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This study investigated the influence of feeding frequency on the activities of important degradative enzymes and potentially rate-limiting enzymes in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in the liver and white epaxial muscle of Macquaria ambigua . Adult animals were either fed daily to satiety (fed), deprived of food for up to 180 days (starved), or starved for 150 days then fed daily to satiety for 30 days (starved/fed). The activities of lipolytic, glycogenolytic and glycolytic enzymes in the livers of starved fish were maintained as long as liver energy stores were available, but became significantly reduced following their exhaustion indicating a decline in metabolism in response to prolonged starvation. The response of epaxial muscle metabolism to changes in food availability was different to that of the liver, as no significant change in the activities of muscle lipolytic or glycogenolytic enzymes were observed in response to starvation. Muscle tissue metabolism was reduced after 60–90 days of starvation, but then returned to prestarvation levels.  相似文献   

Golden perch larvae were stocked into a pond and inundated floodplain system in south-eastem Australia to determine movement patterns of the larvae onto and off the floodplain area. A total of 428 larvae were caught moving from the floodplain into the pond whereas only 18 were collected moving in the reverse direction. Thirty one larvae were caught at open water sites in the pond and floodplain, but only three were collected from sites on the floodplain which provided shade, timber or water flow. Transect samples from the pond also yielded more larvae than samples from floodplain transects, indicating a distinct spatial dispersion pattern in favour of the pond.
Spatial dispersion patterns of golden perch larvae appear to correspond with gradients in water quality between the pond and floodplain habitats. Stratification occurred in the pond but did not develop on the floodplain. Water on the floodplain was cooler, harder and contained less oxygen than surface water from the pond. Die1 oscillations occurred in water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and acidity, but there was no significant corresponding pattern in the distribution of larvae.
Dispersion of golden perch larvae between pond and floodplain habitats is not random, and may be actively influenced by local-scale variations in water quality.  相似文献   

Within-species variation in animal body size predicts major differences in life history, for example, in reproductive development, fecundity, and even longevity. Purely from an energetic perspective, large size could entail larger energy reserves, fuelling different life functions, such as reproduction and survival (the “energy reserve” hypothesis). Conversely, larger body size could demand more energy for maintenance, and larger individuals might do worse in reproduction and survival under resource shortage (the “energy demand” hypothesis). Disentangling these alternative hypotheses is difficult because large size often correlates with better resource availability during growth, which could mask direct effects of body size on fitness traits. Here, we used experimental body size manipulation in the freshwater cnidarian Hydra oligactis, coupled with manipulation of resource (food) availability to separate direct effects of body size from resource availability on fitness traits (sexual development time, fecundity, and survival). We found significant interaction between body size and food availability in sexual development time in both males and females, such that large individuals responded less strongly to variation in resource availability. These results are consistent with an energy reserve effect of large size in Hydra. Surprisingly, the response was different in males and females: small and starved females delayed their reproduction, while small and starved males developed reproductive organs faster. In case of fecundity and survival, both size and food availability had significant effects, but we detected no interaction between them. Our observations suggest that in Hydra, small individuals are sensitive to fluctuations in resource availability, but these small individuals are able to adjust their reproductive development to maintain fitness.  相似文献   

The diploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss reached sexual maturity 3 years after hatching and its oogenesis underwent four stages, which were oogonia, primary oocyte, secondary oocyte and egg. Reproductive development and hormone changes of 4 to 35 month‐old female O. mykiss were investigated using histological and radioimmunoassay methods in order to provide a theoretical and practical basis for the use of triploid female O. mykiss. The oogonium of the triploid female could develop into the oocytes of the prophase with abortion occurring later; the oogonium was surrounded by stroma cells to form the oogonium cluster and the gonads showed a virilescent tendency when the oogonium clusters were gradually replaced by spermatogenic‐like cytocysts. After 13 months, amounts of gonadotropic hormone (GtH‐I, GtH‐II) and oestradiol (17β‐E2) in triploid females were lower than in diploid fish at corresponding time periods, but the amounts of testosterone (T) increased consistently after 21 months and were more than in diploid fish in the corresponding time periods (P > 0·05). The infertility of triploid females resulted from meiosis failure, which caused developmental abortion of oocytes and oogonium formed cytocysts before the prophase oocytes. The cytocyst formation was due to the lack of the normal interaction of ovum and follicular cells, the development of follicular cells producing steroids were inhibited, the arylate path from T to 17β‐E2 was interrupted, concentration of 17β‐E2 decreased and concentration of T increased in the blood, the content of vitellogenin (Vg) decreased in the liver with a low 17β‐E2 and high T caused to ovaries to show a tendency to be virilescent.  相似文献   

