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Furman DP  Bukharina TA 《Ontogenez》2008,39(4):245-258
The Drosophila head and body have a regular species-specific pattern of strictly defined number of external sensory organs--macrochaetae (large bristles). The pattern constancy and relatively simple organization of each bristle organ composed of only four specialized cells makes macrochaetae a convenient model to study the developmental patterns of spatial structures with a fixed number of elements in specific positions as well as the mechanisms of cell differentiation. The experimental data on the major genes and their products controlling three stages of macrochaetae development--the emergence of proneural clusters in the imaginal disc ectoderm, the precursor cell determination in the proneural clusters, and the specialization of cells of the definitive sensory organ--were reviewed. The role of the achaeta-scute gene complex, EGFR and Notch signaling, and selector genes in these processes was considered. Analysis of published data allowed us to propose an integrated diagram of the system controlling macrochaetae development in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

To examine possible effects of space radiation on living organism, we have analyzedtwo types of mutations, sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and somatic mutations, in fruit fly of the species Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila strains used were wild type strains and a radiation-sensitive strain mei-41. Two different developmental stages of samples were sent into space; young adult males to analyze sex-linked recessive lethal mutations and about 30hr-old larvae to detect somatic mutations in wing epidermal cells. For wild type and mei-41 strains each, about 200 adult male flies and about 6,000 larvae were loaded on space shuttle Endeavour. The male flies returned from space were mated to virgin female flies of a tester strain, and the presence of the lethal mutations was analyzed at F2 generation. The frequencies of sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in flight groups were 2 and 3 times higher for wild type Canton-S and mei-4 1, respectively, than those in ground control groups. Most larvae sent to space emerged as adult flies within about 10 days after the landing. The presence of wing-hair somatic mutations, which give morphological change in hairs growing on the surface of wing epidermal cells, was analyzed under microscope. In wild type strain Muller-5, the frequency of wing hair mutant spots in flight group was about 1.5-fold higher than that in ground control, and in Canton-S-derived wild type strain the frequencies were similar between the two groups. By contrast, for mei-41 strain the mutation frequency was lower in flight group than in control group. The observed higher frequency of lethal mutations in the flight group might be due to a possibility that radiation effects on reproductive cells could be greatly enhanced under micro gravity. However, if this would be the case, we do not have appropriate explanation for the apparent absence of such synergistic effects on somatic wing-hair mutation system.  相似文献   

Genetic control of programmed cell death in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apoptosis is a genetically controlled form of cell death that is an important feature of animal development and homeostasis. The genes involved in the control and execution of apoptosis are conserved throughout evolution. However, the actual molecular mechanisms used by these genes vary from species to species. In this review, we focus on the genetic components of apoptosis in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and compare their mode of action to the one employed by the homologous genes in mammals. We also cover recent advances that show that apoptotic genes have a requirement in processes other than apoptosis.  相似文献   

Pugacheva OM  Mamon LA 《Ontogenez》2003,34(5):325-341
Malpighian tubules of insects are a functional analog of mammalian kidneys and serve as a classical model for studying the structure and functions of transport epithelium. The review contains the data on structural organization, functioning, and formation of the Malpighian tubules during embryogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. Various systems of genes are described that control the program of development of the renal (Malpighian) tubules in D. melanogaster. A special attention is paid to the ways of signal transduction and factors involved in cell differentiation, proliferation, and morphological transformation during development of the Malpighian tubules. Evolutionarily conservative genetic systems are considered that are involved in the control of development of both the renal epithelium of Drosophila and mammalian kidneys. A relationship was noted between the disturbed balance of genetic material and congenital defects of the human excretory system.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling cascade is involved in many cell processes that are required for radioresistance, including proliferation, survival, growth, metabolism, and death. At the whole organism level PI3K signaling cascade is involved in lifespan control. In this study the contribution of PI3-signaling cascade to radioresistance of Drosophila melanogaster imago was investigated. It is shown that pretreatment with Pl3-kinase specific inhibitor LY294002 (5, 100 micromol/l) and wortmannin (5 micromol/1) leads to increase of male and female survival after acute irradiation in dose of 30 Gy. The obtained results demonstrate that PI3K specific inhibition induces radioprotective effect on Drosophila melanogaster imago.  相似文献   

Experiments utilizing standard techniques of cell fractionation and disc electrophoresis have revealed the presence of three distinctly different enzymes which catalyze the oxidation of d-sorbitol in crude extracts of Drosophila melanogaster adults. These include (1) a soluble NAD-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SoDHs), (2) a mitochondrial NAD-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SoDHm), and (3) a soluble NADP-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NADP-SoDH). The structural gene for NAD-SoDHs has been mapped to a locus between 65.3 and 65.6 on the third chromosome by means of an electrophoretic variant and a low-activity allele. Through the use of segmental aneuploidy, this gene has been localized to the region limited by salivary bands 91B–93F. Because mutants which alter either the activity or electrophoretic mobility of the soluble NAD-dependent enzyme have no significant measurable effect on the mitochondrial or NADP-dependent forms, it is suggested that the enzymes in this system are coded for autonomously by different genes.  相似文献   

