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The revision of the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) for the Flora of China has demonstrated the need to formally publish the following 12 nomenclatural novelties: Acronema minus (M. F. Watson) M. F. Watson & Z. H. Pan, A. brevipedicellatum Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson, Angelica sinensis var. wilsonii (H. Wolff) Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson, Harrysmithia franchetii (M. Hiroe) M. L. Sheh, Heracleum candicans var. obtusifolium (Wall. ex DC.) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, Hydrocotyle hookeri ssp. chinensis (Dunn ex R. H. Shan & S. L. Liou) M. F. Watson & M. L. Sheh, H. hookeri ssp. handelii (H. Wolff) M. F. Watson & M. L. Sheh, Libanotis grubovii (V. M. Vinogradova) M. L. Sheh & M. F. Watson, Ligusticum likiangense (H. Wolff) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, L. nematophyllum (Pimenov & Kljuykov) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, L. nullivittatum (K. T. Fu) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, Pleurospermum bicolor (Franch.) C. Norman ex Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson. In addition, a lectotype is designated for P. govanianum (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke var. bicolor Franch. (P. bicolor).  相似文献   

在为编写《Flora of China》伞形科而进行的修订工作中,提出了11个新组合,即矮小丝瓣芹Acronema minus (M. F. Watson) M. F. Watson & Z. H. Pan, 短柄丝瓣芹A. brevipedicellatum Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson, 川西当归Angelica sinensis var. wilsonii (H. Wolff) Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson, 云南细裂芹Harrysmithia franchetii (M. Hiroe) M. L. Sheh, 钝叶独活Heracleum candicans var. obtusifolium (Wall. ex DC.) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, 中华天胡荽Hydrocotyle hookeri ssp. chinensis (Dunn ex R. H. Shan & S. L. Liou) M. F. Watson & M. L. Sheh, 普渡天胡荽H. hookeri ssp. handelii (H. Wolff) M. F. Watson & M. L. Sheh, 锐棱岩风Libanotis grubovii (V. M. Vinogradova) M. L. Sheh & M. F. Watson, 美脉藁本Ligusticum likiangense (H. Wolff) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson和线叶藁本L. nematophyllum (Pimenov & Kljuykov) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, 无管藁本L. nullivittatum (K. T. Fu) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson和二色棱子芹Pleurospermum bicolor (Franch.) C. Norman ex Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson.; 发现了1个新种,即短柄丝瓣芹。此外,还为Pleurospermum govanianum var. bicolor Franch.指定了后选模式。  相似文献   

朱相云 《生物多样性》2015,23(2):247-251
<正>豆科(Leguminosae/Fabaceae)是被子植物中继菊科和兰科之后的第三大科,全世界约有36族727属19,325种(Lewis et al.,2005)。中国有豆科植物33族180属1,670种(Zhu et al.,2007),也有学者认为有29族167属1,673种(Xu et al.,2010)。最新研究表明(朱相云等,2015,待发表),中国有豆科植物约33族183属1,859种(含归化种、栽培种)。豆科植物与人们的生活密切相关,我们日常食用的绿豆(Vigna radiata(L.)R.Wilczek)、大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)和豌豆(Pisum sativum L.),药用的黄芪(Astragalus  相似文献   

Plants represent a natural environmentally safe way to clean or remediate contaminated sites. Members of the Brassicaceae or Cruciferae plant family have a key role in phytoremediation technology. Many wild crucifer species are known to hyperaccumulate heavy metals and possess genes for resistance or tolerance to the toxic effects of a wide range of metals. Metal uptake, sensitivity, and sequestration have been studied extensively in Arabidopsis thaliana, and a number of heavy metal-sensitive and ion-accumulating mutants have been identified. This species is a likely source of genes for phytoremediation. Within the Brassicaceae, Brassica and other crop species are likely candidates for phytoremediation. There is a wealth of information on the agronomics of the economically important members and biomass production can be extensive. Many of these species are well adapted to a range of environmental conditions. Some species are tolerant to high levels of heavy metals, and there is the potential to select superior genotypes for phytoremediation. They are well suited to genetic manipulation and in vitro culture techniques and are attractive candidates for the introduction of genes aimed at phytoremediation. Biotechnology and molecular biology are valuable tools for studies of metal accumulation and tolerance in hyperaccumulating species and for the transfer of relevant genes into crucifer species suitable for phytoremediation. The purpose of this article is to review the potential use of both wild and cultivated members of the Brassicaceae in phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Burkin  A. A.  Kononenko  G. P. 《Biology Bulletin》2022,49(3):133-141
Biology Bulletin - Indirect competitive enzyme immunoassay was used to detect the occurrence of 16 mycotoxins in wild herbaceous plants of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family typical for...  相似文献   

