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The classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke and related taxa were studied based on gross morphology and nutlet epidermal micromorphology. About 13 names have been involved in the species group. They could not be clearly defined using the morphological characters employed by previous authors. Thus, more than 200 sheets of 89 specimens of related taxa were studied thoroughly, and the taxonomic significance of morpbological characters was re-evaluated. In order to further understand the classification of K. fragilis and its allies, micromorphology of nutlet epidermis of these taxa was observed under scanning electron microscope. Based on the results, K. curvata C. B. Clarke and K. fragilis were recognized. Other names were treated as synonymies of K. fragilis. K. clarkeana (Kükenthal) Kükenthal, K. clarkeana var. megalantha Kükenthal and K. curticeps (C. B. Clarke) Kükenthal var. gyirongensis Y. C. Yang were reduced to new synonymies of K. fragilis. K. curvata was distinct from K. fragilis on both morphological and micromorphological basis. One specimen of K. fragilis collected from Luqu, Gansu, China, represents anew distribution record of this species in Gansu.  相似文献   

根据外部形态学和小坚果表皮的微形态学资料,研究了囊状嵩草及其相关类群的分类。在这一 群植物中,有13个相关的学名。根据以前学者用于区别这些植物的形态性状,无法清楚地将它们划分 开。因此作者深入地研究了有关植物的89号200多份标本,重新评价了形态性状的分类学意义。为了 更深入地理解这类植物的分类,应用扫描电子显微镜对其小坚果表皮的微形态进行了研究。根据研究 的结果,确认了囊状嵩草Kobresia fragilis和弧形嵩草K.curvata,其他名称做为囊状嵩草的异名,K.clar- keana、K.clarkeana var.megalantha和K.curticeps var.gyirongensis被处理为囊状嵩草的新异名。弧形嵩 草从形态学和微形态学两个方面都明显不同于囊状嵩草。研究中还发现囊状嵩草的一号标本采自甘肃的碌曲,是其分布的省级新记录。  相似文献   

根据外部形态学和小坚果表皮的微形态学资料,研究了囊状蒿草及其相类群的分类。在这一群植物中,有13个相关的学名。根据以前学者用于区别这些植物的形态性状,无法清楚地将它们划分开。因此作者深入地研究了有关植物的89号200多份标本,重新评价了形态性状的分类学意义,为了更深地入理解这类植物的分类,应用扫描电子显微镜对其小坚果表皮的微形态进行了研究。根据研究的结果,确认了囊状蒿草Kobresia fragilis和弧形蒿草K.curvata,其他名称为囊状蒿草的异名,K.calrkeana、K.clarkeana var.megalantha和K.curticeps var.gyirongensis被处理为囊状蒿草的新异名。弧形蒿草从形态学和微形态学两个方面都明显不同于囊状蒿草。研究中还发现囊状蒿草的一号标本采自甘肃的碌曲,是其分布的省级新记录。  相似文献   

Scirpoides varius Browning is established to accommodate the southern African endemic sedge Scirpus varius Boeck. ex C.B. Clarke, an illegitimate name in Scirpus. Morphological considerations support the transfer of the taxon to Scirpoides Ség., and there is no hindrance to the use of the epithet ‘varius’ in Scirpoides.  相似文献   