1. Habitat heterogeneity has important repercussions for species abundance, demography and life-history patterns. While habitat effects have been more thoroughly studied in top-down situations (e.g. in association with predation), their role in bottom-up situations (e.g. in association with food abundance) has been less explored and the underlying mechanism(s) behind the ecological patterns have not commonly been identified. 2. With material from 1993 to 2003, we test the hypothesis that the reproduction of Finnish northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis (L.) is bottom-up limited by habitat composition, especially in situations where the density of their main prey (grouse) is low. Special emphasis was placed on identifying the mechanism(s) behind potential habitat effects. 3. While laying date and large-scale variation in the main prey density (but not habitat composition) were related to the number of eggs goshawks laid, small-scale differences in alternative prey density between different territories later influenced how many young were fledged via the mechanism of habitat-dependent partial-brood loss. As a result of this mechanism, a difference in nestling condition also arose between goshawk territories with differing habitat compositions. 4. As the relative proportions of different landscape elements in a given landscape is a function of large-scale differences in geomorphology and land use, this means that the reproductive performance of goshawks as averaged over larger scales can be understood correctly only in respect to the fact that habitat gradients differ across landscapes. 5. In addition to being one of the first papers identifying the mechanism of partial brood loss as being primarily responsible for the habitat-specific differences in the production of young, this study further illustrates the need to identify small-scale mechanisms to correctly understand the large-scale patterns of reproductive performance in territorial species. The repercussions of the observed habitat effect for local population development are discussed.  相似文献   

Food has an influence on many life history traits related to dormancy in insects. In our previous study with the rice bug Leptocorisa chinensis (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Alydidae), diapausing females transferred to conditions physically favorable for promoting the gonad development required food intake to resume gonad development, whereas males did not. These differences in response to food between males and females lead to two questions: (1) Was diapause in the starved females completed? (2) Were the starved males that resumed gonad development at the same physiological status as fed males? We tested these questions with two physiological indicators: gonad status and respiratory rate. Results indicate that starved females are able to complete diapause, but show depressed respiration relative to well-fed insects in diapause. Similar to females, starved males that resumed postdiapause gonad development also had depressed respiratory rate, and hence physiological status is presumed to be different between starved and fed individuals. In this study, it was also found that the photoperiodic signal is storable, whereas the food signal acts directly. The adaptive significance of regulation of gonad development and respiratory metabolism in relation to phenology of suitable host plant and reproductive strategy is discussed in both sexes.  相似文献   

Food availability can influence the optimal allocation of timeand energy among alternative behaviors such as foraging, courting,and competing for mates. If populations differ consistentlyin food availability, selection may cause geographic divergencein allocation strategies. At the opposite extreme, a norm ofreaction may evolve such that food intake influences the allocationstrategy of individuals in the same way in all populations.Between these two extremes, food intake reaction norms may divergegenetically among populations. For example, at sites where foodis scarce, selection may strengthen the effect of food intakeon behavior, whereas at sites with abundant food, selectionmay be weak or even oppose plasticity. We tested these ideasby raising male guppies from streams differing in food availabilityin a common laboratory environment on either low or high foodlevels, and then observing them in the presence of male competitors(from the same population and diet group) and receptive females.Males from low-food-availability streams spent more time foragingthan males from high-food-availability streams, independentof food intake. Compared with males raised on the high foodlevel, males raised on the low food level spent more time foragingand were less aggressive towards other males. Courtship displayrate increased with food intake but only in males from low-foodstreams. In contrast, males from high-food streams showed greaterplasticity with respect to male-male aggression. These resultsgenerally support the resource availability/behavioral tradeoffhypothesis while also revealing a surprising degree of ontogeneticcomplexity in a relatively simple system.  相似文献   

