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Resveratrol (3,4′,5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene), a polyphenol naturally occurring in grapes and other plants, has cancer chemo-preventive effects and therapeutic potential. Although resveratrol modulates multiple pathways in tumor cells, how resveratrol or its affected pathways converge on chromatin to mediate its effects is not known. Using glioma cells as a model, we showed here that resveratrol inhibited cell proliferation and induced cellular hypertrophy by transforming spindle-shaped cells to enlarged, irregular and flatten-shaped ones. We further showed that resveratrol-induced hypertrophic cells expressed senescence-associated-β-galactosidase, suggesting that resveratrol-induced cellular senescence in glioma cells. Consistent with these observations, we demonstrated that resveratrol inhibited clonogenic efficiencies in vitro and tumor growth in a xenograft model. Furthermore, we found that acute treatment of resveratrol inhibited mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120 (uH2B) in breast, prostate, pancreatic, lung, brain tumor cells as well as primary human cells. Chronic treatment with low doses of resveratrol also inhibited uH2B in the resveratrol-induced senescent glioma cells. Moreover, we showed that depletion of RNF20, a ubiquitin ligase of histone H2B, inhibited uH2B and induced cellular senescence in glioma cells in vitro, thereby recapitulated the effects of resveratrol. Taken together, our results suggest that uH2B is a novel direct or indirect chromatin target of resveratrol and RNF20 plays an important role in inhibiting cellular senescence programs that are intact in glioma cells.  相似文献   

Summary Two histone H3 genes have been cloned from a gtWES.B corn genomic library. The nucleotide sequences show 96% homology and both encode the same protein, which differs from its counterpart in wheat and pea by one amino acid substitution. The 5-flanking regions of the two corn H3 genes contain the classical histone-gene-specific consensus sequences and possess several regions of extensive nucleotide homology. A conserved octanucleotide 5-CGCGGATC-3 occurs at approximately 200 nucleotides upstream from the initiation ATG codon. This octanucleotide was found to exist in all of the 7 plant histone genes sequenced so far. Codon usage is characterized by a very high frequency of C (67%) and G (28%) at the third position of the codons, those ending by A (1%) and T (4%) being practically excluded.Comparison of Southern blots of EcoRI, EcoRV and BamHI digested genomic DNA suggests that the corn H3 and H4 genes are not closely associated. The H3 genes exist as 60 to 80 copies and the H4 genes as 100 to 120 copies per diploid genome. re]19851002 rv]19851212 ac]19851216  相似文献   

Summary We have compared copy numbers and blothybridization patterns of histone genes (H3 plus H4) between and within individuals of broad bean (Vicia faba). Copy number differences among individuals in the population of 200 individuals were as great as 27 fold, and as much as 3.2 fold among separate leaves of the same plant. Among F2 progeny from genetic crosses, up to a 5.4-fold range was seen (mean=3.5 fold), and among F1 progeny of self-pollinated plants, up to a 5.9-fold range was observed (mean=2.3 fold). Histone gene blot-hybridization patterns for EcoRI and HindIII were also variable among individuals and indicated that the genes are probably clustered in only a few chromosomal loci. The degree of variation in histone gene copy number per haploid genome (2–55 copies, or 27 fold) was similar to that found previously for ribosomal RNA genes (230–22000, or 95 fold) of V. faba. However, the two gene families change independently, since individuals with a high or low copy number for one gene can have either a high or low copy number for the other. The mechanisms(s) for rapid gene copy number change may be similar for these gene families.  相似文献   

We sequenced the amino-terminal third of the histone H3 and H4 genes and the intergenic region from Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Fourteen recombinant clones of 646 bp were sequenced and the level of sequence variation detected among these clones was similar to that reported among closely related species of Tetrahymena and to levels of sequence variation detected within other ciliates. The intergenic region is 417 bp and approximately 92% AT rich, making it the longest and most AT-rich ciliate H3/H4 intergenic region yet identified. Similar to Tetrahymena, the intergenic region of Ichthyophthirius contains two CCAAT regions arranged in a complementary orientation. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed based on nucleotide sequence variation among H4 genes to evaluate evolutionary relationships within and among six classes of Ciliophora. The single shortest neighbor-joining tree depicted a sister-group relationship of Ichthyophthirius with taxa of Tetrahymenina, thereby supporting monophyly of Oligohymenophorea.  相似文献   

