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广东竹亚科新组合及新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了广东竹亚科13新组合,1新名称和3新异名,其中筋竹属3新组合1新名称,牡竹属4新组合,青篱竹属5组合1新异名,箬竹属2新异名及方竹属1新组合.  相似文献   

国产赖草属(禾本科)两个类群的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据标本研究、野外考察和实验观察,对国产赖草属Leymus两个类群进行了分类修订,将阿尔金山赖草Leymus arjinshanicus D.F.Cui和L.aerginshanicus D.F.Cui ssp.ruoqiangensis(S.L.Lu&Y.H.Wu)D.F.Cui处理为若羌赖草L.ruoqiangensis S.L.Lu&YH.Wu的新异名,将纤细赖草L.secalinus(Georgi)Tzvel.var.tenuis L.B.Cai提升为一个独立的种L.tenuis(L.B.Cai)L.B.Cai.  相似文献   

Based on both herbarium and field observations, Deyeuxia sikangensis Keng is reduced to the synonymy of D. scabrescens (Griseb.) Munro ex Duthie, and D. levipes Keng to the synonymy of D. nivicola Hook. f. The identity of two names invalidly published, D. dispar L. Liou and D. agrostioides L. Liou, has also been determined, with the former to D. scabrescens, and the latter to D. diffusa Keng, respectively.  相似文献   

在标本室研究和野外考察的基础上,对中国野青茅属Deyeuxia的一些种类进行了修订。归并了2个名称,即将Deyeuxia sikangensis Keng并入D. scabrescens (Griseb.) Munro ex Duthie作为异名; 将D.levipes Keng并入D. nivicola Hook. f. 作为异名。确认了D. dispar L. Liou和D. agrostioides L. Liou是两个未合格发表的名称,将前者归并于D. scabrescens,后者归并于D. diffusa Keng。  相似文献   

国产赖草属的分类修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡联炳  苏旭 《植物研究》2007,27(6):651-660
通过标本研究和野外考察,对中国赖草属(Leymus Hochst.)进行了分类修订。结果在中国共确认了3组、33种、7变种赖草属植物,其中多穗组包含4种,少穗组包含24种、7变种,单穗组包含5种,新报道的3个种和新修订的4个类群(即3个新组合和1个新名称)皆隶于少穗组。同时对赖草属的研究简史、属的形态特征和一些类群的地理分布也分别作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

Species of Cephalostachyum Munro (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from China are distributed in Yunnan and Tibet, mainly in Yunnan. In this paper, we discussed species of Cephalostachyum and compiled a key to species from China, based on recent studies on micromorphological characters of leaf epidermis and molecular phylogenetics of paleotropical woody bamboos. There is a total of seven species of Cephalostachyum distributed in China, all in Yunnan: Cchinense (Rendle) DZ. Li et HQ. Yang, Cfuchsianum Gamble et Hook. f., Cmannii (Gamble) Stapleton et DZ. Li, Cpallidum Munro, Cpingbianense (Hsueh et YM. Yang ex Yi et al.) DZ. Li et HQ. Yang, Csanguineum (WP. Zhang) DZ. Li et HQ. Yang and Cscandens Bor. Leptocanna Chia et HL. Fung and Cvirulentum YM Yang et F. Du are synonyms of Cephalostachyum Munro and Cfuchsianum Gamble et Hook. f. respectively. On the other hand, Cpergracile Munro and Cvirgatum (Munro) Kurz are morphologically closer to Schizostachyum Nees than to Cephalostachyum, and they should be treated as members of Schizostachyum. This paper is of significance to a worldwide revision of Cephalostachyum.  相似文献   

Two new species are added toCryptochloa,C. unispiculata from Peru andC. capillata from Brazil, the latter transferred from the genusOlyra. The genusPiresia is also augmented by two new species,P. macrophylla from Peru andP. leptophylla from Bahia, Brazil. These species represent, respectively, the westernmost and easternmost limits of distribution of the genus.  相似文献   

在标本室研究和野外考察的基础上,对中国野青茅属的一些种类进行了修订。首次归并了5个类群,即将Deyeuxia pulchella var. laxa P.C.Kuo et S.L. Lu,D.gyirongensis P.C. Kuo et S.L.Lu,Calamagrostis megalantha Keng ex Keng f.并入 D. pulchella (Griseb.)Hook.f.作为异名;将D.venusta Keng,Calamagrostis longiflora Keng ex Keng f.并入D.flavens Keng作为异名;并确认D. compacta Munro ex Hook.f.与D.holciformis (Jaub.et Spach.)Bor是同一种。  相似文献   