Ostrowski S  Dierick HA  Bejsovec A 《Genetics》2002,161(1):171-182
The embryonic cuticle of Drosophila melanogaster is deposited by the epidermal epithelium during stage 16 of development. This tough, waterproof layer is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the larval body. We have characterized mutations in a set of genes required for proper deposition and/or morphogenesis of the cuticle. Zygotic disruption of any one of these genes results in embryonic lethality. Mutant embryos are hyperactive within the eggshell, resulting in a high proportion reversed within the eggshell (the "retroactive" phenotype), and all show poor cuticle integrity when embryos are mechanically devitellinized. This last property results in embryonic cuticle preparations that appear grossly inflated compared to wild-type cuticles (the "blimp" phenotype). We find that one of these genes, krotzkopf verkehrt (kkv), encodes the Drosophila chitin synthase enzyme and that a closely linked gene, knickkopf (knk), encodes a novel protein that shows genetic interaction with the Drosophila E-cadherin, shotgun. We also demonstrate that two other known mutants, grainy head (grh) and retroactive (rtv), show the blimp phenotype when devitellinized, and we describe a new mutation, called zeppelin (zep), that shows the blimp phenotype but does not produce defects in the head cuticle as the other mutations do.  相似文献   

Four different genes are known to affect aldehyde oxidase activity (AO) in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutants at each of these loci eliminate AO activity and simultaneously eliminate detectable AO-crossing reacting material (AO-CRM) even though only one is the structural gene for AO (Aldoxn). The other three genes (cin1, lxd and mal) coordinately "control" the levels of activity of AO and two related enzymes, xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and pyridoxal oxidase (PO). Contrary to their effects on AO-CRM, neither of these three mutants eliminate XDH-CRM. A model of interaction of these enzymes and genes controlling their activities is discussed.  相似文献   

Tubulogenesis is an essential component of organ development, yet the underlying cellular mechanisms are poorly understood. We analyze here the formation of the Drosophila melanogaster cardiac lumen that arises from the migration and subsequent coalescence of bilateral rows of cardioblasts. Our study of cell behavior using three-dimensional and time-lapse imaging and the distribution of cell polarity markers reveals a new mechanism of tubulogenesis in which repulsion of prepatterned luminal domains with basal membrane properties and cell shape remodeling constitute the main driving forces. Furthermore, we identify a genetic pathway in which roundabout, slit, held out wings, and dystroglycan control cardiac lumen formation by establishing nonadherent luminal membranes and regulating cell shape changes. From these data we propose a model for D. melanogaster cardiac lumen formation, which differs, both at a cellular and molecular level, from current models of epithelial tubulogenesis. We suggest that this new example of tube formation may be helpful in studying vertebrate heart tube formation and primary vasculogenesis.  相似文献   

The beauty and diversity of cell shapes have always fascinated both biologists and physicists. In the early 1950, J. Holtfreter coined the term "tissue affinities" to describe the forces behind the spontaneous shaping of groups of cells. These tissue affinites were later on related to adhesive properties of cell membranes. In the 1960, Malcom Steinberg proposed the differential adhesion hypothesis (DAH) as a physical explanation of the liquid-like behaviour of tissues and cells during morphogenesis. However, the link between the cellular properties of adhesion molecules, such as the cadherins, and the physical rules that shape the body, has remained unclear. Recent in vitro studies have now shown that surface tensions, which drive the spontaneous liquid-like behaviour of cell rearrangements, are a direct and linear function of cadherin expression levels. Tissue surface tensions thus arise from differences in intercellular adhesiveness, which validates the DAH in vitro. The DAH was also vindicated in vivo by stunning experiments in Drosophila. The powerful genetic tools available in Drosophila allow to manipulate the levels and patterns of expression of several cadherins and to create artificially differences in intercellular adhesiveness. The results showed that simple laws of thermodynamics, as well as quantitative and qualitative differences in cadherins expression were sufficient to explain processes as complex as the establishment of the anterior-posterior axis and the formation of the compound eye in Drosophila.  相似文献   

A method of screening for meiotic mutations based on genetic analysis of chromosome disjunction in germline mosaic clones of females homozygous for potential mutations is proposed. The clones are obtained at high frequency due to the use of the transgenic FLP/FRT system of mitotic recombination. This system permits obtaining homozygous clones in the first generation after mutagenesis, whereas the cultures are set up after selection for potential meiotic mutations. This significantly enhances, the efficiency of screening by the elimination of the limiting stage. Using this method, the following mutations were revealed in the 3L arm of Drosophila: ff6 leading to disturbed centriole disjunction, which results in appearance of multi-tail spermatids and three-pole spindles during male meiosis; ff3 leading to the formation of chromosome bridges in anaphase and telophase, chromosome nondisjunction, and premature chromatin condensation after metaphase; embryonic lethal ff29, with disturbed coordination between nuclear and centrosome cycles during syncytial cleavage; and a series of other mutations causing a wide spectrum of disturbances in male meiosis. Comparison of the proposed method with procedures of screening for yeast cell-cycle mutations showed that we succeeded in attaining the efficiency of screening in the Drosophila model close to that in the yeast model.  相似文献   

Genetic regulation of xanthine dehydrogenase in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Takahashi A  Ting CT 《Genetica》2004,120(1-3):273-284
Sexual isolation between Zimbabwe (abbreviated as Z) and cosmopolitan (abbreviated as M) races exists in Drosophila melanogaster. Typically, when given a choice, the females from the Zimbabwe race mate only with males from the same race, whereas females from the cosmopolitan race mate readily with males from both races non-discriminatorily. Genetic tools available in this experimental organism permit the detail genetic analyses of the sexual isolation behavior. On the other hand, the search for the actual signaling systems involved in the mate recognition is still limited in this system. In this paper, we review the studies, which attempt to dissect the genetic basis of the sexual isolation system, and document the complex features of the genetic architecture and the behavioral traits that evolved at an incipient stage of speciation. The evolution and the maintenance of this behavioral polymorphism are also discussed.  相似文献   

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