Four new subgenera, nineteen new species, two new subspecies and two new varieties of Cyperus L. are described, viz. subgen. Aristomariscus Lye, subgen. Bulbomariscus Lye, subgen. Xerocyperus Lye, subgen. Micromariscus Lye, Cyperus micromariscus Lye, C. boreochrysocephalus Lye, C. crassivaginatus Lye, C. kyllingaeformis Lye, C. cremeomariscus Lye, C. gigantobulbes Lye, C. boreobellus Lye, C. longi–involucralus Lye, C. kwaleensis Lye, C. afrovaricus Lye, C. afrodunensis Lye, C flavoculmis Lye, C microumbellatus Lye, C. purpureoviridis Lye, C. graciliculmis Lye, C. afromon–tanus Lye, C. nyererei Lye, C. afroalpinus Lye, C castaneobellus Lye, C. soyauxii Boeck. ssp. pallescens Lye, C. usitatus Burch. ssp. palmatus Lye, C. renschii Boeck. var. scabridus Lye, and C. fischerianus A. Rich. var. ugandensis Lye. The following new combinations are made: Cyperus L. subgen. Bulbocaulis (C.B.C1.) Lye, Cyperus L. subgen. Courtoisia (Nees) Lye, Cyperus L. subgen. Sorostachys (Steudel) Lye, Cyperus L. subgen. Remirea (Aublet) Lye, Cyperus L. subgen. Alinula (Raynal) Lye, Cyperus lipocarphoides (Kükenth.) Lye, C. malawicus (Raynal) Lye, C. tanganyica–nus (Kiikenth.) Lye, C. mortonii (Hooper) Lye, C. pseudodiaphanus (Hooper) Lye, C. overlaetii (Hooper & Raynal) Lye, C. dewildeorum (Raynal) Lye, C. pagotii (Raynal) Lye, C. demangei (Raynal) Lye, C. afroechinatus Lye, C. niveus Retz. var. ledermannii (Kiikenth.) Lye, C. niveus Retz. var. tisserantii (Cherm.) Lye, C. distans L.f. ssp. longibracteatus (Cherm.) Lye, C. distans L.f. ssp. longibracteatus (Cherm.) Lye, var. rubrotinctus (Cherm.) Lye, C. cyperoides (L.) Kuntze ssp. alternifolius (Vahl) Lye, C. cyperoides (L.) Kuntze ssp. macrocarpus (Kunth) Lye, C. cyperoides (L.) Kuntze ssp. pseudoflavus (Clarke) Lye, C. dubius Rottb. ssp. macrocephalus (Kiikenth.) Lye, C. dubius Rottb. ssp. coloratus (Vahl) Lye, C. usitatus Burch. var. stuhlmannii (Clarke) Lye, C. laxus Lam. ssp. sylvestris (Ridley) Lye, and C. laxus Lam. ssp. buchholzii (Boeck.) Lye and C. globifer (Clarke) Lye.  相似文献   

Eight new species, one new subspecies and one new variety of Kyllinga are described from tropical Africa, viz. Kyllinga brunneoalba Lye, K. afropumila Lye, K, albogracilis Lye, K. aureovillosa Lye, K. alba–purpurea Lye, K. rhizomafragilis Lye, K. microbracleata Lye, K. afro–occidentalis Lye, K. erecta Schumacher ssp. albescens Lye, and K. melanosperma Nees var. hexalata Lye. In addition nine new combinations are made, viz. Kyllinga peteri (Kükenthal) Lye, K. bigibbosa (Fosberg) Lye, K. odorata Vahl ssp. appendiculata (K. Schum.) Lye, K. alba Nees ssp. ascolepidioides (H. Cherm.) Lye, K. nervosa Steudel ssp.flava (C.B.C1.) Lye, K. melanosperma Nees ssp. elata (Steudel) Lye, K. brevifolia Rottb. ssp. lurida (Kükenthal) Lye, K. bre–vifolia Rottb. ssp. intricata (H. Cherm.) Lye, and K. comosipes (Mattf. & Kükenthal) Agnew & Hanid ssp. decolorans (Kükenthal) Lye.  相似文献   

Eight new species of Abildgaardia subgen. Bulbostylis are described from tropical Africa, viz. Abildgaardia squarrosa, A. densiflora, A. acutespicata, A. angustespicata, A. lacunosa, A. microcephala, A. microrotundata and A. pluricephala .  相似文献   

Nine new species and one new variety of Abildgaardia are described and illustrated from East Africa, viz. Abildgaardia macrostachya Lye, A. rhizomatosa Lye, A. cru–ciformis Lye, A. pallescens Lye, A. tanzaniae Lye, A. densecaespitosa Lye, A. trabecular (C. B. Clarke) Lye var. microglumis Lye, A. elegantissima Lye, A. subumbel–lata Lye and A microelegans Lye. In addition sixteen new combinations are made: Abildgaardia Vahl subgen. Bulbostylis (Kunth ex C. B. Clarke) Lye, A collina (Ridley) Lye, A. festucoides (Poiret) Lye, A lanifera (Boeck.) Lye, A leiolepis (Kükenthal) Lye, A. megasiachys (Ridley) Lye, A paradoxa (Sprengel) Lye, A parva (Ridley) Lye, A parvinux (C. B. Clarke) Lye, A rotundata (Kukenthal) Lye, A schlech–teri (C.B. Clarke) Lye, A trabeculata (C. B. Clarke) Lye, A trichobasis (Baker) Lye, A vanderystii (Cherm.) Lye, A willdenowii (Kunth) Lye and A. yalingensis (Cherm.) Lye.  相似文献   

