-F11F17851CE6  相似文献   

本文描述了辽宁抚顺始新统黑三棱属的一个种——抚顺黑三棱Sparganium fushunense,化石标本仅保存果枝部分。根据新标本头状聚花果显示的形态与结构特征,对该属的现生种和化石种做了详细的比较。  相似文献   

Aim Geological and fossil records are critical for historical biogeography studies. A plant fossil assemblage from a small, well‐dated, transient late Palaeocene island was re‐investigated with regard to regional geology and vicariance versus dispersal hypotheses. Location Deep Sea Drilling Program Leg 22, Site 214 on the Ninetyeast Ridge (NER) in the mid‐Indian Ocean region. Methods Leaf cuticular material was recovered from residues from a previous palynofloral study of Site 214 sediments during the 1970s and identified. The palynoflora was reassessed. Results The only leaf cuticular material recovered with stomata can be placed in crown‐group Lauraceae. It is confirmed that the palynoflora reflects the presence of a low‐diversity island flora in the late Palaeocene, comprising ferns and mostly herbaceous angiosperms with readily dispersible propagules, and perhaps austral podocarps. Other pollen taxa of almost certain local origin were arecoid palms and taxa related to Chloranthaceae. The strong overall similarity of the palynoflora to Australo‐Antarctic and New Zealand assemblages is also confirmed. Main conclusions Foliar fossils of Lauraceae demonstrate the occurrence of one of the world’s largest, most widely distributed woody plant families on a late Palaeocene island. The presence of plants on this island could be explained by vicariance via a vegetated Upper Cretaceous Kerguelen Plateau, in part because crown‐group Lauraceae may be at least this old. However, there are records of other taxa in the Kerguelen region that are anomalous with vicariance, plus evidence for a catastrophic biotic extinction event centred in the area in the latest Cretaceous. Plants were therefore most likely to have reached the island by means of dispersal. This suggests either the presence of presently unknown vegetated land nearby in the Kerguelen region in the late Palaeocene, or long‐distance dispersal, probably from the Australian region. The dispersal of viable seeds could have been facilitated by birds or perhaps by ocean‐surface drift with or without the assistance of ocean‐going animals. The fossils allow that even small, short‐lived islands could have acted as ‘stepping stones’ for biotic interchange between Australia and Africa, and perhaps other regions.  相似文献   

Sparganium fushunense Geng is described as new from the Jijuntun Formation (Middle to Late Eocene) of Fushun region in Liaoning Province, China. The preserved fertile branches bear fruiting heads. A morphological comparison of the fruit heads is made between the specimens studied here with those of the living species and other fossil species. The results show that the new species is distinguishable mainly by the shape of the tepals and the size of the fruits. Sparganium fushunense Geng, sp. nov. Head-bearing axis at least 14.5 cm long, about 1.0 mm wide, with longitudinal striae more or less parallel on its surface. Axes with 4~6 lateral fruit heads, interval between heads 0.5~2.0 cm. Fruiting head sessile, globose, about 5 mm in diameter, made up of tightly packed tepals and fruits radiating from a small receptacle. Tepals narrowly obovate, apically rounded, about 1.8 mm long, 0.2~0.7 mm wide. Fruits elliptic, sessile, with smooth surface, 1.16~1.25 mm long, at apex with a beak 1.5~2.0 mm long. Seed elliptic, long axis 0.48~0.75 mm long, short axis 0.23~0.45 mm long. Seed coat cells irregularly polygonal , 4.1~19 vn in diameter, with smaller ones in both the apical and basalparts,the larger ones in the middle part and a papillate process at the apex.  相似文献   

Aim Vertebrates, palynomorphs and leaf floras each give a different picture of continental biogeography of Northern Gondwana during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous interval. A new biogeographical marker is required to get a clearer picture. Location Northern part of the Gondwana during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous interval. Methods Comparisons and correlations of wood data from the literature and new material. Results We have selected Metapodocarpoxylon Dupéron‐Laudoueneix et Pons because it has a restricted distribution, temporally and geographically; it is a well‐defined Mesozoic fossil wood monospecific genus, and there are wide‐ranging data on its distribution. Conclusions Metapodocarpoxylon distribution draws a clear latitudinal belt extending from Lebanon westward to Peru. Climate being the main factor of plant distribution at a global scale, the Metapodocarpoxylon area probably underlines a climatic belt. This has several implications, for example, choosing among different Global Circulation Models or discussing dinosaur distribution.  相似文献   

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