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Human lymphoid cells that have been incubated with conditioned medium from confluent monolayers of human thymic epithelium (HTCM) show an increase in cells forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes at 4 degrees C (E-rosettes). Those cells demonstrating this in vitro conversion have been interpreted to be T-cell precursors. Separation of human bone marrow cells on discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradients, and on a single-step 23% BSA gradient showed enrichment of these T-precursor cells, not only in bone marrow, but also in human foetal liver cells. Bone marrow precursor cells from a patient with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (T-cell deficiency) showed a normal in vitro response to HTCM, but no response was seen in cells from a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency disease.  相似文献   

Bone formation in adult human bone marrow organ cultures is described. When culturing marrow fragments, thick bone lamina is formed. It has well-mineralized trabecular bone matrix with bone cells incorporated and is lined with osteoblast-like cells. In cultures of marrow deaggregated cell suspensions thin layers of the bone are only formed. Osteoclast-like cells develop in the cultures.  相似文献   

Proved the investigation devoted to the natural suppressors of healthy donors, patients with acute leukosis and solid tumors. The author made a comparative densitometric analysis of the bone marrow cells in these group.  相似文献   

Different methods for fixation and exposure of antigenic determinants were tested for detection of a granulocytic differentiation antigen by the monoclonal antibody L12-2, using an indirect immunoperoxidase method on semi-thin sections of undecalcified, glycolmethacrylate-embedded human bone marrow biopsies. Fixation in Bouin's solution for 3 hr gave a more intense and more homogeneous immunological staining than fixation in absolute methanol, 4% formalin, B5, or Michel's medium, and the morphological detail was excellent. Digestion by pronase or trypsin was required. Coating the glass slides with Alcian blue prevented loss of sections from the slides during the staining procedure. Bouin fixation also made possible detection of two other differentiation antigens expressed in the granulocytic series, using the monoclonal antibodies 1G10 and R1B19. Furthermore, the same technique also permitted detection of factor VIII-RAg in the megakaryocytes, as well as recognition of cells of the erythroid series by use of polyclonal rabbit antisera.  相似文献   

PGE(2) is an important mediator of bone metabolism, but the precise localization of its receptors in human bone remains unknown. The present study used specific antibodies against EP(1), EP(2), EP(3) and EP(4) receptors for immunolocalization in normal, osteoporotic and pagetic human adult bone and in human foetal bone. No labelling was obtained for the EP(1) and EP(2) receptors. The EP(3) receptor was detected in foetal osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes, but only in osteoclasts and some osteoblasts from adult bone. The EP(4) receptor was detected in foetal osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes and in adult osteoclasts and osteoblasts, but not in adult osteocytes. Our results show differences in PGE(2) receptor expression in foetal and adult human bone but no difference in adult normal compared to pathologic bone. Finally, these results show that the distribution of EP receptors in human osteoblasts in bone corresponds in part to what we recently described in human osteoblasts in culture.  相似文献   

The present review focuses on the methodology and clinical significance of new diagnostic approaches to identify individual cancer cells present in bone marrow, both as a frequent site of metastasis formation and an indicator organ for hematogenous tumor cell dissemination. The steadily increasing number of studies on this issues is characterized by considerable methodological variations of important variables, such as the size of the study population, and the reliability of monoclonal antibodies used for tumor cell detection. Emerging data indicate that this disturbing heterogeneity might be overcome by the use of reliable and specific anti-cytokeratin antibodies (for example, A45-B/B3) as, for the time, standard markers for the detection of micrometastatic tumor cells in bone marrow. Prospective clinical studies have shown that immunoassays based on anti-CK antibodies identify patients’ subgroups with a poor clinical prognosis with regard to early metastasis manifestation and reduced overall survival in various epithelial tumor entities, including breast, colon, rectum, stomach, esophagous, prostate, renal, blasdder, and nonsmall cell lung cancer. The immunocytochemical assays may be therefore used to improve tumor staging with potential consequences for adjuvant therapy, because disseminated cells appeared to be dormant, non-cycling (for example Ki-67 antigen-negative) cells, suggesting a resistance to cell-cycle dependent therapy, such as chemotherapy. Therefore, cell-cycle independent antibody-based immunotherapy might be an interesting option to complement chemotherapy. Another promising clinical application is monitoring the response of micrometastatic cells to adjuvant therapies, which, at present, can only be assessed retrospectively after an extended period of clinical followup. The outlined current strategies for detection and characterization of cancer micrometastasis might help to design and control new therapeutic strategies for secondary prevention of metastatic relapse in patients with operable primary carcinomas.  相似文献   