One new species, five new subspecies and one variety of the genus Pycreus , are described from East Africa, viz. Pycreus micromelas Lye, P. sanguinolenlus (Vahl) Nees ssp. nairobiensis Lye, P. longistolon Kükenthal ssp. airofusca Lye, P. lanceolatus (Poiret) C. B. Clarke ssp. ugandensis Lye, P. flavescens (L.) Reichenb. ssp. laevinux Lye, P. flavescens (L.) Reichenb. ssp. microglumis Lye, and P. flavescens (L.) Reichenb. var. castaneus Lye.
In addition eight new combinations are made, viz. P. alms (Turrill) Lye, P. af–rozonatus Lye, P. niger (Ruiz & Pavon) Cufod. ssp. elegantulus (Steudel) Lye, P. macrostachyos (Lam.) J. Raynal ssp. tremulus (Poiret) Lye, P. flavescens (L.) Reichenb. ssp.fallaciosus (Cherm.) Lye, P. flavescens (L.) Reichenb. ssp. intermedius (Steudel) Lye, and P. flavescens (L.) Reichenb. ssp. tanaënsis (Kükenthal) Lye.  相似文献   

One new species, three new subspecies and two new varieties of Ascolepis Steudel and one new species of Isolepis R. Br. are described from East Africa, viz. Ascolepis lineariglumis Lye, A. lineariglumis Lye var. pulcherrima Lye, A. protea Welw. ssp. rhizomatosa Lye, A. protea Welw. ssp. atropurpurea Lye, A. protea Welw. ssp. chrysocephala Lye, A. pusilla Ridley var. microcuspis Lye, and Isolepis keniaensis Lye. Two new combinations are made, viz. Ascolepis protea Welw. ssp. anthemiflora (Welw.) Lye and A. protea Welw. ssp. bellidiflora (Welw.) Lye.  相似文献   

Two new species and three new subspecies of Abildgaardia are described from East Africa, viz. Abildgaardia afroorientalis Lye, A. microcarpa Lye, A. hispidula (Vahl) Lye ssp. halophila Lye, A. hispidula (Vahl) Lye ssp. intermedia Lye, and A. densa (Wall.) Lye ssp. afromontana Lye. Thirteen new combinations are made, viz. A. erratica (Hook, f.) Lye, A. heterostachya (Cherm.) Lye, A. oligostachys (A. Rich.) Lye, A. striaiella (C. B. CI.) Lye, A. wallichiana (Schultes) Lye, A. hispidula (Vahl) Lye ssp. filiformis (C. B. CI.) Lye, A. hispidula (Vahl) Lye ssp. brachyphylla (Cherm.) Lye, A. hispidula (Vahl) Lye ssp. pyriformis (Lye) Lye, A. pusilla (A. Rich.) Lye ssp. yalingensis (Cherm.) Lye, A. pusilla (A. Rich.) Lye ssp. congolensis (De Wild.) Lye, A. coleotricha (A. Rich.) Lye var. miegii (Bodard) Lye, A. erratica (Hook, f.) Lye ssp. schoenoides (Kunth) Lye, and A. boeckeleriana (Schweinf.) Lye var. transiens (K. Schum.) Lye.  相似文献   

Two new subspecies, Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl ssp. pallescens Lye and F. miliacea (L.) Vahl ssp. macroglumis Lye, are described and illustrated from East Africa. In addition two new combinations are made, viz. F. complanata (Retzius) Link ssp. keniaeensis (Kükenthal) Lye and F. ferruginea (L.) Vahl ssp. sieberiana (Kunth) Lye.  相似文献   

Studies of type material from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay together with observations of achenes using scanning electron microscopy permit us to synonymizeBulbostylis aphylla withB. brevifolia, B. closii andB. scabra fm.evolutior withB. major, andB. spectabilis withB. amambayensis. For the first time,B. major is recorded for Bolivia andB. brevifolia for Uruguay. The known distributions ofB. amambayensis, B. brevifolia, andB. major are expanded.
Resumen  El análisis morfológico de ejemplares tipo, abundante material de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay, así como observaciones de los frutos con microscopio electrónico de barrido, nos permitió sinonimizarBulbostylis aphylla conB. brevifolia, B. closii yB. scabra f.evolutior conB. major yB. spectabilis conB. amambayensis. Por otra parte se cita por primera vez aB. major para la flora de Bolivia y aB. brevifolia para Uruguay. Se amplia el área de distribución deB. amambayensis, B. brevifolia yB. major.