Nucleosome–nucleosome interaction plays a fundamental role in chromatin folding and self-association. The cation-induced condensation of nucleosome core particles (NCPs) displays properties similar to those of chromatin fibers, with important contributions from the N-terminal histone tails. We study the self-association induced by addition of cations [Mg2+, Ca2+, cobalt(III)hexammine3+, spermidine3+ and spermine4+] for NCPs reconstituted with wild-type unmodified histones and with globular tailless histones and for NCPs with the H4 histone tail having lysine (K) acetylations or lysine-to-glutamine mutations at positions K5, K8, K12 and K16. In addition, the histone construct with the single H4K16 acetylation was investigated. Acetylated histones were prepared by a semisynthetic native chemical ligation method. The aggregation behavior of NCPs shows a general cation-dependent behavior similar to that of the self-association of nucleosome arrays. Unlike nucleosome array self-association, NCP aggregation is sensitive to position and nature of the H4 tail modification. The tetra-acetylation in the H4 tail significantly weakens the nucleosome–nucleosome interaction, while the H4 K → Q tetra-mutation displays a more modest effect. The single H4K16 acetylation also weakens the self-association of NCPs, which reflects the specific role of H4K16 in the nucleosome–nucleosome stacking. Tailless NCPs can aggregate in the presence of oligocations, which indicates that attraction also occurs by tail-independent nucleosome–nucleosome stacking and DNA–DNA attraction in the presence of cations. The experimental data were compared with the results of coarse-grained computer modeling for NCP solutions with explicit presence of mobile ions.  相似文献   

We have characterized genomic loci encoding translation elongation factor 1Bα (eEF1Bα) in mice and humans. Mice have a single structural locus (named Eef1b2) spanning six exons, which is ubiquitously expressed and maps close to Casp8 on mouse chromosome 1, and a processed pseudogene. Humans have a single intron-containing locus, EEF1B2, which maps to 2q33, and an intronless paralogue expressed only in brain and muscle (EEF1B3). Another locus described previously, EEF1B1, is actually a processed pseudogene on chromosome 15 corresponding to an alternative splice form of EEF1B2. Our study illustrates the value of comparative mapping in distinguishing between processed pseudogenes and intronless paralogues.  相似文献   

Two histone H4 cDNA clones were isolated from a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) shoot-tip cDNA library using a heterologous probe from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Both cDNAs, which are 81% identical in the coding region, are polyadenylated and belong to a small gene family in the tomato genome. Histone H4 message is abundant in young tissues and rare in older tissues. In the shoot apical meristem, the distribution of H4-expressing cells changes during development. In a juvenile vegetative apex, H4 message is detectable in the central region and the peripheral parts of the meristem. In a mature vegetative apical meristem, H4-expressing cells are localized in the peripheral zone extending into the provascular strands and the rib meristem whereas the central zone is almost devoid of H4 mRNA. After floral transition, H4 mRNA is found throughout the floral meristem, indicating a second change in the pattern of H4 expression. The observed changes in H4 expression are indicative of changes in the distribution of mitotic activity in the shoot apical meristem during plant development. In addition, H4-expressing cells were found to occur frequently in clusters, which may indicate a partial synchronization of cell divisions in the shoot apex.  相似文献   

H9, H10, and H11 are major dominant resistance genes in wheat, expressing antibiosis against Hessian fly [(Hf) Mayetiola destructor (Say)] larvae. Previously, H9 and H10 were assigned to chromosome 5A and H11 to 1A. The objectives of this study were to identify simple-sequence-repeat (SSR) markers for fine mapping of these genes and for marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding. Contrary to previous results, H9 and H10 did not show linkage with SSR markers on chromosome 5A. Instead, H9, H10, and H11 are linked with SSR markers on the short arm of chromosome 1A. Both H9 and H10 are tightly linked to flanking markers Xbarc263 and Xcfa2153 within a genetic distance of 0.3–0.5 cM. H11 is tightly linked to flanking markers Xcfa2153 and Xbarc263 at genetic distances of 0.3 cM and 1.7 cM. Deletion bin mapping assigned these markers and genes to the distal 14% of chromosome arm 1AS, where another Hf-resistance gene, Hdic (derived from emmer wheat), was also mapped previously. Marker polymorphism results indicated that a small terminal segment of chromosome 1AS containing H9 or H10 was transferred from the donor parent to the wheat lines Iris or Joy, and a small intercalary fragment carrying H11 was transferred from the resistant donor to the wheat line Karen. Our results suggest that H9, H10, H11, Hdic, and the previously identified H9- or H11-linked genes (H3, H5, H6, H12, H14, H15, H16, H17, H19, H28, and H29) may compose a cluster (or family) of Hf-resistance genes in the distal gene-rich region of wheat chromosome 1AS; and H10 most likely is the same gene as H9.Mention of commercial or proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   