Aim We conducted a range‐wide phylogeographic study of a common Australian freshwater fish, the golden perch (Macquaria ambigua), to investigate the relationship between environmental processes and evolutionary history in drainage basins. Location Inland [Lake Eyre (LEB), Murray–Darling (MDB) and Bulloo (BULL)] and coastal basins [Fitzroy (FITZ)] of eastern Australia. Methods A total of 590 samples were collected from across the entire species’ distribution and a section of the mitochondrial DNA control region was sequenced. In order to reconstruct the evolutionary history of M. ambigua a comprehensive suite of phylogeographic analyses was conducted, including nested clade phylogeographic analysis, mismatch analysis and isolation‐with‐migration model simulations. Results Three major lineages corresponding to the major drainage basins, FITZ, MDB and LEB/BULL, were identified (ΦST = 0.92). Lineages from the coastal basin (FITZ) were highly divergent from those of the inland basins (up to 6%). Levels of genetic diversity in the inland basins were relatively low and our analyses indicate that these populations experienced both demographic and range expansions during the Pleistocene. Main conclusions Investigation of the range‐wide phylogeography of M. ambigua has revealed new insights into the biogeography of the Australian arid zone, particularly with regard to evolutionary events chronologically associated with cyclical moist and dry conditions. We propose that M. ambigua originated on the east coast (FITZ) and crossed a major geographic barrier, the Great Dividing Range (GDR), to colonize the inland basins (MDB, LEB and BULL). We infer a series of demographic and range expansion events for M. ambigua consistent with a scenario of moister Pleistocene conditions and increased connectivity of freshwater environments, both within and among drainage basins. Major lineages then diversified following isolation of freshwater environments under increasingly arid climate conditions. We suggest that management priorities for M. ambigua should include the resolution of taxonomic uncertainties and the maintenance of genetic diversity of both stocked populations in the MDB and native populations of the LEB that may be at risk of further isolation and reduced gene flow due to increased aridification under future climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Anne-Mette Hansen 《Hydrobiologia》1996,320(1-3):223-227
Populations of the copepod Cyclops vicinus in two Danish lakes differed in their life cycles. In Lake Væng C. vicinus was absent during summer, whereas in Lake Søbygård it continued producing distinct cohorts throughout summer. A comparison between the lakes showed that in the lake where C. vicinus was absent during summer, food limitation generally existed. In contrast, abundance of C. vicinus during summer in Lake Søbygård always coincided with available resources sufficient for the whole life cycle. Thus, summer diapause of C. vicinus is suggested to be a strategy to avoid food limitation. Avoidance of fish predation does not seem substantially to influence life cycles.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that (i) increased feeding motivation will cause sheep to move further apart as a result of individuals trying to find food and (ii) in conditions of high food availability, sheep will move less and show greater social attraction. The effects of both feeding motivation and food availability on spatial distribution was examined in eight groups of food-deprived (high feeding motivation) and satiated (low feeding motivation) sheep in good or poor food resource plots in a 2 × 2 design. Distance travelled was assessed using Global Positioning System collars, grazing time using scan sampling and social cohesion using proximity collars that record the number and duration of encounters within 4 m. Food-deprived sheep in the good-resource plots grazed the most, whereas satiated sheep in the poor-resource plots grazed the least (P = 0.004). Food deprivation had no significant effect on the number or duration of encounters and feeding motivation appeared to have little effect on spatial distribution. Contrary to expectation, sheep had more encounters (P = 0.04) of a longer total duration (P = 0.02) in poor-resource plots than in good-resource plots, indicating that sheep were showing more social cohesion if food was scarce. Our findings suggest that when food is scarce, animals may come together in an attempt to share information on food availability. However, when a highly preferred food is abundant and well dispersed, they may move apart in order to maximise the intake. It is concluded that the particular details of our experiment, namely the even distribution or absence of a highly preferred food, affected spatial distribution patterns as sheep tried to find this food and maximise the intake.  相似文献   

The expression of alternative reproductive tactics can be plastic and occur simultaneously depending on cues that vary spatially or temporally. For example, variation in resources and sexual selection intensity is expected to influence the pay‐off of each tactic and shape the decision of which tactic to employ. Males of the nuptial gift‐giving spider Pisaura mirabilis can adopt three tactics: offering a genuine prey gift, a ‘worthless’ non‐nutritious gift or no gift. We hypothesized that resources and/or male body condition, and mating opportunity and sexual selection intensity, vary over the course of the mating season to shape the co‐existence of alternative traits. We measured these variables in the field over two seasons, to investigate the predictions that as the mating season progresses, (i) males become more likely to employ a gift‐giving tactic, and (ii) the likelihood of switching from worthless to genuine gifts increases. Prey availability increased over the season and co‐varied with the propensity of males to employ the gift‐giving tactic, but we found no support for condition‐dependent gift giving. Males responded to an increase in female availability by increasing their mating effort (gift production). Furthermore, the frequency of genuine gift use increased with sexual selection intensity, consistent with the assumption that sperm competition intensity increases with time. Our results suggest that the frequency of alternative tactics is shaped by seasonal changes in ecological factors and sexual selection. This leads to relaxed selection for the gift‐giving tactic early in the season when females are less choosy and resources more scarce, and increased selection for genuine gifts later in the season driven by mating opportunity and risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