One new form of Fuirena Rottb., one new subspecies of Schoenoplectus Palla and one new variety of Carex L. are described from East Africa, viz. Fuirena leptostachya Oliv. f. nudiflora Lye, Schoenoplectus lateriflorus (Gmel.) Lye ssp. laevinux Lye and Carex bequaertii De Wild. var. maxima Lye. In addition, the following new combinations are made: Fuirena ciliaris (L.) Roxb. f. apetala (Wingfield) Lye, F. stricta Steudel ssp. chlorocarpa (Ridley) Lye, Schoenoplectus rhodesicus (Podlech) Lye, 5. corymbosus (Roem. & Schult.) J. Rayn. var. brachyceras (A. Rich.) Lye, S. confusus (N.E. Br.) Lye var. rogersii (N.E. Br.) Lye, S. erectus (Poiret) J. Rayn, ssp. raynalii (Schuyler) Lye, S. erectus (Poiret) J. Rayn. ssp. sinuatus (Schuyler) Lye, Eleocharis retroflexa (Poiret) Urban ssp. subtilissima (Nelmes) Lye, Machaerina Vahl subgen. Baumea (Gaud.) Lye, Machaerina flexuosa (Bock.) Kern ssp. laevinux (J. Rayn.) Lye, M. montana (J. Rayn.) Lye, M. flexuosa (Böck.) Kern ssp. polyanthemum (Kük.) Lye, Scleria lagoënsis Böck. ssp. canaliculato–triquetra (Böck.) Lye, 5. distans Poiret var. glomerulata (Oliv.) Lye, S. distans Poiret var. chondrocarpa (Nelmes) Lye, S. melanotricha A. Rich. var. grata (Nelmes) Lye, Carex echinochloë Kunze ssp. nyasensis (C. B. Clarke) Lye, C. conferta A. Rich. var. lycurus (K. Schum.) Lye, C. cognata Kunth var. abyssinica (Chiov.) Lye and C. cognata Kunth var. congolensis (Turrill) Lye.  相似文献   

Two new subgenera are described and illustrated. Cyperus subgen. Protocyperus has an eucyperoid culm–anatomy and digitate clusters of spikelets. It contains about 100 species. Cyperus subgen. Fimbricyperus has a chlorocyperoid culm anatomy and many stalked spikes giving the habit of a slender Fimbristylis. It is based on a single species, viz. Cyperus subparadoxus Kükenthal.  相似文献   

A new species, Cyperus rheophyticus , is described from seasonally submerged habitats in forest streams and rivers in South West Cameroon (500–1350 m). Cyperus rheophyticus is most similar to C. brevifolius ssp. brevifolius (syn. Kyllinga brevifolius ), a less slender species with a stronger rhizome, larger spikeiets and glumes with a spinose keel; also the anther and achene are larger in that species.  相似文献   

A new species to science, Hypolytrum subcompositus is described from Kodmin in South West Cameroon. The species is distinct from other African species and appears to have no close relatives. It is a fairly large perennial with a short erect rhizome with many crowded leaves at its end, and (below the leaves) 1–3 lateral culms carrying reduced leaves and a terminal cinnamon-whitish rather congested inflorescence.  相似文献   

Four secoiridoid glycosides were isolated from Swertia nervosa (G. Don) Wall. ex C.B. Clarke. Three of them were identified as vegeloside (Ⅰ), sweroside (Ⅲ) and swertiamarin (Ⅳ)on the basis of spectral and chemical evidences. Another compound, nervoside (Ⅱ), was a new secoiridoid glycoside, its structure was elucidated by means of UV, IR, 1H and 13C-NMR spectra. Nervoside was a 7-α-OCH3 isomer of vegeloside, this was confirmed by NOE experiment.  相似文献   

A new species, Mapania pallescens Lye, is described from medium altitude rain forests (340–430 m) in two districts in western Gabon. Only two localities are known, and the plants were collected in 2003 and 2005. In Gabon large areas of forests are subject to logging every year and the plants must therefore be considered as ‘Vulnerable’ (VU). Mapania pallescens is the smallest and most delicate of Mapania species in Africa. It is slightly similar to M. africana and M. mangenotiana.  相似文献   

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