The flavonoids of nine selected species belonging to different tribes of family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) native to Egypt were surveyed, viz. Rorippa palustris, Coronopus squamatus, Eremobium aegyptiacum, Moricandia nitens, Brassica tournefortii, Farsetia aegyptia, Matthiola livida, Anastatica hierochuntica and Sisymbrium irio. Thirty-eight compounds were isolated and identified, which included six flavonol aglycones, 24 flavonol glycosides including 14 flavonol 3,7-diglycosides, one flavone aglycone, three flavone O–glycosides, two glycoflavones and two dihydroflavonoids. A numerical analysis based on a combination of 97 morphological, anatomical and chemical characters revealed two series, two subseries, two clusters and two groups. The interrelationships between the studied species are discussed.  相似文献   

Lunaria annua is overviewed and its two subspecies, subsp. annua and subsp. pachyrrhiza, discussed, the latter described. Two cultivars of subsp. pachyrrhiza, ‘Corfu Blue’ and ‘Mistras’ are illustrated and described. Details of cultivation are also included.  相似文献   

Cytological studies have been carried out on 12 species of Brassicaceae Burn. on population basis from different geographical areas of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas. Variable chromosome reports for Barbaraea intermedia (n = 16), Cardamine loxostemonoides (n = 8), Nasturtium officinale (n = 8), Sisymbrium orientale (n = 14) on world-wide basis have been added to the previous reports of these species. The chromosome numbers in seven species as Barbaraea intermedia (n = 8), B. vulgaris (n = 8), Capsella bursa-pastoris (n = 8), Descuriania Sophia (n = 10), Rorippa islandica (n = 8), Sisymbrium strictum (n = 7) and Thlaspi alpestre (n = 7) have been worked out for the first time from India. The meiotic course in the populations of seven species such as Barbaraea intermedia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Coronopus didymus, Descuriania sophia, Nasturtium officinale, Sisymbrium orientale and S. strictum varies from normal to abnormal while all the populations of two species Barbaraea vulgaris and Sisymbrium irio show abnormal meiotic course. Meiotic abnormalities are in the form of cytomixis, chromosomal stickiness, unoriented bivalents, inter-bivalent connections, formation of laggards and bridges, all resulting into abnormal microsporogenesis. Heterogenous sized fertile pollen grains and reduced reproductive potentialities have invariably been observed in all the meiotically abnormal populations. However, the meiotic course in all the populations of Cardamine loxostemonoides, Rorippa islandica and Thalspi alpestre is found to be normal with high pollen fertility.  相似文献   

Stephan L. Hatch 《Brittonia》1978,30(4):496-496
Two morphological variants ofSchizachyrium hirtiflorum are reduced to varietal rank underS. sanguineum. Schizachyrium semiberbe is included as a synonym of the typical variety ofS. sanguineum.  相似文献   

The lectotypification of Ipomoea fimbriosepala, I. horsfalliae, I. marcellia, I. subincana and I. tenera is proposed herein. In addition, we suggest to change one name, from I. tubata to I. sidifolia since I. sidifolia predate I. tubata and must replace it.  相似文献   

Seeds of Sinapis alba L. were germinated in darkness for 3 dand a part of the etiolated seedlings were transferred to long-dayconditions for 6 weeks. Myrosinase solutions were prepared forcotyledons, hypocotyls, primary roots, leaves, stems, inflorescences,and seeds, and used to hydrolyse sinigrin. Glucose, one of the cleavage products, was determined by fourdifferent spectrophotometric methods, and their usefulness forcalculations of myrosinase activity in crude plant extractsis considered. Specific activity was calculated in relations to protein, andit was found to be about 30% higher in seedlings and also higherin seeds than in adult plants. Of the organs, those with thehighest activity were the hypocotyls and the stems. The differentparts of the plant contained different numbers of isoenzymes,as shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Seedlings yieldedtwo, and adult plants four or five isoenzymes.  相似文献   

獐牙菜属是龙胆科中的一个大属,广泛分布于亚洲、北美洲、欧洲和非洲.本文报道獐牙菜属下的两个新组(sect.Montana和sect.Echinulata)和七个新系(ser.Repentes,ser.Kilimandscharicae,ser.Coombosae,ser.Japonicae,ser.Swertopsis,ser.Pumilae和ser.Abyssinicae).同时对獐牙菜属中的一些类群进行了分类修订,本分类纲要将被獐牙菜属世界专著采用.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Intraspecific ploidy-level variation is an important aspect of a species'' genetic make-up, which may lend insight into its evolutionary history and future potential. The present study explores this phenomenon in a group of eastern Asian Cardamine species.


Plant material was sampled from 59 localities in Japan and Korea, which were used in karyological (chromosome counting) and flow cytometric analyses. The absolute nuclear DNA content (in pg) was measured using propidium iodide and the relative nuclear DNA content (in arbitrary units) was measured using 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole fluorochrome.