Current standard techniques for bone tissue engineering utilize ex vivo expanded osteogenic cells. However, ex vivo expansion requires serum, which may hinder clinical applications. Here, we report the feasibility and efficacy of bone tissue engineering with human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) expanded in serum-free conditions. Bone marrow was aspirated from 4 healthy donors and adherent cells were cultured in either serum-free medium (STEMPRO® MSC SFM) or conventional serum-containing medium (α-MEM supplemented with 10% serum). Efficacy of expansion was greater in serum-free medium. Phenotypically, serum-free expanded BMSCs were smaller in cell-size and showed expression of CD105++ and CD146dim. After osteogenic induction, serum-free expanded BMSCs showed lower alkaline phosphatase activity. However, they showed higher responsiveness to induction. In vivo bone-forming ability was also confirmed. In conclusion, bone tissue engineering with serum-free expanded BMSCs is feasible and as efficient as that obtained with BMSCs expanded in conventional serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

The successful ex vivo reconstruction of human bone marrow is an extraordinarily important basic scientific and clinical goal. Fundamentally, the system is the paradigm of a complex interactive tissue, in which the proliferation and regulated differentiation of one parenchymal cell type (the hematopoietic stem cell) is governed by the surrounding stromal cells. Understanding and reproducing the molecular interactions between bone marrow stromal cells and stem cells in tissue culture models is therefore the critical step in successful bone marrow tissue culture. Clinically, successful reconstruction of human bone marrow would permit the controlled production of mature blood cells for transfusion therapy, and immature bone marrow stem cells for bone marrow transplantation. In approaching the bone marrow culture system, we recognize the critical role that hematopoietic growth factors (HGFs) play in hematopoiesis. Since stromal cells in traditional human bone marrow cultures produce little HGFs, we have begun by asking whether local supplementation of hematopoietic growth factors via genetically engineered stromal cells might augment hematopoiesis in liquid cultures. The results indicate that locally produced GM-CSF and IL-3 do augment hematopoiesis for several weeks in culture. In combination with geometric and dynamic approaches to reconstructing physiological bone marrow microenvironments, we believe that this approach has promise for reconstructing human bone marrow ex vivo, thereby permitting its application to a variety of basic and clinical problems.  相似文献   

Populations of human mesenchymal stem cells were derived from bone marrow and adipose tissue. Here analysis of six individuals is represented. Cells were isolated, expanded and evaluated by the expression of surface antigens using flow cytometry. These cells displayed similar characteristics for many markers. Cells isolated from bone marrow and adipose tissue were found to be homogeneously positive for CD13, CD44, CD90, CD105, and negative for CD45, CD34, CD31 and CD117. Besides, differences in surface antigene CD10 expression between narrow and adipose tissue-derived cells were detected. All these findings indicate that both bone marrow and adipose tissue are important sources of mesenchymal stem cells, which could be used in cell therapy protocols.  相似文献   

If cryopreserved suspensions of human bone marrow were stimulated by human placental conditioned medium in the same way as fresh unseparated marrows, less than 40% of granulopoietic progenitor cells (CFUc) was identified. By adding α-thioglycerol (0.6 mM) to the culture medium, the concentration of detectable CFUc in cryopreserved bone marrow was increased by a factor of 3.4, and the recovery of CFUc after cryopreservation rose to 90%. The low recovery of CFUc after freezing in the absence of α-thioglycerol is due to the destruction of accompanying cells. Noncolony-forming cells normally present in the fresh human marrow promote colony formation in cultures stimulated by placental conditioned medium. Their effect can be replaced by α-thioglycerol. It is concluded that, in order to detect all CFUc independent of the cellular composition of the marrow suspension, this supplement is essential for CFUc cultures stimulated by conditioned medium.  相似文献   

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