箣竹属和牡竹属(竹亚科)叶表皮微形态特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对箣竹属21个种(包括箣竹亚属5个种、孝顺竹亚属2种、单竹亚属4种、绿竹亚属9种和亚属未定1种)以及牡竹属5种叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察和研究。所得结果表明气孔保卫细胞上乳突的数目和分布存在一定的规律,并具有一定的分类价值。绿竹亚属的叶表皮微形态特征界于箣竹属和牡竹属之间,但更接近于箣竹属。因此认为在分类处理上,将绿竹亚属置于箣竹属比单独成立绿竹属更为合理。  相似文献   

The South African genus Hymenolepis Cass. was recently distinguished from Athanasia L. by Källersjö. It differs by its slender capitula and a pappus of scales. A key to the 7 species is presented and the new species H. cynopus Bremer & Källersjö is described.  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies in Dasypyrum (Poaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dasypyrum (tribe Triticeae) is revised. Two species are recognized: the annual D. villosum (2n = 14) and the perennial D. breviaristatum (2n = 28). The typification of D. villosum is discussed. The combination D. hordeaceum is demonstrated to be based on a later homonym and for that reason a new combination, D. breviaristatum , is made. A key and a map showing the distribution of the species are presented. Interspecific hybridization and the phylogenetic relationships of the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Eremopyrum (tribe Triticeae) is revised and 4 species are recognized: E. triticeum (2n = 14), E. orientate (2n = 28), E. distans (2n = 14) and E. bonaepartis (2n = 14,28). A key and maps showing the distribution of the species are presented. The relationships within Eremopyrum , including the origin of the tetraploids, and the relationships between Eremopyrum and other genera of the Triticeae are discussed.  相似文献   

One new species of Chusquea and three of Swallenochloa are described. Morphological characters, especially of the culm leaves and branching, are pointed out as useful in distinguishing the two genera. A key to the 7 recognized species of Swallenochloa is given, and a discussion of its habitat, the páramo. Comment is made upon the recent evolution of the páramo habitat and therefore of the bamboo adapted to it, and reasons offered for the apparent active speciation which characterizes this bamboo genus.  相似文献   

A natural alliance of four species ofChusquea is characterized by having verticillate branches and a spikelet in which the transitional glumes one and two are very small or scalelike, and transitional glumes three and four are about equal to each other and about one-half or three-quarters as long as the lemma. Two of the four species,C. circinata andC. coronalis, are described as new and are provided with illustrations. The other two species,C. liebmannii Fourn. andC. pittieri Hack., are included in a key. The types and other collections are cited for the four species and their relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Melocanna baccifera (Roxburgh) Kurtz ex Skeels, a species of bamboo introduced to Sri Lanka from India, flowered and set fruit during 2001–2002. Culms that flowered and set fruit died. The incidence of flowering is significant in that flowering took place close to the predicted mast flowering in 2007. At the onset of flowering, inflorescences were predominantly staminate. But later in 2002, bisexual and pistilate flowers also developed leading to fruiting. Both protandry and protogyny were observed in the bisexual florets. Floral characters indicated that the species was mainly out-crossing. Although anther dehiscence released pollen and stigmas were exerted, pollination of stigmas was inefficient. The few stigmas that were naturally pollinated showed limited pollen tube growth. However, fruit set took place. Fruits were very rarely seen to germinate naturally. Many fruits were devoid of an embryo, indicating that parthenocarpy and/or apomixis may have taken place. Excised embryos germinated in vitro .  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 287–291.  相似文献   

用扫描电镜和光学显微镜对[竹思]簩竹属(Schizostachyum Nees)7个种,及其近缘的梨竹属(Melocanna Trin.)、泡竹属(Pseudostachyum Munro)、薄竹属(Lepzocanna Chia et H.L.Fung)各1个种以及空竹属(Cephalostachyum Munro)6个种的叶表皮微形态特征进行了观察。结果表明竹叶下表皮乳突的形状和在气孔器上及周围的排列式样在这5个属中各有不同,具有重要的分类学和系统学价值。同时我们的结果不支持广义的笃竹属;而梨竹属、空竹属和泡竹属则被支持独立成属。另外,薄竹(Leptocanna chinensis)和红毛[竹思]簩竹(Schizostachyum sanguineum)的叶表皮微形态特征非常接近空竹属;香糯竹(Cephalostachyum pergracile)和金毛空竹(C.virgatum)的叶表皮微形态特征则十分接近[竹思]簩竹属。  相似文献   

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