Mxi1, a member of the Myc–Max–Mad network, is an antagonist of the c-Myc oncogene and is associated with excessive cell proliferation. Abnormal cell proliferation and tumorigenesis are observed in organs of Mxi1−/− mice. However, the Mxi1-reltaed mechanism of proliferation is unclear. The present study utilized microarray analysis using Mxi1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to identify genes associated with cell proliferation. Among these genes, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) was selected as a candidate gene for real-time PCR to ascertain whether IGFBP-3 expression is regulated by Mxi1. Expression of IGFBP-3 was decreased in Mxi1−/− MEFs and Mxi1−/− mice, and the gene was regulated by Mxi1 in Mxi1 MEFs. Furthermore, proliferation pathways related to IGFBP-3 were regulated in Mxi1−/− mice compared to Mxi1+/+ mice. To determine the effect of Mxi1 inactivation on the induction of cell proliferation, a proliferation assay is performed in both Mxi1 MEFs and Mxi1 mice. Cell viability was regulated by Mxi1 in Mxi1 MEFs and number of PCNA-positive cells was increased in Mxi1−/− mice compared to Mxi1+/+ mice. Moreover, the IGFBP-3 level was decreased in proliferation defect regions in Mxi1−/− mice. The results support the suggestion that inactivation of Mxi1 has a positive effect on cell proliferation by down-regulating IGFBP-3.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in cells and tissues leads to the formation of an assortment of lipid electrophiles, such as the quantitatively important 4-hydroxy-2-trans-nonenal (HNE). Although this cytotoxic aldehyde is atherogenic the mechanisms involved are unclear. We hypothesize that elevated HNE levels can directly inactivate esterase and lipase activities in macrophages via protein adduction, thus generating a biochemical lesion that accelerates foam cell formation and subsequent atherosclerosis. In the present study we examined the effects of HNE treatment on esterase and lipase activities in human THP1 monocytes/macrophages at various physiological scales (i.e., pure recombinant enzymes, cell lysate, and intact living cells). The hydrolytic activities of bacterial and human carboxylesterase enzymes (pnbCE and CES1, respectively) were inactivated by HNE in vitro in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. In addition, so were the hydrolytic activities of THP1 cell lysates and intact THP1 monocytes and macrophages. A single lysine residue (Lys105) in recombinant CES1 was modified by HNE via a Michael addition reaction, whereas the lone reduced cysteine residue (Cys389) was found unmodified. The lipolytic activity of cell lysates and intact cells was more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of HNE than the esterolytic activity. Moreover, immunoblotting analysis using HNE antibodies confirmed that several cellular proteins were adducted by HNE following treatment of intact THP1 monocytes, albeit at relatively high HNE concentrations (>50 μM). Unexpectedly, in contrast to CES1, the treatment of a recombinant human CES2 with HNE enhanced its enzymatic activity ∼3-fold compared to untreated enzyme. In addition, THP1 monocytes/macrophages can efficiently metabolize HNE, and glutathione conjugation of HNE is responsible for ∼43% of its catabolism. The functional importance of HNE-mediated inactivation of cellular hydrolytic enzymes with respect to atherogenesis remains obscure, although this study has taken a first step toward addressing this important issue by examining the potential of HNE to inhibit this biochemical activity in a human monocyte/macrophage cell line.  相似文献   

Screening of a gt11 cDNA expression library of Euglena gracilis with antibodies directed against histones H2 from maize resulted in the isolation of a full-length cDNA for a histone H2A. The open-reading frame of 408 bp corresponded to a protein of 136 amino acid residues (14 kDa). Despite the presence of a poly(A) tail, which is typical of plant histone mRNA but not of animal histone mRNA, the size of the deduced protein and its percentage of homology were closer to animal histone H2As than to plant or lower eukaryotic histone H2A.Sequence alignment revealed that the Euglena H2A protein was characterized by a shorter C-terminus and a N-terminus which extended 10 residues past the animal H2A.  相似文献   

Mammalian herbivores, particularly dietary specialists must have an efficient means to metabolize the high doses of plant secondary compounds they consume. We found previously that Neotoma stephensi, a juniper specialist, upregulated catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) mRNA almost seven fold in response to an ecologically relevant diet (70% juniper). To further investigate the relevance of this enzyme with respect to juniper metabolism, we compared the protein expression, activity and kinetics of the two forms of COMT, soluble (S-COMT) and membrane bound (MB-COMT), in the blood, kidneys and liver of N. stephensi on its natural juniper diet to that of N. stephensi fed an experimental diet of 70% juniper as well as a non-toxic control diet under laboratory conditions. In addition, we compared these results to that of Neotoma albigula, a generalist species, which consumes a diet of 25% juniper in the wild. The specialist consuming juniper under both field and laboratory conditions had increased S-COMT expression and activity in their livers and kidneys, and increased S-COMT activity in their blood compared to the specialist and generalist fed the control diet. The specialist showed expression and activity of S-COMT in their kidneys that was as high as or higher than that in their livers. The generalist had an elevated Vmax for MB-COMT compared to the specialist that resulted in higher activity for MB-COMT than the specialist despite lower expression of MB-COMT in the generalist's livers and kidneys. This high activity MB-COMT may be in part responsible for differences in the behaviors of the generalist compared to the specialist. We conclude that S-COMT is important in the specialist's ability to consume high levels of juniper.  相似文献   

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