双斑恩蚜小蜂的生殖方式及其在烟粉虱体内的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱明惠  任顺祥  邱宝利 《昆虫知识》2007,44(3):397-401,I0003,I0004
首次对双斑恩蚜小蜂Encarsia bimaculata Heraty et Polaszek雌蜂的胚胎发育全过程进行连续观测和数码摄像,明确了双斑恩蚜小蜂的生殖方式是两性产雌,雌蜂为初寄生蜂,孤雌产雄且雄蜂为自复寄生。雌蜂在温度(25±1)℃,相对湿度70%±10%条件下,从卵到成虫的发育历期为(13.1±2.5)d,卵期(1.98±0.38)d,幼虫1龄(0.95±0.33)d,2龄(2.48±0.40)d,3龄(3.46±0.43)d,预蛹(0.95±0.20)d,蛹(4.88±0.80)d。  相似文献   

This 2 year study examined the reproductive cycle of wild female Ballan wrasse Labrus bergylta in western Norway as a precursor to captive breeding trials. Light microscopy of ovarian histology was used to stage gonad maturity and enzyme‐linked immuno‐absorbent assay (ELISA) to measure plasma concentrations of the sex steroids testosterone (T) and 17β‐oestradiol (E2). Ovarian recrudescence began in late autumn to early winter with the growth of previtellogenic oocytes and the formation of cortical alveoli. Vitellogenic oocytes developed from January to June and ovaries containing postovulatory follicles (POF) were present between May and June. These POF occurred simultaneously among other late maturity stage oocytes. Plasma steroid concentration and organo‐somatic indices increased over winter and spring. Maximal (mean ±s.e .) values of plasma T (0·95 ± 0·26 ng ml?1), E2 (1·75 ± 0·43 ng ml?1) and gonado‐somatic index (IG; 10·71 ± 0·81) occurred in April and May and decreased greatly in July when only postspawned fish with atretic ovaries occurred. Evidence indicates that L. bergylta are group‐synchronous multiple spawners with spawning occurring in spring and peaking in May. A short resting period may occur between late summer and autumn when previtellogenic oocytes predominate and steroid levels are minimal.  相似文献   

Abstract Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae are capable of developing in one of many hosts that may vary greatly in quality. We hypothesized that they will respond to the larval environment in a manner beneficial to their subsequent reproductive performance. Accordingly, we investigated the effects of various larval diets (varying in the amount of protein and sugar they contain) on the size, development time, nutritional status and reproductive maturation (ovarian development and onset of sexual behaviour) of females and males. We found that flies which undergo larval development in artificial host fruit that contain sugar and protein ('protein-fed') were larger, developed faster and emerged with more nutritional reserves than flies that were protein-deprived as larvae. Protein-fed males, regardless of their size, became sexually active before males that developed in hosts with no protein. Protein-fed females produced more mature eggs than protein-deprived ones. Moreover, protein-fed females tended to copulate sooner than females that developed in hosts with no protein. In addition, regardless of female larval diet, females with more mature eggs tended to copulate sooner than females with less mature eggs. In light of these results, the importance of the larval environment for adult reproductive success is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of food availability on the larval survival and development of Crepidula onyx were studied in four experiments by feeding the larvae with different concentrations of the chrysophyte Isochrysis galbana and by starving the larvae for different periods of time. Food concentration had a clear impact on the survival, growth and development time of C. onyx veligers. Larval development occurred only at 104 cells ml−1 and higher algal concentrations. No shell increment was detected in the veligers cultured for 12 days at 102 cells ml−1I. galbana or the blank control. At 103 cells ml−1, there was only a slight increase in shell length over 12 days. At 104 cells ml−1, about 40% of the larvae became competent in 18 days. At 105 and 106 cells ml−1, more than 90% of the larvae reached competence in 7 days. Initial starvation negatively affected the larval development, but the sensitivity differed among parameters measured on day 5: lower survivorship was detected only for larvae that had suffered 3 days or longer initial starvation, whereas one-day initial starvation caused shorter shells and lower percentage of competent larvae. Three days of continuous feeding was required for 50% of the larvae to reach competence. After feeding for 3 days, most larvae could become competent to metamorphose even under starvation. The time of starvation was also critical: larvae that suffered 1-day food deprivation in the first 2 days of larval release had shorter shells and lowered percent competent larvae than those that suffered the same length of food deprivation in later stages of development. Our study thus indicates that both food concentration and short-term starvation have detrimental effects on the larval development of this species, and that once the larva has consumed certain amount of food, starvation may induce metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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