Key Results

Substantial cytotype diversity was found, with strikingly different distribution patterns between the species. Two cytotypes were found in C. torrentis sensu lato (4x and 8x, in C. valida and C. torrentis sensu stricto, respectively), which displays a north–south geographical pattern in Japan. Hypotheses regarding their origin and colonization history in the Japanese archipelago are discussed. In Korean C. amaraeiformis, only tetraploids were found, and these populations may in fact belong to C. valida. C. yezoensis was found to harbour as many as six cytotypes in Japan, ranging from hexa- to dodecaploids. Ploidy levels do not show any obvious geographical pattern; populations with mixed ploidy levels, containing two to four cytotypes, are frequently observed throughout the range. C. schinziana, an endemic of Hokkaido, has hexa- and octoploid populations. Previous chromosome records are also revised, showing that they are largely based on misidentified material or misinterpreted names.


Sampling of multiple populations and utilization of the efficient flow cytometric approach allowed the detection of large-scale variation in ploidy levels and genome size variation attributable to aneuploidy. These data will be essential in further phylogenetic and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

The effect of L-ascorbic acid (AA) on myrosinase activity wasstudied in white mustard, Sinapis alba L. Enzyme extracts wereprepared from different organs of dark- and light-grown seedlings.The highest activation caused by AA was found for myrosinasefrom light-grown primary roots. The activation level was morethan 12 times higher than that of the control. The maximum activationgenerally occurred at 1–10 mM AA, and in the case of myrosinasefrom light-grown hypocotyls even at 50 mM AA. The myrosinasesfrom cotyledons were least affected by addition of AA. To studythe effect of AA on different isoenzymes of myrosinases, theisoenzymes were separated on polyacrylamide gels. When the gelswere incubated in an AA solution, after electrophoresis differenceswere found in the activation of isoenzymes of different myrosinases.  相似文献   

本文对金缕梅科马蹄荷属及其各种植物的拉丁学名和异名进行了考证,确认Exbucklandia R. W. Brown是该属有效的拉丁学名,Bucklandia R. Brown et Griff. 和Symingtonia Steenis作为异名。  相似文献   

桃儿七属(Sinopodophyllum)是中国-喜马拉雅地区特有的单型属,仅桃儿七(Shexandrum)一种。桃儿七的根茎和果实均具有较高的药用价值,人类的过度采挖和种群恢复较慢使其种群数量急剧下降,现已被列入《中国物种红色名录》。在近年来的一些研究论文中,学名Shexandrum和Semodi常被混用,这使得有必要考证桃儿七学名的命名学历史,确认正确的学名使用。查阅原始文献发现,Shexandrum的基名Podophyllum hexandrum Royle发表于1834年,而Semodi的基名Podophyllum emodi Wall. ex Honigberger到1852年才合格发表(大多数学者认为是Hooker和Thomson在1855年合格发表),因此,名称Shexandrum比名称Semodi具有优先权。名称的混乱起于1979年应俊生建立桃儿七属时,他提出组合“Semodi (Wall.) Ying”作为桃儿七的学名。另外,由于他未引证Honigberger或Hooker和Thomson的文献信息,所以组合“Semodi”没有被合格发表(规则415)。随后,1985年出版的《西藏植物志》桃儿七属中,应俊生发现之前的错误并采用名称“Shexandrum”取代了“Semodi”。遗憾的是他虽然意识到该名称是新组合,但未引证基名Phexandrum合格发表的文献信息,使得组合“Shexandrum (Rolye) Ying”没有被合格发表。近年来出版的《云南植物志》、《青海植物志》、《中国植物》和《Flora of China》均未发现该错误,一直认为“Shexandrum (Rolye) Ying”合格发表时间是1985。实际上,在1993年由于编写格式要求,应俊生在王文采和武素功主编的《横断山区维管束植物》中引证了基名合格发表的文献信息。因此,该名称的合格发表时间是1993年,而不是常认为的1985年。  相似文献   

Hesperis turkmendaghensis A.Duran & A.Ocak sp. nov. (Cruciferae) is described and illustrated from Anatolia, Turkey. The species grows under mixed forest, open forest and shady slopes in Türkmen Dağı (B3 Eskişehir) in Central Anatolia. It is closely related to H. matronalis L. ssp. matronalis , an endemic confined to Central Anatolia. Diagnostic morphological characters are discussed. Notes are also presented on its ecology, biogeography and conservation status. In addition, the pollen characteristics and seed coat surface of H. turkmendaghensis and H. matronalis are examined by SEM.   © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 239–247.  相似文献   

Chong-Wook Park 《Brittonia》1986,38(4):394-406
The nomenclature and typification of all known species ofPolygonumi sectionEchinocaulon are clarified, and the correct names and synonyms are presented. Lectotypes are selected.  相似文献   

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